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Chapter 48 Born this way

The Lian family's ancestor worship ceremony caused a great uproar.

Not only did Jiang Wuyong lose his face, but because of Lian Que's fierce response, the Lian family itself also lost its glory.

Visitors from all over the place left one after another, and gossip spread.

But these are not things Jiang Wang needs to consider.

At this time, Jiang Wangzheng was talking to Chong Xuansheng in the most luxurious restaurant in Nanyao City.

"Is it true that offending the Fourteenth Prince so harshly won't have an impact on you?" Jiang Wang asked.

This time he owed Chong Xuan Sheng a favor. Chong Xuan Sheng's gains and losses were the only thing he considered.

"Of course there will be impacts, but overall, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages."

Chong Xuansheng analyzed him carefully and said: "Your Majesty has a total of seventeen sons and nine daughters today. The eldest son of the emperor has been deposed long ago and is still imprisoned in the palace. The prince is the second son. In addition, there are three emperors and nine daughters.

Prince, the eleventh prince is very powerful and has the qualifications to compete for the throne."

"Families like our Chongxuan family will never get involved in the fight for the right to inherit the heir. The gains outweigh the losses. No matter who succeeds to the throne, it is impossible for my Chongxuan family to treat me poorly. So for other princes and princesses, I don't have to give them anything.

In order to save face, the family won't say anything. If it spreads, it will prove that the Chongxuan family is only loyal to His Majesty and has no intention of participating in the dragon fight."

The fat man was so proud that he smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed: "As for us, you got a lot of benefits from your gambling, and our reputation has increased even more."

"Do you know what defeating Jiang Wuyong means? It means that you are well-deserved to be among the strongest in Tongtian Realm. Many people will compare you with Wang Yiwu. And you are my disciple, tell me how strong I should be.

?I used my family wealth to suppress Jiang Wuyong today just to tell those people that they should reconsider their side!"

Chong Xuansheng only mentioned the advantages and not the disadvantages, but Jiang Wang certainly knew it.

After listening quietly, he just nodded and said, "Just think about it seriously."

After saying that, he picked up the long sword across his knees, stood up and walked out: "We will leave later. Lian Que asked me to go find him, and he still has something to say to me."

"That ugly blacksmith?"

Jiang Wang gave him a helpless look, meaning, please don't say that to Lian Que. Also, are you much stronger?

"Go ahead, go ahead." Zhongxuan Sheng waved his hand nonchalantly.

When Jiang Wang walked to the door, he said coyly: "Well, apologize to him for me."

Lian Que was forced to commit suicide to prove his innocence. Of course, the Lian family held the main responsibility, but his cynicism and sarcasm from Chong Xuan Sheng also played a big role.

From the bottom of his heart, he really respected such strong people.

Of course, it is impossible for the future (self-proclaimed) head of the Chongxuan family to personally apologize, except for the benefits.

As one of the ten most outstanding people of the younger generation of the Lian family, Lianque naturally has his own industry in Nanyao City.

For example, this wine shop.

Jars and jars of spirits were placed in the hall, and bowls were poured out to the guests. There were only a few private rooms on the second floor for receiving guests.

These industries, including wine shops, are mainly used for household consumption.

But not much, because Lian Que has never been very interested in things like power and wealth.

The purpose of going to Tianfu Secret Realm is to become stronger, and to become stronger is to forge better weapons, nothing more.

After originally driving away Jiang Wuyong, Jiang Wang was ready to leave directly with Chongxuan Sheng. But he couldn't help but Lian Que persuaded him to stay, and after the cooperation with Jiang Wuyong broke down, the senior officials of the Lian family also wanted to repair the Chongxuan family, so they stayed temporarily.

Come down.

Chong Xuan Sheng will not have to put on a life-and-death attitude just because he has a bad impression of these people. This trip to Nanyao City has basically achieved all his goals, so there is nothing to be angry about.

If you want to achieve great things, you can't let your personal likes and dislikes influence your decision. There are some steps that you won't take, but there are many people who want to help you get rid of them. Those competitors are eager for you to break your head and bleed.

Jiang Wang communicated with Chongxuansheng and then came to Jiulong.

Walking into the box, Lian Que has been waiting for a long time.

Outside of casting soldiers, he was not a very careful person, but he asked first: "Are your hands okay?"

"A few minor injuries." Jiang Wang smiled. His hands were wrapped with several layers of gauze, which did not affect his activities. "You must have suffered injuries like this when you were forging weapons."

"Yes." Lian Que sighed and stretched out his hand to Jiang Wang. His hand was covered with dense scars and thick calluses.

Jiang Wang's hands also had thick calluses, but they were mainly concentrated on the part where he held the sword and the knuckles. They were not as scarred as Lian Que's hands.

"I have a friend. When he was making soldiers a few years ago, the fire was not controlled well and the furnace exploded. Because he was too exhausted, he could not avoid it and his eyes were gone. He is not blind, but there is still a chance to cure the blindness. Go to the East

Wang Valley or other places, if you spend more money, there is always a solution. It’s just that the two eyes are gone.”

"I have a deep relationship with you, right?"

"Ah, yes. He is my only friend."

"Then...how is he now?"

"I couldn't bear the blow, so I committed suicide that day." Lian Que said calmly.

The profession of a weapon maker is indeed not that easy. It is hard work, dangerous, and easy to attract people to covet. The names of the magic weapons that are forged are often spread all over the world by the people who use them, and the weapons forgers are mostly unknown.


Everyone knows that the master of the overthrown general is Jiang Mengxiong, but how many people remember who forged the pair of finger tigers for him?

The situation in the Holy Land of Weapon Masters like Lian's is not bad, they have status and respect, and they are not lacking in strength. However, there are more ordinary craftsmen in the world who have low status and work hard without complaint.

This is also one of the reasons why Lian Que died, and the senior officials of the Lian family immediately surrendered. Lian Que, who forged the famous weapon Acacia, can no longer be just an insignificant junior member of the family to the Lian family, but they are the ones who maintain their position as the holy place of weaponsmiths.

One of the important factors.

Even if they didn't think it through before, they should think it through after this incident.

Jiang Wang was silent for a moment.

Because Lianque is not a person who needs comfort.

Lian Que put his calloused hands on the table and said, "Actually, I asked you to stay because I have something to discuss with you."

"Just say it," Jiang Wang said.

"This matter starts with Lian Shao. Do you remember Lian Shao?"

The guy who sneered at Lian Que in front of the sword furnace...

Jiang Wang nodded.

"I said, he is actually a poor man." Lianque said slowly: "As for the reason, it lies in the life tablet you gave me..."

From Lian Que's narration, Jiang Wang learned about the dusty history of the Lian family.

At that time, the Lian family's homeland was destroyed, and the Lian family fled and moved.

Because the Lian family's weapon-smithing heritage was already quite famous at that time, it was hunted down and betrayed in various ways along the way.

In order to protect the family and ensure that the family’s secret weapon-making skills are not leaked, in order to prevent anyone from defecting to the enemy...

The head of the Lian clan at that time decided to refine the birth cards for the entire Lian clan and hand them over to the care of the elders who were loyal to the family. If there was any betrayal, they would be killed without mercy.

These family elders do not care about secular matters, but they control the life and death of their clan members.

This kind of regulation ensured the inheritance of the Lian family. It gathered the strength of the Lian family at that time, allowing the Lian family to take root in the Qi State. It built a prosperous Nanyao City from scratch, and even became a member of the army.

One of the five holy places in the division.

But hundreds of years have passed, and the temporary emergency solution has become a smelly and stale family rule.

Every newborn of the Lian family must refine their destiny cards after they are born. Before they have their own will, life and death are already in the hands of others.

The earliest family elders may all be loyal to the family, but circumstances change and people change. There will always be a few unconvincing family elders, and there will always be a few scum that will expand.

It’s not that many people don’t realize the problem with this rule, but those with vested interests in power cannot let go of their power at all.

Pushing forward from the present time, a hundred years ago, there was a talented descendant of the Lian family. Because he was dissatisfied that his life was in the hands of others when he was born, he secretly had a rebellious heart. He operated quietly for many years, colluding with all parties, and setting up a conspiracy.

The big picture.

Eventually, various forces were mobilized to hunt down the Lian family.

If it weren't for the fact that the Qi Emperor wanted to plan a war and urgently needed the Lian family to help build troops and mobilize a large army for maintenance, the Lian family would have been exterminated in that disaster.

Despite this, after the disaster, the Lian family's reputation plummeted, and none of their property remained.

The Lian family rebuilt after the disaster.

But even after experiencing such a thing, the elders of the Lian family still refused to give up the power of life and death.

They are used to being superior. This is how they have come. They have suffered from the rules, and gradually they have become part of the rules.

However, since then, the Lian family has selected the ten most outstanding family children in each generation. The family recognizes that they have the ability to control their own destiny and returns the life cards.

Lianque is one of them.

The way to control floods is better to block it than to open it up. These ten people seem to be an honor, but in essence, it is just a vent.

Why do Lian Zhuping and Lian Luyue think that the personal honor of a family member is not worth mentioning, and do not even give it a little thought? Because in their thinking, there is no possibility of a family member disobeying them.

They never imagined that Lian Que would go against them.

This kind of rule that is so old and rotten that it stinks has been going on in the Lian family for too long. It has been so long that it seems to be innate, and it has been so long that few people will feel that it is wrong.

As for Lian Shao, they are those members of the Lian clan who cannot control their destiny cards.

They are the majority who cannot control their own life and death.

He also worked hard for those ten free places. But everyone worked so hard. He fell short, and from then on he lived in two worlds with those ten people.

Precisely because he was born with no autonomy and could not get it no matter how hard he tried, he was particularly angry at Lian Que's behavior of handing the life tablet to Jiang Wang in the secret realm of Tianfu.

For him, if he could get his life card, he would never hand it over again until he died.

Why does he hate Lianque?

He is angry that he does not have freedom, and even more angry that Lian Que does not cherish this freedom!

After saying this slowly, the jar of wine has reached its bottom.

Lianque lifted the wine jar and shook it, only two drops of wine fell down.

He put down the wine jar and finally sighed: "Born in the Lian family, I will be controlled by others my whole life."


This chapter has been completed!
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