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Chapter 1899 Ten cities with you!

The military order Jiang Wang was waiting for did not come late.

The entire situation in the Mysterious Realm is obviously in Qi Xiao's mind.

And an all-pervasive and continuous offensive is exactly Qi Xiao’s style!

"Commander Qi has an order, lead our troops to cross the river immediately and put the greatest military pressure on the Saha Dragon Territory!" In the Feiyun Tower ship, Jiang Wang showed his military order and frowned slightly.

"This is too dangerous!" Fang Yuanyou said anxiously: "We still don't know what is going on over there in Futu Pure Land. If the Barbarian King is not restrained..."

"The Barbarian King will definitely be restrained. Qi Shuai will not make such omissions in his troops. Ji Keyi from the East King Valley is not a dry person." Jiang Wang muttered: "It's just that the water in the Saha Dragon Territory is too deep, and our stone

If I smash it down, I'm afraid it won't stir up any waves."

What the military order requires is to put maximum military pressure on the Saha Dragon Territory.

But for such a Hai Clan base with a long history, we are really not optimistic about what the three thousand soldiers can accomplish.

Fang Yuanyou half-knelt on the ground: "The body of the Marquis is worth thousands of dollars, and cannot be tampered with lightly. At the end of the day, I will ask you to be the vanguard and explore the way for the Marquis!"

Jiang Wang patted him on the shoulder: "It's not time for you to be a frontman, but you should first serve me Hongying!"

When the long front breaks the formation, the red tassel spreads like blood!

When Jiang Wang stood up, his narrow sleeves turned into arm armor. The layers of armor leaves seemed to be blown by the wind, from the forearms to the broad shoulders, from the chest and neck to the waist and hips...

Ruyi Immortal Clothes instantly transformed into a pair of azure battle armor, revealing his slender and strong body. It depicted a scene of chilling on the battlefield!

When he went to the demon world to fulfill his responsibilities as a god, the Gongyuan Weapon Making Workshop specially prepared armor. The armor of the princes was of course of the highest quality and had astonishing defense.

However, he disliked the clumsiness and the impact on his body movement, so he did not wear it.

After arriving in the Demon Realm, there was no real war. The armor is still on display in the Marquis' Mansion.

At this time, it is just borrowing its shape.

But when he strode out of the cabin and walked to the deck, the atmosphere of war had already arrived!

"Pass this order to the entire army to assemble!"

Fang Yuanyou flew around, sounding like a loud bell: "Marquis Wu'an orders, the whole army must assemble!"

Let us say that Chen Zhitao worked diligently and used his talents throughout his life to set up many restrictions in the fog on this side of the boundary river. Warning, attacking, breaking laws, classifying, and so on.

He actually built a relatively complete defense system on his own in a very short period of time.

Suddenly he heard Jiang Wang begin to issue orders. He walked out of the restricted fog with smoke and dust, and there was still a bit of joy in his face: "What's wrong? Have you started taking action?"

In his efforts just now, he had a burst of inspiration and completed several small innovations, making the overall defense more complete and flexible, and solving a long-standing major problem! It's just that this joy is difficult to share with others at the moment. Looking around, there is no

A man who understands the beauty of prohibition.

He raised his head and saw the armored Jiang Wang standing high in the sky. He was cold and majestic, which was very different from usual. His frivolity disappeared for a moment, and his whole body became serious. Only then did he realize that this was a military hero!

Jiang Wang looked at Chen Zhitao and felt something different.

I just feel that those who study formations and restraint techniques are really very difficult opponents once they are given enough preparation time.

He was overlooking the overall situation from a high place. Chen Zhitao also worked hard to obtain part of the information on the other side of the boundary river, but it was very unclear and difficult to distinguish. The generals of the Hai clan on the other side were obviously not mediocre and were fully prepared.

The soldiers on the Feiyunlou boat were in high spirits, and the monks on the dragon fishing boat were also full of energy.

The flag officer did not leave after delivering the order. He wanted to supervise the implementation of the military order...

Not only must it be executed well, but it must be executed quickly.

The front line of military aircraft must be fought in an instant. The opponent Qi Xiao wants to fight cannot breathe, and all the troops are launched with one order. As a general of Qi State, he, Jiang, especially cannot hold back.

Immediately he said in a loud voice: "All officers and soldiers listen to the order!"

Chen Zhitao looked over with some expectancy. Confucian sages said, "When three people walk together, there must be my teacher." This Jiang Wang is the most accomplished military officer among the younger generation in the world, and he must have a lot of brushes in his hands.

Although I am in Diaohailou, what I seek is personal cultivation and the supreme path, and I don’t have much contact with military matters, but I am familiar with all methods and can always learn something.

Then I heard Qingyue's command - "Charge with me!"

Chen Zhitao stood up subconsciously, Daoyuan waved his Taoist robes, and with a flick of his sleeves connected all the prohibitions on the river bank together, turning into an aggressive prohibition and crossing the boundary river.

This set of Su Jiugong's reversal of divine light, which shifted from alert defense to offense, was the result of his burst of inspiration.

He, the master of restraint, the senior brother of Diaohailou, can be said to be at full display of his power at this moment.

But there was a strong feeling in my heart that I had been deceived!

Is this the overall strategy you, Jiang Wuan, are thinking about?

You are a great military meritor of the Qi State. After thinking for a long time, you came up with the idea of ​​"Charging with you"!

It’s okay to change it to me, or it’s okay to change it to Bao Song!

But when it comes to being nervous, he has nothing to be nervous about. Even if he has a deeper and clearer understanding of the Saha Dragon Realm.

In this joint military operation of all parties, Qi Xiao, the commander-in-chief of Xia Shi, serves as the overall commander and coordinates the overall situation. In a war of this level, Qi will never exclude dissidents. On the contrary, in order to avoid such suspicion, Qi will take the initiative

Let Qi's forces take more risks. This is the pattern of hegemony, and it has been tested again and again in history.

Moreover, Jiang Wangdu, the first genius of Daqi, has entered this battlefield. The Saha Dragon Realm is indeed dangerous, and Qi Xiao must have a back-up plan!

He flew rapidly high in the sky and saw Jiang Wang Yiqi Juechen in front of him.

During the unparalleled high-speed flight, faint red smoke rose around him and steamed outside the blue armor, thus becoming armor outside the armor, making the Great Qi Wu'an Marquis even more mysterious and majestic.

Obtained from the Great Chu Zuo Guangshu's Wuyuyan Armor!

He stood in front of thousands of troops, interpreting courage, strength, and edge, and crossed the border river alone.

On the other side is the Saha Dragon Realm. On the other side, there are hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation, and the famous generals and powerful troops of the Sea Tribe are stationed on the other side... Jiang Wang opened the vast starry sky with a sword, and cut down the flying snow in the sky.

There are stars above and flying snow below. Under the smoke armor, Jiang Wang's whole body is like a rainbow.

Break the door with one sword!

Jingxian Wang Qi Xiaoqian came to Huo Shi for the second time. The first time he came to Huo Shi, he only stayed for three hours before leaving. Therefore, his reputation was not well known. Even Chen Zhitao did not recognize him.

When he first came to Huo Shi, he spent three hours deciding that he was not enough to control the war in Huo Shi, so he left without hesitation.

When I come back for the second time, I am fully prepared and have full confidence to show my talent here and become famous in one fell swoop.

He had already raised his expectations for Jiang Wang's killing power, but when the world-famous sword Sauvignon Blanc came through the sky, he realized that his expectations might not be enough!

The first line of defense was broken, the second line of defense was broken, the third line, the fourth line...

Qi Xiaoqian stood calmly in the ranks of the large army. Like other Hai clan soldiers, he retreated step by step and advanced the army formation step by step according to the pre-drills.

The entire Hai Clan military camp stationed here was like a giant beast with strong vitality. Facing the long-awaited attack, it gave an almost life-instinct reaction.

Not only does it have hard bones, but it is also more flexible and tough. Its thick skin seems unbreakable and its thick flesh seems infinite.

But the human side's offensive was equally fierce.

After Jiang Wang is Chen Zhitao.

The sea-blue robes fluttered in the wind, like a curtain drawn by the red smoke armor.

Under the snow all over the sky, there are turbid waves that surge into the sky. They are surging and the water peaks are endless. They are born on the river bank, taking root and swallowing a huge piece of solid ground.

And his Su Jiugong's rebellious divine light flew all over the sky, shuttled back and forth, and left the huge Sea Clan camp full of holes.

The dragon-fishing boat loaded with hundreds of monks launched at full speed, and a series of eighteen water dragons bared their teeth and claws, and roared into the Hai Clan military formation.

After that, Feiyun towers and ships came like mountains, the moon-shooting strings trembled, and the giant steel arrows entwined with runes fell straight on the military camp flag!

Fang Yuanyou roared loudly.

The three thousand soldiers on the ship responded in unison: "Power!"

The formation was activated, and the golden energy turned into dense flying arrows, moving horizontally towards the horizon like a cloud.

At this time, golden clouds pass through the snow, what a cruel beauty!

The Saha Dragon Realm is so vast, and it is far from the kind of realm that can be quickly passed by the Shenlin monks. Although the boundary rivers always appear randomly, they are often separated by thousands of miles, and one side is not connected to the other side.

Jiang Wang didn't know what the fighting was like elsewhere, and he didn't know whether Ji Keyi was facing the Barbarian King.

But he believed that Qi Xiao, who was ranked in the Daqi Military Hall, must have a firm control over the situation.

The war spread to the Saha Dragon Territory, and he already knew how grand this was.

As the entire battle unfolded in the Mysterious Realm, he, Marquis Wu'an, was just a particle on the chessboard. He did not have the wisdom of Zhongxuan Sheng, so he could not be in line with the overall situation and detached from the chessboard, and he could play a big game even as a chess piece.

But he is very clear-headed and does not exceed his own capabilities. When he lacks sufficient insight, he knows how to do his duty well. Wherever the chess player falls to him, he will implement the chess player's will and smash the ground!

The sea front line retreats without breaking, just like the ebbing tide.

Jiang Wangzhong went straight into the palace, Xiao Jian turned into snow. "Is there anyone in charge? How dare you watch your subordinates being killed?! Do you dare to stand up and take a stab at me?"

The only response to him was silence, which reflected the order of terror.

This general of the Hai clan, who has not been seen yet, is no worse than Ao Huang Zhong in terms of military skills.

Although Jiang Wang could not use troops to this extent, he had seen the talents of real famous generals. He became more cautious in his heart, but his sword energy became more violent and violent in all directions.

The armor of smoke crossed the sky, and the sword was like splashing snow, cutting through one after another, cutting off heads one after another.

He showed an arrogance, irritability, and eagerness for success.

But there is a dim light of jade, and the Ear Immortal sits and watches at ease. He hears the immortal state, and thousands of voices come to the court!

Throughout the Sea Clan camp, everything from the roar of a ferocious war beast to the breath of a Sea Clan warrior could all be heard in Jiang Wang's ears. If the hidden general showed any disobedience, he would be captured immediately.

But it was at this time that a bloody army swept across the army, like a huge wave, coming from a very far distance!

Above the "waves", there is a general with high fighting spirit. His determination to avenge his shame is almost burning in his eyes!

Thousands of armies swept across, and he was on the wave of independence!

Ao Huangzhong, conquer the world army!

He came to Jiang Wang with the powerful army he had trained!

At this time, a sea warrior jumped out before Jiang Wang and angrily scolded Ao Huangzhong: "Who asked you to come here? And brought troops!? Your defense line is empty. Once it is breached, you will bear the consequences for the overall situation.

Can you afford it?”

Ao Huangzhong was unmoved, he just looked at Jiang Wang and said: "Killing this thief will win ten cities! I would rather lose thousands of miles of land!"

Being so valued by Ao Huangzhong, Jiang Wang was equally unmoved. He glanced at the sea warrior from a distance, and his eyes followed, followed by the killing of the soul.

As soon as the battle between souls began, he knew he was wrong to kill!

This sea warrior who stood up to speak was nothing more than a flesh puppet. The other general was still hiding in the army.

In a game of chess genius, it is normal to kill the wrong target.

Jiang Wang opened his sword horizontally, his body was like a god or a demon, and he rolled up the sword energy frantically: "Come on, Ao Huangzhong! Come here with the sword, and I will fight with you for ten cities!"

Ao Huangzhong laughed, mobilized the army with all his strength, and accelerated towards the battlefield: "I will lead the army to get it!"

Previously, he asked Qi Xiaoqian, which place was the main direction of the human race's attack?

What is the problem?

The proud people of the human race have already appeared outside the gate of the Saha Dragon Realm!

The reason why Qi Xiaoqian scolded him was because he felt that he should not lead the army here, because he considered that the entire Saha Dragon Territory should be plunged into a violent offensive at this moment.

If you defend one place and destroy that place, you will still lose points in the overall situation.

But he has his own ideas.

The Saha Dragon Territory cannot be broken, this is the general trend, he firmly believes in this.

And Jiang Wang was the genius of the human race who was definitely aware of the danger and even asked his ancestor to kill him.

He said, "Kill this one thief and conquer ten cities." This was not a boast, but the truth.

Even if the boundary river where he was stationed was opened up for the enemy to penetrate, how deep would the human race on the other side dare to penetrate?

Seeing that the river bank is undefended, do you really dare to drive straight in?

In the Saha Dragon Realm, real people can die, and real kings have also died in history!

Although Qi Xiaoqian has treated Jiang Wang very cautiously, he has never really faced off against Jiang Wang, and his understanding of this genius of the human race is not deep enough.

Letting the enemy cross the river will not harm the overall situation.

Killing Jiang Wang will truly win the fate of the human race!

Seeing that Aohuang Zhong and the army were integrated together and could not be separated at all, Jiang Wang realized the difficulty of the situation. He knew very well how terrifying the combination of famous generals and powerful troops was.

Not to mention anything else, if all the three thousand soldiers under his command were the personal guards of the Hou Mansion, the combat power of his army would be doubled! And Ao Huangzhong and his Conquest Army are both famous and display their peak combat power.

It's much more terrifying.

But how to withdraw is a big problem.

In this dangerous situation, all Jiang Wangyi and the whole army are in trouble!

At this time, a beast roar suddenly sounded behind him. Jiang Wang was startled, and his sword energy roared high into the sky. His red eyes turned, and he saw Chen Zhitao making a hand like flying, and released each domesticated one from a set of aqua blue formation flags.

sea ​​beast!

What a danger! We are friends, not enemies!

Chen Zhitao had been on an expedition in the Mysterious Realm for a long time. When he saw Ao Huangzhong's posture, of course he knew that the situation was critical. So he immediately released the sea beasts he had enslaved with his unique restraint.

This is also his method of keeping the bottom of the box.

The formation flag was left by Diao Longke, the founder of Diaohailou sect, and is named Shoulong flag.

Being able to capture powerful creatures and control them into formations is almost like skipping the boring and hard training of the army and directly possessing the power of military formations. It can be said to be extremely powerful.

And these sea beasts are actually the true form of sea lords manifested by the sea tribe, so they are far stronger than ordinary sea beasts. They are all accumulated by him over the years. The capture process was assisted by his masters and his own efforts, but it was all done by his own hands.

Slavery is prohibited.

There are one hundred and eight in total, including thirteen commander-level sea clansmen and one king-level sea clansman!

"Aohuang Bell! Come on!" Chen Zhitao's loud voice was like a drum, and the giant beasts like buildings lined up behind him. The usually low-key chief of Diaohai Tower opened his big sleeves and showed for the first time the power of those sea creatures.

The clan genius has to pay attention to the sense of existence: "If ten cities are not enough, I will give you eleven cities!"

Jiang Wangdang has ten cities.

Although he is humble enough to only regard a city as a city, who can really regard it as a city at this moment?!

This chapter has been completed!
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