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Chapter 2057 His words ring in my ears

The picture was very moving and very still at the same time.

But in fact, what is still is just people's breathing.

Yu Wen Lie's terrifying knife strike was actually stopped by an index finger?

The house was full of spectators, many of whom stood up and looked forward in disbelief!

After the light of the knife faded, people saw that there was a small, red ball of light in front of Jiang Wang's flat index finger.

It was this ball of light that resisted Yu Wenlie's blade.

Of course it is not just a ball of light, but a vibrant spiritual world.

There are not many people in the world who can use one realm to equal a sword, and can play with the spiritual realm to this extent!

Shrinking the true source of fire world into one finger and exerting all its power is the embodiment of Jiang Wang's ultimate control.

This is such a splendid world, but it has not bloomed.

Because at this time, everything is dim.

The blue sky, the bright light, the roaring sword energy...

Everything is dark.

They don't disappear, what disappears is the view.

Yu Wenlie slashed the moon and the moon rose. After the moon fell... it was [Eternal Night].

This combination is amazing.

As if from ancient times, this wolf howl sounded, desolate and distant, awakening the fighting spirit of the barbaric period, and also awakened the murderous intention of the prairie man.

Without any warning, when the Jamfu Sword Prison enveloped this place and the sword energy poured down, Na Liang had already transformed into a giant wolf. The body was nearly five feet long, with ridges like mountains. The long hair was sprinkled with silver light and

The faint green in the wolf's eyes has become the only two colors of light in this eternal night. The former makes people worship, while the latter makes people fear.

At this time, Na Liang was already in the strongest state in his life.

In [Eternal Night], [Wolf Picture] is close to God!

His speed reached the limit, and at the same time that the wolf body was manifesting, he had already rushed in front of Jiang Wang. The boundless sword energy was blocked by the long silver hair, and the huge wolf claws smashed down like a mountain.

Under the bath of Yongye's magical power, in this small fighting arena, he was able to achieve an almost teleportation effect just by relying on his speed!

The wolf's claws fell off with little stagnation.

Was Jiang Wang unable to react in time?

Na Liang's vertical pupils shrank.

He missed it!

It wasn't that Jiang Wang was faster than him, but that at that moment, his voice, hearing, and vision were distorted, giving him an extremely real but completely wrong direction.

He withstood the attack of Yanfu Sword Prison and rushed over, but he just happened to jump into another realm outside Jiang Wang.

Like a wild beast on the grassland, it jumped into the cage on its own initiative.

It's not the sravaka realm.

But it is the perfect integration of the magic of seeing and hearing... the fairyland of seeing and hearing!

If you enter this area by mistake, you will lose your eyes and ears!


Na Liang's silver-white wolf body was directly stepped down from the sky and hit the floor tiles engraved with divine inscriptions, making a loud noise.


White gas kept coming out from under his body.

The white steam lifted the wolf's body upwards, overturning all the mountains. The man on the mountain was already an "immortal".

Intangible and qualitative "qi" surrounds the wolf's body. At this moment, Na Liangjia uses the magical power to control the qi, and his killing power increases almost infinitely. With the qi in control, he can move freely and freely.

There is a sword in front of you!

Jiang Wang gave him respect. The immortal on the mountain drew his sword for him.

When this sword is raised, it is colorful.

It is the sword that kills on the road, and it is not me who is not praised by me. It is the killing sword that deserves to be praised throughout the world!

Na Liang has developed two types of effects of the Eternal Night Magical Power, one is to invade the vision, and the other is to bless the wolf figure, which greatly increases the speed and strength of the wolf god.

But in the fairyland of seeing and hearing, has [Eternal Night] really come?

Hu Naba, Hu Naba!

The believer's call to the wolf god rang in Na Liang's ears at this moment, making him confused.

Na Liang retreated in shock, his body surrounded by control energy!

Jiang Wang, however, pressed down with his sword and killed Jin Gonghao, who had finally escaped from the wave of swords, on his head!

Jin Gonghao was actually at the place where they were fighting, and he was in the same body as Na Liang without realizing it. What the two sides saw and heard were completely different. Everyone was in the cocoon of their own experiences! Although they were in the same world, they felt like they were in another world.

Jiang Wang is playing with Zhijian!

The reason why he challenged Na Liang with his sword was simply to crush Jin Gonghao with his sword.

This sword presses down, and the whole world slanders him.

Jin Gonghao raised his hand and hit his throat, but it hit the hole!

His vision deceived him.

It caused him to misjudge the location.

But he also asked him to see blood tassels flying up, black armor cracking... and seeing himself almost being disemboweled by a sword!

His figure exploded into a long series of phantoms, and with ghostly movement, he retreated to the corner of the arena in an instant.

But in his field of vision, Jiang Wang did not pursue. Or, in other words, did he hide the pursuit? How true or false was what he saw and heard? Jin Gonghao couldn't help but look outside the spiritual realm, hesitating around him.

Jiang Wang has turned around.

Turn around and strike with a sword, causing a wave of frost!

Since there is doubt as to whether [Eternal Night] has arrived, of course the true source of the Fire Realm has also bloomed, but it has been hidden from the sight of the four geniuses of the Mu Kingdom.

And Yu Wenlie was the one who slashed into the True Source Fire Realm with one strike and was sealed by the totem boundary monument.

The true fire burns the entire world to its very core.

The flaming city crashed down.

He split his body with blood patterns, became more and more brave the more he fought, smashed the flaming city, killed the flaming sparrow, chopped the flaming meteor, and slashed towards the True Origin Stone Tablet.


He should not have been able to see anything, but he saw flying snow and the Big Dipper.

He should have heard nothing, but instead he heard the sound of swords and the howling of the cold wind.

He saw and heard the sword, and he was already wounded by the sword.

The handle of the bucket points north, and it is winter all over the world.

The tip of the sword touched his throat lightly, suffocating his breath, cutting off his blood, dimming his golden body and chalcedony, and making the prairie genius pause on the spot. Jiang Wang turned around and took hold of his collar with his backhand.

Throw him out of the arena——

Yu Wenlie became the first person to be eliminated in this battle!

He simply failed to try his best!

What I have learned has not been put to use.

From the beginning to the end, the only attack he caused to Jiang Wang in the real sense was the moment when he drew the sword, the only one.

They had fought against each other before, and had been defeated before. They had fought against each other again, and successfully completed their knowledge... Jiang Wang was as powerful as a sword against such an opponent, leaving no room for him to develop at all.

too fast.

Yuwen Lie left the show too quickly.

And the changes in this battle are too complicated.

The ever-changing sword energy, the noisy and harsh sounds, the twists and turns of the sight...the entire battlefield environment is extremely chaotic, turning it into a pot of boiling porridge, and those who step into this battle are like wading into a quagmire.

For the powerful Shenlin monks, the greatest significance of the [Spirit Realm] lies in the control of the combat environment. The so-called "I am like a god in this realm."

Jiang Wang has undoubtedly achieved this to the extreme. The geniuses of several pastoral countries are as if they are surrounded by thousands of armies. The heaven and earth are not responding, and they are restrained everywhere. Their strength is incomparable.


As soon as Na Liang retreated, he knew something was wrong. Because he didn't feel Jiang Wang's pursuit at all. He roared and washed the battlefield with pure divine power. The silver-white wolf god's body rushed into the true source of fire at a terrifying speed.

Look for Jiang!

In this fairyland of seeing and hearing, what you see is wrong and what you hear is lost.

He had to close his eyes, seal off his hearing, fight with the divine body instinct of "Hu Na Ba", control the energy in his body, blend into the eternal night, and be inseparable from Jiang Wang.


Jiang Wang refused to give in at all, and his long sword whirled in the frosty wind, and he fought with Na Liang. His speed was not as fast, but his killing power was still greater. Every time he grabbed the center line, Na Liang had to go around.

In this way, both sides maintain the same attacking rhythm. One man and one wolf are like two parallel lightning bolts, traveling crazily throughout the arena and fighting crazily!

But this battle is more than just the two of them?

Jin Gonghao, whose armor was pierced by a sword, had corrected his unknowingly disturbed "knowledge", awakened himself with secret techniques, and accurately captured Jiang Wang who was fighting with Na Liang.

The fighting spirit roared beneath him, forming into a fierce horse covered in black armor and treading on black flames.

He and his horse become one, turning the arena into a battlefield.

People are flying high in the sky, horses are riding high, and iron poles are flying across the sun and the moon!

At this moment, the iron flag fluttered in the sky, and thousands of killing sounds sounded like thunder.

All the fighting spirit and murderous intention, its power and force, are aimed at Jiang Wang, which is exactly where the thousands of troops are heading, and cannot be avoided.

According to Jin Tandu, the master of Iron Buddha Tu, [Six Paths of Killing]!

Na Liang chose to fight close to each other and fight in a small area, as if they were specially designed for this battlefield. They all adapted to fighting in such an environment in the shortest possible time. They were separated by two lives before, and now their killing methods are completely different.

As one, they cooperate with each other and have a clear understanding of each other.

More than that?

In the opening scene, Wan Yandu tried to use his spiritual realm to fight against the Jamfu Sword Prison, almost collapsing his spiritual realm and even being restrained... but it also really revealed the strength of the Jamfu Sword Prison for others.

In the end, almost all the sword energy was accumulated on his body, pinning him to the spot.

There were no comrades in his field of vision at all. It seemed that from beginning to end, Jiang Wang was the only one who was working against him wholeheartedly.

But he obviously also understood what kind of battle he was fighting.

Therefore, at the critical moment, he shook his body and transformed into an evil giant with a thousand arms. His eyes were holy and compassionate, and his face was twisted and crazy.

His arms spread out like a python, and his breath screamed like boiling water.

His arrival has made this battlefield feel like it has fallen into a bad world. It is obviously powerful and terrifying!

It is for the supernatural power, Mahapashun!

The manifestation of this supernatural power is that the Buddha and the devil are one, and good and evil coexist. Thousands of hands are waved together, tearing apart the momentum. The general comes out from the bombardment of the boundless sword energy, as if he wants to tear Jiang Wang into pieces!

See and hear about the plundering of the fairyland.

But each of his hands can open eyes and give birth to ears. Either the Buddha's eyes are compassionate, or the devil's ears can transmit sounds, and they have strong resistance to the fairyland of seeing and hearing.

This body of Mahaboshun is constantly changing, and it has grasped a strange balance and completely transformed into the battlefield... kill Jiang Wang!

At this moment, the three powerful men from the herding country were completely united in their fighting intentions, and their killing methods went hand in hand.

Jiang Wang's attack to drive away Yu Wenlie had no flaws, but under the siege of the three geniuses of the Mu Kingdom, he was forced out of an opening that was not empty, and this became the siege and killing trend!

But at this moment, Jiang Wang was very peaceful.

The roaring sword energy seemed to be tired, and the true source of fire was like a flower that had bloomed and was about to wither. The confusing "seeing" and "smell" gradually became calm.

He is completely able to regard this as true, so he does not hold out any hope or do anything useless.

At this time, the three realms outside the body are instantly merged into one body.

Jiang Wang had to admit that this joint attack by Na Liang, Jin Gonghao, and Wan Yandu was perfect. When he eliminated Yu Wenlie and was about to establish his victory one by one, he was forced into this situation and made him avoid it.

There is no way around it.

But he……

Why should we avoid it?

Is it Zhuang Gaoxian on the opposite side? Or Cang Meng? Or Huyan Jingxuan?

Is there no real person?

He, who was furiously chasing Na Liang, suddenly became fixed in the air, extremely moving yet extremely still. The strong sense of conflict shredded the vision and almost made the viewer sick to his stomach.

But Na Liang reacted immediately. His whole body was boiling with energy, and the wolf that had already rushed over suddenly turned and counterattacked!

Jiang Wang has drawn his sword!

The True Source Fire Realm, the Immortal Realm of Seeing and Wearing, the Jamfu Sword Prison...

The three realms are united, wind and fire coexist, everything is seen and heard, only the sword is the most respected!

With this sword, the world will be eclipsed!

People saw that everything on the field was dim, the generals, the divine wolves, the Buddhas and the demons were all dull! Only the edge of the sword became clearer and brighter——


"I can't see it anymore!"

"Look at my eyes. Am I blind?!"

Everyone fell down in the spectator seats.

The line of sight was cut off and the eyes were cut!

This highest-standard fighting arena has its own highest-standard magic circle maintenance. In theory, it can perfectly host the battles of real people in this world, and it can definitely protect the audience in the spectator seats.

But it is difficult to apply to this moment - after all, the spectators first paid attention to the battle and then made such a connection. It is almost equivalent to them actively intervening in the battlefield before being affected by the battle.

Bian Qiang has been hosting duels for so many years, and this is the first time he has seen spectators injured in such a venue.

Most of the spectators lost their vision at this moment and were temporarily blinded!

But she had no intention of comforting her. Her sight was also robbed, and she was feeling the sword with all her heart——

What kind of sword is that?

She is familiar with hundreds of classics and knows the languages ​​​​of various countries, but she can't describe it!

She couldn't take her attention away.


Jiang Wang's sword is moving forward.

Move forward with the attention that everyone must give.

Run across the iron-blooded battlefield, cut through the divisions between Buddhas and demons, and face the wolf god of heaven head-on.

Just this sword!

Most of the spectators could not see this sword at all. After their vision was barely restored, they could see the figures of Na Liang, Jin Gonghao, and Wan Yandu vomiting blood and flying upside down!

They fly high, just in three directions, like a three-petaled lotus blooming.

This arena is extremely quiet.

People can only hear the lonely sound of Sauvignon Blanc being sheathed and the blade rubbing against the scabbard.

Six ways of killing?


Eternal Night Wolf Picture?

Destroy it with one sword!

Who can speak?

Applause erupted from the stands.

Emperor Damu slowly stroked his palms, and the applause was like slaps one after another, silencing everyone in the stands.

This battle ended too quickly.

Originally, we were both in God's presence, and we were both proud of the world, but to be surrounded by others was not very honorable.

I originally thought that the Tianjiao of the Mu Kingdom had the upper hand, or at least it was an evenly matched battle.

But it ended so quickly and so neatly!

Will the emperor feel that he has lost face?

This is of course a humiliation for the minister.

But His Majesty the Emperor of Mu Kingdom did not seem to be dissatisfied. He only said: "This sword is really beautiful. Zhuang Gaoxian died unjustly."

Jiang Wang is the one standing alone on the battlefield.

He gained attention, but only gave a deep salute to the stands: "Your Majesty, please forgive me. This sword was indeed created to kill Zhuang Gaoxian, and it was only used in that battle. Its name is [Everyone Becomes Me Today],

Some people also call it... the 'Truth-Killing Sword'. The pressure from my brothers was so great that I couldn't hold it back, so I had no choice but to use this sword to fight."

Mu Tianzi said softly: "You don't have to be too modest, don't I tolerate others? Thousands of miles of grassland, flying eagles, riding horses, thousands of years, how many athletes. Some people can lose to your sword, and some people can't even look at it.

You can't even see this sword——"

She turned her head and said to the people around her: "Elder Okre just came to protect you, but I erased it. I think you should endure some hardships to remember this sword more clearly. You guys

What do you think?"

Those accompanying the emperor today are all prairie nobles, and each tribe is showing off its sons and daughters.

Regardless of whether they had been injured by that sword just now, everyone left the table and prostrated themselves.

Mu Tianzi ignored it and said to Jiang Wang on the stage: "I see you breaking off your shackles and returning to nature along the way. Now that you are twenty-three, it is a good time. Do you want to come to the grassland and ride on it?"

Her voice was very gentle, but it was as important as the world, and she said: "I promise you ten thousand households."

Directly promise a prince to dominate the country and thousands of households!

Before he has even accomplished anything!

It would be fine if Mu Tianzi didn't open the conditions, but once he opened them, it would be the most important thing in the world.

Even if Jiang Wang is only one step away from Dongzhen, no hegemonic country in the world can offer higher conditions than this.

This kind of title can support real people with the power of the country!

Jiang Wang saluted again: "Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty, Jiang Wang is grateful!

"I love the scenery of the grassland. I admire your majesty's great strategy.

"It's just that when I left Qi, I once said to Emperor Qi - 'I will never enter any country in this life, and I will always seek freedom.'

"The Emperor of Qi will let me straighten up and I will be free.

"If his words are in your ears, can you lose your faith?"

He fully felt the weight of Mu Tianzi's promise, and this time he bent even lower: "I speak from the bottom of my heart, in view of the emperor."

Thanks to the book friend "Temperance Superman" for the reward, the new alliance is the 577th alliance!

This chapter has been completed!
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