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Chapter 1777 Lord of Hell, Lord of Yama, God of Assassins!

Chai Asi has been gone for a long time.

In the quiet room, Yuan Laoxi sat alone for a long time. He was once young, and he had many plans for the future, but after all, plans could not keep up with changes.

He has aged step by step and given in step by step, hasn't he?



The voice of daughter Yuan Xiaoqing sounded outside.

Yuan Laoxi's confused and painful old eyes suddenly flashed with sparkle, and with agility that was definitely not in line with his physical condition, he suddenly rushed out of the room, and immediately rushed out of the paper door, blocking the demon pattern behind him, his face almost furious.

Nearly twisted: "Who asked you to come here? How many times have I told you! Get up here!"

Yuan Xiaoqing was stunned to death.

I was stunned for a moment, then ran up the steps crying.

Of course she knew that this was a forbidden area that her old father had repeatedly warned not to approach, but she just saw that Chai Asi had been away for so long and her father had not heard anything, so she went down to take a look worriedly.

She didn't expect that her old father, who was never willing to say a harsh word to her, would get so angry.

After his daughter left, Yuan Laoxi suddenly turned around, knelt down in front of the paper door, touched his forehead to the ground, and said humbly: "Great Night God, please forgive Sin Slave... Sin Slave's daughter did not come here intentionally to offend.

, please forgive me! The young dog demon just now is very powerful, and the sin slave has already thought of a way to help you develop him into a servant of God."

In the cramped Shinto space, Jiang Wang, who was left with a Six Desires Bodhisattva sitting here, couldn't believe it.

He watched the conversation in the quiet room just now in the red makeup mirror and felt that Chai Ah Si had made rapid progress and his acting skills were remarkable. Unexpectedly, Yuan Laoxi was even more proficient.

Knowing the existence of demons and ghosts, of course he would not believe in Yuan Laoxi like Chai Asi did. But he never expected that Yuan Laoxi, who had vowed to talk about cooperation and said "You are not a thing in the pond", would actually come from the beginning.

Wei just wants to develop divine servants for the demons and ghosts he serves.

This incident made him more vigilant and self-reflective.

Every living being in the world has its own independent thoughts, and must not be underestimated. When Zhuang Chengqian deceived gods and ghosts, and the Bone Evil God had a son in a century, these two were fighting each other, but they never regarded him as Jiang Wang.

Opponent, what is the result?

Today, Jiang Wang is hiding in a red mirror pretending to be an ancient demon god. Can he really think that he knows everything and is in control of everything?

If you lie to the little demon, you must not also lie to yourself!

Seeing that Yaogui didn't speak for a long time, Yuan Laoxi was obviously a little panicked: "Master Yaogui, are you hungry? I'll ask them to prepare blood food. I'll go right away!"

In the strange paper door painting, a voice suddenly sounded: "No need."

The timbre of this voice was exactly the same as before, but the feeling given to Yuan Laoxi was completely different from the violent, bloody, and crazy feeling of the past, but instead was profound, lofty, and mysterious.

Yuan Laoxi became even more nervous and started to kowtow: "If you don't want to wait, you can eat the blood of the sin slave. The sin slave has been prepared for you at any time. Please forgive my daughter, she is

I am lazy and greedy but my cultivation is poor. Eat me, eat me, great Night God!"

"You misunderstood, Lao Xi."

Jiang Wang devoured Yaogui's magical power and obtained some of Yaogui's fragmented memories. He also had some understanding of Yaogui's relationship with Yuan Laoxi.

At this time, he sighed and began to make up a story: "Actually, I am not a night god."

Of course, Yuan Laoxi knew that the demon ghost was not a night god, but a being who could truly be called a night god. How could his preaching methods be so rough and cruel? But he did not dare to face the situation where the demon ghost revealed his true identity - he was already so brutal now. If he pretended to be everything,

If you don’t pretend anymore, what’s the point?

"You are the God of Night, and you will always be the God of Night in the heart of the sin slave. You will sleep forever at night, and your sin will be on all living beings. I will always worship you and be pious!" He almost burst into tears, showing his true feelings.

Fortunately, Jiang Wang was in the dark, and he was still able to catch the scene because of his mental arithmetic but not his heart: "I have indeed gone through a period of confusion, cruelty, and lack of wisdom. That is because I was injured in the chaotic war in Tianwaitian.

The origin, the intelligence has been dormant for a long time. The instinct to restore the divine body, mixed with the urge to forage, gave birth to that ferocious demon ghost consciousness, so that is why you have experienced all kinds of things... those are not the real me.

Just now, your true love for your daughter echoed the kind thoughts scattered in the long river of time, penetrated time and space, awakened me, and I returned from this.

Lao Xi, you are the biggest contributor to my return to the demon world and my reign in the nine heavens!"

Of course, Yuan Laoxi is not as easy to fool as Chai Asi. He hesitated and said: "You just talked so much, are you tired? Do you want to drink some blood?"

"You must remember!" God's voice was full of majesty: "I have restored my wisdom, killed the nightmare in my heart, and will never eat blood again."

Yuan Laoxi fell to the ground again: "The guilty slave is terrified!"

"There is no need to call yourself a sin slave from now on." God's voice turned compassionate again: "Believing in this God and preaching the right way, what sin is there?"

While he was talking, a faceless wooden statue jumped out of the Shinto space and hung in mid-air.

This statue was pale in color and remained fixed in the sky. A strange power spread out, causing Yuan Laoxi to feel chilled unconsciously.

And the voice of God said: "This is the statue of the original God, acting on behalf of the world, and there is no sin in kowtow!"

Jiang Wang had already thought about the idea of ​​preaching in the demon territory. After unexpectedly encountering this demon, he seized the opportunity and immediately made up his mind.

He is now deep into the enemy's territory, and looking around, there are strong monsters everywhere who can kill him with a single move. He can't make a single mistake, the situation is too dangerous.

It's really not reliable to bet everything on Chai Asi. Greed, greedy, foolish, slippery, lustful, cowardly, this kid has it all, and it takes more than a day to train him.

It is undoubtedly a feasible way to establish a self-religious religion and spread it in the territory of the demon clan.

Shintoism is already prevalent in the Monster Clan, and there are many miscellaneous gods. He secretly preaches the religion and does not attract much attention. If the mission is successful, he can use Shintoism as a possibility to tolerate mistakes and increase the chance of survival in the Monster Clan's territory.

His plan was to use objects to create gods and pretend to be in harmony with Taoism, that is, to use gods that were not linked to his own destiny as beings to receive faith. In the era of great prosperity of Shinto, many people who did not practice Shinto fought with magical weapons and generals.

This is what monks do.

This is of course not as fast as absorbing the incense yourself, and it is also a huge waste of faith.

But the advantage of this is that once this religious cult is targeted and traced by someone, it cannot be traced to him. The ultimate source is just a lifeless divine statue. And if the divine cult is established, if something happens to him

, you can also rely on the accumulated power of faith to immediately switch to Shintoism.

Of course, he is not proficient in Shinto.

But fortunately, I had Dugu Xiao's religious experience and many preparations to deal with Zhang Linchuan. I tried and thought about it, and finally found a feasible method.

He really didn't have any Shinto stuff around him, and it was too late to make it now, so he had to make do with Zhang Linchuan's sacred sculpture.

When wiping out the Wusheng Cult, he captured quite a few of these things, like nothing else. He also kept one, which he often used to figure out Zhang Linchuan's path and choices.

Even though it was a life-and-death feud, now that the fate of his life was gone, he had to admit Zhang Linchuan's strength and learn from Zhang Linchuan what was worth learning from him. All the opponents he had defeated would help him move to greater heights.

of stone steps.

Yuan Laoxi kowtowed to the sound and made a sound on the ground.

No matter what kind of madness this evil god suddenly goes crazy, it is better not to eat blood food than to eat blood food, and it is better not to do evil than to do evil.

During this time, I was looking for blood everywhere, and I was almost targeted by the police several times.

He was almost sucked dry himself!

Moreover... this sudden appearance of the divine statue does have an extraordinary sense of power. It makes the words of this god a little more credible.

The gods have also become unfathomable, obviously much stronger than before!

Maybe he really has awakened?

By the power of father’s love?

Yuan Lao Xi may not believe much in others, but he knows how much he cherishes his daughter. If this love can move people, it would not be surprising if he thinks about it.

He shouted: "Kowtow to God!"

At this time, the voice of God said: "Ape Laoxi, as the first believer after my resurrection, are you willing to be the Pope of my Tao, promote my Tao, and expand the territory of my Kingdom of God?"

Yuan Laoxi did not hesitate: "Sin slave...your divine servant is willing to dedicate everything to you!"

There is indeed nothing to hesitate about. Isn’t it just courting death to hesitate now?

Besides, the pope sounds better than the sin slave...

He fell on the ground and said: "Great God, you have abandoned the title of Night God, how should I call you God's name now?"

The great god was momentarily stuck and silent for a moment.

The Shinto plan was launched in a hurry, and I really didn't have time to think about this.

Of course, Yuan Laoxi's feeling is that it is unfathomable. Ancient stories are buried in time, and when they are reviewed, some dust will inevitably fly up. This is called "vicissitudes of life".

The vicissitudes of God's voice said: "Do you know... the myths and legends of the Ten Palaces of Yama?"

Yuan Laoxi hesitated again and again: "This seems to be a legend of the human race?"

He may not have heard of other human legends, but the myth of the Ten Palaces of Yama is really spread too widely. Now they sometimes have fights on the road, and they will also say, "The King of Hell told you to die at the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch?"


The voice of God said: "The demon clan is the beloved of heaven and earth and the master of this world. The human race is just a learner and imitator of our demon clan."

After shouting a slogan, he started to get down to the topic: "Lao Xi, this is an ancient secret. It comes from my mouth and enters your heart. It cannot be passed on to others.

The Ten Palaces of Yama is actually the myth of our demon clan. No, it is history.

You know our demon clan’s heaven, but do you know our demon clan’s hell?

In the glorious age, heaven controls the sky, hell controls the earth, and together controls all heavens and all realms. However, the former needs to be prominent, while the latter needs to be hidden. Reincarnation is hidden quietly, turning around heaven and earth, so it is not known to the world."

"Reincarnation Jingzang" is a word in "Chaocangwu", describing a weapon. "Zhuanzhuan Tiandi" comes from the Taoist classic "Jingxu Xiang'er Ji", which actually describes the Yin and Yang diagram.

But the ancient god surnamed Jiang mixed them together very naturally, and it can be regarded as a mixture of hundreds of schools to a certain extent. He must have some common topics with Zhao Wuyan.

"During that painful period...the glorious era was shattered, the demon clan's heaven collapsed, and the demon clan's hell also collapsed in the unyielding struggle.

The bull-headed and horse-faced warriors, all of whom were top warriors from the Ox and Horse clans, fought to the death. Judge Meng Po also failed to survive. They fought bloody battles in hell for thousands of years and resisted to the death. In the end, not even an inch of the underworld was left... because of 'Reincarnation Jingzang'.

'Therefore, this epic and tragic story can only be buried in history!"

The more Jiang Wang talked, the more he said, and he began to believe what he said: "Now all the ten palaces of Yama have fallen, and each one died more miserably than the last. Only I still have a little bit of true spirit left. With the help of my supreme magical power, I have been reincarnated and rebuilt. Today,

Wake up! And it is destined to lead the demon clan to rise again and become great again!"

Yuan Laoxi was in awe. Regardless of whether it was true or not, at least this Yama God told stories well and made big cakes. He was much more ferocious than the previous one who was clamoring for blood food every day. It seemed that it was true.


Even if he is not the King of Yama, he is at least a beast, right?

Ox head or horse face.

"So...which one of the gods of Yama are you?" Yuan Laoxi asked in awe.

Fortunately, he didn't ask how the true spirit could be rebuilt, otherwise the great god would have told him the story of the transformed senior Guanyan.

Faced with this question, the voice of the great god became louder and louder. The vicissitudes of life took Yuan Laoxi through the long years and recalled the glorious era hidden in time: "When I was at my peak, I was in charge of the bottom of the sea.

The [Big Screaming] Hell under the Wojiao Stone in the north, and the sixteen smaller hells around it, such as often kneeling on iron sand, grinding and bleeding, holding fire and shutting the throat... peeling skin and pulling grass!"

"I control fire, I control wind, I control life and death!"

God's voice suddenly became loud and powerful, with a power that shook my heart.

Yuan Laoxi had to admit that at this moment, he was really moved. He felt deeply in awe, immersed in fanatical emotions, and just wanted to worship.

God's voice is like a thundering drum: "I am the King of Bian City! The Lord of Hell, Lord of Yama, and God of Assassins!"

Yuan Laoxi fell to the ground and cried bitterly: "Great God! Today I know how great you are, and the demon world thanks you for your return! Your servant will never regret his own life, nor will he slack off for a day. He will do his best for the rest of his life.

Able to spread your glory and spread your greatness, so that you can return to the kingdom of God as soon as possible, reach the peak again, and save my demon clan!"

The God of Assassins was satisfied that the impact on his emotions had faded away, and said solemnly: "If you come under my throne and become my Pope, how can you regret being disabled? When I regain my divine power, I will definitely make you a god and make you completely obedient.

If you have the whole tail, you will enjoy eternal life!"

Yuan Laoxi has been alive for so many years and has long been accustomed to hearing about painting cakes. Therefore, although he is still feeling the excitement, he is not very moved.

But the next moment, a fire mark suddenly appeared, imprinted on his eyebrows, and imprinted into the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness!

This is……

"This is my divine seal! It is part of my power to control the power of fire. Now it is bestowed upon you. When you encounter a critical moment of danger, chant my name and pray to me, and you can mobilize my divine power to burn the enemy.


Feeling the real power in the fire mark, Yuan Laoxi really believed it at this moment!

This divine seal of King Bian Cheng can actually achieve an effect similar to that of Yao Zheng's growth and development of magical powers!

What a magical method is this? How powerful is this?

He knelt down devoutly and asked the last question: "What name should our sect use to walk around the world and spread your great glory?"

The pale white faceless statue was suspended quietly in the air.

The voice of the great god said: "Let's call it the Faceless Cult."

"You and I both have no face, so we will be wiped out by all sentient beings!"

This chapter has been completed!
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