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Chapter 1821 Three Evil Tribulation Kings, Questioning the Evil Situation

The Shenxiao Game is such a grand game.

Because it has infinite possibilities, it also carries infinite sustenance.

Competitors are not limited to all worlds.

It’s more about the past and present!

There were several heavenly demons fighting over the situation in Moyun City, and there was a 500-year chess match between Qi Zhiben and Zen Master Xing Nian.

There is also Hehua Pavilion that penetrates time!

He obviously never gave up on continuing the myth. He failed that year, but he set up a trap with time and waited until the present day to continue!

Now he has announced the "rules of the game", and the dead fountain of youth is waiting to verify its authenticity and judge life and death.

However, in this inexplicable question and answer game, is it enough to just tell the truth?

Among these proud men here, who doesn’t have the deepest secrets hidden in their hearts? Are there some truths that can really be spoken out?

The problem fell on Xiong Sansi.

You must not fail to answer, and you must not tell lies.

All the monsters cast their gazes.

There is no one who would not be curious about Xiong Sansi. Although he is famous in the world and is a household name in the Ziwu Hills, the outside world still doesn't know much about him.

His true appearance hidden under the mask, his thoughts hidden under the black robe, the past he never mentioned... will still often exist in street talks, but no one can tell clearly.

Both are talented people and are in the same game. They are both competitors and fellow travelers.

I am not only curious about Xiong Sansi's true face, but also curious about what kind of reaction he will get if he violates the rules.

No one here is blind, no one can't see He Huating's weakness, and no one can't see He Huating's evil intentions.

But after all, he was a chess player in the Shenxiao Game and is still playing chess now. No one is willing to risk his own life to test He Huating's trump card.

Now everyone is waiting for Xiong Sansi's answer.

He was not silent for too long,

He said: "The place where I came out is called Qianjie Cave."

"I have never heard of this place in the demon world..." He Huating looked at Zhu Lanruo slowly: "This little girl seems to be knowledgeable about the past and present. Have you heard of this?"

Don't tell lies.

Zhu Lanruo shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Xiong Sansi continued: "The existence that dominates there is called the Lord of Three Evil Tribulations."

"In the vicissitudes of life, strong men emerge from generation to generation. I don't know about it, so it's not surprising." He Huating looked at Yang Yu again: "Does the young monk know this gentleman?"

Yang Yu said: "I don't know."

"It's strange." He Huating commented, and then asked: "What kind of place is Thousand Tribulation Cave?"

He stared at the bear again and thought twice, asking: "What...are you?"

Xiong Sansi did not answer immediately this time, but took the initiative to take a step forward and asked: "There is no permanent evil law in the world. Senior He, how many questions can you ask me according to this rule?"

This is obviously a critical issue.

But He Huating looked at him deeply and actually answered: "If I can't ask, you will know."

Zhu Lanruo's eyes flashed like rainbows, and Lu Qilang pressed a finger between his eyebrows. No genius would be willing to accept the result of being called out one by one, let alone like Xiong Sansi, who knew nothing.

, becomes the answer to test the dangers of the game. They all try to understand all the rules of this game in their own way.

But as an authority, Xiong Sansi must give an answer.

He then said: "I was not born in Thousand Tribulations Cave. My past stories are known to many of my friends here."

He Huating's faint gaze glanced over, and Shu Jialan nodded slightly.

Xiong Sansi's family was ruined before, and he was knocked off a cliff by his enemies. After he became a successful practitioner, he came back to take revenge... Indeed, all the monsters present heard about this.

After all, it is a very legendary story and very suitable for telling.

"I fell there and lost all consciousness. When I woke up, I was already in the Cave of Thousand Tribulations." Xiong Sansi said: "I can't tell how big it is there because I have never explored the whole thing.

It was a huge maze with cells inside.

The cell was three steps square and had only one closed iron door. For a long time, this was where I lived.

What kind of place is that?

How do I describe it?"

Xiong Sansi's voice often tortures the listener's ears, but if you listen to him carefully at this time, you will realize that he is also torturing himself.

too painful.

What on earth did he go through to make such a painful sound?

"I can't give an accurate definition of Thousand Tribulations Cave. I can only describe what I know."

Xiong San thought: "I'm not the only prisoner there. There are demons, humans, and even demons being imprisoned there."

He Huating's two eyes were like two faint fires, and he listened quietly to his story.

Other monsters were also attracted by his story.

"Why do you, Lord Three Evil Tribulations, gather us together?"

Xiong Sansi's rough voice contained more intense emotions for the first time.

He himself gave the answer: "He wants to cultivate us like grafting flowers and trees!"

The word "cultivation" is originally a very positive word.

But put it in the current context, in that mysterious Cave of Thousand Calamities, it is very eerie.

Regardless of whether they are human or demon, they are all intelligent beings with their own emotions and culture. How can they be treated like grafted flowers and trees?

"You asked me what..."

Xiong Sansi used his index finger as a dagger and scratched it on his left shoulder, revealing a piece of bone arm armor with mysterious patterns on it.

He pointed at this demon sign and said, "I am a demon."

He Huating glanced at the Fountain of Youth, taking the water pattern as a line, there were always ripples in the east.

Xiong Sansi tapped his heart again, hit his chest with his fingers, and made a loud banging sound: "I am a human being."

He pulled off his black robe and also lifted up the leather armor under the black robe, so everyone present could see——

There was a large mass of flesh and blood on his abdomen, which suddenly turned into a thick black mist. After a while, it turned from black mist back to flesh and blood.

So weird!

"I am also a devil."

"I am a breed cultivated by the Three Evil Tribulations Lord. Am I a human demon? A demon human? A human demon?" He ended with this, answering He Huating's question. Under the dark mask, there was still a pair of untroubled eyes.


The whole place was silent.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of existence that Three Evil Lord of Tribulation is. He is so contrary to ethics, arbitrarily transforming his own race, marrying demons and people... and carving intelligent beings with emotions and thoughts like wood!

The Taiping ghost messenger clenched his sword and gritted his teeth and said, "I will kill these villains in my Taiping way!"

All the demons were worried, but He Huating's eyes flickered on and off.

For about a while, I couldn't figure out why this was supposed to solve Xiong Sansi's question but failed in the end.

Perhaps the Three Evil Lords of Tribulation are too cruel, or perhaps the Thousand Tribulation Cave is too evil. Even an ancient person like He Huating was trapped in a shocking emotion, unable to find the elusive and unknown inspiration, and failed to complete his mission.

That kind of "possibility".

"How did you escape-"

He opened his mouth, but halfway through asking the question, he stopped.

"It seems you can't ask me for the time being." Xiong Sansi looked at him and said.

He Huating said: "It can be understood this way."

Chai Asi stared blankly at all this, completely unable to understand the undercurrent behind this conversation. He only had a vague feeling that Xiong Sansi had escaped some kind of danger.

What danger was escaped?

It is true that Xiong Sansi's experience was very miserable and painful to listen to. But in this response just now, he only answered the truth, so it shouldn't be too difficult.

But why does Zhu Lanruo seem to be relieved and Lu Qilang is also relieved?

He addressed these questions in his mind to the great ancient god.

Then I got the answer——

"He Huating failed in modern times, and he must have paid a heavy price for surviving until now. He is very weak now. I guess his strength may only be enough to support him to show off his evil on that bluestone, so he will

Call you over.

Spider Lanruo had extraordinary supernatural powers. Maybe he had sensed something when he left there the first time before.

After realizing that no one could be deceived by him, He Huating activated his arrangement in this world.

He used the power of the land of Shenxiao to set up this game. Of course, as the designer of the game, he has certain privileges, but while this game is leveraging the world of Shenxiao, he himself must also follow the rules of the game.


A game that cannot be relatively fair cannot be established.

Just like the true meaning of infinite possibilities, it corresponds to exhausting all efforts.

This is the fundamental rule of this world, and all layouts must extend from this.

When one is extremely weak, how can one leverage the power of the world of Shenxiao to accomplish the existing goal? He Huating captured such a possibility among infinite possibilities and realized it.

The game he designed has stated rules and unspoken rules.

The stated rule is ‘if you ask a question, you must answer it, and if you answer it, tell the truth’.

The unspoken rules may contain fatal factors, but they require further exploration and interpretation.

Xiong Sansi was trying to cross the river by feeling for the stones. He was not drowned for the time being and waded out of a path. Of course, onlookers should be thankful. Because each of them may need to cross this river later."

Chai Asi seemed to understand.

At this time, Xiong Sansi had slowly put on his leather armor and covered himself with his black robe, and then he took another step forward and was almost face to face with He Huating!

The eyes under the dark mask stared at He Huating, and said with a calmness and courage that impressed onlookers: "If you ask a question, you must answer it. Those who tell lies should fish the moon out of the water and drown to death... Since the rules are like this, can I do it too?"

Ask you a question?"

He Huating was silent for a moment and said, "Yes."

"What is your purpose?" Xiong Sansi spoke concisely.

If there were unspoken rules that could lead to death, hidden in the process of answering. Then he would try his best to let He Huating touch them.

Xiong Sansi obviously understood the rules of the game set by He Huating. He successfully escaped from danger and attacked and defended from different positions.

The counterattack begins!

He Huating blinked his eyes gently, as if to express his appreciation.

Then he said: "This game is a very targeted game based on what I have seen in the long river of time, about some commonalities between you. You should not be able to avoid it. But you are very smart. You just hid a lot of things."

Important information. Do you now feel that as long as the secret is exposed, it will trigger the danger of this quiz game? "

There is temptation hidden in these words.

But Xiong Sansi did not speak, and his eyes did not waver. The time for him to "answer every question and tell the truth" has passed, and there is no need to answer anything now.

The pressure of rules will still come.

He Huating smiled and said: "Then I will give you my answer now."

"My purpose at this stage is to plunder the vitality of any one of you and use it as the source of life for my body so that I can really exert some strength... without having to work so hard like I am now."

"The purpose after that is to accumulate enough strength to go to the point in time where you are and complete the resurrection."

"The final goal is to revive the Fountain of Youth and renew the myth."

To the east of the Fountain of Youth, there are ripples, which seem to be wrinkled by the wind.

Of course He Huating would not joke at this time. Within the constraints of the rules of the game, every word he said was true and believable.

This is why it is terrifying.

Because of the torture of the so-called Three Evils, Xiong Sansi is now both a demon and a human, with a weird body shape, but there is no doubt that he stands there with a very reliable temperament.

Just like He Huating's answer, he remained calm: "Excuse me, what are all the rules of this question and answer game..."

He Huating interrupted him with a smile: "You can only ask one question. This is the privilege of the elders."

Xiong Sansi accepted the result calmly and said: "Then at least I know this new rule."

"It's time for me to ask questions again." He Huating looked at him dangerously.

Xiong Sansi just looked at him without any hesitation.

We must not only consider the methods that these young demon seeds possess, but also accommodate our own weak physical condition... This targeted question and answer game is not a very clever design.

For example, the guy in front of me, who is both a human and a devil, is almost smart enough to touch the truth.

He Huating must consider that he still has a few more rounds to ask questions safely... and none of them can be wasted.

He has waited too long!

He waited until his body was exhausted, and the extremely torturous feeling of dryness had tortured him for countless years. Because time no longer had meaning in the stagnant world of Shenxiao in Yuanxi 3922, so this

This period of torture can almost be said to last forever.

This is the first opportunity that I have waited for for so long, and it may also be the last opportunity.

It only takes one success and a little life force to ignite the body, and these young demons can be extinguished by blowing their breath.

But when Xiong Sansi asks another question, can he be sure to trigger the answer rules he set up?

When he was still at his peak, he was a practitioner who was good at playing with "hostility". Now he has also put this skill into the question and answer game. As long as the answer of the questioner arouses the hostility of most of the participants present, it will be

He will be immediately banished to the Fountain of Youth - which is of course the meat on the chopping block. No one in the world knows how to use the Fountain of Youth better than him.

So he will dig into the darkest and most shady secrets deep in the hearts of the people who answer questions. Of course, he cannot penetrate into the hearts of every participant and cannot accurately understand what those secrets are. Only through his perspective as a top chess player,

Make a rough judgment.

This process is like betting on stones, the difference is that he can actually see the color of the jade, just to see if the knife cuts just right there.

His own answer just now actually triggered the hidden answer rule. He used his only one exemption authority as the creator of the game to exempt himself from the punishment. Then he deliberately pretended to be unaffected in order to mislead the people in front of him.

These little monsters make them further away from the truth.

This is certainly not a fair game, and he has gained a very large advantage for himself. This is also the gift of enduring suffering for a long time.

I have been trapped in this period of time for a long time, using the Fountain of Youth as a mirror, watching myself lingering, drying up bit by bit.

He once had countless wonderful plans, but due to the disappearance of his strength, he could only take the initiative to cut them down again and again... and reconstruct them again and again.

A clever woman cannot make a meal without rice, but he wants to fill his belly with air.

But will these advantages definitely help him win the game?

After a brief moment of looking at each other, He Huating finally looked away.

The sheep Yu, the mouse Jialan, the spider Lanruo...all are in danger.

But he passed by.

His eyes wandered around for a while, and finally stopped on Chai Asi: "Young man, after much thought, you are still the best. Now let me ask you a question."

Chai Asi was stunned.

The little demon that the great ancient god said might need to cross the river later was actually Chai Asi himself!

This chapter has been completed!
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