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Chapter 213: Be happy when you have fertile land and precious jade

Just when the Qi army swept through Fengli Prefecture, penetrated Linwu Fengli, and achieved a great victory on the eastern front.

News that shocked the world came from Daye Mansion, like thunder exploding, rolling thousands of miles away. It was December 26, 3920 in the Taoist calendar.

Chong Xuanzun, the vanguard general of the Sanqi Kingdom, led three troops, went out by day and night, took the dangerous road of Leopard Valley, broke into Daye Mansion, attacked and killed the Qingling garrison, captured Qingling City, and defeated the troops to invade the Huangling Mausoleum, taking advantage of the chaos

Kill the mausoleum guards with divine presence cultivation, destroy the mausoleum guarding army, and surround the tomb of Emperor Xia Xiang!

One battle shocked the world.

How he disappeared on the Linwu battlefield and broke into Daye Mansion, how he advanced rapidly in Daye Mansion where heavy troops were stationed, how he defeated Qingling City, and how he killed the senior God Linjing Mausoleum Guard may only wait until

I went to review it after the war.

It is an indisputable fact that the Qi army has reached the key points of Xia State!

The battle is still going on at the front, but the ancestral tombs of Emperor Xia in the rear have been captured by the Qi army!

It is worth mentioning that Chongxuanzun did not destroy the imperial mausoleum or exhume the emperor's bones. He did not, as many people imagined,

He opened the coffin of Emperor Xia Xiang and whipped his corpse, trampled on the Xia royal family, and crushed the dignity of the Xia Si family name.

Instead, he helped Emperor Xia Xiang clean the mausoleum, personally prayed for him, wrote articles to commemorate Emperor Xia Xiang's life achievements, sang his praises, and remembered him.

Then a platform of earth was built, incense was burned as a ceremony, and a canonization ceremony was held on behalf of Emperor Qi...

In the name of the Daqi Empire, Emperor Xia Xiang was granted the title of Marquis of Qi'an Lehou, and he personally carved an inscription and erected it in front of the mausoleum!

Of course, the dead cannot be refused.

No matter how powerful you were in the world during your lifetime, no matter how wise and heroic you were, after you lie in the grave, your reputation will only be carved by others.

The title of Marquis of Anle was exactly the surrender treatment given by Emperor Qi to Xia Zi in the ultimatum between Qi and Xia before the Qi-Xia War began. Of course, Xia Zi tore it up at that time and cursed Jiang Shu, the old thief. And in turn,

We must also confer the title of Emperor Qi.

But today, it is self-evident whose face was swollen.

Chongxuanzun's literary talent is not outstanding, it can only be said to be average. But in the article "Sacrifice to the Great Qi'an Lehou Si's Name Yuan", there is such a sentence

"Now that your descendants are unworthy, the emperor of the Eastern Kingdom wants to protect the bloodline of heroes, so that your descendants can enjoy eternal wealth and honor. They can be granted land and shelter in a great country, and they should be able to live in peace and happiness with fertile land, treasures and jade!"

How can the emperor of today refute this unworthy statement from his descendants?

With this move, Chong Xuanzun directly demoted the current Emperor of Xia to the title of Prince Anlehou. If you don’t agree to be granted the title, I will grant you the title of father!

This unilateral canonization ceremony for the dead may seem absurd, but in fact it has brought the Xia royal family down to the altar.

Today, it is a fact that Prince Xia cannot guard the tomb of his ancestors. It is a fact that his great father, who once dominated the world, was named a marquis after his death.

People or days at that time: Great Xia had billions of people, strong generals like clouds, famous ministers like rain, and millions of soldiers. They promised to march to the Eastern Kingdom, but they were knocked down and their ancestors were humiliated!

Or it may be said: The people below cannot protect the common people, and the people above cannot defend the ancestors. What is the use of the army? What is the use of the generals? What can the civil and military officials of the dynasty do, and the kings and princes eat all the food?

The face of the Xia royal family was completely disgraced!

The whole country mourned in all the prefectures and cities of Daxia.

Wherever the news spread, there were cries.

On the one hand, many generals were not suppressed at all and no longer defended their own defense lines. Instead, they sent out their troops in Daye in anger and vowed to defend the former emperor. This meant that the national defense system that Sijiao had painstakingly built had a huge uproar.

On the other hand, many people have completely lost their fighting spirit!

What kind of person was Emperor Xia Xiang? He brought the Xia Kingdom to an unprecedented level of strength. He was called the first emperor since the founding of the Xia Kingdom. Decades after his death, he was still the spiritual leader in the hearts of many Xia people.

But for such a great being, his dominance was interrupted by Qi during his lifetime, and he would still be granted the title of Qi after his death.

How shameful is this? How unworthy are our descendants!

Tongyang City's front line learned of the news.

A group of important officials from the Daxia Empire knelt down facing the Daye Mansion, and many of them howled and cried.

Even Yun Huaibo Zhang Lingyu committed suicide on the spot, covered his face with hair, and destroyed the body without burying it. He said that he had no face to see the late emperor!

Liu Xiyi, the Prime Minister of the country, released his seal and wanted to return to Daye angrily, vowing to kill Zhongxuan Zun, but was suppressed by Wu Wang Sijiao.

It was at this time that Cao Jie killed in the spring, killed in the autumn, and Zhufeng with three soldiers and horses, and stormed Tongyang City. All the important officials in Tongyang City were mourned and could not move!

During this period of time, only three of the seven cities in the south of Linwu were left, and the Qi army was approaching Huyang Pass!

At the same time, the Qi army occupied Fengli Mansion. After a little reorganization, they launched a massive attack on Huiming Mansion.

Different from the Fengli Mansion war, the troops were divided into two groups, each with a governor.

The war in Huiming Mansion was a feast for dividing up the military achievements. Each general led the chaotic battle according to his own ability.

Among them, Chongxuan defeated Jiang Wang, Bao Bozhao, Yan Po, and Ouyang Yong. These four performed the most outstandingly, winning consecutive battles and attacking enemy cities many times.

Some Qi troops are passing through Fengli Prefecture and attacking Jin'an Prefecture.

An army eager to perform meritorious deeds has already broken out of Huiming and invaded Shaokang Mansion!

At this time today, if all the military lines on the Xia Kingdom map are outlined, the situation will be clear. It can be clearly seen that on the eastern front battlefield, the latitude and longitude flags have bloomed in all directions.

Chong Xuan Sheng's painstaking victory on the Eastern Front, and Chong Xuan Zun's arrogant attack at the Imperial Tomb of Daxia set off a chain reaction.

The invasion on the eastern front battlefield is like a fire, Tongyang City on the middle front maintains suppression, and Youping Mansion on the northern front battlefield has only three cities left to resist, and Tian Anping has sent his troops to Wuxing Mansion!

Xia's defense line, which had been suppressed and kept in a tight state, was on the verge of collapse overnight!

A pen outlines the huge map like this. The mountains, rivers, valleys and majestic cities of Daxia are so familiar and yet strange.

The familiar ones are the plants and trees. The unfamiliar ones are the weapons everywhere.

Maybe it shouldn’t be unfamiliar?

It's just a repeat of the story thirty-two years ago...can it be repeated?

On the map, the spreading route of the Qi army looks like a powerful giant. It has spread its powerful arms and tightened the neck of Xia State, and is exerting its strength continuously.

Throughout the Qi-Xia battlefield, the Qi army was in a good situation.

Xia Jun looks confused!

No, where is it just looks?

Those who rescued Daye Prefecture, those who killed Zhongxuan Zun, those who rescued Huiming, those who helped consolidate the defense of Jin'an Prefecture, and those who protected Shun Ye and protected the royal capital were all riddled with holes in the blink of an eye. It was precisely because of the failure of the war across the board.

As a result, people were asked to sew and didn’t know where to start.

It seems that the reason why Cao Jie chose to fully open the battle was based on his absolute confidence in the quality of the Qi army and because he had foreseen such a situation today!

The Xia people are of course tenacious and resist tenaciously on every battlefield.

However, the Qi army's victory is constantly accumulating, their weapons are becoming more powerful, and their beacon fire is becoming more intense.

In the Xia Kingdom, it was necessary to demolish the east wall and mend the west wall. It was a dilemma!

The pen finally stopped on the map, and was crushed into smoke by a hand with bulging veins. A thin, curling smoke.

This wisp of smoke and this hand hang on the sign of the city named Wuyang on the map.

Suddenly, his hand smashed down hard, like a mountain!

So this huge map was also smashed into pieces.

There was a voice in the darkness: "Hate means that you have been hurt but cannot repay it."

“Anger is because you are not satisfied with the status quo but you can’t do anything about it

"These are all signs of weakness!"

The New Year's Eve of the year 3920 in the Dao calendar came amid war.

This day of celebration for thousands of families is a rather complicated experience for Qi and Xia people.

Bob Zhao has no feelings about New Year's Eve.

As the eldest son of Uncle Shuo Fang, he has been under strict self-restraint for a long time and rarely indulges. He has learned a lot, but he only regrets that time is fleeting. Military strategies, Taoist magical powers, laws and etiquette, day after day.

Practicing the so-called New Year's Day is nothing more than greetings and farewells, and nothing more than maintaining relationships between all parties. It is really not an easy day.

Especially now that he was on the Qixia battlefield, what he saw in his eyes were only military exploits.

The succession of Duke Shuofang's title has been settled, but he will not relax. From now on, what he will pursue is how to surpass the honorary name of "Shuofang"!

The Qi army was in a great situation, but the Xia army's will to resist was not as tenacious as before.

An obvious phenomenon is that... for Xia Jun, surrender does not seem to be that difficult anymore.

When Chongxuan was victorious and forced to surrender to Dai City, he had to wait for two days and nights when the army attacked the city, surrounded it on all sides, and exerted extreme pressure. Then he forced the surrender of Shou'an and was able to complete it with only one surrender barracks...

But now, there are even defenders who have surrendered as soon as the Qi army's flag is unfurled.

For example, this city in front of you.

Everyone can see the situation clearly...

Before the Qi army attacked, Xia had no power to fight back!

The so-called King Wu, the so-called King Min, Xi Mengfu, and Liu Xiyi were all suppressed to death in Tongyang City and could not move.

With the main force of the three soldiers all on the battlefield in Tongyang City, Qi State only relied on county soldiers and allied forces from the eastern regions, and the strong winds still swept the leaves across the Xia Kingdom.

The two countries that competed for hegemony in the past are no longer rivals at the same level today.

What kind of fight between a dragon and a tiger is just a hungry tiger attacking a sheep!

Therefore, Emperor Qi had no intention of finishing it in person. Si Yuan was dead and Emperor Qi was too lazy to look south.

Therefore, the Great Qi Military God did not come either.

Of course, people have feelings for their family and country, and they have the heart to defend their land and borders. Of course, these summer generals and summer soldiers are also full of passion.

But how long can the hopeless battle last?

Qi Xia Ben Yi Zong!

Bao Bozhao read it in his mind, and felt that this sentence was really wonderful. It can make people feel the political wisdom of the former Prime Minister Yan Ping. He obeyed the destiny and joined the clan, and how much hostility was eliminated!

This is the time for surrender.

Bao Bozhao got off his horse neatly, helped up the Xia army guard general who was kneeling in front of him, and said very kindly:

"As soon as I saw the general, I felt friendly! The general was able to turn his back on the dark side and bring the city back together, which really moved Bao!

We are a family from now on, don’t be separated from me!"

Bao Bozhao certainly has no shortage of methods to treat virtuous corporals, and it is so natural and refreshing to do it.

He held the man's hand and smiled warmly: "A certain family's name is Bo Zhao. What do you call your brothers?"

The Xia army guard in front of him was still a little panicked: "The guilty general Wei Guangyao."

"What a good name!" Bob Zhao praised, patting him on the shoulder again to ease his uneasiness: "Brother Wei is a talented person and has an extraordinary conversation. He will surely make a difference in Daqi!"

Then he said with a hint of complaint: "From now on, you are already a member of Qi. The dedication of the city is a great achievement. How can you use the word sin again?"

"I made a mistake." Wei Guangyao obviously relaxed a lot and slapped himself in the mouth: "You really deserve a slap.

We haven’t turned a corner yet!”

Both of them laughed.

While he was talking, Bao Bozhao's deputy general had already led people into the city, and quickly took over the key points of the city's defense, controlling the ordnance.

No matter how smoothly the collection of weapons, reorganization and surrender of the army goes smoothly, the due vigilance cannot be less. This is the duty of a general.

As the commander-in-chief of an army, you must be responsible for the entire army and cannot tolerate any slightest care.

The subordinates do the tasks of the subordinates, and the commander-in-chief will do the tasks of the commander-in-chief.

Bao Bozhao's attitude was really warm, and the condition of the surrendered general Wei Guangyao gradually calmed down, and he began to talk and laugh.

"General Bao is the best among men! The Bao family in Daqi has been a famous family for generations. Who knows? To be honest, I originally had the intention of resisting, but when I saw the Bao flag coming from outside the city, my legs suddenly became numb.


Wei Guangyao shook his head, with respect and bitterness in his tone: "General Bao's reputation has spread throughout Daxia!"

Bao Bozhao grabbed his hand, smiled to his left and right, and said, "Brother Wei, you are giving me face and praising my reputation!"

Just as he was talking for a while, the well-trained Qi army had completed control of the key points of the city's defense. They seized the hub of the city defense formation, began to seal off the treasury, and counted military supplies.

The group of people chatted and laughed, then walked towards the city gate.

While talking and laughing, Bao Bozhao glanced at the tower against the light and saw clearly the word "Wu Yang".

Suddenly he smiled and said: "Speaking of which, the Zhao in my name also means 'Yang'. I really have some fate with this city!"

Wei Guangyao laughed: "As the general said, your word 'Zhao' means bright sunshine, and my word 'Guangyao' is also bright. I should get married to the general!"

Bobozhao said: "Qi Xia belongs to the same sect. Now you and I are both Qi people, so how can we not be relatives? If Brother Guangyao doesn't dislike him, we will treat him as brothers from now on!"

Wei Guangyao suddenly became solemn, and bowed his hands to Bob Zhao: "How can I, Wei Guangyao, be so virtuous and talented that I can win the favor of a person like you! No more words, I will treat him as an elder brother from now on! I am willing to ride for my brother!"

Bao Bozhao is a well-known genius in Daqi, while Wei Guangyao became the guard of Wuyang City when he was over thirty years old. In terms of age, Wei Guangyao is older anyway. But the so-called master is the eldest brother, wwThe term "brother" is not

Shame! He called it very smoothly.

Bobozhao smiled and helped him: "Little things in front of and behind the horse are not your fault, but to make great achievements, you must join hands with your brother!"

"Brother is willing to support me, how can I disobey my brother? From now on, I will fight wherever my brother points me, Guangyao will never hesitate!"

Bob Zhao smiled brightly.

During the war against Xia, he had already recognized four sworn brothers, and they would all be his team after they returned together. To be able to control a city in the Xia Kingdom, become famous in a palace, and have soldiers and horses in hand, these people all have real abilities.

Yes, it is not easy to recruit.

If not for this war, where would we find it?

He needs the abilities of these people. After their surrender to Qi, these people have cleared up their half-life accumulation. He also needs the power of his Daqi Bao family, which is exactly what each of them needs.

This kind of relationship is called a solid relationship.

"Come, brother Guangyao, tell me about this Wuyang City." Bao Bozhao observed this city with strong colors and typical Xiadi style as he walked.

Wei Guangyao also accompanied him with a smile and explained dutifully: "Wuyang City has a long history, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and has a beautiful environment. It has been since the late Emperor Xia Xiang wiped out the ghosts. Look at my mouth!

The ghost-headed barbarians are coming!

The city gate, which was clearly controlled by the Qi army, was suddenly closed!

This sound was like a strong man beating a heavenly drum, like thunder shaking the heavens.

The entire Wuyang City suddenly became dark!



Set a small goal first, such as remembering in 1 second:

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