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Chapter 1705 Sauvignon Blanc is shy to the weak

Saying goodbye to Ruan Yuan, he flew down to Wenjian Gorge alone. Holding the sword in his hand, Jiang Wangcai suddenly remembered that Yu Beidou had given him a sword a long time ago.

It's just that Yu Beidou's money was given by him himself. After turning it around, it came back to his own hand. It was very clean and smooth as new. He originally took the new money directly from the government office.

, keep it in the box for later use.

As for Ruan Yuan's coin, it was still a bit dirty. It looked like it had been circulating in the market for a long time.

Yu Beidou, who was unkempt, gave him a new coin after some processing.

The personable Ruan Yuan gave him an old coin.

Do all these fortune tellers like money so much?

Can you give the Yuan Stone directly next time? It is said that money can help the gods, but giving more will make it easier to cast spells, right?

But thinking about it this way, he was well aware of Yu Beidou's stinginess, but he didn't dare to make Ruan Yuan's jokes, and after all, he wasn't very familiar with him yet.

This time when I came to Jiange again, there would be no disturbance.

The master of the sword pavilion, Si Yu'an, did not know and had not returned, Sikong Jingxiao had not come out of seclusion, and the Wuxin sword master did not know where he was. The other disciples in the sword pavilion regarded him as nothing, neither insulted him nor greeted him.

Ning Shuangrong accompanied him up the mountain and then sent him down the mountain. On the Tiantianmen plank road, he only said goodbye.

Then the green clothes go up the mountain and the green clothes are far away, and the wind blows across the long gorge.

Ren Jiang picked up Chu Yao and Qianqian, took the white ox, and took Bai Yuxia with him. The group of people drove the ox cart and gradually drove away in the narrow Wenjian Gorge.

Speaking of which, Jiang Wang had gone back and forth to the Blood River Sect, and Chu Yao and Qian Xiang had become quite familiar with each other - after all, what child doesn't like an adult who lets him play freely?

Taking into account the physical conditions of Xiang Qian and Bai Yuxia.

The dignified Marquis Wu'an of Qi personally drove the car in front and let the carriage out for the two poor people who had been hung for several months to recuperate.

The young apprentice was sitting next to his master, asking all kinds of weird questions. Is the Blood River Sect in the river? Why don't we go back to southern Xinjiang with the fairy sister in green?

, Master, is he already number one in the world?

Jiang Wang also replied with a few words.

The curtains are rolled up.

Bai Yuxia meditated in an orderly manner, recuperating herself. She saw Qian Qian, who was leaning against the wall of the compartment, staring blankly at the outside of the compartment. In his eyes, there seemed to be the two back figures, one big and one small, and they seemed to be farther away.

I don't know what I'm thinking about...

This lethargic swordsman who just lays down as he pleases seems a little sad?

When he took a closer look, the pair of dead fish eyes had closed, his breathing became steady, and he quickly entered a sleep state.

It is indeed an illusion...

Bai Yuxia shook his head and looked out the car window. The experience after leaving Yue Country was something he had never experienced before. It expanded his life and made him feel a novelty. Even if he is free now, he still

I don’t want to go back to Vietnam again.

The kind of days when you are always demanding of yourself, the kind of time when every step and every goal is hanging in front of you... I am not as comfortable as when I was hanging on Tianmu Peak.

As the saying goes, "Lie down and think about it, and you will suddenly feel that the world is vast."

Counting the sword marks on the cliff aimlessly, he has now learned to be in a daze. The ox cart was about to leave the Wenjian Gorge, but suddenly he heard in his ears——

Ding, ding, ding, clang, clang, clang...

Countless sword sounds!

All kinds of swords, with sword sounds of different weights, rising and falling one after another in the Wenjian Gorge, playing a magnificent long song with a special melody!

"Oh my god, brother Niu, run faster!" Chu Yao shouted in fright: "They are coming to hunt us down!"

Bai Niu was already frightened in Jiange. He raised his hooves and tried to speed up.

But Jiang Wang casually held him down.

"Don't talk nonsense." Jiang Wang glared at Chu Yao.

But he did have some doubts about the current scene.

Okay, what's the purpose of the sword in this sword pavilion?

It’s not like we have to beat Mr. Sizhen when he is about to leave and say that he won’t show up anymore, right? How can this happen again and again? We must know that when we can’t bear it anymore, we will also “have consequences in the future.” of!

"It's Wan Jiange." Bai Yuxia, who came back to his senses, was both shocked and envious, with a complex expression: "According to the tradition of Tianmu Peak, if you are invincible when you ask the sword and sword pavilion, the sword pavilion should say goodbye with a sword song!"

"Oh, that's it." Jiang Wangfeng nodded calmly, as if he was completely unfazed.

After all, he had just come back from the Nie Sea, witnessed the battle at the Yan Dao level, and had contact with the existence vaguely above the extreme peak. What does such a small scene mean... Hahahahaha.

It was with great difficulty that I pressed back the corners of my grinned lips.

"Uncle Xiang! Uncle Xiang! Don't sleep now. Did you hear me?" Chu Yao danced at the side and said happily: "My master is so majestic! I follow my master, and I am so majestic!"

It was easy for him to accept Qiang Xiang's setting of claiming to be his master, after all, he was much older than his master.

He slumped forward in the carriage, without opening his eyes, and just hummed: "What a crappy song, I heard it many years ago. When my master brought me here, I don't know how much more powerful it is than you!"

Jiang Wang said nothing.

There is no white jade flaw either.

Only Chu Yao was unconvinced: "Call out Master You and compete with my Master!"


Jiang Wang conveniently gave him a headache: "Comparing with what? If you stay up all day long, you will only cause trouble for your master!"

Chu Yao pursed his lips in embarrassment.

Why can’t this master understand the good words? We are on your side!

The ox cart representing the Marquis of Wu'an of Qi slowly came out of Wenjian Gorge and returned to Southern Xia along the same route.

Xiang Qian fell asleep deeply in the carriage. Bai Yuxia adjusted her breathing and began to fall asleep as well.

The master and the apprentice were enjoying themselves while driving, as if they were on an outing.

But the oxcart went south and returned again, and back and forth. The atmosphere in Jin'an County has quietly changed.

Apart from the sudden emergency changes in Nie Hai and the current complex situation of the Blood River Sect, Jiang Wang's goal of traveling south has been successfully achieved.

First of all, Jiange has regressed. After the fellow monks were completely defeated by Jiang Wang, they said they would not interfere in the affairs of Jin'an County.

As for the Blood River Sect, there is no need for Jiang Wang to ask about the sword. The current situation of the Blood River Sect itself has no attitude at all.

Although Ruan Yuan said that the Blood River Sect’s true king-level combat power has never been eradicated, now that Huo Shiji has died in the battle, it is very likely that there is still a true king-level combat power that is embodied in special methods. But Huo Shi

The existence or absence of this is still closely related to the influence of the Blood River Sect.

At least the current Blood River Sect has absolutely no confidence to support Liang Guo in occupying Jin'an County.

Su Guanying's speed was extremely fast.

Before Jiang Wang left the Blood River Sect, the Governor-General of Southern Xia had already sent troops into Jin'an County on the pretext of tracking down the remnants of the Ping Dynasty, and asked Liang Jun who was guarding Jin'an County to cooperate in the arrest.

Huang Deyi, who personally controlled "Xiuping Mansion" in the Liang Kingdom, naturally did not want to do so.

But after Jiang Wang's trip, the wind direction had changed.

When Jiang Wang was taken to Niehai by Si Yu'an, the disciples of Jiange left the "Xiuping Mansion" first. Before Jiang Wang's ox cart drove out of Wenjian Gorge, the powerful Shenlin of the Blood River Sect who was originally stationed here

, also hurriedly left first,

How could Liang Guo dare to refuse the request of the Governor-General of Nanxia?

So when the ox cart that Jiang Wang was riding returned here again, he could occasionally see several teams of Qi people holding high the portraits of the protectors of the Ping Dynasty on the road——

Of course, it is impossible to catch any Equality Anglicans with this method.

But the people of Qi are looking for the murderer today and the thief tomorrow. After a few times, there is no need to do anything else. "Xiuping Mansion" will naturally become Jin'an County.

The Liang people were naturally dissatisfied and angry, but they were destined to have no choice but to do anything.

The general trend is overwhelming, and no one can save it alone.

These rangers were all from the southern frontier army. Those who could remain in the army after the disarmament were all selected from the best. After encountering the driver of the Marquis of Wu'an, they all took the initiative to follow the driver and escort the Marquis.


After entering the territory of Jin'an County, before walking dozens of miles, there were already more than 300 people following the ox cart.

Jiang Wang didn't show any high profile to them. He still held the carriage himself, and occasionally exchanged words with the cavalrymen who came up to say hello. He asked about their current treatment and how the retired brothers were doing.

Have you been allocated a field?

The nobles of the old Xia were wiped out, and Qi Ting's rule over Xia was based on benevolence. None of the nobles in the country came here to exploit them. In other words, they were the real heroes who participated in the Qi-Xia war, or more or less.

Some interests are less divided.

And the fertile land in southern Xinjiang is thousands of miles wide!

Daqi's surging national power can give the people of southern Xinjiang a sufficient sense of security. The distribution of thousands of miles of fertile land in one term can win the hearts and minds of the people.

After such a round of chatting, we can see that Governor Su has indeed done a good job, and most of the cavalry are satisfied with the status quo. The few who are dissatisfied are also concentrated in the military. However, disarmament is a major policy in southern Xinjiang, and it must be understood whether or not it is understood.


Jiang Wang also only explained some principles of recuperation and recuperation in a gentle voice.

To this day, among all the powerful impressions Jiang Wang had about the Qi State, the one that impressed him the most was still the scene when he arrived at the Qi State at the beginning of the year and saw ordinary people going on an outing at will.

There are no evil beasts, no evil spirits, and the sun is bright and clear.

The shock he felt at that time was something he would never forget.

If Maplewood City was still around, he wished the elders in his hometown could live this kind of life.

He has never learned the art of governing the country, nor does he understand the relationship between a strong people and a strong country. But I think if the people can live a good life, the country will not be much weaker.

In the middle of chatting.

From a distance, a cavalry force of nearly a thousand people came rushing towards them. Their horses' hooves as big as bowls advanced in unison, making the official road sound like a drum.

It's close in a moment.

The leader was a young man, wearing leather armor, carrying a long bow on his back, and a bright silver gun on his victory hook. As he looked around, he looked like a very charming person.

His voice was clear and clear, and he said from a distance: "But in front of Marquis Wu'an of Daqi?"

The Daqi cavalry that had been accompanying the ox carts had already spontaneously surged forward, blocking incoming visitors a hundred steps away.

Although there were less than three hundred in number, they were not an army, and they were not very familiar with each other. But they stood in front of them, and no one flinched.

Counting back a few days, when they were still the cavalry of the Xia State, they suppressed the Liang people so much that they did not dare to look north. If it were not for the Jiange Pavilion across the Wenjian Gorge, they would not have been to Biancheng many times.

Today we are the Qi army, and it is even more impossible to waste these Liang soldiers and horses.

The captain with the highest rank rushed forward and shouted angrily: "Since you know that Marquis Wu'an is here, you dare to lead the army to block the road!? What crime should be punished if you disturb the Marquis of Wu'an's carriage?"

Liang Guofang's leading young talent did not speak, but the person behind him, who was probably a deputy general, pointed his halberd and shouted back angrily: "This is Xiuping Mansion, the territory of Liang State, and the marquis of Qi State has no privileges here!"

"Really?" The captain of the cavalry who opened the way only asked this question, and then he drew his sword loudly and pointed forward: "Today I will escort the Marquis back to the house. Anyone who dares to block the way forward will be hit with my blade.

! Wait, do you want to give in or not?"

More than two hundred Qi soldiers drew their swords at the same time and shouted: "Give or not?!"

Although there were thousands of troops on the opposite side, they were frightened for a moment!

It’s not that Liang Jun is so weak that he is afraid of his opponent even though he is outnumbered three to one. It’s that the countries behind the two sides have different confidences. If a military conflict really breaks out between the two sides, neither of them will be able to withstand it!

Jiang Wang sat quietly in the driver's seat of the bullock cart and said nothing.

He sat here without speaking, already a flag in his own right, giving great courage to all the troops present.

The Marquis of Wu'an of Da Qi is here, what should we fear?

The Qi army present, with less than 300 rangers, took the initiative to advance!

At this point, Liang Jun also drew his sword.

In this tense atmosphere, the young man led by Liang Jun shouted loudly: "Don't you see our old friend on the river viewing platform, Marquis Wu'an?"

This person is none other than Huang Su, the direct grandson of Huang Deyi, the first-class Duke of the Liang Kingdom. He is also a genius who has obtained a spot in the main competition of the Yellow River Club.

So he said "old friend."

With Jiang Wang's eyesight, of course he had recognized it a long time ago, but only now did he say: "Let him come over."

Nearly three hundred knights carrying crossbows and swords separated into two columns and stared at this man with cold eyes, watching him ride alone towards Marquis Wu'an's chariot.

Huang Su was very aggressive when he came, but now he is riding a horse in the forest of swords, and his expression does not change.

But as Jiang Wang's calm face became more and more clear in his field of vision, even a young talent like him couldn't help but feel nervous!

A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

At the Guanhe Terrace back then, Jiang Wang was the number one imperial palace in the world, overwhelming all others in the same area.

Now, many years later, he is still polishing his skills in the inner palace, trying to get closer to the perfect God. But the other party's reputation has skyrocketed to the sky!

Even his grandfather Huang Deyi is not necessarily on an equal footing with this man.

He couldn't help but think to himself.

Why did he come?

Is that outrage reckless?

But no matter how you think about it.

The two sides are already close.

Since he has already come and blocked the road, he must not show any more cowardice. Otherwise, it will be Liang Guo's face.

Jiang Wang leaned against the car door casually and asked calmly: "Old friend on the river viewing platform...why are you asking me with swords?"

Huang Su calmed down, held the reins in one hand, and said on horseback: "Huang Su came here not to raise weapons. He was just excited when he heard the news about the Marquis during military training. He will not have time to disperse the troops."

He explained something like this, and then said: "We haven't seen each other for two years, and you and I are completely different, so we shouldn't bother you. But Huang Su really has questions in his heart, and he has to ask. He is really indignant, and he has to ask for answers! Still.

I hope the Marquis can forgive me!"

Jiang Wang, however, didn't care what questions or indignation he had, he just said in a low voice: "When I first came here, Liang Jun blocked the road with his sword, but my prince was guarding his honor, but I didn't care. I went to ask Jianxia

At that time, you had a prince named Kang Wenhao who led the army to block the road, but I didn't pay attention to it. The reason why I didn't care about it and ignored it was not that I was generous or that I had a good temper."

His voice raised slightly, like a sword showing off its edge: "It's just that Sauvignon Blanc is shy of the weak!"

There was some confusion on his young face: "Now that I am returning to Nanxia, ​​you will lead an army to block the way?"

This marquis, who established great military achievements in the Qi-Xia War, put one hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, leaned forward slightly, calmed his voice, and even asked gently: "People in Liang think Sauvignon Blanc is bad for you?


It comes like a landslide and a tsunami!

At this moment, Huang Su felt that he had been enveloped in boundless murderous aura, as if someone had strangled his neck, making his blood flow and breathing difficult. And the BMW under his crotch, which was given by Emperor Liang, suddenly heard a sound.

Hissing, he knelt down with all four hooves!



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