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Chapter 2040 The crane is short and the duck is long

Lin Xian of Rong Guo!

Of course Zhuang Gaoxian knew this name and even tried to recruit him, but failed.

Of course he also knew that this young man had recently become a disciple of Jiang Wang and practiced with him in Xingyueyuan.

But when will the accomplished God come?

Where did he get the courage to participate in Jiang Wang's regicide rebellion?

Once the mainstream state system in this world backfires, Rong Guo will only be devastated. Lin Xian, who once represented Rong Guo in the Yellow River Tournament, can't he understand this truth?

How many benefits did Jiang Wang promise to make so many people greedy and fearless of death?

Zhuang Gao was puzzled, but this was not the issue he should consider now.

When Lin Xian suddenly appeared, he cut him back with a single blow.

What he fell into was a trap filled with endless killing methods!

Jiang Wang, Yin Guan, Zhao Rucheng, Xiangqian and Zhu Weiwo cooperated with each other perfectly, and they all wanted him to die!

In fact, Jiang Wang had already had a response plan for Zhuang Gaoxian who suddenly rang the inner scene's divine bell.

The Divine Bell in the Interior is almost a standard secret technique for the strong men in the Yujing Mountain lineage. It is impossible for him not to do research. What's more, with Han Xu's full interpretation, he even knows the lines of Zhuang Gaoxian's Divine Bell in detail.

Chu, all kinds of wonderful functions come naturally from the heart.

But Lin Xian suddenly appeared and opened the way without restraint. At this time, it was indeed a better solution.

He also made adjustments immediately, seizing this rare opportunity to attack first, showing his intention to kill Zhuang Gao and envy him!

Facing such an offensive, Zhuang Gaoxian can no longer hide!

At this point in the fight, the strength of these people has become very clear.

It is no exaggeration to say that when they sit down around a table, it will be a Dragon Palace Banquet!

With his Dongzhen cultivation level, he could not relax even a little bit from the beginning to the end.

After being pressed, you can't stand upright. If you are unfortunate enough to be torn apart from the defense, you may be immediately torn apart by random blades.

He is naturally a fierce male, making prompt decisions. In the midst of chaos and dazzling situations, he still focuses on the key points of the Soul Killing Field.

Still in the small courtyard of Yancheng, Emperor Yuanshen was fighting with Jiang Wang and Wang Changji to kill Zhenglie.

Zhuang Gaoxian rang the divine bell in the interior scene, showing off his power, repelling the thunder snake with his palm, breaking the golden watch with his fist, and launched a strong counterattack!

How could Jiang Wang show weakness?

From the time when he left home and lost his hometown with white hair, until today, he has fought for his life every step of the way.

He is not afraid that Zhuang Gaoxian will fight hard, but he is afraid that Zhuang Gaoxian will not be willing to fight!

Golden flames ignited all over his body, and his soul ignited the divine fire.

This heart is the king's fire, the highest level of samadhi, making his soul shine brightly and compete with the emperor's soul!

The golden divine fire fluttered and turned into a splendid robe with golden patterns, draped over the divine soul, causing its momentum to skyrocket again.

The secret killing method of the old Yang royal family, the god shines on the emperor's clothes!

Wearing this garment, you are like shining upon the gods. With every move of your hands and feet, you can terrify the world.

It is an all-round improvement to the killing power of the soul, and under the influence of Samadhi Divine Fire, the killing power is even better than the original.

The Bodhisattva of Six Desires is wearing a divine robe, Jiang Wang has a golden watch in his left hand, and the sword spirit in his right hand is longing for love, striding forward. Although he has unparalleled body skills, he almost never dodges, and just kills Zhuang Gaoxian straight away:


The madness in those red eyes made Zhuang Gaoxian flinch.

This person is really desperate and willing to give up everything in order to kill him!

In this battlefield of souls, he retreated for the first time.

With the power of the emperor's soul, he avoided the soul of a divine monk.

However, although the world is huge, how can he be tolerated in the deep courtyard of Yancheng?!

Wang Changji was wearing a simple long-sleeved gown and was holding his thin, pale hands at this moment.

Rumble, rumble!

The entire courtyard turned into a thunder pool, and the thunder pool continued to gather, compressing the three people's dodge space, like a beast fighting cage that kept shrinking the space.

Zhuang Gaoxian simply couldn't believe that they were really going to decide whether to live or die in this soul killing field.

One is more crazy than the other!

If the three of them were trapped in a cage and had no room to move around, they could only stick close to each other. Even if he really fell here, he would definitely be able to take these two people away before he died. Don't they know?

Why is there so much hatred?

The reason why he counterattacked strongly in the Soul War was to force his opponent and wait for a sure chance, but at this time he could no longer wait.

Under the increasingly fierce attacks of Jiang Wang and Wang Changji, Zhuang Gaoxian's clothes stirred, he let out a long roar, and two spiritual figures appeared behind his head.

One is up, the other is down.

Above is a white crane with long legs and a long neck, surrounded by black light, dots of glow, twisted into a fish.

Below is a black teal duck with short legs and a short neck, surrounded by white streamers, floating like ribbons and curved into a sunfish.

When the two spiritual figures are put together, they form a round of Tai Chi. The world is in a trance, and the universe is infinite.

This is Zhuang Gaoxian’s core magical power and the foundation of his path——

【Crane is short and duck is long】!

"Although the bird's shank is short, if it is continued, it will be sad; although the crane's shank is long, if it is broken, it will be sad."

Therefore, the crane is short and the duck is long, and the sun and moon hang upside down, confusing right and wrong.

Its core essence is exactly "inversion".

Just like the incident in Maplewood City. Jiang Wang, who risked his life to report the conspiracy of the White Bone Path, became the culprit who united with the White Bone Path to destroy Maplewood City. Zhuang Gaoxian, who allowed the evil cult to cause trouble and seized the elixir in one fell swoop, became the culprit of avenging the people.

, the wise king who can turn the tide!

This is what is called the crane is short and the duck is long.

These things are also the foundation for his practice.

He used this magical power outside Buhu City. After a brief fight with Huang Jinmo, he captured Huang Jinmo's aura, and then hid it. Then he killed Mo Jingyu!

He gave Mo Jingyu a chance to take action. Under his intentional guidance, it was a fact that Mo Jingyu attacked Huang Jinmo's aura. After the reversal, it became a fact that Huang Jinmo's aura attacked Mo Jingyu!

Under Zhuang Gaoxian's precise control, this breath became the cause of Mo Jingyu's death.

The Mo family's arrest of Huang Jinmo is indeed irrefutable proof that Huang Jinmo killed Mo Jingyu!

In his life, he has spent countless critical moments with this magical power.

Today is just another time...

Confusing black and white, confusing right and wrong!

At this moment, Zhuang Gaoxian is embarking on the boat of his life. The Tai Chi diagram of white crane and black duck is exactly the rudder of fate. Under the determination of the real person in this world, fate slowly turns -




The white crane with long legs and long neck turned into a black crane with short legs and short neck. The black light all over its body turned into white light and turned into a sun fish.

The black catfish with short legs and short neck turned into a white catfish with long legs and long neck. The white light all over its body turned into black light and turned into a yin fish.

As the saying goes, "When it turns white, it is black; when it turns up, it is thought it is down!"

This magical power has never been shown to people before, but it is used today.

Between Jiang Wang and Wang Changji, he chose——


At this moment when I am about to settle the matter in one fell swoop.

He found that Jiang Wang, who had just dug the Golden Tuo with his left hand and the sword spirit Chang Acacia in his right hand, and rushed forward to fight for his life, had already exited the courtyard and retreated behind the Chaotian Tower!

No one alive in this world knows about his magical powers. At most, Du Ruhui has some guesses, but it is impossible to know the root cause.

Then there is only one explanation——

Jiang Wang's choice was completely based on his fighting instincts. He had a premonition that he might unleash his trump card, so he retreated first.

I don’t know how many lives I escaped and how many times I fought life and death before I developed such a sense of combat!

He couldn't turn Jiang Wang upside down and fight with him again. At the critical moment when the magical power was revealed, he could only hand it over to the owner of this soul killing field.

This is a choice that you don’t have to choose, but it won’t be the wrong choice.

Because this Soul Killing Field is the key to the thrilling Soul War. Without this Soul Killing Field, Jiang Wang's Soul alone would not be able to pose a challenge to him.

Crane short and long tail has taken effect.

Everything in the courtyard that tried to suppress him was rolled back. Even the thunder pool in the sky that looked like God's Eye of Punishment had been turned upside down and struck back at Wang Changji!

Rumble, rumble!

A thunder pool as fierce as a roaring sea has the power to destroy everything in the world of spirits.

At this time, Zhuang Gaoxian suddenly discovered that behind the man with distant eyes, another thunder pool had jumped up!

Then came the second one, the third one, and the fourth one!

Five thunder pools shone together on the Soul Battlefield, and lightning was everywhere for a moment!

The one he turned upside down was easily picked up by one of them, while the other three were flying over.

What's wrong with picking out the same magical power five times?!!!

This incident subverted Zhuang Gaoxian's imagination!

So much so that he almost forgot that this was the first time that he failed to win the victory after showing off his magical powers at a critical moment since he took off the magic power of Crane Short and Long Fu!

But he is not obsessed with short-term victory or defeat.

No one in the world has a certain principle of success, even Zhuang Gaoxian can accept that "things cannot be done".

The trump card is exposed and it falls short of expectations, so be it.

How can the emperor fight for the country for a while?

In any case, the thunder pool was turned upside down, the suppression of the Soul Killing Field was instantly relieved, and Jiang Wang also retreated outside Chaotian Palace. This means...


The emperor's soul was freed. He soared into the sky without hesitation, broke free from the deep mud, broke through the killing field of souls in an instant, left the city of flames, and returned to the Tao body!

The dragon and the tiger are reunited in one furnace, and the emperor holds his treasured body.

At this moment, his Dao body was still falling. Lin Xian suddenly appeared with the help of his unfettered magical power and knocked him down from the sky. Zhu Weiwo, Jiang Wang and others each used their killing methods to surround and kill him.

There was no sword in his hand. At this moment, his body and mind were in harmony. His spiritual consciousness collided with the spiritual consciousness of all directions, like a lion fighting a pack of wolves. In the overwhelming flow of light and flying shadows, he raised his left hand and pressed forward with a palm!

The boundless clouds stand up like a five-fingered mountain, with the power to cover the world with the palm of its hand. It empties all the true fire of the sun, and blows away Zhu Weiwo with his gun!

The Golden Crow wailed, Zhu Weiwo's mouth burst with blood, his back cracked the space, and he retreated hundreds of feet in a posture of holding the gun in front of him to kill!

This is the result of him being restrained by all parties and his killing power reduced to the bottom.

Even if he is a genius in the world, how can he compete with his true self?

The Yiboyun Tianzhang passed down by Taizu of this village is the fifth of the nine forms, called "Five Fingers to Become Benevolence"!

This doesn't stop there.

His right hand opened and closed, gathering the Qi of the universe, the dragon and the tiger came together, and punched the sky. It seemed that he had tightened the basic lines of the world, causing the entire space to twist and groan, and suddenly knocked away the dragon light beam.


Move forward where your heart is tied, raise your head and spurt out blood!

This is the Qiankun Holy Fist passed down by Emperor Yongming!

It has to be said that Emperor Yongming had great faith in Zhuang Chengqian back then. Not only did he give him military power and self-governance for one term, but he also taught the emperor's martial arts skills.

This is also the spirit of a hero. When he was alive, he didn't worry about betrayal at all and allowed his subordinates to be ambitious.

If Emperor Yongming could really achieve hegemony and make Yong a hegemonic country, Zhuang Chengqian would benefit from it much more than later when he broke up the soil to build a country, and perhaps there would be no need for betrayal.

Therefore, Zhuang Taizu once felt confident and confident - "I only blame the descendants of Emperor Ming for being unfilial. Zhuang did it as a last resort."

Zhuang Gaoxian, who fought back, was horrified.

You don't feel at all that he has been fighting hard.

A little embarrassment cannot hide his strength.

He endured King Qin Guang's death curse, the Jade Fire, and allowed his Tao body to decay.

He didn't even look at Lin Xian's knife.

And with the Qi of Jade Xu forming an armor around his body, he crashed straight into Jiang Wang, like an out-of-control carriage, like a sideways mountain, knocking him away with absolute strength!

A real person in this world tried his best to open up the situation in an instant. He didn't care about face or shame. At the moment when he had gained a short-term advantage, he stood up suddenly and made no secret of his intention to leave.

Not to mention that it was extremely difficult to verify earlier, throughout the entire history since the beginning of the Dao calendar, it is really unheard of for a real person to escape from a fight with a Shenlin monk!

But Zhuang Gaoxian is determined to escape, who can stop him?

Jiang Wang’s eyes were about to burst: “Who allowed you to leave!”

When the three realms outside the body are separated from the body, they all come to control it.

The true source of the fire realm! The voice-hearing celestial realm! Jamfu Sword Prison!

Zhuang Gaoxian sneered, and casually let go of the sword that suppressed the emperor. He waved his sleeves and pressed Jiang Wang from a distance!

Jiang Wang opened all three realms, but none of the three realms could cover Zhuang Gaoxian. Instead, they pushed him far away in an instant, allowing him to avoid Zhao Rucheng's Emperor's Sword and the successive attacks from other geniuses.

The more you want to keep me, the more your power pushes me away.

This is the so-called polar opposite!

Do you feel hopeless?!

Zhuang Gaoxian flew rapidly in the sky, with a hint of ridicule at the corner of his mouth, and spoke Huanghuang's mantra: "You dare to attack and kill Emperor Zhengshuo and challenge the flood of humanity. None of you sinners can escape! Just wait for God to punish you!"

With his undoubted tyrannical strength, he has escaped from the most dangerous moment.

Gathering such a group of rare gods in this world, Jiang Wang did create a miracle. He did prove that they could defeat a real person head-on...

But it's still impossible to kill a real person!

The world is vast, and the body is as short as a crane and as long as a cattails. They are in opposite directions. Once he escapes from the fence, who can keep him?

At this moment he has two choices, both of which have very solid reasons.

One is to continue fleeing to Taixu Mountain Gate. This is the place where the world gathers for alliance, and there are countless true kings sitting there. There are also powerful men from Jingguo guarding the place. As long as he successfully reaches there, he will be absolutely safe.

The second is to escape back to Zhuang Kingdom. He is the emperor of Zhuang Kingdom and holds supreme power. Once he sets foot in Zhuang Kingdom, he immediately controls the power of the country and mobilizes the world. Mountain power! Water power! Military power! They are all in his hands and can be used inexhaustibly. Emperor Long

Qi can be replenished and is inexhaustible. These gods want to surround and kill him, but they are just talking nonsense.

No matter which choice is correct, the worst thing is to be hesitant.

Of course Zhuang Gaoxian would not make such a mistake. He had to make a choice as soon as he thought about it. Suddenly he met Jiang Wang's eyes.

His sight was captured, and Jiang Wang's hatred must be seen.

Their eyes met, burning with hatred.

In those red pupils, he seemed to see a yin-yang fish jumping out——

Dang! Dang! Dang!

The divine bell of Zhuang Gaoxian's interior scene is ringing at this moment, sounding the alarm!

The inner scenery of the divine clock is engraved with mountains and rivers, and the Tao characters engraved are "Benevolence" and "Li".

Benevolence is a moral teaching, etiquette is a discipline.

Renshan and Lihe are just the art of controlling the people!

As the emperor of Dazhuang, he was always sober.

Simulation is not real after all.

Within the scope of his three realms, Jiang Wang can compete with real people.

But outside the Three Realms, within the scope of the present world, the one who has insight into the fundamentals of the world is the real person in this world.

Jiang Wang showed that he was going astray at the critical moment and cautiously did not give Zhuang Gaoxian a new choice. Instead, he gave subtle guidance among Zhuang Gaoxian's existing choices.

But Zhuang Gaoxian still noticed it!

He remembered that Jiang Wang had a magical power that had never been shown to others, and it was as hidden as his short crane and long tail.

He realized that Jiang Wang was using this terrifying magical power at this moment, trying to influence his decision and let him go to Taixu Mountain Gate!

At this moment, a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind, and he suddenly wanted to understand too much.

Yes, the man in front of me was once a Marquis of Qi. He opened up the territory of Qi and made great achievements.

This time the change in the Taixu Illusion Realm was initiated by Qi Ren. Xu Zeming's earliest mistake was that he was caught in the hands of Qi Ren.

But what Jiang Wang grasped this time was the timing of his participation in the Taixu Alliance. He gathered so many people and prepared for battle in advance to intercept and kill him halfway!

Zhuang Gaoxian thought of a terrifying possibility - the entire Taixu Alliance was a huge conspiracy. In addition to the division of the Taixu illusion, it was also a trap for Zhuang Gaoxian!

Jiang Wangciqi was probably just acting in a bitter drama.

Outside the gate of Taixu Mountain, there may be a more terrifying killing situation hidden.

"Is your so-called hatred only limited to this? I haven't even spat out a mouthful of blood! The best opportunity has been wasted by you. If you miss today, there will be no tomorrow!"

Zhuang Gaoxian, a wise and powerful man, gave Jiang Wang a cold look, left heart-breaking words, and without hesitation, turned around and flew to Zhuang Country!

He sat up in shock while dying of illness.

This shot of chicken blood has brought me back to my former glory. God is here today and I will never grow old!

This chapter is 4K, with additional updates for the alliance leader "Weed" and the alliance leader "Crow Tuanzi".

Thanks to book friend "Chao Xianhua" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 492nd alliance!

Thanks to book friend "livy37" for becoming the leader of this book! It is the 22nd Silver League!

Thanks to the book friend "First Place in the Late to Sleep and Late to Wake Up Contest" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 494th alliance!

Thanks to book friend "My Ren Xiaoyao

Thanks to book friend "Dushi" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 496th alliance!

Thanks to the book friend "I feel like I will be full if I don't join the alliance group" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 497th alliance!

Thanks to book friend "Liao Qingjing" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 498th alliance!

Thanks to book friend "Ersan" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 499th alliance!

Thanks to book friend "The rice dumplings at home are round and sweet" for becoming the ally of this book, this is the 500th ally!

Thank you to the book friend "The Rain Is Hearing the Bell__" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 501st alliance!

Thanks to the book friend "Dao Guan Fei Jin" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 502nd alliance!

Friends of the Five Hundred Alliance! The fourteenth work of the Five Hundred Alliance from Qidian!!

You guys are awesome!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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