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Chapter 1918 Chao Cangwu

Since ancient times, names and tools have been in the hands of cultivators.

A gentleman is good at pretending to things, but things are not their true nature.

All monks can raise weapons, and the weapons carried by the strong can often grow and gain considerable power.

For example, Jiang Wang's sword was first produced in Nanyao City and first saw its appearance as a famous weapon. However, as he has grown up to this day, being nourished by the light of supernatural powers day and night, and going through countless battles, big and small, it is no longer what it used to be.

The original Sauvignon Blanc might have been broken at the first touch in the battle of Shenlin, but today's Sauvignon Blanc can withstand the magical power of the sword to perform all kinds of magic. Jiang Wang holds it to fight against the real demon!

The quality of today's Sauvignon Blanc is no longer the same as the materials Lianque collected at the time. Its root is the sword master's will and spirit that he carried with him day and night, the bits and pieces he experienced with Jiang Wang, and the constant sublimation

's past.

But then again, if Jiang Wang loses Sauvignon Blanc, he will still be a peerless genius and a prince of Daqi. If Sauvignon Blanc leaves Jiang Wang, his divine light will fade with the passage of time and he will gradually return to the mortal realm. Other monks will have to start again.

Only when it is warmed and nurtured can it show its sharpness.

More than just Jiang Wangzhi’s weapons?

For example, the "Pudu" is fundamentally different in the hands of Huang Relic and in the hands of Huang Fu.

Even the weapons of the True Lord will gradually be corrupted by time once they leave the True Lord.

Because the way of the instrument has been broken to pieces!

How can the Saha Dragon Staff be an exception?

It is because it belongs to the powerful person of detachment and is already a weapon of detachment!

It is at the top of the mountain, transcending all things. All the rules in the world can no longer restrain it.

Only with such a great weapon of transcendence, the Saha Dragon Realm has remained unchanged for hundreds of thousands of years and has never been breached. It is not an ordinary world at all. If we want to truly destroy the Saha Dragon Realm, we must defeat the Saha Dragon Realm.


This staff transformed an area and suppressed the terror of the Mysterious Realm for hundreds of thousands of years, which is really amazing.

Jiang Wang suppressed the shock in his heart and asked aloud: "How does the power of this heavenly Buddha compare to the World Honored One?"

Yu Liyang said: "I can no longer judge the levels above the peak. But I think there is no essential difference between him and the World Honored One. The so-called 'Heavenly Buddha' means that he has reached the end of the word 'Buddha'. The World Honored One can

He was able to reach the position he reached, which is called 'equal with the sky', so he was named Tianfo. Moreover, when he became Tianfo, the battle between the human emperor and the dragon emperor had not yet begun."

The unfinished meaning of this Peach Blossom Fairy's words is that the existence written as "Dragon Buddha" in the history of the human race has clearly grown up later... What a terrifying and powerful man!

Jiang Wang asked again: "Why are the weapons of the Heavenly Buddha here? Why are they reincarnated in the Dragon Realm?"

"Like a sword in its scabbard, it serves as a weapon to deter the enemy and as a weapon." Yu Liyang looked like a respectable senior who knew everything, and said in a long voice: "This time it was forced out, and it lost the opportunity.

, it will be a waste of thousands of years...and retreat more."

As he spoke, he waved his sleeves, and the entire human army and himself retreated thirty miles.

Fortunately, the "Jiyou battlefield" has long since become white, so it does not block the view. The Saha dragon staff on the other side of the boundary river is very eye-catching, and it still firmly occupies people's field of vision.

Jiang Wang looked at the river bank in the distance and suddenly realized what was unexpected.

With Yu Liyang's wave of his hand, all three armies retreated, leaving only Cao Jie and four other true kings, staying alone in front of the boundary river.

Jiang Wang looked at Yu Liyang questioningly.

"The sky is falling, you are tall." Yu Liyang said without turning around: "Don't be surprised, I will stay here to protect you."

Jiang Wang:……

Yu Liyang said that the Saha Dragon Staff was reborn in the Saha Dragon Realm as a weapon. For example, if a sword is in its sheath, then when the Saha Dragon Staff is forced out... the sword will be stained with blood if it is unsheathed!

Therefore, Jiang Wang completely understood where the word "protection" from Yu Liyang came from. However, whether Yu Shangqing was protecting himself or not, there were two opinions.

As we speak, changes are taking place.

In the huge hollow, a hand appeared next to the Saha dragon staff that seemed to have been hanging forever.

Open your five fingers and hold the stick vertically.

When this hand completely fits the vertical lines of the dragon staff, grasping this ancient tin staff, and wearing a sacrificial crown and sacrificial robe, the Xuan Shen Emperor Ruichong appears in people's field of vision extremely clearly.

Although Emperor Xuan Shen is a powerful figure in Shinto, he was once a dragon after all. After Taiyong's death, he became the one most suitable to hold this staff.

At this moment, she is holding a tin staff in her hand, hanging in the void, like the Dragon Goddess from ancient times, coming from the depths of time. She dominates the world for a moment, as if she has mastered the entire mysterious world!

Behind her, the Emperor Wuyuan Zhanshou, the Emperor Xiyang of the Red Eyebrows, and the Emperor Zhongxi of the Great Prison lined up.

Although Xiyang was seriously injured and escaped, and Zhong Xi was almost beaten to death, the extremely powerful man regained his breath and gained endless benefits. With this buffer, they could not recover from their injuries, but they also regained some combat power.

At this time, the stars towered over the moon, showing infinite power.

Ruichong spoke in a low voice, with a solemn voice, as if he was praying devoutly at some formal ceremony: "The old man is old and the gods are old, and the old age is short. The long life is so thin!"

Her hand holding the staff was torn by tree lines, and blood flowed through her fingers and snaked around the staff.

She raised the dragon staff high, her voice became louder, and then she cried as sadly as a dragon: "The descendants are unworthy and disturb the ancestral weapons. I pray that with this staff, I will kill the enemy!"

The ancient atmosphere is spreading.

The colorful boundary river that could break down everything stopped flowing at this moment.

The Jiyou realm is trembling!

No, the entire ignorant world, which accommodates countless fights, has fallen into great terror!

The indescribable horror made Jiang Wang, who was separated by a boundary river, thirty miles away from the river bank, and blocked by five True Lords, actually feel that his Dao Yuan was stagnant and had difficulty breathing!

He is a strong man with divine knowledge, and he has fought countless gods. But at the moment when Emperor Xuan Shen raised the Saha Dragon Staff, let alone resisting, let alone facing, even the distant sight became a blur.

A dangerous thing!

He couldn't help but calm down, connect to the five palaces, hold the sword with strong will, and fight against his instinctive fear.

But in the face of such a terrible change, Cao Jie and other true monarchs, who were standing quietly in front of the river bank, had no intention of taking action.

They stood either hunched or strong, just watching helplessly as the Emperor Xuan Shen raised the Saha Dragon Staff high and stirred up the wind and clouds in the Mysterious Realm... and then at the next moment, a sword light came from the sky!

It doesn’t stop at the hollow where the Saha Dragon Staff is, it doesn’t stop at the boundary river, it doesn’t stop at the Jiyou boundary, it seems like the entire Mystery Realm is cracked.

It seemed to be a feeling, and it seemed to have become a reality.

At the moment when the sword light appeared in his field of vision, Jiang Wang clearly felt that the light of his magical power was divided, and his soul seemed to be cut in half.

He seemed to have been dismembered, but he was aware of his existence in that pain.

He couldn't help but feel a cold sweat running down his spine, but even the beads of sweat were flowing away!

The golden body and chalcedony are so fragile, and the divine spirit is so insignificant.

What level of sword light is this, and what kind of sword does it come from?!

It has no specific shape, but it has a specific edge.

It appeared in an attitude of cutting through the confusing world, and it towered over the held-up Saha Dragon Staff and chopped it down!


There was a slight explosion.

The right hand of Xuan Shen Emperor Ruichong holding the staff exploded on the spot, and was minced into countless tiny existences that could no longer be captured with the naked eye. Regardless of the Tao principles, Tao body, Tao blood, or sacrificial robes, bones, and Yuanli, they were shattered. When you get it so thoroughly, you are so close...

Jiang Wang, who sat in charge of the five mansions with his immortal heart and witnessed all this with his Qianyang red eyes, vaguely understood what "one" was and what was specific and subtle in the source sea.

The power of a sword is so powerful!

The Saha dragon staff was falling, and Ruichong was hanging around in the air. The strangely patterned sacrificial robe was like a blooming, gorgeous flower. She caught the dragon staff again with her intact left hand, and held it tightly like this. The Saha Dragon Staff made a single stroke with its sharp spear-like tail——

The sound was like cracking silk.

Accompanied by the sound of the sky being torn open, the boundary river that lay in front of everyone in the Jiyou boundary suddenly expanded a thousand times!

The terrifying and disorderly regular turbulence, at this moment, became more and more violent waves, surging and running wildly, like the Milky Way.

But Ruichong has let go.

The Saha Dragon Staff continued to fall, and spread out instantly, filling the huge hole, and the Saha Dragon Realm reappeared in this world!

But in the meantime, the mountains and rivers were shattered and torrents surged, creating a dilapidated scene.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhu Biqiong's concerned voice freed Jiang Wang from the tension that made it difficult to breathe.

He struggled to look back and saw Zhu Biqiong standing in front of him, as if blocking something.

In embarrassment, he looked around and realized that not only Zhu Biqiong and Zhuo Qingru, but also the soldiers behind him with lower cultivation levels remained motionless.

This is obviously Yu Liyang's masterpiece!

When he said that he was protecting everyone, he was truly protecting. A battle involving the Saha Dragon Staff, even across the boundary river, could not be easily seen even if the distance was widened.

But his suspicion against Jiang Wang was really against...

Protected everything except Jiang.

"It's okay, don't worry." Jiang Wang responded to Zhu Biqiong and took a step forward, about to question Yu Liyang.

"Do you know where this sword comes from?" Yu Liyang asked suddenly.

His attention was immediately diverted: "Where?"

"Cangwu Realm." Yu Liyang looked at the majestic boundary river and said without looking back.

"Cangwu Realm?" Jiang Wang vaguely thought of something.

"That is the sword of Penglai Taoist Master, the third statue of the Taoist sect. 'Chaocangwu' is its name." Yu Liyang explained patiently.

Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment: "Chaocangwu? What is the connection between this sword and that book...?"

Yu Liyang obviously knew which book Jiang Wang was talking about, so he just said: "I can't tell clearly."

The words "can't explain" that came out of Peach Blossom Fairy's mouth obviously prove the chaos of this matter.

"There are many opinions about the world-famous practice book you mentioned." Zhuo Qingru said very rigorously from the side: "Some say it is the notes of Penglai Taoist Master, and some say it is a certain top monk who pretended to be Penglai Taoist Master.

It is said that it is the practice knowledge compiled by the combined efforts of the Penglai disciples, compiled into a book, and submitted to 'Cangwu'. Others say that it is just a compilation of practice knowledge by a few individual people, and they just happen to have similar names."

Jiang Wang asked: "The word 'chao' in this classic book "Chao Cangwu", is it the dynasty of rising sun or the dynasty of worship?"

Zhuo Qingru thought for a while: "I don't dare to make a conclusion, so I'd better ask Yu Zhenjun."

Yu Liyang said casually: "Chaocang Wujian, of course, is the Chaoyang Dynasty. But there is no final conclusion about Chaocang Wudian. You can call it whatever you want. Many people will insist on calling it in order to distinguish it from the sword of Penglai Taoist Master.

For the purpose of worship."

Jiang Wang thoughtfully said: "So this confrontation in the Mysterious Realm that has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years is the confrontation between the Chao Cangwu Sword and the Saha Dragon Staff, that is, the confrontation between Penglai Taoist Master and the Heavenly Buddha?"

"It can be understood this way." Yu Liyang said: "This is a game between Penglai Taoist and Tianfo that has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years. While playing against each other, the two transcendent beings also used the hundreds of thousands of years of war between the two races in the Mysterious Realm.

Come and nourish this weapon of transcendence."

"Then just now..."

Jiang Wang did not understand the confrontation between Chaocangwu Sword and Saha Dragon Staff just now. He only knew that Chaocangwu Sword seemed to have the advantage, but he did not know the outcome of the battle and could not see the impact.

Is it just the arm of Shengxuan God Emperor Ruichong?

Yu Liyang said: "There are two things you need to know. First, the Chaocangwu Sword was not unsheathed just now, but the sword energy was just emitted, but the Saha Dragon Staff was shaken to its foundation. Second, the Saha Dragon Staff was composed of You Rui just now.

Chong is in control, and the one who prompted the Chaocangwu Sword was Penglai Island monk Meng Yu."

Meng Yu is also one of the most powerful men in the world, but compared with Emperor Xuan Shen, he is obviously not good enough.

Chaocangwu Sword suppressed the shaken Saha Dragon Staff with a sword energy, which also clearly reflected the difference in this battle.

Ruichong originally wanted to kill the enemy with the Saha Dragon Staff, but in the end he just expanded the boundary river hastily and still returned to the Saha Dragon Territory. This was a huge loss.

Yu Liyang added: "The Chaocangwu Sword is not stronger than the Saha Dragon Staff, or at least there is no such gap."

So this is the victory gained by the human race in this battle!

Jiang Wang vaguely understood.

The victory of this battle will ultimately come down to the nine words that Yu Liyang said at the beginning: "The opportunity is lost, and a thousand years are wasted."

What opportunity was lost?

This is the first opportunity in the hundreds of thousands of years of confrontation between Tianfo and Penglai Taoist! The Saha Dragon Staff has shaken the foundation, but the Chao Cang Wu Sword still hides its edge in its sheath.

What are the wasted millennia?

It is the accumulation of thousands of years of cultivation of the Saha Dragon Staff in the Mysterious Realm!

The great victory of this battle comes from its advantage in helping Penglai Dao Master win the transcendent situation!

From this point of view, where was the Tianfo Temple that Yue Jie overturned in Longchan Ridge?

It is clearly the "family destiny" of the Hai Clan for hundreds of years!

"So..." Jiang Wang asked hesitantly: "Penglai Taoist Master and Tianfo...are they still there?"

Yu Liyang raised his palms upward and his big sleeves were fluttering, as if he wanted to catch something. He said with some emotion: "I haven't jumped out of this situation, how can I explain it clearly?"

Whether the transcendent person is alive or dead is unpredictable. Even if he is as talented and beautiful as a peach blossom fairy, he can only express his feelings in a sentence. It is an unimaginable state!

Neither Penglai Taoist nor Heavenly Buddha has appeared for a long, long time. The traces of their greatness have mostly been covered up by the dust of time.

But at least here in the Mysterious World, their game is still going on, and their weapons are still confronting each other. The remaining momentum of one game is still affecting the pattern of the entire world.

Jiang Wang thought more and asked thoughtfully: "So the East China Sea Dragon Palace and Tianjing Kingdom..."

Regarding Jiang Wang's many questions, Yu Liyang did not mince words. That was because he was now qualified to know these and to explore the truth of the world. And these words would not be heard by people who were not qualified to hear them.

"That's the more important place." Yu Liyang said.

Jiang Wang had already made a guess: "Dragon Emperor and Human Emperor?"

Yu Liyang looked at the broken Dragon Realm on the other side and said with emotion: "The former is the palace of the Dragon Emperor, and the latter is the ideal country of the Human Emperor Lieshan Clan."

This chapter has been completed!
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