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Chapter 1827 God floating in the sea of clouds

Numerous statues of gods rose up from behind Snake Guyu.

This spectacular scene made her look like a fairy or Buddha.

All the demons in the arena were shocked.

What kind of method is this?

Who is behind this snake?

But Sheguyu himself was obviously confused.

She has a deep understanding of the Kulang sect's thoughts and is equally world-weary, but she does not follow the Kulan sect's program of action.

She did lack awe for those great beings who were high-sounding and completely contrary to what the Kulong Sect thought and did, but she also had no hostility.

The reason why I asked those questions aloud was because I did have doubts in my heart, and I really felt uneasy about the fact that "a great existence disappeared without a trace."

No matter how isolated she is, she is still a participant in the Shenxiao Bureau. She also needs the dangers that other participants need to face. Who wants to die in ignorance?

Of course, she also has her own special power. She accidentally bumped into the land of Shenxiao. After experiencing this thrilling scene and seeing the special nature of the world of Shenxiao, she also has what she wants...but it definitely does not include the numerous statues of gods, ups and downs.

A scene in the sea of ​​clouds.

She had no idea what was going on!

But as soon as the statue of the god floated into the sea, he instinctively moved away and was already hidden in the divine light. Turning his boots again, he had already stepped onto the altar of the heavenly demon. He just stood in a corner far away from other demon kings, keeping his position.

Be wary of all fellow travelers.

The distance from Taipinggui Chao is relatively close, but it also leaves enough space for counterattack.

She is deeply suspicious of the world and does not expect to be trusted.

"These statues have nothing to do with me, and I don't know what happened!" She held two knives to protect herself and said vigilantly.

Get to the root of the problem, clarify yourself as soon as possible, and avoid the siege.

Shu Jialan looked away doubtfully.

Lu Qilang's hand had already moved away from the bronze tripod, and his eyes were no longer entangled with the spark. He held down the thin sword at his waist and frowned, seeming to be thinking about something.

The "professional habit" of slaying gods with long knives intertwined in the hands of the Taiping Ghost Chaos made him eager to try.

Spider Lanruo turned her beautiful eyes and took in all the expressions of everyone. She stepped back and retreated to the other corner of the Heavenly Demon Altar. She had already won the Fountain of Youth, and of course she still had the opportunity to use the Fountain to win more, but she didn't

She plans to take action when the situation is unclear. She would rather miss the opportunity than lose everything she has won. It is also a great wisdom to give up when the situation is good.

Yang Yu clasped his palms together and silently recited the name of the Buddha, with an innocent look on his face.

But in his heart, he actually had a clear understanding of the sight of the sea of ​​clouds floating in front of him.

The first game set by the Bodhisattva Cicada Dharma Yuan was to use the power of the Zhiwen Bell to allow him to gain everything in the world of Shenxiao and win everything for Ancient Nan Mountain.

Of course it has now been declared a failure.

What’s more, it was a disastrous defeat in which nothing was gained and the Zhiwen Bell was lost.

If this game ends like this without any end, then Chan Dharma Yuan, the great Bodhisattva, and him, the true disciple of Buddhism and the new king of the Heavenly Ranking, would rather just die in time.

The Great Bodhisattva Cicada Dharma Yuan recalled him in time and made a new move. This game is aimed at Zhiwen Zhong... only Zhiwen Zhong!

Ancient Nanshan, as the orthodox religion of the world, has been passed down for many years, but its hidden strength is bottomless.

To help people in distress, of course you have to have sharp ears and eyes.

Especially since I have mastered the Zhiwen Clock for so many years, I can say that I know the sun and the moon, and the past and present.

Of course they knew that the Immemorial Imperial City's Conferring God Platform had been secretly transmitting power to the world of Shenxiao.

They didn't know exactly how long this power had been transmitted, but it was said to be at least three thousand years.

They don't know the purpose of transmitting power to the world of Shenxiao. This is the top secret of the ancient imperial city.

But this does not prevent Cicada from using this arrangement.

The Zhiwen Bell is the most precious treasure of the ancient Nanshan Mountain, and of course it is also the most precious treasure of Buddhism in the demon world, and even more so in the demon world.

The Conferred God Platform absorbs so much power from the world, and even Ancient Nan Mountain regularly contributes massive amounts of power of faith... A large part of this power is transported to the world of Shenxiao.

So it is very reasonable to use these powers to retrieve the Zhiwen Bell.

The so-called take it from the world and use it for the world.

While traveling in the flying light treasure ship, Cicada Fayuan had already arranged the means, and while recalling Yang Yu, he also told the method.

Let him take action at the critical moment and connect the beliefs of thousands of gods to the Zhiwen Bell. Use the many gods in this sea of ​​gods to search for the secrets of the world of Shenxiao.

In a world of Shenxiao that is becoming more and more complete and has restructured the order of time and space, Cicada can no longer directly interfere and searches for the secrets himself. With his own strength, searching through the past one by one is like looking for a needle in a haystack. And borrowing

With the power of the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Gods, allowing thousands of gods to search together, the chances of success will undoubtedly be much higher.

No matter how you find the reasons, it is not a rational decision to rashly borrow the layout of the ancient imperial city. But in order to find the Zhiwen Bell, Cicada Dharma Fate doesn't care about that much.

Yang Yu knew all this very well in his heart. He couldn't say that he would have to go to the Ancient Imperial City to take responsibility afterwards. He also admitted that as long as he could find the Zhiwen Bell, there would be no regrets in dying.

But...but again.

Why did the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Gods appear so quickly?

It is completely inconsistent with the node calculated by the great Bodhisattva.

He has been pestered by Shu Jialan and has not had time to make many arrangements. There is also a complete lack of expectations for the time when the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Gods will appear.

If we rush to start the pursuit of the Zhiwen Bell now, I am afraid that the power is not enough.

After experiencing so many thrills, the fifth ranking of the New King on the Heavenly List is no longer enough to give him overwhelming confidence.

He clearly realized that in this Shenxiao Bureau where geniuses gathered and all kinds of methods were deployed, there was probably only one chance!

It's like this for him, and it's like this for Chan Dharma Yuan!

No matter what the thoughts of the monsters are, thousands of statues of gods in the sea of ​​clouds will rise and fall on their own.

Those who are waiting still need to wait, and those who have taken action have already taken action.

Various divine statues exude their own divine splendor.

When the light shines on the sea of ​​clouds, a resonance is occurring.

At first it was a whisper, as if someone was talking to himself, then it rose and fell, either weeping or rejoicing, and finally it gradually converged... It was the sound of thousands, tens of thousands, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of believers praying!

In the dark, they were bound by a kind of force, and gradually turned into the same calling voice.

It is magnificent and vast, and it is called——

"Faceless God, appear with me!"

As soon as this sound came out, there was no reaction from the demons present. No one cared about the Faceless God, which was what Yu Xin had said earlier in the secret room of Shenxiao.

Jiang Wang, who was silently observing the world in the mirror, was horrified!

He knew he was being targeted.

And I instantly thought of Tiger Tai Sui!

It is known that Tiger Taisui is the Lord of Three Evil Tribulations, and it is known that Tiger Taisui is one of the chess players in this Shenxiao Game. In this Shenxiao Game, there must be an ambitious plan.

Tiger Taisui casually killed Yuan Xiaoqing and Yuan Laoxi, and obtained all relevant clues about the Faceless God Cult, knowing that he, the faceless god, had entered the world of Shenxiao.

Therefore, we use our means to find him at this time and eliminate hidden dangers!

After the destruction of Zen Master Xing Nian, the world of Shenxiao has become pure and innocent. At this time, many chess players are not allowed to directly intervene in the game. Who does Tiger Tai Sui rely on to use his methods?

Bear think twice?

Xiong Sansi and Tiger Taisui are already at odds with each other, so they shouldn't help him now.

So among the demons in the field, is there anyone else who is Tiger Tai Sui’s chess piece?

Or maybe Xiong Sansi was just acting before, and he and Tiger Tai Sui were at odds with each other, just to better implement Tiger Tai Sui's plan? What he said in the He Huating Questioning Evil Bureau is naturally true, but after leaving the Evil Questioning Bureau, what happened next

There is no way to verify the authenticity of what is said.

Of course, these issues are not the key to consider at this moment.

What Jiang Wang needs to consider most now is what to do after he is found out!

There are Yang Yu, Shu Jialan, Lu Qilang, She Guyu, Zhu Lanruo, and Xiong Sansi, six new king-level experts on the Heavenly Ranking. And each one's strength has been verified, and will only be better than those on the list.

The ranking is stronger.

He only has himself, one person and one sword.

Not to mention Chai Asi and Zhu Dali's lack of strength, once they find out that this great ancient god and supreme Taoist is from the human race, they will be more likely to kill him than anyone else.

At this moment, the dream order is changing in the sea of ​​consciousness, and all the routes since entering the world of Shenxiao are tumbling in it.

With Sauvignon Blanc in hand, Jiang Wang was ready for the battle royale.

The world of Shenxiao is huge!

As long as you run fast, it's not one against six.

As long as you run well, you will have six duels at six locations at six times.

If he runs out of peak form, he might just disappear without a fight and leave them in the dust.

The entire sea of ​​gods is calling for a god.

Such a huge Shinto power cannot be resisted by a small hairy god, no matter where he hides.

Tiger Tai Sui borrows the sea of ​​gods to find a small hairy god, which is no more than using unparalleled magical skills to swat flies, which is quite wasteful. But as long as you can eliminate hidden dangers and ensure that your overall situation is foolproof, it is worth it.

"Faceless God, appear with me!"

That majestic voice resonated in the sea of ​​gods and reverberated throughout the entire world of gods. It chased the sky and the earth, leaving the gods with nowhere to hide.


no response.

The countless gods in the sea of ​​gods were driven to call out another god, but they were not summoned at all. Not even the most basic connection was established.

All the demons in the Heavenly Demon Altar were silent, not sure what the gods in this sea of ​​gods wanted to do. Or what was the meaning of this move for the chess player behind the move?

It can’t just be a chorus!

Jiang Wang, who was in the mirror world, stood still for a moment.

A false alarm...


Originally, what we practiced was not Shinto, so we didn’t borrow half of the power of faith!

Shinto can't interfere with me at all.

Where do you call the faceless god, what does that have to do with me?

Tiger Taisui in Moyun City is also silent.

He used his back move to lead out the Ten Thousand Gods Sea in advance for two purposes. One was to consume the power of the Ten Thousand Gods Sea first, so that other chess players who might use this layout would have no soldiers to adjust. The other was to eliminate hidden dangers.

I think the faceless hairy god is just a little cunning and better at hiding.

As the Lord of Ziwu Hills, he is a prince in both name and reality under the ancient imperial city. There is also a Conferred God Platform in the realm. Of course, he can use some special means to detect the flow of power in the Conferred God Platform - such as

Confess a god of your own making, and then hide a hidden link in the power of faith. After avoiding the purge, you will naturally be able to sense where the power of faith is flowing.

He had been preparing for this Shenxiao game for a long time.

The means used are not simple either.

Borrowing the power of the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Gods this time is essentially mobilizing the authority of the Conferred God Platform.

The gods of the demon world, even evil gods, cannot be immune to the shock of the God Conferring Stage.

But he couldn't arrest the faceless god?

There are only three possibilities - either the strength of this faceless god far exceeds that of the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Gods and can easily suppress this kind of summoning; or this faceless god is not a god of the demon world and is not affected by the God Conferment Platform; or this faceless god

It doesn't exist at all.

The first possibility does not exist, and the second possibility is almost negligible, so it is the last possibility.

At that time, I wiped out the ape Laoxi and traced back to its deity. I thought it was just Mao Shen who was cunning and cut off contact with his believers early. Only by using his supreme means could he see the hidden traces and find the location of the deity.

Now it seems that God Mao has not contacted the believers at all!

So what's the purpose?

Found a sect, work hard to develop believers, do not accept blood, do not ask for offerings, and do not even accept the power of faith! Is it really just like what the Faceless Cult promotes, "Just do good things and don't worry about the future"?

Tiger Taisui doesn't think it's ridiculous. He can understand those idealists, but he just finds it difficult.

If the Faceless God is not a god, how can we find him out?

That faceless god who is not a god has sneaked into the world of Shenxiao, but whose fault is it?

In this Shenxiao game, how difficult is it to advance or retreat?

Jiang Wang in the mirror world still didn't know that he had confused a heavenly demon. After getting rid of the crisis of life and death, he began to concentrate on tracking down Hu Taisui's chess piece.

The source of disaster will never be extinguished, and the disaster will never end.

Who initiated this method of all gods floating in the sea of ​​clouds?

This is not Jiang Wang's problem alone.

This is also the question raised by all the monsters in the venue.

After all, no one wants to have an uncertain factor hiding around them on a journey full of dangers.

Spider Lanruo's eyes are radiant. She possesses the magical power of Lan Yin and Xu Guo. She can trace the cause from the effect, so she should be the first to find the answer.

But at this time, a roar suddenly sounded.

"Uh...ah! Hohohoho!"

Only then did the demons realize that Yuan Mengji, who had retreated to the edge of the mountain platform early, had changed drastically.

Against the magnificent background of gods floating in the sea of ​​clouds, without the means of protection from the Ape Immortal Palace, and without fighting for anything, he just wanted to go home as soon as possible, so he had no sense of existence at all.

At this time, he let out an irrational roar.

Some things can't be solved by shrinking your head. You can't calm down by taking a step back.

Weakness is the original sin.

Failure to prepare is a recipe for death!

At a moment when the demons were not aware of it, he had been quietly robbed.

A pair of eyes, dyed with the color of gold powder like a divine sculpture.

In the next moment, his fangs protruded and his face turned red.

The clothes were bursting in an instant!

The veins on his body swam like dragons and snakes.

The whole body expands and rises infinitely.

In a moment, he transformed into a giant ape with a height of 100 feet, standing on the edge of the cloud platform, looking down at the monsters indifferently, closer to the gods than the gods in the sea of ​​clouds behind him!

Tonight's update is at ten o'clock.

If it is not written down at ten o'clock, it must be written before twelve o'clock.

This chapter has been completed!
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