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Chapter 2078 Xinzhuang

Jiang Zhenren was drinking with Du Yehu in Zhuang State.

Du Yehu, who was once a heavy drinker, has given up drinking for several years. Now after killing Zhuang Gaoxian, even if he sits at the same table with Jiang Wang, he only has a few drinks.

It's hard to imagine that he is the Du Yehu who hides jars of wine under his bed and drinks up all his stipend money at the beginning of every month.

Also drinking together were Li Jianqiu and Song Qingyue.

Song Qingyue also brought his sister Song Qingzhi.

The little girl sat there quietly eating.

Except for politely saying hello to everyone when he came in at the beginning, he remained silent the rest of the time, and his posture was dignified, making him look very ladylike.

I remember when she paid money to copy Jiang Anan's homework and threatened to beat Jiang... The little witch who was once a messy little witch is now much more sensible.

Sensible children are often unhappy children.

So over the years, Jiang Wang has always tried hard to protect Jiang An'an's innocence, preferring her to be more willful - little An'an began to be sensible very early. After her father died of illness, and after her mother remarried... in the house Jiang Wang carefully arranged for her

My home was destroyed by man-made disasters that winter.

It was only after the Yun Kingdom had been stable for a long time that it began to become lively.

Lingxiao Pavilion gave her the feeling of home, and the wind and rain of this world never crossed her path again.

And what about Song Qingzhi?

Song Hengjiang died overnight, and Song Qingyue hurriedly inherited the position of Shuijun. He struggled to support himself under the suppression of Zhuang Gaoxian, and obviously did not have much energy to take care of her. The Qingjiang Shui Tribe felt the pinch, and Song Hengjiang's children could best handle it.


Jiang Wang looked at her: "Qingzhi, do you remember An An? You used to be good friends."

Song Qingzhi's eyes lit up and she nodded vigorously.

When they were in school, the two of them had a good relationship, and they were the two most troublesome students for the private school teacher. As the little princess of Shui Mansion, Song Qingzhi had a lot of money and jewelry, and she often gave gifts to Jiang Anan. Back then, the two little girls parted ways outside the city.

, Song Qingzhi also gave An An a protective magical weapon.

Jiang Wang smiled and said: "Then when An An comes back, I will bring her to find you, or I will take you to Yun Country and arrange a reunion for you two as old friends."

Li Jianqiu just smiled.

Du Yehu complained: "I didn't even mention bringing her to see me...where did she go?"

Jiang Wang said, "I went to the outer world to practice with Pavilion Master Ye. I don't know which realm we are in."

Song Qingyue is also a person who takes care of his younger sister. Hearing this, he couldn't help but asked: "Did An An start practicing so early?"

The water tribe is born with Taoism, but generally they have to wait until their mind matures before they officially start practicing. Otherwise, it is easy to be unable to control the power and instead be controlled by it.

How many demon clans and aquatic clans have lost control and turned into evil beasts? These are the lessons of history’s blood and tears.

Not to mention the human race, before swallowing the Pulse Opening Pill, you must lay a good foundation and take good care of your body.

From Youmai to Zhoutian is the process of initially establishing the world's understanding. It is not that the earlier the better.

"Don't mention it." Jiang Wang said: "Zhenren Ye helped her lay the foundation early, so that she couldn't even enjoy her childhood."

Song Qingyue said: "Then there's no need to run away to practice outside now, right?"

Jiang Wang looked troubled: "My sister is very good at everything else, but it makes me uncomfortable - she loves to study so much. She either reads and practices calligraphy or meditates and studies Taoism every day. There are stacks of copybooks.

Write! I ask her to play every day, what’s there for a child to learn? She doesn’t listen, she insists! Now when I go back to Tianwai, I guess Master Ye is also pestered to a point of helplessness.”

Song Qingyue silently glanced at his sister.

Song Qingzhi was puzzled by the look. She touched her face, but there was no rice. At this time, she didn't know what she was about to face.

When these people sit down and drink together today, it's not just about reminiscing about old times.

After three rounds of drinking.

Li Jianqiu said: "Junior brother Jiang provided many ideas about the Kaimai Pill we talked about last time. We have discussed it many times during this period and have already reached preliminary results. You are now a real person in this world, and your vision is far beyond

Let me wait and help you review it again and give me some advice?"

The creation of the Pulse Opening Pill was the foundation for the human race to overthrow the demon clan's heaven.

Throughout the ages, the stronger the bloodline, the more difficult it is to produce heirs.

The human race can hardly be called a race with strong bloodline. Among all the races in the ancient times, it was even a relatively weak one, but it is also easy to reproduce... and the Kaimai Pill directly complements the innateness, and the disadvantage becomes an advantage.

From one pill in one vein to many pills in one vein, demon veins of the same quality create more and more vein-opening pills, and the quality is getting better and better... And now, one demon clan can give birth to a large group of demons.

Beast, the output of the Pulse Opening Pill has been greatly increased.

The human race’s research on the Pulse Opening Pill has never stopped, and there have been several fundamental changes.

But its original blood color has never been erased.

The people of the hegemonic country cannot see this kind of blood, and the people of the big country can sit back and relax, because the price of the Pulse Opening Pill has been borne by the small country.

And these people here are from small countries.

The table sitting here today has all seen the bloody background of Kaimai Dan.

Li Jianqiu once lost everything in Shubi Peak and called himself a "prodigal dog".

Jiang Wang shattered his three views at Yuheng Peak and almost collapsed his faith.

Du Yehu has been guarding Jiujiang City in the past few years, which is suppressing the largest beast nest in Zhuang Kingdom.

Not to mention Song Qingyue, many people regard Shui Tribe as the raw material of the Pulse Opening Pill.

But on the other hand, Jiang Wang, Du Yehu, and Li Jianqiu were not born with Taoist veins. Jiang Wang and Li Jianqiu both swallowed pills to open their meridians, while Du Yehu was an ancient military strategist who had Qi and blood flowing through his veins. He survived a narrow escape to achieve success.


Now Jiang Wanggui is a real person in the world, and Du Yehu and Li Jianqiu also hold high positions in the country. They all know the great significance of Kaimai Dan to the human race, and understand that this matter cannot be simply divided into right and wrong, and they must not deal with it roughly -

—No matter how well-intentioned it is.

It is not uncommon for good intentions to turn into evil.

Regarding today's Zhuang Kingdom, Daozong is still "belonging but not unifying" and leaving it to self-government.

Zhang Ren, the president of the Council of Elders, Li Jianqiu, the prime minister, Du Yehu, the general, Fu Baosong, the superintendent of the country, and Song Qingyue, the Qingjiang Shuijun and Zhuangguo Navy Governor, these five jointly govern the country.

There are three of them here, and they can basically determine the direction of this country.

This also means that when they are young, they can start to try to get closer to their ideal - I cannot say it is an ideal, it can only be said to be a beautiful hope for the time being.

They hope that this country will become better, they hope that the people's lives will be better, and they hope that the pain they have experienced will not be experienced by those who come after them. They hope that the mistakes of history will not repeat themselves again, and they hope that the tragedies of the past will not happen again.

It’s not just the people who sleep forever in Maplewood City, it’s not just the sacrifices of generations in Sanshan City.

But as Jiang Wang once said when facing the Ping Dynasty - "Before I really understand some truths, really see the world clearly, really think clearly, and get the answer, I don't want to do anything rashly and use my stupidity to hurt this world.


When they are young, they don't dare to say that they understand the world, and they don't dare to say that what they think is the absolute truth. They only dare to try and explore cautiously.

They have been in power for half a year since they overthrew Zhuang Gaoxian, and there have been no changes in national policies. People's lives have remained as before. For a long time, modifications to national policies were only ideas and discussions.

Jiang Wang came to Zhuang State this time to see the outcome of their discussion.

But there is no rush.

"I just provided some ideas. It is you who are really facing this country. The burden on your shoulders is three thousand miles of mountains and rivers, tens of millions of people, and a living human race and aquatic race. So you must be cautious in every move you make.

Be careful." Jiang Wang said: "Before I hear the results of your discussion, I want to ask you a few questions first."

Li Jianqiu, Du Yehu, and Song Qingyue looked at each other, and then said, "You ask."

Jiang Wang asked seriously: "Have you considered the worst outcome? Is this result acceptable to the people of this country? If Zhuang State's Kaimai Dan system collapses and Zhuang State enters a cycle of continuous decline, what are you going to do?

, do you have a plan?"

Regarding the reform they envisaged this time, Jiang Wang has already stated the so-called worst result - that is, the collapse of the Zhuang State's Kaimai Dan system, and the Zhuang State entering a cycle of continuous decline.

Li Jianqiu did not speak, but dipped his finger in wine and wrote a word on the table——


Du Yehu's ideal since he was a child was to "protect the country and the people", but later he only "safeguarded the people" and had no attachment to Zhuang Ting.

Li Jianqiu's ideal is to be the fire of this country, and to light up the people of Zhuangdi in the darkest moments.

From the beginning to the end, they only hope that the country will be stable and the people will be prosperous. They have no greed for power.

As long as the people of Zhuang State live an ideal life, they do not necessarily need to be generals or prime ministers.

Especially Du Yehu, if Duan Li hadn't left Jiujiang Xuanjia to him on his deathbed, he would have gone to guard An An's gate every day and act as a guard.

Song Qingyue just wanted the Qingjiang Shui Tribe to live a stable life without being oppressed. If he had a choice, he also wanted Song Qingzhi to be willful and domineering, and himself to be innocent and arrogant, as long as his father Song Hengjiang was still alive.

The word written on the table is their consideration for the people. If they can't make the people's lives better, then leave them to people who can make the people's lives better.

Jiang Wang understood and asked again: "Are you sure that the policy you discussed can be implemented in Zhuang State? If good governance cannot be implemented properly, it will also turn into bad governance."

Li Jianqiu said: "President Zhang Ren neither agrees nor objects. Although Fu Baosong is a stranger to us, he is supportive of this matter. In other words, there is basically no resistance to this matter."

Jiang Wangsui said: "Last time we sat together and chatted for a long time, we just had some simple ideas. Now that you have been in power for a while, I am very willing to hear the results of your discussion based on the national conditions."

Li Jianqiu is still the representative: "The main direction of reform in this national policy adjustment lies in the beast's nest system."

"The KaiMai Dan is the basis of all military force. No force can give up. Just like Yun Guo, which relies on commercial activities to ensure domestic KaiMai Dan, it cannot be copied. It completely relies on the force and connections of Master Ye Lingxiao to ensure that it will not be blocked.

.We can’t do it.

"In order to ensure the output of the Pulse Opening Pill, the Beast Nest cannot be dismantled, and the tribute to the Dao Zong Kingdom cannot be reduced.

"The most important change we need to make is to inform the people of the existence of beast nests, the dangers of ferocious beasts, and the necessity of the Pulse Opening Pill.

“We need to go town by town, village by village, and reach out to everyone, let everyone know this, and give them the right to choose.

"The sages said that people can follow it but cannot understand it.

"We are also 'unknowable', so what is the result? Hatred finally ignited the wilderness and overturned everything.

"History has proven time and again that the words of sages are not necessarily correct.

“The state system has been in place for four thousand years, and there is nothing that remains unchanged from ancient to modern times.

"Ferocious beasts need popularity to grow, and the gathering of popularity requires a lot of human activities. Therefore, death and injury of people are inevitable next to the beast's lair.

"During Zhuang Gaoxian's time, in order to obtain more pulse-opening pills and let the ferocious beasts devour more popularity, the imperial court concealed the origin of the beast's nest and sat back and watched the wars between various cities and the ferocious beasts, using a large number of human casualties to promote the growth of the ferocious beasts.

They make the people think that the beast's nest is inherent in the heaven and the earth, and they are born with it. They use big cities and armies to protect the selected people, and in turn win the support of the people. The people are either ignorant and don't know anything.

Die. Or spend your whole life working hard to live in a big city.

"Xinzhuang's policy is different. We will inform everyone of the dangers of ferocious beasts, and everything is done on a voluntary basis. As long as you live in this country, work well and live well, you are a contribution to this country. But those who are willing to live in the beast's nest area, more

It is for the sake of the country.

"We will implement the policy of tax reduction and even tax exemption in the Beast Nest City. We will issue a series of incentive policies. For example, the Beast Nest City will be allocated more places for opening pulses and Taoist study places. For example, people will be killed and injured in evil

The mouth of the beast, applicable to the country's pension policy...

"And the city guards in various places will carry out military training to deal with ferocious beasts. The refining of the Kaimai Pill requires us to allow ferocious beasts to move. But our requirement is that the army must protect the people. What we need to raise ferocious beasts is

Popularity, not human life. Of course, human life can produce more pulse-opening pills in a short period of time, but people are not a crop for everyone to take, and human life cannot be settled. Our ultimate goal is that the people in the ferocious beast area can live a normal life while ensuring popularity.

, to minimize civilian casualties...

"We will set up warning mechanisms in various places to ensure that when vicious beasts appear, various places can respond quickly..."

Under the candlelight, Li Jianqiu talked eloquently.

Du Yehu and Song Qingyue also added a few words from time to time.

Jiang Wang listened very carefully.

Information in this world is extremely smooth. A little bit of information about the leap was leaked in the world of Shenxiao, and soon it spread throughout the world.

The information in this world is also extremely limited. Many ordinary people spend their whole lives just wandering around in one village. They don’t even know what the supernatural is. There are only sporadic fragments of myths, occasional legends of immortals, and strange dreams in the middle of the night. I don’t know how big the world is.

, died without knowing why.

"Make the people aware of it" sounds simple. In fact, it goes against the ruling tradition of today's state system.

Such a group of young people have made a small step of change in Zhuang Country, but it is also a big step of change.

They don’t have any grand plans, nor can they be called far-sighted. They just grew up from the bottom and asked themselves back to the original self - why are they suffering? What do they need most?

Then try to respond.

Just like this, you and I keep revising the plan. Which city will be implemented first? How to resettle the people who are unwilling to live in the beast's nest area? What kind of livelihood should the relocated people have...

The candles dimmed little by little, but their voices were always very excited.

The young flame can finally span the long night.

Xiao Qingzhi had already fallen asleep on the table, with Song Qingyue's robe covering her body.

"Okay, that's it for today. It's best to carry it out peacefully. When necessary, I will provide military support. Please do your best!"

Jiang Wang finally got up and walked to the door.

He wanted to say - I really want to know if the new world begins from now on.

But he didn't say anything.

This is the first time that teenagers, who once could only witness everything happening, try to open the door after going through a difficult growth stage. This is a minimal change that has happened in a small country.

Jiang Wang pushed gently, and Tianguang squeezed in.

[Thanks to book friend "Qian Huan" for becoming the leader of this book! It is the 617th alliance! 】

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