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Chapter 134 Saw it

People who do not redeem the city really have the same characteristics.

From Kuishan to Huang Jinmo, everyone has a tone of finding fault with their speech.

I don’t know if it’s because of their style or because they have a problem with themselves...

Being stared at with cold and solemn eyes by such a strong man who holds the power of life and death here, it is impossible not to feel pressure at all.

But Jiang Wang still sat upright and his expression remained calm: "Senior Brother Zhu certainly has his own gratitude, but as a friend of Senior Brother Zhu, I care about my friends. I also have a small amount of kindness for those who have fallen on Senior Brother Zhu.

of gratitude.”

"That's right." Huang Jin looked at him silently for a while, nodded and said: "Zhuang country has three thousand miles of mountains and rivers, but I only remember one Jiang Wang. You are indeed different from others."

The country of Zhuang is now four thousand miles away from mountains and rivers... Jiang Wang thought in his mind, but did not correct himself.

This is probably Huang Jinmo's praise, although no matter how it sounds, it sounds more like an affirmation of Zhu Weiwo...

"Your Majesty, you are so complimentary." Jiang Wang said, "I wonder where Senior Brother Zhu is now? If it is inconvenient today, I will come to visit another day."

"He is far away now, and it will take some time to get here." Huang Jinmo sat on her luxurious chair, tapping the armrest with her nails painted in black, and there was a kind of lonely majesty in her voice.

She is also a woman with cool temperament, but she is different from Li Fengyao.

Huang Jinmo is more majestic and more lonely.

Li Fengyao was colder and more proud.

Huang Jinmo is as cold as a cold night, cold and deep.

Li Fengyao is as cold as snow and ice, cold and crystal clear.

They are all stunning colors in the world, and they are by no means the only ones with good colors.

"Then I'll wait." Jiang Wang said honestly.

After saying that, he wanted to continue practicing. Even if it was inconvenient to practice in front of Huang Jinmo, he would still seize the time to memorize a few articles that were worth mentioning.

But Huang Jinmo's voice sounded again: "While I have time, I might as well tell you how you and Zhu Weiwo got married. I am very interested."

Jiang Wang is very self-aware and knows exactly what Huang Jinmo is interested in.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Actually, I don't really have much contact with Senior Brother Zhu. When I was in the City Taoist Academy, he was also a figure that was never seen before. He was not in the Taoist Academy all the year round, but there were legends about him everywhere.

.I remember that there was a notorious guy, named the Heart-Eating Demon, who killed many Taoist disciples in Sanshan City. It was really scary at that time..."

"That's how he lent me his salary-killing gun..."

"This is what I know and have come into contact with. Senior Brother Zhu is a person who is impossible to forget as soon as he meets him, and his grace and sharpness are as bright as a lonely star. Although we don't have many real contacts,

But I trust him in my heart."

Huang Jin listened quietly and said, "Some people are indeed trustworthy."

The place where Jiang Wang was sitting was by the window on the fourth floor. The window had been opened at this time. Looking down, the people in Buhuan City were indeed different from the people in any other place.

They looked fierce, cursed, and showed no trace of kindness, but there was a sense of tranquility that was quite contrary to harmony.

People are coming and going on the street.

Insults followed each other, one wishing the other a quick death, and the other greeting the other's mother. Harsh words were exchanged, knives were shown to each other, but no one actually took action.

In an extremely chaotic atmosphere, it maintains its own order.

Like a pot of charcoal with uncertain light and darkness, it seems that an open flame will ignite at any time, but now it is indeed piled up so calmly.

This is a city like no other, and there may not be another like it in the world.

Now that the conversation has reached this point, Jiang Wang asked by the way: "Can I know how Senior Brother Zhu became associated with Buhu City? Frankly speaking, keeping Senior Brother Zhu in his care should be risky for Buhu City


I wish Weiwo and Kuishan could take the Aiying jade to participate in the trials of the mountains and seas, and show an extraordinary understanding of the mountains and seas. Zuo Guangshu also made it clear that Chu State would not take back this jade. In addition,

Huang Jinmo is still surnamed Huang...

With all this going on, Jiang Wang would of course have a logical guess, guessing that Huang Jinmo might have some connection with Huang Weizhen, or even Huang Weizhen's descendants.

But why didn’t Huang Weizhen’s descendants stay in Chu?

With Huang Weizhen's contribution back then, it is not an exaggeration to leave a lasting minister to his descendants.

The Yanfa Pavilion created by Huang Weizhen is still a reflection of the strength of the aristocratic families in Chu State. However, in the huge Chu State, there are no people from the Huang family.

What’s the story in this?

Jiang Wang has no intention of pursuing the history of the Chu State or the Huang family. After all, this level of secrecy must have corresponding dangers. What he cares about is why Zhu Weiwo joined the Unredemption


If the information is correct, Sin Lord Huang Jinmo is currently at the level of God's Realm. Although he is powerful, there is no way he can stop Du Ruhui who is so far away, let alone Zhuang Gaoxian who killed Han Yin with his own hands.


The risk of not redeeming the city and keeping Zhu Weiwei is foreseeable, no matter how covert it is,

So... why?

"He." Huang Jinmo didn't show any airs at this moment and said in a calm tone: "The first time he came to Buhu City, he only paid a knife. He was the one who paid the least since the city was founded.


Jiang Wang touched his nose.

Huang Jinmo continued to speak: "Here he was, killing four bones of the Bone Path alone, and then he refused to pay the ransom..."

Jiang Wang remembered the pig-bone-faced man, the snake-bone-faced man, the dragon-bone-faced man that he had killed with his own hands, and the monkey-bone-faced man who had been killed with a flick of his sword...

In fact, he is not always lonely.

Huang Jinmo continued: "Of course, he needs to learn a lesson. At that time, he was only at the Dragon level, but he broke through in the battle, picked up the true fire of the sun, and suppressed Kuishan with one shot!"

"Do you have any impression of Kuishan?" she asked.

"I'm very impressed." Jiang Wang said quietly: "He is a very strong martial artist..."

"Yes, Kuishan's talent is very good." Huang Jinmo continued: "The second time Zhu Wei came to Buhu City, it was to participate in the four-party talks. That was an alliance between Zhuang, Yongluo and the three kingdoms, where I was in charge and the top officials of Zhuang, Yongluo and Luo were discussing border issues.

Meeting. On that occasion, Zhu Weiwo single-handedly defeated the talented monks of Yongluo and Luo, and made Zhuang Guo a big face, tsk tsk... At that time, the Three Kingdoms were famous, and everyone in Buhu City knew about it.

He said that he has pointed his sword at the meeting of the Yellow River."

Jiang Wangzheng listened with rapt attention.

Huang Jinmo suddenly changed the subject: "After that, he suddenly turned traitor."

Jiang Wang blinked.

Huang Jinmo gently knocked on the wooden handrail and said slowly: "I saw that he was being chased and had no way to go to heaven and no way to go to the ground. He was really embarrassed, so I felt kindhearted and helped him cover up. After that,

He felt that the atmosphere in Buhu City was very good and our cause was great, so he cried bitterly, wanted to serve me, and begged me to take him in... so I took him in."

She looked at Jiang Wang with beautiful but lonely eyes: "That's what happened."

"That's it!" Jiang Wang suddenly realized: "I see, I understand."

"Do you understand?"

“I do understand!”

Huang Jinmo leaned back and gently raised his beautiful fingers: "Then let's wait a little longer."

Jiang Wang didn't dare to look any further, so he nodded politely and moved his gaze out the window.

As the tallest building in the entire Unredeemed City, the view from the prison building is very good.

His gaze passed over birds, rooftops, and into crowds of all shapes and sizes.

Then he suddenly paused.

Stop on one person.

"Know?" Huang Jinmo's voice sounded.

Jiang Wang thought for a moment and said, "I've seen it before."

After the one-eyed man happily came to the city gate to replenish his life gold with a piece of gold, he left.

Not long after, a young figure walked slowly outside the city gate.

As he walked, he looked left and right, his eyes full of scrutiny.

It's not like I'm here to take refuge, but more like I'm here to study the city's defense issues.

Everyone has seen it before, but the criminal guard who was sitting on his back was not surprised and just said lazily: "Do you know the rules for entering the city?"

"Oh." This man came back to his senses. He had a pair of deep eyes and too indifferent lips.

But he spoke very well, both in voice and tone.

"Thank you for reminding me, I know."

Having learned from the past, the crime guard did not go to get the city slip first this time, but asked first: "So?"

"Here I go..." The man dug around in the storage box for a long time and took out four Yuan stones: "Three and a half Yuan stones. One of them, I have already used half of it."

This is a big deal!

As soon as the crime guard passed them, he knew they were of good quality, so he put them into the open box next to him, picked up the entry slips and pen, and started recording them dutifully.

While casually asking: "How long will it take to buy?"

The life-money system for not redeeming a city is, of course, not a one-time payment that lasts a lifetime, but a gradual reduction based on the statute of limitations.

For example, Zhang San uses one hundred Daoyuan stones to buy ten days.

Then on average, ten Dao Yuan Stones will be consumed for the average daily amount of life.

If Li Si wants to kill Zhang San, the ransom required on the first day must be calculated corresponding to the life gold of these hundred Daoyuan stones. On the second day, it only needs to correspond to ninety. On the tenth day, only

You only need to calculate the life gold corresponding to ten Dao Yuan Stones.

So Guilty Guard has this question.

The visitor obviously knew the rules and had already thought about it. He said calmly: "Forty days."

"Three half Yuan stones, buy them for forty days. Then three half Yuan stones are equivalent to thirty-five thousand Dao Yuan stones, so one day is..." Sin Guard bit the tip of his pen and calculated with difficulty.

"Wait, I haven't finished talking yet!" the person said, and took out a bag of Dao Yuan Stones from the storage box: "There are twenty-seven Dao Yuan Stones in it, and they are all mine.

Life gold."

The guilty guard, who had been calculating for a long time, suddenly lost his expression, but he followed the rules after all. After quickly checking the Daoyuan Stones, he continued to calculate: "That is 35,027 Daoyuan Stones, divided by..."

"There's more, there's more." The visitor hurriedly stopped, took out a few ingots of decent gold, and said with a gentle smile: "Twenty taels of pure gold, please count them all."

The guilty guard was already dizzy with calculations, and his eyes were filled with stars. He simply stopped writing and asked angrily: "Is there more?"

Sure enough there is.

The visitor took out a handful of ring coins that were circulated among Taoist countries.

I took out a few more ingots of silver.

Finally, he piled the empty storage boxes in the criminal guard's hands: "Buy them all!"

The crime guard frowned, but he still checked the coins and the silver, looked at the storage box carefully, and seriously evaluated: "This storage box of yours is too old.

The pattern is no longer very clear...it can only be converted into 60% of the price, which is six thousand Daoyuan stones. Do you agree?"

"Of course." The visitor smiled: "When in the countryside, do as the Romans do, and when in the city, follow the rules. You are right!"

As he said that, he started to take off his clothes again, taking off his outer shirt directly, and piled it into the hands of the criminal guard: "Add this too."

Then he bent down and began to take off his boots.

"Wait a minute!" The lazy guard almost jumped up: "Stop it! Oh no, stop it! I don't sell clothes here, how do you calculate the money for your clothes and boots?


"It's okay to count one or two ring coins." The visitor only wore a thin inner shirt and stood alone outside the city gate. The wind blew his thin bones, but he said seriously: "I have very good materials.

It’s made. It’s quite valuable when you buy it!”

"No, no, no, no!" The criminal guard stuffed the coat back in his hand, with a look of disgust on his face: "I don't accept clothes here, let alone boots, let alone worn ones!"

"Oh... okay." The visitor looked a little disappointed, but still said politely: "Then, that's it, I have nothing else to pay."

The guilty guard put these things into the box one by one and recorded them carefully: "Forty-one thousand and twenty-seven Daoyuan stones, twenty taels of red gold, thirteen taels of snowflake silver, twenty-six ring coins...

…Buy life for forty days.”

He looked at the person in front of him and said with emotion: "You are the most life-saving person among the people I have met in these years!"

Especially compared with the man who entered the city this morning, the contrast is really stark.

Regarding this ambiguous emotion, the visitor just smiled and said: "So I should live longer, right?"

In his deep eyes.

The crime guard only saw seriousness.

This person really wants to live longer.

Want it so so much.

The guilty guard could no longer laugh.

"Go in," he said.

"Thank you." The young man, who put on his coat again, thanked him politely and walked towards the city gate.

The crime guard somehow added behind him: "Your life is very high. You will be safe during these forty days!"


The newly arrived residents of Unredeemed City took another look at this completely unfamiliar city and stepped into it.

Maybe someone recognizes him.

Maybe no one recognizes it.

In the year 3919 of the Daoist calendar, he was the genius of the inner palace of the Yellow River Club, and he stopped in front of Qin Zhizhen.

He was one of the seventeen geniuses who participated in the trial in the Shanhai Realm of Chu State in the year 3920 of the Dao Li Period, but stopped before Dou Zhao.

His name is Xiao Shu.

But none of that matters now.

He is now a new resident of the unredeemed city, and he will live here for forty more days.

This chapter has been completed!
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