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Chapter 1812 Five Hundred Years of Lan Kes Son

Jiang Wang in the mirror world silently watched the replay of all this in the Land of Gods. He finally realized what Chong Xuan Sheng and the others had said. When he competed with Huang Relic for the leadership at the Yellow River Meeting, he faced

Huang Sheli's "sudden surrender" showed the kind of astonishment...the clumsiness in the eyes of the audience.

I originally thought that the two scenes were really one scene, with the beginning and end being the same, but different in details.

But then the big hand of golden light appeared, "The Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Sayings" revealed its strangeness, Spider Lan Ruo killed the spider ferocious, and Spider Yi appeared!

A big drama, with ups and downs, twists and turns at the end.

Zhu Lanruo said that the chess player represented by the big golden hand had indeed moved time, but the time was incomplete and the cause and effect was incomplete...

"What do you mean?" Chai Asi asked the Lord in his heart: "Did something happen that I don't know about?"

"Silence." The great ancient god said: "You will understand after reading."

The great ancient god himself seemed to understand. What he was more concerned about now was how the third chess player moved the time.

This involves eleven monsters and a repeat of the entire space surrounding the Fountain of Youth.

And the land of Shenxiao is such a special place!

The other party has not even shown up yet, and has completed such time retrieval from a distance. If it were all done by oneself, what kind of terrifying power would it be?

At least he can't imagine it yet.

In his opinion, if Spider Lanruo beheaded Spider Hie, he also wanted to trace the source and see if the chess player was hiding in the competing team. The falling head of Spider Hie had proved otherwise.

Hu Taisui's earlier attempt to enter the Land of Shenxiao failed, which may also be evidence - the Land of Shenxiao does not allow existences of the level of heavenly demons to come in person, at least not at this stage.

He probably understands.

Now the time in the land of Shenxiao and the demon world are no longer synchronized at all.

The heavenly demons gathered outside Moyun City cannot find their way here for the time being.

Only through some special connection with Spider Lanruo—or some innate magical power—Zhu Yi came to Spider Xi's body and exerted his power here.

Probably the Spider Beast itself exists as such a power channel in the Spider Family's chess game... but now it is just used for its own purposes.

The Heavenly Spider Empress, who was in charge of the Tianxi Wasteland, asked about the origin of the golden hand, which especially surprised the demon kings present.

Outside of Gunan Mountain and Black Lotus Temple, there really are no powerful Buddhist sects in the demon world. They are just small temples, and any demon king present can probably wipe them out.

Looking at the monks in this world, who else can compete for the Zhiwen Bell?

Could it be...that he was the legendary Dharma King Xiangmi who wrote "The Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Sayings"?

Let me briefly describe the difference between Gunan Mountain and Heilian Temple.

Ancient Nan Mountain is - the glorious era has been shattered, and a new glorious era will be born. The sun is setting in the west today, and the sun will be more intense in the future.

Black Lotus Temple is - Dawn will never come again. But we can create a new world in the dark.

It is not difficult to find that they are all pessimistic about the current situation.

This is closely related to the history and current situation of the demon clan.

Buddhism is a teaching taught by outsiders, but Buddhism in the demon world is rooted in the local area.

Just like the Kulong Sect, they regard the demons in the demon world as natural prisoners.

Thanks to the efforts of the sages of the demon clan in the past generations, this big world is infinitely vast and growing, but it is indeed blocked.

A Gate of Ten Thousand Demons has locked the entire demon world for many years.

The powerful human beings in this world can easily travel to all the heavens and worlds.

If the powerful demon clan wants to leave the demon world, they must either go through the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons or swim across the Sea of ​​Chaos to reach the outer world.

The Sea of ​​Chaos is the mystery of the universe and the end of all chaos.

No top, no bottom, no left or right, no past, no future, no boundaries.

It is impossible to set up a beacon at all, it is impossible to determine the direction, everything is confused, and the dangers are endless. No matter what kind of strong person, there is a possibility of being trapped in it.

I don’t know how many powerful Heavenly Demons have always wanted to open up a way out for the Demon Clan, but have been lost among them.

Whether it is the Buddha of Ancient Nan Mountain or the Buddha of Black Lotus Temple, they were both born in the soil of the demon world, and they both sought the possibility of redeeming the demon clan on the road of spiritual practice.

But the golden hand that appeared in the land of Shenxiao at this time belonged to the third type of Buddha.

The golden light is as bright as the Buddha's light in the ancient Nanshan Mountain, but it is more vibrant, like spring grass growing in the wild. Like the Buddhist charm of the Black Lotus Temple, it was born in the end of Dharma, but it is obviously more promising.

The original Dharma King Xiangmi was also different from King of Light Tathagata and Demon Master Tathagata, who walked alone in the world...

But Dharma King Xiangmi has really passed away!

There is a clear record in the "Taikoo Jing Zhuan". This matter has been witnessed by many heavenly beings, and there is no way it is false.

Could it be that Dharma King Xiangmi still has true disciples in this world?

But it was clear that he never established a religion or taught disciples in his whole life, and he practiced hardship alone. All he learned in his life was in "The Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Teachings"!

Lu Qishilang was born with inspiration, and he felt at a loss for a while.

At this moment, the golden light that fills the sky, the golden hand holding the Zhiwen Bell, is in a stalemate with the spider threads that weave the sky and the earth.

The soaring "Buddha Says Fifty-Eight Chapters" on the spider's body is in a deadlock with the spider's hand that is holding it tightly.

His own "Buddha's Fifty-Eight Chapters", which he had quickly released in anticipation of the danger, was now hanging high in the air, fixed in the center of the spider's web.

The one who received the same treatment was Chai Asi's book "The Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha".

Compared to him, Chai Asi let go earlier and more decisively. Does this mean that Chai Asi had already foreseen what was happening before him?

Two scriptures shine high in the sky, one in the southeast and one in the northwest, calling out to the one in the headless spider's hand.

But time and space are locked, and Zhu Yi has questions.

Don't let the Buddha's light connect, don't let the thieves escape from the sky!

In the dark, a sigh sounded——


This sigh seems to reach the bottom of the listener's heart. It sighs out endless past events and endless regrets!

The voice seemed to be ringing in the ears, and it seemed to be ringing anywhere in the sky and on the earth. Those who were predestined could hear it, and those who were not predestined could not enter.

The voice said: "Since Spider Heavenly Lord chooses to take action at this time, he certainly knows the poor monk, so why should he ask questions knowingly?"

A resonance was born in the body of the headless spider.

It is a kind of resonance with this world due to the [Causation] of the Spider Family's blood here. Through this resonance, a sound that is close to the principles of Tao comes out.

Of course, it is graceful, noble, and has Zhuyi's unique self.

The voice responded: "Although there are some guesses, after all, I cannot be completely sure. Master should know that I took action at this time, making a huge sacrifice and paying a lot. Why not be compassionate and save the world, solve the doubts in front of me, and relieve the regret in my heart?"

The mysterious voice said: "Recite my name, and you will have no regrets!"

These eight characters really have a majestic feeling.

Although the sound is not loud, it seems to touch the peak of the sky and reach into the clouds.

Looking across the universe, how many people can say this in front of Zhu Yi?

"Before this, I am still not clear about some specific details. Master, can you clear up the confusion?" The sky is full of spider silk like jade silk, constantly blocking and killing more possibilities. The voice belonging to Zhu Yi said: "For example... you are

How to set the local time?”

The voice in the darkness didn't mince words, and actually answered: "At the end of ancient times, the demon tribe made a lot of efforts to counterattack.

For example, a time treasure ship was built, carrying many powerful people, and wanted to return to the glorious era of the monster race and erase the rise of the human race in advance... Later, it was crushed in the long river of time.

In this land of the divine sky, there is this wreckage called 'Flying Light'. Although it has decayed, there is still something magical about this place.

The poor monk just found the wreckage of the flying light, turned the rudder, and turned the wheel of the world.

Only then can we go back in time here and let everything start again.

Confusing the time in the land of Shenxiao, the land of Shenxiao and the demon world are not in the same frequency, and the time connection is lost.

Make the donor laugh...

The poor monk is old, the treasure ship is decaying, the cicada's dharma fate cannot be moved, and the power of the two masters, Ji Xingkong, has created loopholes in the repeated story, leaving a gap for you to enter here."

"This is the world left behind by the legend of my demon clan, and I have been planning this for many years. But I don't know where the remains of Fei Guang are!" Spider Yi's voice was filled with wonder: "But the master is able to see through its secrets and draw its power.

Come and tell me the history! Your practice really shocks me!"

Hearing this, Lu Qilang frowned, and his heart was filled with turmoil.

Why do you hear this... This third-party Buddhist strongman is not a demon clan? But "The Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Word" was passed down by Dharma King Xiangmi, and it is a clear Buddhist scripture from the demon world. How can a guest from outside the world know that?

Use this layout?

"The donor is joking." The voice in the dark said: "It's just because this place is special... If it wasn't like this in this world, how could this poor monk come?"

The headless spider's five ferocious fingers, with white joints, almost sunk into the cover of "Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Sayings", creating an indelible dent. This shows the fierceness of the fight between the two sides.

But Zhu Yi's voice was still very calm, with a hint of suddenness in it: "Five hundred years ago, the Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Speech were stolen from Tianyao Pavilion, and a total of twenty chapters were leaked out of the imperial city.

Martial law was imposed in the ancient imperial city, but it was later discovered that it was the actions of the Goulian Demon Clan in Qinxumi Mountain... At that time, a great Bodhisattva of yours had already been killed.

But only seven chapters were recovered, and thirteen chapters were missing.

We generally think that you, Mount Sumeru, have already sent it back. How can a great Bodhisattva get thirteen chapters? At that time, Qiguan should have left the book in the Five Evils Basin, asking you to come back and exchange it.

I didn't expect that you didn't send these thirteen chapters away at that time, but scattered them in the demon world and hid them in the city.

Come to think of it...just for today?"

Jiang Wang, who was in the mirror world, felt something was wrong the more he heard it, and he stood up suddenly.

He originally thought that this land of God's Sky would be a battle between the powerful men of the Demon Clan. He was also happy to see the Demon Clan's internal strife and sit back and watch them overturn the chessboard.

But how come a Mount Sumeru pops up?

Is it the Sumeru Mountain I know?

That smelly donkey pen where Master Kujue once said he would take me to play? Oh no, it was the brother sect that Master Kujue once said he would take me to visit, the Western Holy Land of Living Buddhism?!

The voice in the dark is a bit sad, it is a vast sea of ​​change, and all living beings are suffering in it——

"I know that the bell was originally the most precious treasure of our Mount Xumi. It was lost in the demon world many years ago and was acquired by the Ancient Nanshan Mountain. It has never returned. For many years, Mount Xumi has been trying to find this treasure, making many sacrifices, but with no success.

Before my master sat down, he held my hand and refused to close his eyes or say a word, but I knew what he was looking at...

That time five hundred years ago, Master Mingzhi took matters into his own hands and used Buddhists who had been converted for two hundred years to steal scriptures in the Tianyao Pavilion. This was originally intended to trigger a catastrophe between the Ancient Nan Mountain and the Black Lotus Temple.

There is a series of big plans, affecting the nine gods in the eight regions, to successfully recapture the Zhiwen Bell.

It's a pity that it was discovered at that time.

Plans failed one after another.

I temporarily broke through and participated in this game, but I had no way to save myself. I could only sit back and watch Master Mingzhi being beaten to death... I only scattered "The Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha" to the end of the world.

The donor was right, today is the day.

For five hundred years, I dare not forget one day."

From the beginning, Zhu Yi had a clear judgment. The third chess player who won the game of Shenxiao came from the Buddhist sect outside the world.

Otherwise, she would not have taken action rashly when the time was not ripe and her plan was far from touching the key nodes. She would still be injured!

She doesn't care whether the Zhiwen Bell was taken away by the Black Lotus Temple or the Ancient Nan Mountain, whether it was destroyed or lost. But it must not be taken back by the human race!

At this moment, when she entered the game early, she gave up her own overall situation and pursued the overall situation of the demon clan.

That's why the voice from Mount Sumeru said that he knew what he was asking.

At this moment, Zhu Yi could only say: "Master, you really have good intentions. If it is not a different way for human beings and monsters, I should avoid it! So what if you let you take the clock?"

"I'm ashamed to hear you say that, Master!" The voice in the dark voice became slightly more formal.

Chai Asi never thought that he could recognize all living beings and hear the passage of time in one voice.

At this time, this mysterious voice has undergone a fundamental change in attitude. From wandering monks walking through the alley, chatting and solving doubts, to old monks sitting down, meeting with all parties: "Everyone depends on their own means, and everyone talks about life and death... Poor people

The monk Xing Nian saw the benefactor Zhuyi."

Practicing thoughts?

Zen Master Xing Nian of Mount Xumi, the highest achiever in the world in the "Future Star Tribulation Sutra", and the True Monarch of the Hexagram Way as famous as Zheng Ruan, the Heavenly Supervisor of the Great Qi Dynasty?!

Human race!?

Different from the confusion of all the monsters present, at this moment, Jiang Wang in the mirror world almost burst into tears. He wished he could jump up and perform a humane sword style to cheer up the great Bodhisattva on Mount Xumi.

Master! I’m very familiar with Xuankong Temple. I’ve also been to Kurongyuan and Xiyue Temple. I’ve seen them all. I have a deep connection with Buddha! Are you going home now? Are you on your way back?

Isn’t it convenient to bring one with you?!!

Not to mention that Jiang is packing his luggage here to go home.

Over there, Zen Master Xing Nian raised his voice to Ming Ming, landed in the sky, played chess with Zhu Yi... reported himself to his family, and said, "I have met the donor."

Originally, the sky was filled with spider silk, weaving cloud brocade, and locking the golden light all over the sky.

But as his voice fell, the white spider silk was suddenly dyed into golden thread!

The sky is filled with golden threads and golden luan, for whom are they making wedding clothes?

In the vast and endless future, there is an increasingly clear road, and a picture that has been completely sketched...

So it happened.

The past is gone, the future is here!

The headless spider actually formed an illusory head. With a hairpin in a bun and a gold hairpin, the face was graceful and the eyebrows were luxurious. It was the face of Spider Yi!

Zhu Yi relied on the connection of cause and effect to exert force here personally.

At this moment, the effect was turned into the cause, and the cage was vacated and the bird was replaced.

The true body cannot be moved in the demon world, but the true life has been captured.

Xing Nian said: "Today I will recapture Yi Zhong and kill Yi Yan Dao!"

The highest achiever in this world, the "Future Star Tribulation Sutra", scattered all over the world with the thirteen chapters of "The Fifty-eight Chapters of the Buddha's Sayings", and laid out the plan for five hundred years before taking advantage of Shenxiao's situation to gain his son.

When Lu Qilang got the book, it was because of spiritual awakening. When Chai Asi got the book, it was due to fate. When Zhu Xie got the book, it was because Quan Yingyang arranged it with his own hands...

Zhu Yi's move was also calculated!

This chapter has been completed!
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