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Chapter 232 No turning back!

On the fourth day of the first month of the year 3921 in the Taoist calendar, Beigong Nantu, the high priest of the Shenmian of the Mu Kingdom, died in battle among thousands of troops. 5

People in Xia were happy, but people in Qi were shocked.

The world is shocked!

According to the Daqi Daily Notes, the Emperor of Qi was reviewing memorials that day. When he heard about the war, his face looked as usual and he asked if there was any fish for lunch. 10

The essay was dipped in ink, and a handwritten letter was sent to the front line.

The book only has eight characters

"You all decide on your own regarding the expedition to Xia." 2

The emperor also played a little word game here.

Because "Jiu" is the name of Cao Du...

So the second half of the sentence is saying "You decide everything yourself."

It can also be said very affectionately, "You Cao Jie, you decide for yourself." 9

In just eight words, you can show your heart and calmness! 1

A note from Li Shiren said: Great things are not ordinary things. They control the universe and do not care about good or bad. This is the sincerity of the emperor!

After receiving the emperor's handwriting, Cao Jie on the front line reacted equally calmly. There was neither the generosity of "a scholar dies for a confidant" nor the tragedy of "sacrifice one's life for the sake of peace for the emperor". It was just a calm afternoon when he sent the order to the three nine soldiers. commander in chief

"It's sunny today, give Tongyang City more pressure." 12

Cao Jie still seems to be in no hurry and speaks very calmly. He seems to have enough patience to face this war. 1

But the defenders of Tongyang City must show whether they can still maintain their original tenacity after great tragedy and great joy.

At this time, the entire Conquest of Xia war was still moving along its inertia.

The fight on the northern front was fierce, and the eastern front was still conquering cities and territories.3

Huyangguan, which lies between Linwu and Huiming Prefectures, was as solid as a rock. It was said that they would not surrender until they died. After the Qi army attacked hard to no avail, they also besieged and refused to attack. The main force dispersed to raid other places that were easier to break through.

Wuyang City's city defense array was extinguished, and the flag just erected by Huiming Mansion was cut down again.

Fan Ao has also given up on Tianfeng Ranch and fled in all directions.

The frontier troops of Jin'an Prefecture were very powerful and locked the border. They frightened the Liang soldiers in the south and refused to accept orders in the north. The Qi troops coming from Huiming Prefecture suddenly became a fortress of their own.

At the same time, Chong Xuan Sheng's messenger had just arrived in Linwu.

And the two generals who are "in sight of victory" will also pass their horses past Shao Kahn.

Xia Guofang mobilized a large number of high-level combat forces on the eastern front, and of course it was impossible to hide this from Xie Huai'an.

On the one hand, he quickly reported to Cao Cao and reminded the northern front to pay more attention. On the other hand, he also suspected that Zhou Ying was playing some trick. After receiving the message from Chongxuan Sheng, he mobilized the army in a more radical way. , and soon verified the truth. So they launched the offensive, cut the battlefield immediately, and surrounded the city with troops! 1

In order to better contain the Qi army on the eastern front, Zhou Ying, Duke of Fengguo of Daxia, personally guarded the city.

This is also the last large city in the entire Linwu Prefecture that is still in the hands of the Xia people.

The attack and defense around Fu'an City can almost be seen as the final story of the entire Eastern Front battlefield. But because the Eastern Front has been completely abandoned by the Xia Kingdom's senior officials, this last lingering sound does not seem so important.

Whether it is generous or sad.

When Fengli was fully occupied, Linwu was left with only an isolated city, Huiming was crumbling, and Jin'an was fighting fiercely, there was such a cavalry galloping in the southern part of Xia Kingdom.

Without entering any city, the journey is almost unobstructed.

Shaokang Mansion is a famous and prosperous place in the Xia Kingdom, and it is also a place that makes everyone in the Victory Battalion feel very familiar. After all, they went back and forth on the Eastern Front to gain the city, and they pretended to be Shaokang Mansion troops countless times. General Chongxuan spoke with an authentic Shao voice.

The brothers can all understand the Kang accent. 3

With the frequent wars in the neighboring city of Huiming, this prosperous city also showed a bit of decline.

Chongxuansheng had done too much preparation work and was extremely familiar with the geography of Xia Kingdom. To use a sentence he repeatedly said to the generals of Xia Kingdom, "Coming to Xia Kingdom feels like returning to your hometown!" 3

Which road is the most convenient to take, where the largest number of troops are stationed, what the folk customs are like...all are familiar to me.

Behind the direction that seemed to be pointed out casually, there were countless deductions made in advance.

Baojia Road is an official road that runs through Shaokang Prefecture, Huaiqing Prefecture, and Sang Prefecture. It is also the most famous commercial road in the southern part of Xia Kingdom.

Chongxuan Sheng chose this road to go to the noble town, which felt like a large army making a pilgrimage to the imperial city.

Throughout the march, the word "fast" stood out.

The Xia Army's eastern defense network, which had almost lost key nodes, could not react at all. The Xia Army along the way was so close that they did not understand what was going on, and they were already flying away with thunderous hooves.

Speaking of which, the tens of millions of Xia soldiers and civilians on the entire eastern front had no idea that they had been abandoned. Of course, it is unimaginable that an army of several thousand people dared to attack a noble city.

Surrounded by various city gates and layers of garrisons, we marched straight into the capital!

The predecessor of the Victory Camp was a powerful force in the world, and the current situation of the Victory Camp is that it is well-equipped.

For this army, the vast Xia land now lying in front of them was almost undefended.

An army several times that size had no time to mobilize, and a similar number of Xia troops would never be able to stop this army.

More importantly, except for those who accompanied Zhou Ying and pretended to create the illusion of a deadly battle, there were no strong men at the level of gods on the entire Eastern Front... 6

Therefore, in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the victorious camp is like an arrow from the string, piercing the sky and breaking through the clouds, constantly moving forward, forward, forward, with almost no obstacles! 1

The attack lasted for two days and nights. The men never left their saddles, and the horses never stopped. They passed by Shaokang Mansion and passed through Huaiqing Mansion. The sound of horse hooves could be heard throughout the land of Sang Mansion. 1

Thirty-three years later, this wealthy place, which provided more than half of Xia's silk fabrics, once again faced the sword of the Qi people.

The so-called "silk wipes the edge, blood stains the silk" is a pain that has never disappeared in the history books of the Xia Kingdom, and is the eternal sorrow of Sang Mansion.

But speaking of it, when the Xia Kingdom invaded the Eastern Region and fought so hard that the young men of the Qi Kingdom even harmed themselves to escape from the Xia Kingdom’s soldiers, this was just a story before the war that overturned the country. 2

In a sense, the essence of war is nothing more than the redistribution of resources. The cruel process in the middle is often ignored by chess players.

Of course, the winner has everything and the loser loses everything. This is also the true nature of war.

At this moment, everyone in Victory Camp was uncontrollably excited.

Under the leadership of General Chong Xuan Sheng and General Jiang Wang, they actually did it!

With a lone brigade of 3,000 men, they penetrated the vast hinterland of the Xia Kingdom, spanning thousands of miles, and aimed directly at the capital of Xia! 3

Past Sang Mansion...it's Guiyi.

The glory and wealth of three thousand people are already within easy reach.

The glory worthy of being recorded in the history books is right before our eyes.

Who can remain calm?

"Looking at my brother! Looking at my brother! After you go back, it's time for you to find a wife!" Chongxuan Sheng galloped on his horse and laughed loudly.35

Although these words were meant to liven up the atmosphere, motivate his soldiers, and keep the army in good condition, the relief behind his laughter was genuine.

This time, he jumped out of the battle group in Huiming Mansion and led the army straight to the Xiadu. This decision seemed extremely dangerous, but in his judgment, it was actually a sure thing. 1

The biggest risk in this operation lies in whether the strategic judgment of Xia Guo's senior officials is accurate. But as they led the army to attack here, the smooth process along the way has already proved his judgment.

As long as there is an extra powerful Shenlin, the people of Xia will never be unable to grasp the movements of this Qi army, let alone watch such a cavalry army of 3,000 people crossing into the Xia capital! 4

Accurate judgment of the situation is the prerequisite for the success of this operation.

Gu Ren

The second danger lies in the last step of this operation.

As the capital of a country, Guiyi City's defensive strength will never be weak. There will be a few real people in the world, and there will be no shortage of elite soldiers and strong generals. 6

The little arms and legs of these 3,000 soldiers and horses ran over and planted flags outside the city, and they were easily killed in one fell swoop.

But in Chong Xuan Sheng's judgment, there is still a high probability of avoiding this danger.

During this march, they abandoned Xinrong Camp, Zhenwu Camp and other troops, and only brought the most elite 3,000 people from the Victory Battalion. All they wanted was "fast". 1

It was so fast that the cities along the way were unable to react, and even Guiyi City had not yet figured out the situation.

It's almost time to arrive. Many high-level troops on the eastern front of Xia Kingdom may still be on their way to the northern front, but they have already arrived here!

Chong Xuan Sheng was moved only because he saw Zhou Xiong in the Minxi Corridor.1

At the end of a big battle, the army has already set off before the battlefield has been cleared. How decisive is it?

After galloping all the way, they rushed to the front of Guiyi City, planted the flag and left in a menacing manner. Do the strong men in Guiyi City really dare to abandon the city defense and rush out to chase and kill them? 7

Are you afraid that this is a strategy to lure the enemy? 3

Anyone with some sense should wait and see. Especially in Xia Kingdom's strategic plan this time, Guiyi City should be ready to be an isolated city and reject the Qi Dynasty. Since it is an isolated city, how can it dare to be hasty? 3

By the time they found out what was true and what was true, the victorious camp had long since escaped! 2

Chong Xuan Sheng's bravery is not to risk death, but to move forward with great confidence after careful consideration.

Jiang Wang glanced sideways at him. Even the wind-riding demon horse was having a hard time carrying the fat general. 6

"General Chongxuan is so worried about the brothers. After this battle, the life events of these three thousand brothers will be handed over to you! If you dare to betray a family, Mr. Jiang's fist must not agree!" 1

After fighting on the battlefield for so many days, the friendship established through life and death is extraordinary.

At that moment, one of the soldiers laughed and said: "Sir Jiang, what should I do if I am already married? Isn't there a benefit missing?!"

"Yes, it can't be done!" A group of people cheered.

"Easy to handle!" Jiang Wang said: "Convert it into cash and make up for the betrothal gifts for brothers who have already married!" 3

"What kind of big deal is this? Leave it all to me!" Chong Xuansheng said with a smile: "I hope you will be promoted to uncle this time. How can such a large courtyard be without a mistress?" 7

Seeing the money, this group quickly turned their guns and started cheering for Zhongxuan Sheng. There was a loud noise in the team, so unhappy!

Fame, fortune and fortune are snatched away immediately, and glory and wealth are snatched at the head of a knife.

They carry bows and knives and travel thousands of miles away from home and abroad, isn't it just to earn a good future? 1

Everything is in sight now.

How exciting!

The voice-hearing fairy state cannot be turned on all the time, but in a battlefield environment, it has become a habit to collect information with the five senses at all times.

Therefore, Jiang Wang first heard the sharp sound in the distance amidst the laughter and laughter of his brothers.

He raised his eyes and looked into the distance. In the northeast of Sang Mansion, he saw a huge knife mark flying into the sky and cutting through the flowing clouds!

Jiang Wang suddenly reined in his horse!

He recognized it.

That is……

Sun, Moon and Star Three-Wheel Cutting Blade! 6

The proud genius of Qi who recently attacked the imperial mausoleum of Daxia, and Chongxuan Zun, who is the vanguard of the expedition against Xia! Why is he here?

As the flag-bearer of the victorious camp, Jiang Wang's movement would have the entire army following him immediately.

The three thousand people in the entire victory camp grabbed the reins in unison, and the war horses raised their hooves and neighed!

"What's wrong?" Chong Xuansheng asked, already following Jiang Wang's line of sight...

I couldn't help but squint my eyes!

Jiang Wang’s Qianyang red pupils have even been seen

Dressed in white, he crossed the sky. His figure was no longer as elegant as before, and he was clearly running for his life. 20

And behind that white-clothed man was a huge red bat beast, with its fleshy wings spread out horizontally, and it was extremely fast and was chasing after him.

The bat beast is full of blood, not inferior to those strange beasts Jiang Wang has seen in the mountains and seas. It is definitely a serious god-level combat power. And above the bat beast, there is also a red-robed figure. With a casual move, he can

There are countless blue lines of cold fire penetrating the sky, frantically blocking Chongxuanzun's path. 9

Jiang Wang has so much combat experience that he can tell at a glance that Zhongxuanzun's current situation is very bad. 2

Look at the direction in which Zhongxuan Zun is running away at this moment, which is towards Daye Mansion. But based on his shocking actions before, he should have just escaped from Daye Mansion not long ago! 4

This shows that the strong man chasing Zhongxuanzun must not be the only one who controls the red bat beast. 1

If Chong Xuanzun could escape, he should go to Linwu and Huiming. Flying in the direction of Daye Mansion at this moment was obviously the way he had no choice.

The other directions must have been locked!

"I have ignored this!" Chongxuan Sheng said: "Since all the strong men on the eastern front of the Xia Kingdom have been transferred to the northern front, on the way to the northern front, randomly separate a few people to deal with the bold maniacs who desecrated the imperial mausoleum. Disciple, it’s just a reasonable thing!” 4

Jiang Wang didn't say anything, he just let go of the reins, and he rose up into the air. He even stepped on the Qingyun Mark, like climbing the steps to the sky, and chased towards the distant sky where Chongxuan Zun disappeared! 19

His back is like a blue bird, and his hair falls down his back, like a vertical sword! 11

"You don't even ask me for my opinion! Do you know what a wise man is?!" 5

Chong Xuan Sheng's angry shouts could not catch up with Jiang Wang's back.

After being aggrieved, he just pulled the reins fiercely and turned the horse's head.


He said: "To be honest, I don't want to save that pretty boy who looks ugly, dresses fancy, poses all day long, and steals the limelight from me!" 7

"But who are we?"

“We are an invincible and victorious camp!”

"We are soldiers of the Daqi Empire!"

"We are on the battlefield, we are soldiers"

He raised his right fist high and roared: "Pao Ze will save you!" 26

Three thousand people in the victory camp shouted: "Paoze will be saved!" 5

The horses' hooves stamped on the ground like thunder, rumbling toward the northeast.

At this time, the straight-line distance from Guiyi was less than 300 miles. This invincible Qi army, which spanned thousands of miles across the Xia land, could set up a flag outside the Xia capital in less than three hours and establish an unparalleled empire. achievement

As long as they keep moving forward.2

But three thousand people turned their horses and did not look back!

This chapter has been completed!
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