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Chapter 194: Holding the bow of the sun to kill the gray dog, wearing the stars and the moon for another year

"I can hold the bow of the sun to kill the gray dog, and I can wear the stars and the moon for another year."

"A hundred eons of life and death will never come back, and there is a pinnacle of excellence in this world!"

Chen Pu "Suddenly Heard of the Death of the Master on September 7th"

This little poem written by Chen Pu, the dean of Mugu Academy, can probably describe the difficulties of the road...

With the vastness of the present world and the vastness of ancient and modern times, how many peerless talents have succeeded one after another, but in the end, how many people can stand at the end of that extraordinary path?

Those who have achieved enlightenment in the world.

The so-called King of Real People, the so-called Master of Heaven and Earth!

He respects his nobility and is as far-reaching as an ordinary king. His majesty and kindness cannot even be described as "god".

The Imperial Supervisor of the Daqi Dynasty changed his name to Ruan Yuan.

It is said that "the world is like a sea of ​​suffering, and you have to swim through it with your body", hence its name.

He stands at the pinnacle of the art of astrology in this world, and is an undoubted master of destiny. If we use the starry sky as a guide and the stars as a guide, looking at the world, there are only a few people who are playing the same game.

And now, he is out in battle!

He stepped out in one step, from the east of Lianjiang to the west of Lianjiang, from the military chariots to the sky above the battlefield of Jiangyin Plain. The Taoist robes were flying high in the sky, like nebulae.

Just raise your hand

The clear sky suddenly turned dark.

What kind of soldiers, what smoke and clouds, what sunshine, what kind of battlefield where two hundred thousand people are fighting...

The day sky was lifted, and the night sky curtain was pulled back with one hand.

There was almost no expression on his excessively young face.

But the mountains and rivers he built are shaken by him. The heaven and earth he hangs are moved by him.

So night turns to day.

Then the starry sky came to the world.

As far as people could see, stars lit up one after another in the night sky.

Beautiful! Unpredictable! Mysterious!

Countless stars form an extremely complex and gorgeous star map in the high dome.

All the stars, whether named or not, will no longer be stingy with their brilliance.

The ancient starry sky seemed to have been pulled over by one of his hands and bowed down to the world.

Then... the stars set in the sky!

This is a scenic view that many people will never forget.

The stars hanging in the night exploded one after another.

Starlight is like a waterfall flying from a spear!

Flowing towards the earth forever!

From heaven to earth in an instant, people's reaction time was completely wiped out!

Who can describe this magnificent scene?

Who can describe its possibility?

If you can't be there in person, you won't know this peerless power!

When I raise my hand, day turns to night; when I wave my hand, the stars fall into the sky.

At such a moment, the stars are like pillars and the sky and the earth are like forests.

The entire Jiangyin Plain, even the Tongyang City in the distance, was all under the attack of starlight!

This is truly world-destroying power!

The commander-in-chief of the national army in Daxia Town, General Long Jiao, was stationed in the military formation with a bloody face.

The remaining more than 40,000 soldiers of the National Guard Army surrounded him under his battle flag.

But he didn't make any reaction.

At this point it was too late for him to make any reaction!

The hundred thousand soldiers of the Zhenguo Army were in full formation, and they were in a battle formation. He could still hold on to compete with the True Lord. At this moment, more than half of the army was killed in the battle, and the soldiers were almost exhausted. With his Dragon Reef, even if he burned his body and destroyed his soul, he would not be able to save his life.


So at such moments, he just looked up at the sky, he just looked up at the stars.

How beautiful, he thought.

It had been a long time since he had looked up at the stars.

As the general of the Xia Kingdom and the leader of the Zhenguo Army, he had long lost his confused power and no longer had the freedom of fantasy.

In this face-to-face confrontation with Li Zhengyan, he asked himself that he had given everything he had and that he had given all the power he could contribute to the country... except that he had not died in battle.

Every soldier from top to bottom of the Zhenguo Army tried their best, and they had just caused heavy casualties to Zhufeng Army.

Of the 100,000 soldiers of the Zhenguo Army, more than 50,000 have died in battle, and more than 40,000 are still alive...each one of them is a soldier trained by him.

Such a good soldier...

Over the years, he has lived entirely in the military camp and never dared to slack off. He cared about the soldiers' food, clothing, housing and transportation as if they were his own flesh and blood.

Every day for these years, he hoped that this day would not come. Every day for these years, he had been waiting for this war.

These soldiers are all good. They are not lazy at ordinary times, and they are not timid when they fight hard. They and the nine soldiers of Da Qi fought to the end!

Daxia used the whole nation to support the Second Army. Today he can say that every soldier in the Zhenguo Army is worthy of the folks from Sangzi.

Those who get along day and night are flesh and blood.

At such a moment, he thought a lot.

Perhaps it was only at such a moment that he could vaguely remember that he was also a "human being". Although he was a real person in this world, he was also a common human being.

He also has moments of vulnerability.

He also...felt powerless.

It's like I've fallen into the abyss, and there is only a long rope soaked in oil in my hand. No matter how hard I try, how hard I struggle, how hard I try, I can only slowly slide down.

He wanted to do more, hold more, hold on tighter.

But at this moment, he could only watch.

Then he saw a back figure clearly printed in the endless night.

A person who is neither tall nor tall, but who gives people an ancient feeling.

He looked up at the stars, and the stars seemed to kneel before him.

He stood under the night sky, his black military uniform as if made of iron, unmoved by the wind.

King Wu of Daxia, Sijiao!

Above his head is the Nine Heavenly Stars, and opposite him is the True Lord Ruan Yuan.

And he just raised one palm!

Also as calm as Ruan Yuan stretching out his hand.

He tilted his palm backwards and raised it up to the sky.

The boundless night was spread under my feet for some reason, and the fighting army seemed to be standing in the sky.

People in a trance saw the sky as the earth and the mud as the sky.

It turns out that heaven and earth are all under his control.

He pushed up with his palm and turned the world upside down!

The Jiangyin Plain is still the Jiangyin Plain, and the soldiers are still those soldiers.

Heaven is still heaven, and earth is still earth.

But the starlight in the sky has been rolled back, countless stars have been dimmed one by one, and the dark night has been beaten back to the clear sky!!

The sun shines thousands of miles away, splashing across the plains.

The strong wind rolled up the broken flag, what a beautiful painting of mountains and rivers!

He is so arrogant, why is he called "King Wu"?

Defend the territory with force and support the country!

The strength of this person will never be reduced by the power of the country. The power of this person will swallow up thousands of miles.

Facing such a powerful person, Ruan Yuan just took one step forward.

The black jade hairpin bound his long hair, but the complicated star map spread out with his boots. As soon as he stepped on it, the sky closed, the earth rose, and the four directions stood high. In an instant, a four-four was formed in the high dome.

The square star cage imprisoned both Sijiao and him.

The Star Cage disappeared in an instant, and when it reappeared there was only a flash of starlight in the far distance of the sky!

The confrontation between the two true kings in front of people was just a moment, but what was left was a storm in the hearts of the viewers that could not be dissipated for a long time.

After the two Yan Dao strongmen fought so hard, they no longer knew where the battle had ended.

But this war on the Jiangyin Plain is not over yet!

In other words, the most critical moment is about to come.

Li Zhengyan gathered his troops and moved to the south of the Jiangyin Plain. While withdrawing from the battlefield, he still maintained pressure on Tongyang City.

As long as the National Army under Long Jiao is given a chance to retreat, the Zhufeng Army will kill them right away!

As expected, Dragon Reef also demonstrated the ability of General Xia Guo. With the Zhenguo Army, which suffered heavy casualties, it did not reveal any flaws and retreated to Tongyang City in a stable and orderly manner.

Only corpses were left covering the plain.

Human corpses, horse corpses.

The corpses of enemy soldiers, the corpses of comrades...

Jiang Wang, with his extremely dry eyes and red eyes, wandered around the battlefield for a long time, and finally saw Li Fengyao, who was still frosty. He couldn't help but feel a little happy. He found Li Longchuan again, and his heart dropped.

Before the Spring Death Army, Chen Zeqing was sitting alone in a wooden wheelchair. He looked into the distance, still expressionless.

An old blanket covered his legs.

Behind him, Wang Yiwu raised the flag for him.

If Xia Guo still has the determination at this time and dares to call the Shenwu Army out of the city, then the Spring Death Army will fight.

When spring dies on the first day of the four seasons, the strongest army will be fought.

At this moment, the hundred thousand spring dead army is silent, only the battle flag is hunting in the wind!

As for the Rong Chong Lou chariot guarded by 10,000 pro-troops, Cao Jie ordered without hesitation: "Bring out all the moon-shooting crossbows, march fifty miles across the west bank of the Lianjiang River, and launch together at Tongyang City!"

The flag officer galloped away on horseback, shouting orders.

Among the army, a huge ballista was about to come out due to the efforts of the negative beast.

This chariot is about ten feet high, with two axles and eight wheels. The chariot is used as a frame and a windlass is used to guide the strings. The iron crossbow arrow is fourteen feet long and is engraved with formation patterns!

It requires two negative beasts pulling in front to keep moving at high speed.

Driving over the ice, crossing the river bank, the wheels rolled on the Jiangyin Plain!

Yanggu of the offshore archipelago has mastered the Broken Star Crossbow, which has been inherited from the Yang Kingdom era and has been improved over the years. It has a fast rate of fire and strong power. A crossbow is like a full-strength strike from the Four Realms Outer Tower. It is mounted on the Burning Sun Flying Boat and fires continuously.

Like a broken star, it frightens the sea people in the Mystery Realm.

Gongsun Ge, the great craftsman of the Qi State, completely took a new path based on the legacy of the old Yang, and created a large ballista with extremely enhanced power, which he named "Shooting the Moon".

This car has a slow rate of fire, consumes a lot of energy, and is expensive to build...it has too many shortcomings.

But only one advantage is enough

The power is terrifying.

Shooting the moon with one strike is almost like a divine arrival!

During this summer expedition, there were only thirty moon-shooting crossbows accompanying the army. At this moment, they were all pushed out, across the frozen Lianjiang River, and onto the Jiangyin Plain.

At this time, the strong men of the Xia Kingdom gathered on Tongyang City. If the Thorn Boat attacked the city, it would be easily destroyed.

However, the Moon-shooting Crossbow, which has an extremely long range, is different. When surrounded by a large army of defenders, there is almost no chance of being attacked by the Xia army.

On the plain, both sides are chasing time.

Almost as soon as the Zhenguo army retreated into the city, the moon-shooting ballistae arrived at its destination.

The noose made of the sinews of the stone bull monster gradually tightened under the rotation of the winch, making an embarrassing and difficult sound.

The commander only pointed the small flag in his hand forward and shouted: "Let it go!"

The noose suddenly loosened and the winch reversed wildly.

The steel crossbow arrow, one foot in diameter and fourteen feet long, pierced the sky! The huge recoil caused the crossbow itself to sink several feet!

As soon as the black steel crossbow arrow soared into the air, it instantly absorbed all the energy of heaven and earth wherever it passed. The sharp energy turned into turbulence, making the crossbow arrow faster and faster, roaring like a tornado, and finally

Just a flash

It ran through the huge Jiangyin Plain and hit the shadow of Xiongcheng at the end of the field of vision!

Thirty moon-shooting crossbows were launched at the same time, almost like thirty powerful men attacking Tongyang City at the same time.

What is this concept?

At this moment, Tongyang City is full of powerful people, but if you want to defeat them, you will have to run with your life.

How can it last long if human power is used against the power of military equipment?


Suddenly a dragon roared.

The scorching flames soared outside Tongyang City in an instant, and the flames in that moment were a bit like fireworks burning the city. But in the flames, nine giant dragons stretched out their claws and stretched out in all directions. They were either burned with fire or struck with their claws.

, or the tail sweep, actually completely blocked the attack of these thirty moon-shooting crossbows.

The Xia Kingdom's urgent city defense formation, the Kowloon Lihuo Formation, is now open!

It was also the core of Xia's northeastern defense line in the war against Qi.

As soon as this formation was launched, it turned out that the moon-shooting crossbow could not penetrate at all.

The so-called united will is like a golden city. The efforts of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians of the Xia Kingdom these days cannot be easily defeated.

But Cao Jie, who was still on the east bank of the Lianjiang River, standing on the Rongchong building car, looked at this scene, but he did not waver at all. He only said: "The flag is coming!"

A purple-tinted Zhongtian Taihuang flag was enshrined in his hands by the flag officer.

He actually raised the big flag himself, and issued orders one after another: "Let Chen Zeqing's men move forward! Let Chen Fu's men prepare to clean up the battlefield! Let Xie Huai'an's men wear armor!"

During this expedition to the Xia Dynasty, Cao Jie only brought three national flags of this size.

One pole stands on the top of Jianfeng Mountain, which is the first solid stronghold of the Qi army in the Xia Kingdom.

A stick was now held upright in his palm.

There is another pole that is waiting to be erected in Guiyi City and penetrate the Xia Kingdom Ancestral Temple!

At this time, he raised this flag high and stirred up the wind and clouds on the top of Rong Chong Lou's carriage.

Then the flag leaned forward, pointing at Tongyang City in the distance!

What people saw at this time was Cao Jie, the commander-in-chief of the Xia expedition, pointing his flag at Tongyang, with a force like an angry sea.

What people cannot see at this time...

All the "Zi Ji Zheng" flags along the way from Linzi of Qi State to Fengjie Mansion of Xia State were flying!

Who would have thought?

Qi's "Ziji March" not only built a stable supply line, but also a "march"!

This is a secret killing that the Da Qi Empire has hidden for decades!

Since Cao Jie entered Xia, every step he took was extremely precise and he completed all the prerequisites.

If there is a high-ranking person, he will be able to see that on this world's territory, the vast power of the overlord of the Eastern Territory rises in an instant.

The terrifying power of the Da Qi Empire, at this moment, surges forward along the "march" built by the "Ziji March"!

From the distant eastern region, national power was mobilized to bombard the Xia Kingdom in the southern region. The losses caused during the bombardment process were already unimaginable.

But with the entire Fengjie Prefecture as a stronghold, with the purple Zhongtian Taihuang flag on Jianfeng Mountain as a support, and with the national flag erected by Cao Jie, the commander-in-chief of the Xia expedition, who led a million Qi army to win consecutive victories.


This purple dragon that stretches thousands of miles... has been penetrated!

Doesn’t it stop within the Xia Kingdom?

From Linzi to Guiyi, all the land passing through was resounded by the dragon's roar.

Everything that passes by in the sky and on the earth is awed by its majesty.

Everything along the way has already overwhelmed the power of Da Qi!

The Purple Dragon, which stretched thousands of miles, followed Cao Du's banner pointing west, and instantly hit the defensive formation of Tongyang City.

The nine Lihuo dragons screamed in pain like living creatures, and all of them collapsed in an instant!

This chapter has been completed!
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