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Chapter 16: Lighten the Lips

If he doesn't ask me, he doesn't need to say anything.

If he talks about it, there is no chance of meeting him.

Jiang Wang didn't know what Zhu Biqiong had gone through in the past two years, when she was as innocent and pure as a piece of white paper.

But from the attitude of the concubine envoy from Diaohailou in front of him, we might be able to get a glimpse of something.

The current ranking of No. 1 on the Haixun list can probably describe the stories behind them.

The little girl who was once deceived by Hu Shaomeng has become a great figure overseas today. The little girl who was once protected by her sister and never saw the wind and rain of the world is now able to make waves in the offshore islands... Time is for everyone.

It's so fair.

The Marquis of Wu'an in the Great Qi Dynasty, the True Biography of Diaohailou Jinghai.

What they gain is visible to others; what they lose is hidden deep in their hearts.

"Tell her for me..." Jiang Wang paused and finally said, "Thank you very much."

Envoy Lu respectfully withdrew.

Jiang Wang did not stay longer on Haimen Island and went straight back to Qi State.

There was no news of the fourteenth going to sea, so he could not send a message to Chongxuansheng from a long distance. He was worried that Chongxuansheng would go crazy.

It’s just that... there is no trace of Bianjun and he is not overseas. Where on earth could Fourteen be?

Wear a hairpin with red flowers and wear a long skirt.

Apply rouge and blush your lips.

Fourteen has not dressed up like this for a long time.

In other words, she has never dressed up... so she is a bit clumsy.

That day she went to a famous rouge and gouache store in Linzi and bought back a lot of bits and pieces of cosmetics.

Then I sat alone in the room and dressed up in silence for a long time.

It's not uncomfortable not to speak. She seldom speaks.

Because her voice was naturally soft and not ferocious enough at all, in order to maintain the intimidation of the armored guards, she tried not to make a sound. Over time, she almost stopped speaking in front of others.

But there wasn't that nagging voice in her ears... and she wasn't used to it either.

Chong Xuan Sheng is a person who is very good at hiding his worries. He always smiles when he meets someone, and nine out of ten sentences he says are untrue. Over the years, he often talks non-stop only when he is alone with her. Although

Most of the time, she couldn't understand those troubling thoughts and entangled interests.

But she is willing to listen.

There is no such thing as a dressing mirror at home. She is a water mirror made of Taoism.

She felt that her Taoist skills were quite good, the water mirror was very stable and clear, and the distribution of Taoist energy was also very reasonable... It was just the drawing of eyebrows and lips, which was a bit complicated, and she was in a hurry.

The gouache store came with a drawing tutorial, and it took her a long time to understand it.

She's quite stupid.

But she wanted to dress up properly and show it to Brother Sheng. There was no other reason, she just wanted to show it to Brother Sheng. Look at how she dressed herself up carefully, her red lips, and the beautiful new clothes she bought -

It's a pity that she can't show it to Brother Sheng.

Of course she knows her identity.

When she was very young, she was told, repeatedly told...who she was, what her responsibilities were, and what her destiny was.

In fact, she could not remember much about those trainings because her memory was not very good. She only remembered that she had to protect Brother Sheng...with her thin shoulders and brave heart.

That was... a long, long time ago.

At that time she was about two years old, less than three years old.

That day, she walked into a Buddhist hall with a dozen children.

She saw a good-looking but haggard man. In her memory, he had a hairpin, but he was wearing a monk's robe. He was holding a plump baby in his arms, kneeling in front of the Buddha statue.

The man looked at her for a while.

She still remembers that look.

His eyes were obviously so tired, so disgusted, and so painful, but they had such compassionate eyes.

The man said, "That's her."

Her fate was different from now on.

She began to receive the best teachings, began to prepare for adapting to the Pulse Opening Pill, and began to have extraordinary possibilities.

There is only one thing to remember: protect that child.

Protect that child.

From when everyone was very young until now when everyone has grown up.

She probably never had too many ideas, and her thoughts were always very simple.

She just clumsily tried to protect the little fat man.

This is an obsession, a mood, and an ideal in life.

But since when did everything change subtly?

Think about it now.

Probably that day, when she came out of Dongjiekou, she came back to life, and he shed tears for the first time. They supported each other and walked on the streets of Linzi. The sunset was gorgeous and the sky was so brilliant.

At that time, she wanted to just keep going.

Or maybe earlier.

In those unnoticed moments.

For example, she pulled him up from the ground time and time again, for example, she wore iron armor and held an iron sword, and stood in front of him fiercely. For example, those days when she listened quietly while he talked non-stop...

"You hate me too, don't you?" the little fat man asked once, with red eyes and bulging anger: "You have no choice but to follow me, right?"

That time she mustered up the courage and pinched his fat face: "I think you are so cute."

Thinking of this, Shi Shi smiled.

But after laughing, I felt a little sad.

The sadness didn’t just start today.

It didn’t start from that conversation with the old Marquis.

When she fought against Wang Yiwu, she tried her best but was easily knocked unconscious. At that time, her last thought was what should she do if she wins?

When Chongxuan Sheng took off the magical power of Fa Tianxiang and Earth, and the magical power of Chongxuan, and the heritage of the famous Zhongxuan clan became more and more concrete in him. When she found that no matter how hard she tried, she was firmly pulled away.

when distance.

On the battlefield of Faxia, Jiang Wang could raise his sword and fight against God, but she could only hide in the military formation and feel sad when she contributed her Dao Yuan and Qi and blood.

It turns out...I can no longer protect him.

The meaning of her life is no longer clear, and her life ideals are gradually out of reach.

What a cruel fact this is!

Either she is not smart, or she is deliberately avoiding it. She is aware of these things, but hides everything in her iron armor.

Until that day, the old marquis called her to the house and told her that she was a very important person to Chongxuansheng... and Chongxuansheng, who was about to attack the Duke of Bowang, should have a better choice and a more brilliant future.


The old Marquis described to her how the world works and what lessons history has left for people.

The old Marquis told her what kind of woman the next Bowang Marquis' wife should be, what kind of family background she should have, and what kind of help she should bring to Chongxuan Sheng...

Her armor was uncovered.

It seems like I have returned to my timid childhood, when I was holding my knees and shivering.

Before she stood up to protect Zhongxuan Sheng, she was actually very scared.

Now she must see the real world and face the reality of the world.

That pair of iron armor protected her and Zhongxuan Sheng, and also hid her timidity.

She went to wait for Chong Xuan Sheng in red makeup and left alone before dawn.

The final courage is to spend a long night saying goodbye.

She has made up her mind to venture into the world bravely and practice hard from now on.

But at this time

She looked at the unfamiliar scenery around her, feeling a little confused.

"After walking for so many days, I should have gone to sea.

It seems like I have seen this place before, but it seems like I have never seen it before.

You should go east when going to sea. She remembered clearly that she accompanied Chong Xuan Sheng to Xianyue Island two years ago.

She knew it well.

As long as you keep going east, you can reach Linhai County in a short distance. Just find a pier and get on a boat. Going to sea is very simple.


Which is the east side?

Long skirts are very inconvenient for traveling...

She really wanted to hide in the armor, but she had promised to face the world head-on, right?

Thinking this way, Fourteen plucked up the courage again.

But the problem is...

Which is the east side?

Fourteen thought hard for a long time, and it seemed that he could judge the direction through the annual rings.

After looking around, he picked up his heavy sword and chopped down a tree.

Sure enough, I saw the growth rings!

But the problem is...

Which side points east? The wider side or the shorter side?

Forget it, it doesn't matter if you go west, you can go to Jingguo, you can go to the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons to practice.

In short, if you keep walking in one direction, you won't get lost.

With this thought in mind, Fourteen set off again.

But her footsteps soon stopped again.

She saw a person standing not far away.

He was a man of medium height with blond hair, a calm face, not angry and intimidating, and a faint light of lightning on his body.

This man's name was Lei Zhanqian, and she knew him.

He used to be very fierce, but later he was beaten several times by Brother Wang and was completely defeated.

Brother Sheng and Brother Wang even went to Tai Hospital to bully him.

After the funeral of His Royal Highness Eleven, he left Linzi and did not come back for a long time. He was never active in official circles and seemed to have disappeared.

I never expected to meet you here...

Fourteen held the heavy sword tightly and said nothing.

Although the two sides are not enemies, Brother Sheng said that it is necessary to be on guard against others. She needs to stay vigilant when she goes out alone.

But Lei Zhanqian just glanced at her lightly, with no emotion in his eyes, and turned around and walked further into the forest.

Fourteen breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she is not afraid of this person, he may not be able to defeat Lei Xi, but he is still very powerful.

Having said that...why did you meet Lei Zhanqian?

Where does the Lei clan come from?

Or is it that Lei Zhanqian also wants to go to sea?

Shouldn't I have asked for directions just now... "Oh."

Fourteen gave a small sigh. She was so tired after going out. After thinking about it, she went back and took a look at the annual rings of the tree stump. Finally, she had an impression in her heart, so she set off again. But today was destined to have many twists and turns, and her horizon was bound to be full of twists and turns. The road is full of setbacks.

“Girl Fourteen!“

She suddenly heard such a crisp cry.

Looking over in a panic, he saw a woman leaping quickly through the forest. Her figure was very flexible and she appeared in front of her very quickly.

This woman is wearing a smart outfit and a green scarf on her head. She looks very smart.

It was Lin Youxie, the Qingpai head catcher who visited Yaoguangfang many times.


Fourteen turned around and ran away.

She has not committed any crime or done anything bad. But for some reason, she feels very nervous when meeting Qingpai.

"Hey, why are you running away!" Lin Youxie ran after him: "Do you know how many people have been looking for you in the past few days? They are all looking for you like crazy! I have summoned Jiang Wang and he will be here soon."

When Fourteen heard this, Fei Fei became even more anxious.

Lin Youxie also found it strange.

Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng used so many connections and almost blocked the border of Qi State, but they couldn't find Shi Shi.

People couldn't help but worry that something had happened to this girl. Based on her professional experience, she concluded that after Shi Shi left Linzi, her first goal must be to go to sea.

In order to find the person as soon as possible and not miss it, she went directly to Linhai County to thoroughly investigate the clues from the beginning, and went to various docks to trace the traces. Afterwards, there was really nothing gained, so she returned to Linzi and began to analyze which ones were left by the Fourteenth Information.

Jixia Academy is such a special place that ordinary people cannot catch traces of it. Any divination or astrology is useless. She relied on the power of the Qingpai system to communicate with the country, and she was ten miles away from Jixia Academy. The location of the land was rediscovered, and the traces of the Fourteenth were rediscovered.

At that time, she actually suspected that Shi Shi had been killed.

The water in Linzi has always been deep, the water is calm and the waves are calm, but the water is turbulent and turbulent. Whether it is for Bowang Houfu or Zhongxuan Sheng personally, there are too many reasons.

Those traces turned east and west within the territory of Qi State, with no fixed direction and no intention.

She also wondered if the murderer was trying to spread suspicion, so she quickly contacted Jiang Wang through the Qingpai channel while carefully following up.

Unexpectedly, after following the clues all the way, I actually found Fourteen.

This girl has been walking for four or five days, still wandering around Lushuang County, and has never even touched the door of the border county, let alone left the country!

Lin Youxie wondered if Shi Shi didn't want to leave at all. Now all this was just a farce of the girl and Zhong Xuan Sheng flirting, but the girl was clearly very serious about escaping. Look, there was someone suddenly coming in front of her. He breathed faster and disappeared in the blink of an eye. He also hid his heartbeat and erased all traces of blood. He worked very hard to hide it!

Due to her cultivation, Lin Youxie was unable to catch up for a while, but she was no longer in a hurry. People who had already met her face could no longer escape her pursuit, not to mention that Nian Chen had already fallen.

She walked slowly in the forest and began to think about some of her own thoughts. With some confusion, she glanced in the direction where Lei Zhanqian left.

Let's talk about Fourteen speeding up and flying quickly, panicking and not choosing the right path. He finally flew out of the mountain forest and found that he had forgotten his direction again...

The ghost still remembers where the annual ring is, but she doesn't have to worry about it now.

Because in the thunderous explosion, a fat figure had been thrown in front of her by a long pass from Daqi Wu'anhou, who was flying at great speed.

The explosion in the air has not yet dissipated, and Chong Xuan Sheng has stopped in time. From the high altitude of Lushuang County, he is looking at his fourteenth.

Today, they see each other very differently.

What Chong Xuan Sheng saw was a timid little girl. She stood stubbornly in the air, her long skirt fluttering slightly in the wind. She had a red flower on her hairpin and held an epee in her hand. Her delicate and pale face reflected the color of her lips. More red.

He found that he had ignored too many of her feelings for so many years. He thought he could arrange everything, and he thought Fourteen would never leave. He was used to that kind of company, and he had never asked, where was Fourteen? What kind of life do you want at Fourteen?

And what Shi Shi saw was a Chong Xuan Sheng she had never seen before.

He is still dressed in rich clothes, and his figure is still as thick and strong.

But his face looked so haggard.

In his bloodshot eyes, he no longer had the calmness he once had when he held the pearls of wisdom in his hands.

Just looking at her, he was still smiling at her.

Smiling silly, grinning, hiding eyes...

She suddenly felt very sad.

This chapter has been completed!
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