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Chapter 1725: Breaking bones into pens

That time was during a mission to track down a cult demon.

Before leaving Tangshe Town, Zhang Linchuan said this very casually.

Of course, he later found out that Zhang Linchuan himself was the leader of the evil cult they were tracking down at that time.

That trip to Tangshe Town also meant more testing and scrutiny. At that time, Zhang Linchuan's cold personality was hidden under the mask of 'Senior Brother Zhang Linchuan', staring at him coldly.

See how angry, how mad, how desperate he is.

Check out the hidden dangers for Bone Road's final actions, and there is a possibility of crushing him to death at any time.

These past scenes, when I think about them now, simply send chills down my spine.

But at that moment, when I heard Zhang Linchuan’s sigh.

He was truly silent.

At that time, he was thinking that a talent like Senior Brother Zhang, with such a good background and talent, was so anxious, so uneasy, and so eager about the future... What reason did Jiang Wang have to slack off?

That sentence and the mood at that moment were used by him to spur himself to work hard for a long time.

Looking back now, that unintentional sigh at that time was indeed Zhang Linchuan's mood.

He was indeed a person with such a sense of urgency, which is why he later fought for food from the tiger's mouth and competed with God. This is why the Wusheng Cult spread crazily in just a few years.

While he was developing Wu Sheng Cult, he also replaced Lei Zhanqian. There were countless escape routes he had laid for himself.

He has indeed not wasted a single moment of his time over the years.

Jiang Wang thought of this sentence at this moment, and seemed to understand Zhang Linchuan better.

Judging from the desire to become stronger, don't they have something in common?

Become stronger……

Jiang Wang suddenly had an idea in his heart.

Zhang Linchuan will not do meaningless things. The most important thing for Zhang Linchuan now is to restore his own true god state and even move forward to a higher place.

In the final analysis, strength is the basis for dealing with everything.

The four realms of gods are false gods, true gods, Yang gods, and respected gods.

Every time you step out, there is a difference between heaven and earth.

Zhang Linchuan was killed by the fierce butcher with a single sword, and now he can only be regarded as a false god, the Mao God.

The Wusheng Religion was destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of believers who once spread all over the world died, retreated, and were imprisoned. Based on his faith, he had no hope at all. Unless he was given a few more years to establish a new religion again

, makes a comeback.

So what did he do when he went to Wei?

First, he massacred a small town. Second, he provoked the Wei State with a blood letter and set off his personal revenge against a country.

Regarding the first point, if we connect it with the old incident of White Bone Road’s sacrifice to Maplewood City, and then with the human elixir incident that happened in Dan Kingdom, it seems that it is not difficult to figure out a context——

Zhang Linchuan is likely to regain his strength by killing people!

It may be a sacrifice, or it may be devouring, or it may be related to the mysterious inanimate world.

Regarding the second point, Zhang Linchuan used a blood letter to declare his evil deeds and threatened to retaliate against the Wei State. He had the courage to become an enemy of the world.

Just like Yin Guan achieved enlightenment through incantation. Does Zhang Linchuan possess some secret method of cultivating hatred? Will the more people hate him, the more power he can draw?

These are Jiang Wang's own speculations, and he is also thinking about his response to these possibilities.

At the same time, he promptly wrote letters about the latest news about Zhang Linchuan and some speculations based on it, and sent them to Chongxuan Sheng through the illusion of Taixu.

After all, "One person counts against one's shortcomings, while one who is fat counts against one's strengths."

Chong Xuan Sheng took an overview of the overall situation in Linzi and may be able to think more clearly.

Up to now, Jiang Wang had a certain understanding of Zhang Linchuan's lightning skills, Zhang Linchuan's magical powers similar to the "Seven Souls Substitute", and even the various things he showed in the Yanyun Mountain Underground Palace.

The most concerning and mysterious thing is always the inanimate world controlled by Zhang Linchuan alone.

So far, all the countries in the world have destroyed all publicly established sub-altars of the Wusheng Cult. The seventy-two earth evil messengers have all died. For example, the guardian Dharma King also died and hid. But

Still no one can explain clearly the specific situation of the inanimate world.

People only know——

All the divine graces of the Inanimate Religion are bridged with the inanimate world. However, Zhang Linchuan, as the god's master, has always only come unilaterally. The Inanimate Cultists are always looking forward to the inanimate world that will last forever after death, and have never revealed their true nature in front of the living.


Now it is not difficult to find that at the beginning of establishing Wusheng Sect, Zhang Linchuan was ready to cut off all believers.

Is it due to his cautious nature, or has he foreseen this day long ago?

The Wei State took over a small section of the Yellow River bank on the south bank of the Changhe River, and even included the entire river bank between the seventh and eighth towns of the Changhe River into its territory.

As the saying goes, "The beast is the gate of Wei, and the river is thousands of miles long."

When the current Wei Emperor was the crown prince, he made this sigh when he climbed up to the Wangjiang Tower. It is still praised by people of his time as the voice of a heroic ruler.

The Wei State and the Jing State faced each other across a long river, and the Longmen Academy was separated from the Song State. They looked to the east of Guxia and to the south of Xiongchu.

It can be said that we are in a place of four battles, with no weak opponents on all sides. Without a certain degree of strength, it is impossible to stand firm.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the people of Wei developed a fierce folk custom. Folks like to fight privately, and soldiers are often brave and fearless of death when they go into battle. Dongguo Bao's desperate fight on the river viewing platform is a glimpse of this.

Another special thing is that at a time when martial arts has not yet opened up a complete path, Wei is the first country to fully implement martial arts practice!

Almost all practitioners in this world will practice martial arts and temper their bodies before becoming extraordinary. However, the martial arts after becoming extraordinary has never been a smooth road, and it is still not a complete avenue.

Under the strong leadership of Wu Xun, Emperor Wei dared to be the first to promote martial arts as the mainstream of spiritual practice. This made Wei a special place among all the countries in the world.

However, the effect has not been very good. Since the comprehensive implementation of martial arts, Wei's national power has even declined.

Gein's current mainstream practice has been verified by history and has been perfected by countless strong men in the past. It has a profound foundation in various countries and regions. There are countless solutions to every practice pass.

The final journey of martial arts is still being explored, and the bumps and omissions along the way cannot be fully described. Which practitioner who is aspiring to the future is not afraid that he or she will take the wrong path?

Let’s take a look at the Yellow River Meeting in Dao Li 3919. Dongguo Bao and Yan Shaofei of Wei State were not martial arts practitioners. From this, we can see that Wei State’s choice was probably not solid enough.

However, the contemporary Wei Emperor was obviously also a dictatorial figure. He firmly believed that martial arts was the future and was unwilling to change national policy at all.

Wei Wuzu is a world-famous powerful army. Under the command of Wu Xun, it is powerful in the southern region. Wu Xun also firmly implements his own ideas. In recent years, he has gradually replaced all levels of officers with latent martial arts practitioners. It is necessary to build a strong army with all martial arts to match the name of "martial soldiers".

The replaced practitioners who stuck to the original path were all merged into another army. They were said to be trained as a strong army, but the actual resources were far less than those of Wei Wuzu.

After all, Wei's national power is there, how can it afford two powerful armies in the world?

In any case, Emperor Wei and the generals were very determined and could not be stopped by the government and the opposition.

The "Martial Arts Tongdian", compiled by Wu Xun himself and supplemented by the Emperor of Wei, is also popular in martial arts academies at all levels in the Wei State and has become a compulsory martial arts book for young practitioners in the Wei State.

If Wang Ao is the most recognized figure in martial arts in the world, then General Wu Xun of the Wei State, who was originally a military strategist, is a figure who is looked up to among the martial arts monks in the world.

The cultivation of one's body is no small matter.

So why does Chen Siwu think Zhang Linchuan is looking for death?

It can be said that as long as Zhang Linchuan meets this general, he will be unlucky and no one can save him.

Unless he could prevent Wu Xun from ever finding him, how could he do such evil things in Wei without leaving any traces?

Chen Siwu didn't think Zhang Linchuan had a chance to escape.

And Jiang Wang only felt that Zhang Linchuan's true purpose seemed to be only separated by a layer of window paper. It looked vague, but it was already close before his eyes.

The place where the accident happened this time is called Wansang Town.

Because the pursuit of Zhang Linchuan was well known to the whole world, Jiang Wang encountered no obstacles when entering the Wei Kingdom. It was not until he arrived in front of Wansang Town that he was stopped by the red-eyed Wei soldiers who had blocked the place.

So he passed on his name and waited for the generals of the Wei army to come and greet him.

Yan Shaofei went to the country with his sword, and Dongguo Bao died in the battle on the river viewing platform.

There are no outstanding figures in the younger generation of Wei State. Tan Wenqi, who appeared in front of Jiang Wang at this time, was a monk of Shenlin who achieved success at the age of forty-three. He is already sixty-seven this year - Under God's presence The person is really not qualified to handle this matter.

Achieving the Divine Presence at the age of forty-three is actually a genius-level figure. He has consolidated his peak state in his prime and will not fade until death. He is not a weak player in the Divine Presence. But compared to Jiang Wang, who has achieved the Divine Presence at the age of twenty, he is a peerless person. Compared with Tianjiao, his talent is not on the same level at all.

In the entire Wei State, when it comes to young geniuses, only Yan Shaofei, who traveled far away with the Proud Sword, can be compared with Jiang Wang. However, there has been no news about him since the Yellow River Meeting, and it is not known whether he is still alive.

Live in the world.

The world is too vast, and there are many stories that have no chance to be heard.

As soon as he saw Jiang Wang, Tan Wenqi came forward and said, "I, General Qin Wenqi, have been ordered by the general to seal off the scene of Wan Sang and verify the murder. Is Marquis Wu An here for the evil leader?"

This matter has indeed alarmed Wu Xun!

I don’t know where Zhang Linchuan got the confidence to commit such evil deeds in Wei State and meet Wu Xun’s pursuit?

"General, please express your condolences." Jiang Wang saluted and then went straight to the topic: "Is there any trace of the evil leader here, General Qin?"

Tan Wenqi said with shame: "I never caught that villain!"

After Qin Wenqi's narration, Jiang Wang finally knew what happened.

The Wansang Town was massacred. Tens of thousands of people were killed in the entire town, leaving nothing but chickens and dogs flying around. The Wei State only discovered the tragedy after a full two hours!

The people of the Wei Dynasty were fierce, and fights with weapons often occurred, and bloody corpses were often seen.

For the purpose of public security, every county in Wei State has patrols on patrol, and sometimes they also serve as temporary prosecutors to preside over neighborhood disputes.

In the Wei State, this kind of patrolling cavalry was very respected and was called "backer cavalry" by the common people. Only the best people in the yamen were qualified to be listed among them.

This time, the patrol came here and discovered the tragic image. They reported the matter to Wei Ting, but the local county guard was the last to know——

It shouldn't be like this.

Wei State is a country that stood firmly on the site of the Four Wars and built a great formation to protect the country. It is not a weak country or a small country.

Wansang Town is affiliated to Moucheng, and Moucheng is affiliated to Xinlan County.

The entire Wansang Town was massacred, and there was an immediate response from the Xinlan County Sheriff's Office. Those who held the Xinlan County Sheriff's Seal could definitely feel the loss of a large part of their popularity.

But on the day of the incident, the Sheriff of Xinlan County took his newly acquired concubine on a hunting trip in the outer suburbs, and his mind was not on the Sheriff's Seal, so he was not aware of it at all.

Of course, no matter how slight it is, the Sheriff of Xinlan County cannot ignore the change in his Sheriff's Seal. The only explanation is that his perception of the Sheriff's Seal has been manipulated in advance——

This is the typical Zhang Linchuan style. No matter how exaggerated and crazy he appears, on the inside, he is still very careful and calm in his actions.

Behind the massacre of a town of people and openly provoking the Wei State, he calmly arranged every link, leaving himself relatively ample time to escape.

It is by no means an easy task to manipulate the governor of Xinlan County. If you confuse the governor's perception of the seal, you can't hide it for too long.

Therefore, the evil deed done by Zhang Linchuan actually required very precise timing. It was definitely not a temporary act of venting anger.

Jiang Wang pondered for a moment: "Is it convenient for me to go in and take a look?"

Tan Wenqi did not hesitate and directly ordered his sergeants to lift the blockade and clear the way.

Wei is not a military empire, but its style is very militarized. Unlike those countries influenced by Confucianism, the imperial court is not as particular about respecting respect for the venerable. They have the courage to face their own mistakes - whether they change it or not, they will

It's another story.

Therefore, Tan Wenqi told Jiang Wang, a native of Qi, very frankly that their Wei soldiers had not caught the murderer at all. When Zhang Linchuan massacred the people, their county guard was hunting leisurely with his concubine.

Their inner pain, incompetence and anger, seriousness, they also reveal.

This was Jiang Wang's first visit to Wei State, and it had already left a deep impression on his heart.

The blockade of the military formation was lifted and Jiang Wang walked into Wansang Town. The first thing that hit his senses was the strong smell of blood. It almost made his sense of smell a mess.

It's so heavy, clear, and cruel.

An entire town, tens of thousands of people.

When they fall on the paper and listen to their ears, they are just numbers.

Smell it at the tip of your nose and see it in your eyes, it is a section of ordinary life that has been cut off.

As the saying goes, "What you lose in the east is what you gain in mulberry and elm." Wanmulg is really a very beautiful name. In the evening, the setting sun falls between the mulberry and elm trees, which is the meaning of this name. It is also the beautiful scenery that people should see at this moment.

But those who really gave them beautiful meanings are no longer here...

"All the corpses are left here. All the dead souls have disappeared. They should have been pulled into the inanimate world." Tan Wenqi walked next to Jiang Wang and said as calmly as a soldier could, "We initially suspected that

, Zhang Linchuan is using this to practice and achieve enlightenment through killing. In other words, this kind of thing is likely to happen again in the future. "

Jiang Wang said nothing.

In front of such a tragic image, all words are pale.

Qianyang's red eyes silently inspected every detail.

The people in Wansang Town all died in a very short period of time. Everyone's expression before death was very painful.

Many people vomited blood profusely before they died, and their eyes, ears, and noses had traces of very viscous blood, which is why they left such a strong smell of blood without being hurt by sharp objects.

Jiang Wang could probably imagine the scene when Zhang Linchuan completed the final arrangement and pulled out the souls of everyone in Wansang Town. Ordinary people simply couldn't bear the pain. The seven orifices were bleeding, the liver and gallbladder were broken first, and many people even suffered

It is to choose to commit suicide first...

Before that, Zhang Linchuan may have lived in this town for several days.

Perhaps he was already familiar with many people. He watched everything casually, and in the enthusiasm of the people in the town, he recovered from his injuries leisurely and prepared for action... and then at a set time

, perform the last step accurately.

"Who is this person?"

Jiang Wang saw a man with disheveled hair hanging from a flagpole on the street in the middle of the town.

Tan Wenqi didn't even look at the man, he just said: "The Sheriff of Xinlan County."

No matter how many reasons there are for the process and how difficult the enemy is to deal with, according to the laws of Wei, if he is responsible for his duties but fails to bear his responsibilities, thus delaying the best time to pursue the pursuit, the head of the Xinlan County governor will definitely not be saved.


Jiang Wang didn't look at him again, and only asked Tan Wenqi: "In such a huge Wansang Town, did Zhang Linchuan really leave no clues at all?"

Tan Wenqi said: "Our Criminal Division found twenty-seven clues that pointed to it, but in the end they all proved to be misleading."

The bloody battle in the Yanyun Mountain underground palace, the massacre in Sang Town in the late Wei Dynasty...

Zhang Linchuan's various actions seemed to be that of an evil lord who had reached the end of his rope and started to go crazy.

But in these specific and subtle details, you can clearly see that he is terrifyingly calm!

Jiang Wang asked again: "There are so many blood debts here, the blood is not yet cold, and the resentment has not been blown away by the wind! Can you please ask a divination master?"

Qin Wenqi did not conceal anything: "The general ordered the master of the Dragon and Tiger Altar to come here to perform hexagrams. Mr. Dongfang said that Zhang Linchuan not only has a holy body of white bones that is difficult to perform hexagrams, but also possesses some kind of magical power that can block cause and effect.

Jumping out of the mortal world, not in the cause and condition. Combining these two, even with his cultivation level, he can't predict it!"

There is also a strong person in the state of Wei who is a star divination master. He is the real master of Gua Tao, Dongfang Shi. He was appointed as a national master by the Emperor of Wei and presides over the dragon and tiger altar of Wei.

This person took action personally, which shows that Zhang Linchuan really angered Wei Guo.

It can be said that in the entire Wei State, except for the Wei Emperor who became Yan Dao, all the highest-level forces that can be mobilized have been mobilized.

But even Master Dongfang personally performed the divination and couldn't find Zhang Linchuan!

The only gain is to learn that Zhang Linchuan has an unknown magical power, which at least has the effect of "blocking cause and effect".

Zhang Linchuan's confidence in coming to Wei to seek death is probably from this!

Jiang Wang was silent.

In front of his eyes, he seemed to see again the Zhang family's talented man who fought for Fenglin in the Three Cities Forum and was struck by thunder and fell to the ground...

Everything is disguise.

Zhang Linchuan, Zhang Linchuan, how many more surprises do you have for me?

Tan Wenqi looked over.

This look is typical of the Wei style, straight and straight.

Jiang Wang actually understood what that meant.

The place in Wansang Town is no different from the previous places like Savage Forest and Yanyun Mountain Underground Palace. The blood is still very fresh and there are too many people who have died. It is still possible to trace the cause.

It's just that Master Dongfang failed to capture that possibility, and others may not have failed.

There are not many people in the world who can master the Eastern Master in Gua Guan.

Jiang Wang happened to know two of them.

One is Yu Beidou, who has the best computing power among real people in the world, and the other is Zheng Ruan Yuan, the Heavenly Supervisor of Qi State.

Even Yu Beidou is not safe, because Master Dongfang is also a real person of Gua Dao, but he has found nothing in Wansang Town. The White Bone Holy Body is the ultimate method.

Tan Wenqi hoped that he, the Marquis of Wu'an of Qi, could ask Ruan Yuan to take action!

But what kind of person is Ruan Yuan?

Qin Tian Jian is a state-level existence. He is observing the stars all the time. He guards the destiny of the country, focuses on the world, reads history, and predicts the future. He is in harmony with the fortune tellers of the world's hegemons.

Fighting method.

Not everything can move him.

No one can disturb him.

What you think is a big deal may be like a breeze to someone on another level.

This is the reason why there was a divine genius in Jing State who was killed by Zhang Linchuan, but the True Lord of Gua Dao in Jing State did not do any divination.

How valuable is the computing power of such people?

How can he be so virtuous and capable?

Killing a god-level cult leader is like killing a chicken or a dog in this world, so why would you use such a knife to slaughter the world?

In particular, he had no relationship with Ruan Yuan before, and there is no deep friendship now. They only worked together briefly on the Qixia battlefield and in southern Xinjiang.

Ruan Yuan gave him a sword coin, but that was for the secret of the Floating Land World and did not involve anything else.

What's more, hexagrams have always paid attention to the reciprocity of cause and effect. There is no free hexagrams. If you don't use money, you may have to pay for something more valuable.

At the beginning, Yu Beidou calculated that he was disabled after a bloody battle in Duanhun Gorge.

If a divination master of Ruan Yuan's level is asked to take action, what price can he pay?

And he knows better.

No matter how terrifying Zhang Linchuan behaves now and how shocking the things he does are, he has accomplished these incredible things at the expense of constantly exposing himself.

The more Zhang Linchuan is exposed now, the greater his chances will be when he is eventually caught.

He has become the enemy of the world, and the more he struggles, the more he has no place to stay.

He could completely ignore Zhang Linchuan's ups and downs, and just continue to track him slowly, steadily advance, and seize a more certain victory in the end.

But facing the eyes of Qin Wenqi, an unfamiliar Wei general, he just said: "I will write a letter and ask the general to send it to the Nanxia Governor's Mansion through Wei channels. But will Ruan Jianzheng agree?" , I’m not sure either.”

Tan Wenqi pounded his breastplate: "That's enough. No matter what the hexagram resources required for the Grand Master to make a move, Wei is willing to pay for it!"

At this moment, I held my palm as a platform, gathered blood as ink, and used the bones of Xinlan County Sheriff as a pen... I personally handed Jiang Wang his pen and ink.

"When a thief commits evil deeds, he is fully responsible. Cause and effect are intertwined. If you take this as a book, a great master may be able to divine it!"

Wu Xun was obviously really angry and gave Tan Wenqi enough authority, even saying "No matter how much hexagram money is, I will pay for it".

Jiang Wang did not hesitate, he just picked up the pen and finished it with one stroke.

He understands that the general trend is on his side and time is on his side. The more he knows, the fewer opportunities Zhang Linchuan has.

But if this "knowing" can be achieved at the expense of more people, then he would rather not be so sure.

Seeing the corpses of these innocent people who were slaughtered in front of them, resentment almost gathered in the clouds, and there was a possibility of a divination.

Then he should seize this possibility.

With his current status, he adds weight to these lives.

If Ruan Yuan doesn't agree, then he will ask Yu Beidou to take action again, even if his limbs are broken again.

As for the price Ruan Yuan should pay if he agrees to the hexagram...

He will give to those who can give, and he will find a way to give to those who cannot.

In short, Zhang Linchuan must die and cannot live another day!

Today there are 6,000 words, one of which is an update for Ashigan Creditors Committee. (5/10)

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