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Chapter 20 Happy Day

"Okay, let me ask this curmudgeon a simple question - in the history of our country, there was a famous woman named Qiao Yanjun. When she got married, she used a street as a dowry. I think everyone knows it. So, who is the person Qiao Yanjun married?

What is the name of Lang Jun...'s younger brother?"

May 15th, the fifty-seventh year of Yuanfeng in the Qi calendar, is a good time to travel, get married, and settle down...

It's probably inappropriate to answer the question.

The huge imperial palace is decorated with red and colorful decorations.

On the street outside Yi Mansion, a nine-fold colorful gate was erected.

Chongxuansheng, who was dressed in the official uniform of Dahonglang, was standing in front of the fifth door, smiling and showing no signs of burning.

Luanlang Jiang Qingyang, who was leading the way in front of him, was eager to scratch his head.

According to the marriage customs of Qi State.

The bride and groom are dressed in bright red.

The phoenix accompanying the bridegroom must wear a green robe, and the phoenix accompanying the bride must wear a purple robe. This is the so-called "green luan and purple phoenix, auspicious for a good marriage."

This Tsing Yi is not the simple style that Jiang Wang usually wears, but is embroidered with green curves and sea of ​​clouds, making it extremely colorful.

As the saying goes, a man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Marquis of Wu'an today is a charming person.

The little lady guarding the door almost had her eyes fixed on Marquis Wu An, but of course the questions she asked were not merciful.

Each of these nine-layered gates has an assessment, and the people who set the questions often use imaginative techniques, Taoism, magical powers, weapons, fists and kicks, and many other tests. There are also some requirements for somersaults, dramatic performances, and all kinds of strange things.

There are always one level and one level, and the nine levels mean eternity.

The place was packed with people watching, including princes, princes and grandsons.

The grandson of Bowang Hou is getting married, and the Marquis of Wu'an, who is famous all over the world, is invited to be the groom. I think it will be unstoppable and unstoppable. Everyone is waiting to see the style of the peerless genius.

But the fact is...

Jiang Wanlang didn't pass any test today, and he had four poems and songs in succession.

If you can't pass the assessment, there are ways to fail.

The first few times, I either performed a live performance of a wolf-running and leaping movement technique, or I was asked to use Taoism to create some strange tricks.

On the fifth layer of colorful doors, there are five bottles of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty hanging on it. Each bottle is filled to the brim. Inside is a soup of inexplicable colors. You can move forward after drinking it.

There is a name for this, called "mixed flavors."

The five flavors are absorbed with extraordinary power, but you are not allowed to resist with extraordinary strength. It is so sour that you will lose your teeth, it is so sweet that it makes you feel greasy, it is so bitter that you wrinkle your face, it is so spicy that you make you sweat, and it is so salty that you are biting...

Lord Jiang had such a handsome face, but it was already indistinguishable.

At this moment, he looked at Yi Huaimin, who was standing in front of the gate of Yi Mansion with a smile on his face, with a murderous look in his eyes.

Yi Huaimin, why are you so biased in your question? If you ask me who Qiao Yanjun’s husband is, I can’t even answer you. I only know the name Qiao Yanjun. You also ask about her husband’s younger brother?

The same goes for those poems and songs. If you ask me to memorize famous articles, I can’t even do it. I’m still looking for articles in every corner. Are you still a human being?

In the circle of Linzi princes, this Yi Huaimin is also a maverick. He is a representative of the Lying Ping faction and a rising star who is expected to take over the mantle of Zhongxuan Mingguang.

Of course, he is still very young now and has not experienced the test of time, so he may not have the consistent spirit of Uncle Mingguang.

After all, the pace of life in Linzi is generally tense. Even the most decadent young people will occasionally get up and fight when they can't think about things.

Yi Huaimin, who was unattractive in appearance and did not inherit the appearance of his father at all, looked back with regret and said: "The auspicious time is almost over, so Marquis Wu An should stop hiding his clumsiness, right?"

Jiang Wang had already recognized the reality clearly at this time, knowing that he could not get through the nine-layered colorful door on his own, so he looked left and right for a while.

"Don't look back." Zhong Xuan Sheng, with a bright smile on his face, had already sent the message ahead: "Don't look at me. I don't know how to ask such a weird question. If I knew how, could I watch you suffer?

"The matter has come to an end... Today is my happy day, don't make me feel embarrassed." Jiang Houye suddenly caught a glimpse of Li Longchuan on the sidelines and quickly sent a message to ask for the answer.

Li Longchuan said nothing and made a bow-drawing gesture, indicating that I am a martial artist with an inheritance in the art of war and do not understand these things. Brother Jiang, you should hire someone else.

"" Jiang Wang looked at Yan Fu who was holding hands with Wen Tinglan and chatting. Regardless of whether he pretended not to notice or really didn't notice, there was a sudden sound transmission.

Yan Fu turned his head, looked at him sincerely, and suddenly raised his hands: "Come, let's cheer up Marquis Wu An!"

He applauded and shouted: "Marquis Wu An! Work harder!"

The crowd of onlookers was immediately moved, with thunderous applause and waves of cheers.

"Marquis Wu'an! Work harder!"

"Marquis Wu'an! Work harder!"

It is really……

So embarrassing.

Jiang Wang silently made a note in his mind, pulled off the sour bottle, raised his head and drank it, his face suddenly wrinkled with sourness.

"Marquis Wu'an is so heroic!!!" Li Longchuan took the lead in cheering.

The crowd roared with excitement.

"I'm here to help you, I'm here to help you." The little lady guarding the gate blushed and quickly took off the sweet bottle, opened it thoughtfully, and handed it to Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang was speechless for a moment, then took it and drank it.

Sweet...too sweet.

It's so sweet that your teeth seem to be falling one by one.

And the face that was originally wrinkled lifted up completely.

The sweetness temporarily overshadowed the sourness, and my stomach began to churn.

After finally swallowing this mouthful, the bitter bottle was handed over again. The young lady holding the transparent glass bottle looked at him expectantly - I was looking forward to seeing what kind of expressions Wu Anhou's face would twist.


"Chongxuansheng, Chongxuansheng, you have to remember what I have done for you."

Jiang Wang let out a long sigh and raised the bottle to drink again. Suddenly, there was a commotion in Doctor Yi's house.

I vaguely heard someone shouting——

"Hey, the bride is out! Come and see!"

"Why are you coming out at this time? Where are you? Where are you?"

Jiang Wang's voice-hearing fairy state quickly turned on, and he immediately caught the timid voice of Shi Shi in the noise: "I said he would be coming soon, but he didn't come soon. I thought he was lost, so I came out to look for him.

But the sound was soon cut off.

I think Dr. Yi didn't want people to hear that his daughter was so eager to get married.

Jiang Wang's expression suddenly changed: "What happened inside? Everyone be careful, I'll go take a look!"

With a wave of his hand, the bitter, spicy, and salty bottles were all shattered in an instant.

A man who was eager for justice and had the courage to take on the responsibility like the Marquis of Wu'an took the lead and rushed to the Yi Mansion. Suddenly, the strong wind blew away the rocks, and the bamboo tubes containing the examination questions disappeared in the chaos, leaving only the bare nine-layered colorful door.

The bridegroom officer passed through the palace at a smooth pace.

"it's okay no problem!"

The response from the Yi Mansion was also very fast. A butler immediately stood outside the door: "Everything is normal inside. It was just a cat that knocked over the vase. Guests, don't worry! Please continue to wear colors and pass through the door!"

"But this Caimen is in chaos!"

"Where are the question tubes? Why are the big question tubes missing?"

"Look for it, it was still here just now."

The crowd was chaotic, and several girls guarding the gate were looking for question boxes everywhere.

"Don't panic!" Yi Huaimin stood up at this time: "I remember all the questions!"

But as soon as the words came out of his mouth, he fell down.

Jiang Wang hurried forward, helped him up, and said with great concern: "Brother Yi, you are drunk!"

"I'm not telling you, Huai Min, you can eat as much as you like on weekdays. Today is a great day for your sister, why do you drink so much?" While complaining, he handed him over to the steward of the Yi Mansion: "Take your young master quickly.

Sober up."

Then he stood on the steps, turned around and waved: "Brother Sheng, hurry up, let's not miss the right moment!"

Chong Xuan Sheng had been smiling and watching Jiang Houye save himself the whole time. At this moment, he swaggered forward and stepped into the Yi Mansion to welcome his bride.

Yi Huaiyong, who was guarding the inner courtyard, had a completely opposite personality to that of Yi Huaimin. He was simple, dignified and unsmiling. His appearance was somewhat like his father's.

If you look closely at these two brothers, you will find that they actually have a lot of similarities between their facial features, but there are just some differences in details, which makes one of them handsome and the other mediocre.

He was not a person who would make a fuss, and his little sister almost rushed out of the boudoir to go to Zhongxuan's house just now, so he just went through the etiquette process in a disciplined manner and let him go with a smile.

As Luan Lang, Jiang Wang led the way, while Zhong Xuansheng walked slowly behind, greeting the relatives and friends of the Yi family. He was very good at this.

It made the atmosphere very warm.

Yan Fu, Wen Tinglan, and Li Longchuan were also crowding behind the bridegroom, making noisy noises. After passing the nine-layer color gate and drinking the five-flavored water, they seemed to remember that they were also part of the welcoming team, and the team all paid homage to the bride's fragrance.

Yi Xingchen, the best friend, specially asked monks from the Ministry of Industry to preside over it. He spent a lot of money to build a large-scale construction project in the mansion. In just a few days, he built this incense building. Compared with other ladies from Linzi families, it is not inferior at all.

After the marriage recognition ceremony, Shi Shi lived here. From now on, this would be her natal home, and she would come back to visit from time to time.

The team moved forward very smoothly, either throwing money or giving gifts, and it was unstoppable - until they met Li Fengyao, who was wearing a purple phoenix shirt.

Her tall figure is completely reflected in her body today, and the temperament that has been passed down from generation to generation is also born in her bones. Standing in front of the building, she is like stopping thousands of troops.

I don't know if it's the beauty or the intimidation.

The nobility embellished with phoenix patterns and shadows on the purple shirt can indeed only be used as an embellishment for her.

When Yi Xingchen's adopted daughter gets married, she must be accompanied by a phoenix girl of a certain status.

With Yi Xingchen's status, it would not be difficult for him to find some of the ladies of the family to send his daughter off.

However, I searched all over Linzi and found that there were not many people who could match the Luan Lang invited by Zhongxuan Sheng.

Chongxuan Sheng specially invited Li Fengyao to be the Feng Niang, just to support Shi Shi and prevent her from being wronged. Otherwise, he would rather ask Chong Xuanxin to be Luan Lang.

In terms of family background, talent, appearance, cultivation, and all aspects, even in Linzi, the capital of the Eastern Kingdom, there are not many women who can compare with Li Fengyao.

With Li Fengyao in charge, the bride indeed has no grievances.

The cheerful and aggressive welcoming team, as soon as they saw Li Fengyao, their momentum weakened by three points.

As a phoenix girl today, she should not be too frosty, so she also had a light smile on her face.

But that kind of momentum from the inside out makes people dare not be scornful.

Jiang Wang broke into Caimen and suppressed Yi Huaimin. He was so witty and majestic. When he saw Li Fengyao, he was also nervous for a moment.

Chongxuan Pang didn't say who Feng Niang was in advance, and Li Longchuan didn't say anything today. He was so busy as Luan Lang that he didn't think much about it. He thought Li Fengyao would go directly to Bowang Hou Mansion later.

What about the banquet?

According to the prevailing custom in Linzi, especially at the weddings of famous families, Luan Lang and Feng Niang always have to have some confrontations to show the confidence of the bride and groom and to show that this is a well-matched marriage.

There have always been literary and military fights.

Otherwise, how could the auspicious omen of the green and purple phoenix appear?

But Jiang Wang really didn't know how to compete with Li Fengyao in a battle of wits and courage, and he always felt a little inferior.

They had been together for a long time with Li Longchuan, who feared Li Fengyao like a tiger, and Xu Xiangqian, who had long been defeated by Li Fengyao. Facing Li Fengyao, they were born with insufficient momentum... It's all their fault for these useless young men!

However, Li Fengyao was very relaxed and natural, restrained his aura that usually kept people away from thousands of miles away, and looked at Jiang Wang with interest: "I'm here to test you.

The wedding team became very quiet.

Li Longchuanchuan, Yan Fu, and Wen Tinglan were all attentive, and Zhong Xuansheng tried his best to open his eyes wide.

Jiang Wang decisively clasped his hands together and bowed: "I have been playing monkey tricks for a long time outside, and I drank from the five-flavor bottle. I am still dizzy and my stomach is fighting. Sister Fengyao, please be merciful."

Li Fengyao looked at him quietly for a while.

It makes people feel sad unconsciously.

Suddenly he smiled softly, and the ice and snow melted: "Okay, you passed."

"Ah? That's passed?" Li Longchuan saw the excitement and didn't mind it, or because of today's happy day, he felt that his sister was a lot gentler,

He yelled in the team: "He hasn't taken any exams yet. The bride asked you to sit in the last test. You can't show favoritism!"

Li Fengyao looked at him with a smile: "I tested Jiang Wang just now on politeness. Now I'm going to test you on other things."

"No, it's none of my business." Li Longchuan shrank back as he spoke: "I'm not Luan Lang..."

Li Fengyao just said: "Come here."

How could Li Longchuan, who was known for his prowess and prowess, lose his dignity in front of so many people? He immediately told the people next to him: "Don't bother me, let me pass!"

The crowd moved aside tacitly.

He also walked out with high spirits: "Just take the test. Why should I, Li Longchuan, be afraid?"

A touch of jade belt, a pair of sharp eyes, and the aura of fighting alone.

Li Fengyao didn't even look at it, and just whispered to Jiang Wang: "You go in first, don't miss the opportunity, I'll just have a chat with Long Chuan."

The wedding team happily poured into the boudoir.

No matter Chong Xuan Sheng, Jiang Wang or Yan Fu, no one took a second look at Li Longchuan.

Of course, their ears were set very high, and no one could bear to miss the sound behind them. He was as good at hearing as the Marquis of Wu'an, and he even amplified Mr. Li's voice in the building.

"There were so many people just now, it's my fault. Sister, it's such a happy day."

"Ha ha ha ha…"

The crowd roared with laughter in the Xianglou of Yi Mansion.

So happy and happy.

This chapter has been completed!
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