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Chapter 1954 Central Scenery, Shangfu Thirteen

Jiang Wang walked out of the funeral home alone. At this time, the sky was already breaking, and there were sparse pedestrians on the street.

He is not in people's sight.

At this moment he is the king of Biancheng.

Wearing a cloak and a black robe, walking through a strange country.

Regarding Lin Zhengren's reaction, Chong Xuansheng had already predicted it. It was Zhong Xuansheng who suggested to him - "You might as well give Lin Zhengren a chance to speak and see what Lin Zhengren can do."

That's why he didn't kill anyone and leave the scene immediately.

Zhong Xuansheng once said that smart people's ideas are actually better to judge, because there are never many best choices.

Facts have proved that killing Lin Zhengren is not a simple matter.

Or in other words, Zhuang Gaoxian sent Lin Zhengren out this time to kill him. And it was extremely difficult for him to avoid the price he had to pay to kill Lin Zhengren now.

Probably the death of Zhuang's envoy Lin Zhengren was the beginning of Zhuang Gaoxian's move.

The simplest thing - as long as Zhuang Gaoxian can prove that the death of Zhuang envoy Lin Zhengren is related to Jiang Wang, then the golden body of the human hero will no longer be established.

Zhuang Gaoxian could have killed him openly and honestly.

Extending from this... when Lin Zhengren goes to Xiang Kingdom, will Zhuang Gaoxian still want to create the illusion that Lin Zhengren died at the hands of Jiang Wang, even if Jiang Wang remains unmoved and cannot come out of seclusion?

Based on Jiang Wang's understanding of Zhuang Gaoxian, this is very likely to happen! In other words, this can at least be one of Zhuang Gaoxian's plans.

And when the time comes, the person who will take action on behalf of Dao Zongguo will be the Six Friends of Jingtian? Or will it be Fu Dongxu from Jingshitai?

If you think about it carefully, if you add Ji Yanyue who raises turtles, you will really offend many people in Jingguo...

Perhaps it was precisely because he foresaw his own pessimistic ending that Lin Zhengren was so eager to cooperate. There may be people who are willing to go to pieces for Zhuang Gaoxian, but that would definitely not include Lin Zhengren.

And how could Lin Zhengren be innocent?

King Bian Cheng could completely imagine that the methods Lin Zhengren mentioned for fishing him out of Xingyue Yuan were not necessarily all Zhuang Gaoxian's ideas, nor were they necessarily without Lin Zhengren's "creative ideas".

Lin Zhengren behaved like this in front of him, and he would also show no reservations in front of Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui - at least he would make an appearance of no reservations.

But Lin Zhengren is right, he is still very useful.

Jiang Wang firmly believed that he could kill Zhuang Gaoxian, but he never dared to underestimate this opponent.

All those who underestimated Zhuang Gaoxian learned a painful lesson in the end. Han Yin's death is not far behind.

Every move he makes is worthy of repeated consideration.

If Lin Zhengren's move can lead to so many possibilities. Song Qingyue went to Changhe Dragon Palace, what did he want?

King Bian Cheng restrained his control of his gaze and walked among the gradually increasing crowd while thinking.

Not long after, they arrived at the market in the north of Weicheng.

The convoy that Jingguoli Tianfu came to Shengguo to purchase wool is stopping here, and this morning it will return to Jingjing.

After waiting for a while at the appointed place, the King of the Unofficial Officials walked easily and appeared in the field of vision, looking around, looking very comfortable and curious, and chewing something in his mouth.

As soon as he saw King Bian Cheng, he immediately quickened his pace and walked closer in two or two steps.

The crunching sound of bones under the teeth made people feel even worse.

King Bian Cheng looked at him coldly: "I said I don't like you killing people without paying, right?"

The Rogue King was stunned for a moment and said quickly: "I don't have one."

"Then what are you eating?" King Bian Cheng said, his hand already on the hilt of his sword.

Bo Xinglang, who was obtained from Yi Shengfeng, is also a famous sword in the world. Even though he always hides his sword and does not show it to others easily, there are always some people who can recognize it. At least the monks in South Dou Hall will not be unfamiliar with it. Many people know that Yi Shengfeng died.

It is not difficult to judge the identity of King Bian Cheng from Hoshikuro.

So he specially asked Lian Que to make a new scabbard for the sword. The sword hung from the waist and its appearance was different from before. As for after taking it out of the scabbard... he would not let anyone see Haku Yukiro taking it out of the scabbard.

"Chicken bones!" the prisoner king said aggrievedly.

He also took out a bulging paper bag and showed it to King Bian Cheng. It was indeed full of chicken bones.

The only thing that was too much was...it was all raw bones and the blood was very bright.

"Ah!" He also lifted up his cloak and opened his mouth to show King Bian Cheng. There were chewed bloody bones in his mouth.

King Bian Cheng was very dissatisfied: "This is not your body, you still want to eat?"

The Rogue King put on his cloak and muttered: "Then you didn't say that you can't eat with a borrowed body..."

King Bian Cheng became even more angry: "I said I don't like people who are late, right?"

The prisoner Wang protested weakly: "I've arrived half an hour early, and you can see that the convoy hasn't even arrived yet..."

"Swallow the food before you talk to me! It's not polite!" King Bian Cheng's cold eyes were as cold as lightning, and his force was as strong as frost.

The king of robbers shrank his head, silently swallowed all the bones and dregs, and did not dare to say a word.

Su Xiuxing arranged everything properly, and the two Yamas joined the team without any twists and turns.

Named as a guard, he meditated in the carriage all the way.

To be precise, King Bian Cheng was meditating, and King Guan Guan was looking at him, but they were speechless all the way.

Speaking of his impressions of Li Tianfu, Jiang Wang only remembered that he had killed a man named Fucheng on the battlefield of Xingyue Plains - only after the war, after discussing his merits, he found out that he was a genius from Li Tianfu.

Very good, Jing Guo's list of enemies has been added to the list.

Jiang Wang is familiar with "The Sword of History Cuts the Sea" and is no stranger to the chapters of "Jinglue".

Whether it is Litian Mansion or Fengtian Mansion, where Hell Wumen's target is this time, they all belong to the "Thirteen Superior Mansion" of Jingguo. They are strong and must be extra careful.

Jingguo implemented a system of prefectures and counties, with a total of forty-nine prefectures in the country. With its strong strength and rich resources, it was well-deserved to be the first in the world.

From the day of the founding of the People's Republic of China to today, these forty-nine mansions have continued unabated, hanging like the sun and the moon.

Throughout modern history, the expansion of the Central Great View Empire has always been an expansion of influence. Its decline is also a decline of influence.

Their own country did not expand its territory, but its Taoist kingdoms spread throughout the world. The saying "the world wields a sword to dominate the powerful" is by no means an empty lie.

It’s just that in the long history, struggles have been ups and downs everywhere. Some knives are broken, like the Xia Kingdom. Some knives are blunt, like the Sheng Kingdom. Some knives are rusty, like the Northwest Five Kingdoms Alliance...

These forty-nine mansions are also divided internally. They are divided into thirteen upper mansions, twelve Dao mansions, twelve Yuan mansions, and twelve Ling mansions.

At that time, Jing Taizu Ji Yusu relied on the power of the three Taoist sects to found the country, which ended the "contention of a hundred schools of thought and the coexistence of sects" and ushered in an era of great prosperity for the national system. This fact is only briefly recorded in "Shi Dao Cuts the Sea".

The division of power within Jingguo at that time can be briefly glimpsed from the division of various prefectures.

Obviously, the Thirteen Shangfu is ruled by the royal family surnamed Ji of Jingguo, the Twelve Dao Palace is controlled by Daluo Mountain, the Twelve Yuan Palace belongs to Yujing Mountain, and the Twelve Ling Palace is under the name of Penglai Island.

These forty-nine palaces are intertwined with each other and formed into a terrifyingly powerful whole.

But the lack of centralization of power is undoubtedly a fatal problem for a huge empire. This problem has not been solved during Jing Taizu's lifetime. This problem may also have restricted Jing's true unification of the world and restricted Jing Taizu's ability to become the emperor of the world.

The key issue.

Jing Taizu was born in the three channels of Taoism, and was also blocked by the three channels of Taoism.

Until Ji Furen sat on the dragon chair.

Why did Emperor Jingwen mean "wen"?

It was because he inherited Taizu's ambition and silently solved the problem of lack of concentration of power in Jingguo and returned all administrative powers to the imperial court.

Only three mansions, Daodefu, Yuanshifu, and Lingbaofu, were retained as three-line autonomy, and they were nominally "the place where the Tao was told."

To this day, the influence of the three channels of Taoism is still everywhere.

Just like Yujing Mountain is to Zhuang State, Penglai Island is to Sheng State.

However, no matter where the country belongs to in the world, it must be based on scenery.

For example, the commander who kills disasters and controls demons must come from Daluo Mountain. The commander who kills disasters and suppresses evil must come from Yujing Mountain. The commander who eliminates disasters and slays demons must come from Penglai Island.

However, the highest control power of Jing Bajia is still in the control of the Dajing court.

Li Tianfu's wool-purchasing fleet does not belong to any wealthy businessman. It is able to cross borders thanks to the good public security in the Central Region.

Within the Central Territory, the Jingzhi Road extends in all directions, ensuring that the Jingguo army can reach any place in the Central Territory in the shortest possible time.

No matter which country the Jingzhi Road passes through, it needs to be carefully maintained by the local government. On this straight road, no ferocious beasts or bandits are allowed to roam rampant. Destroying the Jingzhi Road is a serious crime. Once discovered, Jingshitai will hunt it to the ends of the earth.

King Bian Cheng and King Wuguan did not follow them all the way to Litian Mansion. Instead, they left the convoy halfway and approached Fengtian Mansion on foot.

The You family is a famous family in Fengtian and has produced many strong men.

For example, 900 years ago, they had an appointment with Huang Weizhen on the top of Kunwu Mountain. In the peak duel with him, You Yuheng, who was the Nantian Master...well, was beaten to death, which greatly enriched the resources of Kunwu Mountain.

For example, forty years ago, You Qinxu, who fought with Jiang Mengxiong in the disaster, and was known as the "No. 1 Real Man in Zhongzhou"...well, his Taoist body was smashed, defeated the Taoism, returned to the Central Region, and survived for ten years, and then died.

And died.

Another example is You Que, the peerless talent who won the title of the leader of the Yellow River Association and is known as "the Jingtian Jiaojiu who has conquered the world for a hundred years"...

Of course his current situation is well known.

No matter how strong the foundation is, it cannot withstand such losses, so Youjia has already withdrawn from the top prestigious family in Jingguo.

Nowadays, it is difficult to study in detail how many people care about the situation and who can treat it with caution.

You Que's sudden emergence can be said to have inherited the family's great hope for thousands of years. His meteoric fall also plunged the You family into the abyss.

Nowadays, there are rumors in the market that no strong man has died in the You family. It is also said that Huang Weizhen more than nine hundred years ago not only killed You Yuheng, but also shattered the "luck" of the You family. In short, it is said that

Very evil.

It is not difficult to kill a cripple like You Que, whose Taoist heart has collapsed and his cultivation has fallen from the gods. Theoretically, any Yama is capable of doing it.

The really difficult thing is how to survive and escape from Jingguo after killing him.

The reason why this operation requires ten Yamas to enter the scene, most of the Yamas' tasks are to achieve the latter. How to hide the movement, how to block the transmission of the news of You Que's assassination, how to slow down the operation of the Mirror World Stage, how to delay the scene.

The pursuit of the powerful nation...

The best result, of course, is to kill You Que silently. You Jia waited ten days and a half to find out, and by then Hell No Gate had already escaped to the horizon.

But this can only be thought about.

King Bian Cheng and King Wuguan were dressing up in a teahouse - Taiping City where the ancestral home of the You family is located. The location of this teahouse satisfied King Bian Cheng.

It's two blocks away from Youjia's old house, so it's within easy reach without being too conspicuous.

There was no tea to drink.

King Bian Cheng did not take off his mask at all, and King Guan also buried his head in silence.

Even though they were walking together all the way, neither of them had eaten or drank anything. They both had a tacit understanding of not trusting each other. King Wu Guan only had a snack of raw chicken bones, and he had to get it himself when King Bian Cheng was away.

In the silence, I suddenly heard a "whoosh" sound.

King Qin Guang, with long hair and shawl, opened the door and walked in: "There is good news and bad news, which one should I hear first?"

Compared to the two Yamas who were very dedicated and concealed their aura, he was as laid back and relaxed as a homeless vagrant.

"Tell me the good news." King Bian Cheng's voice was cold, and he raised his chin towards the other side: "Tell him the bad news."

The king of robbers remained silent.

"Tsk." King Qin Guang shook his head: "When you open your mouth, you feel like a senior member of the organization."

The Rogue King nodded vigorously, so loudly that people were worried that his head would fall off.

"Then let me tell you the bad news first." King Qin Guang sat down next to King Bian Cheng and said: "King Taishan caused a little trouble when he entered the country and accidentally killed a guard patrolling the city at Jingtian Mansion.

Although we have erased the traces, Jingshidai must find out the results of this kind of thing. As the levels increase, at most three days, there will be a murder master who can capture our whereabouts. In addition, Lou Junlan

She is also in Taiping City now. With her here, we can quickly mobilize Jingguo's national power. Once we are exposed, the time to escape will be shortened infinitely."

King Bian Cheng raised his eyes slightly: "A piece of bad news?"

"They all increase the difficulty of the task." King Qin Guang said in a relaxed tone: "I think they can be combined into one."

King Bian Cheng stood up and was about to leave.

"Hey, hey." King Qin Guang stretched out his hand to stop him: "What does this mean?"

"If you like to seek death, form your own team." King Bian Cheng said coldly: "Don't drag me along."

"Ha, so ruthless?" King Qin Guang stopped him from leaving, and at the same time looked at the King of Guan Guan: "We are all in the same organization, listen to it, is this human language he said?"

The Rogue King immediately expressed his stance: "This Taishan King is too much of a hindrance! Trouble will happen at the critical moment!"

He reached out his pale hand from his black robe and clenched it into a powerful fist in slow motion: "Boss, we should give him some punishment to serve as a warning to others."

It seems that he has been trained very maturely by King Bian Cheng. King Qin Guang thought lightly.

He asked casually: "How do you want to punish him?"

The Rogue King's voice was hoarse: "I request you to do this now, turn him into a corpse, and serve you with me. In the future, he will not contribute less when he takes action, and he will not give more when he does not take action."

Cause trouble and you get a smaller share of the money."

King Qin Guang ignored him and looked back at King Bian Cheng: "It doesn't hurt to hear the good news."

King Bian Cheng sat back coldly and sat on the other side of the tea table.

At this moment, the three Yamas are sitting on three sides.

King Qin Guang took the unused tea soup belonging to King Bian Cheng, dipped his finger in the tea, and quickly drew a layout of the courtyard on the table.

"The good news is - You Que is almost a marginalized figure in the current You family. He has been marginalized for many years. He lives in isolation and is ignored by no one. Maybe no one knows that he was killed for a long time after we killed him.


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