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Chapter 2194 Qing Hong Guan Ye

The skinny leatherback leaned against the tall tree and played with his fingers happily.

Unmoved, he let his king pass by.

There were new floating leaves in the courtyard that had just been cleaned. They fell rudely on his newly combed hair.

He raised his head, closed one eye, folded his hands and rolled them into a hole. His open right eye peeked into the sky through the hole. He often played this game, watching the clouds roll and relax, the sunset and the moon rise.

Never get tired of it.

That heavy iron chain locked his range of activities.

This lonely courtyard imprisoned his life.

Of course, he was unaware of this. His consciousness was torn apart, half lost in the fog of ignorance, and half sinking to the bottom of the Five Palaces, both places were in despair.

The human body is the universe, and even the true king has lost his way!

Therefore, it was natural that Gao Zheng could not find him. Wu Zhaochang, the Duke of Anguo, came to see him in person, but returned without success - the majestic True Monarch Yan Dao, the powerful ruler of Da Chu, could never venture to the bottom of Ge Fei's Five Prefectures.


If you put too little power into it, you will be lost even if you don’t know what to do. If you put in too much power, this body will definitely not be able to hold it.

Ge Fei has been crazy for four years.

He and Wu Ling died and went mad, and the fall of the two geniuses became a commentary on the danger of the Fallen Fairy Forest.

And those people who traveled with them and unfortunately died in the Meteor Immortal Forest are not even qualified to be remembered in this way. They are the Wulings of the Wu family of the Great Chu, and Gefei of the Yue Kingdom.


He once had the hope of reviving his family, and he was the proud man who would serve as the future of the country. It was passed down through a close family relationship that the emperor loved his dear, and he was number one in the country of Yue. But now he has been crazy for so many years.

At first, some people still held out hope, thinking that Gao Zheng must have a solution, and that Ge Fei could create a miracle and return from ignorance. After four years of silence, no one gradually mentioned it anymore.

Although the Yue State was not large compared to the Chu State, it had vast rivers, a large population, and new people from generation to generation.

Even though Bai Yuxia abandoned the country and Ge Fei went crazy, it is not that there were no young people left in the country of Yue.

Gong Tianya, the nephew of the Prime Minister, has also been known as a child prodigy since he was a child. He is currently studying at Mugu Academy and is aiming for the next Yellow River Conference.

Of course, people like Bai Yuxia and Ge Fei were once the darlings of the country. Now they should be the pillars of the country. In the future, they will take over the positions of people like Gao Zhiliang and Gong Zhiliang, assist in the administration of the country, and support the country's power.

Nowadays, a generation has been cut off, which is extremely sad.

There is such a discussion among the people of Yue today - it is said that Bai Yuxia was forced to leave and Ge Fei went crazy, all behind the conspiracy of the Chu people. It was because the Chu people did not want to see the talents of the Yue country.

Of course, the ministers of the Yue State would never agree with this statement. The harmony between Chu and Yue is the tranquility of the Fallen Fairy Forest, and the friendship between Chu and Yue is a thousand-year friendship. How can the Chu State not hope for the good of the Yue State?

The State of Yue was also very friendly to the State of Chu, "thinking of everything as an elder brother". Qu Zhongwu came to the State of Yue to arrest people, and the State of Yue directly tied up the remnants of Sanfenxiang Tower and sent them to him. Master Qu took the opportunity to take a look at the scenery and the places he passed.

It is decorated with lanterns and festoons.

The tide in the Qiantang River has been rising these days, and Gong Zhiliang, the Prime Minister of Yue, wrote a letter asking the Duke of Chu to watch the tide.

The friendship between Chu and Yue lasts forever, but mountains and rivers remain silent.

Wen Jingxiu sat alone in the back mountain and reviewed the chess game played all day and night.

Ge Fei also looked at the sky all day and night through the narrow opening rolled up with his hands.

Gao Zheng's two disciples had different tranquility.

Who can tell the difference between ignorance and ignorance?

The moment Wen Jingxiu pressed the chess piece with his fingers, Ge Fei's eyes in the courtyard suddenly turned white, then completely black, and finally turned cloudy again, still looking like he was demented.

He grinned, saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth.

The huge river valley plain was swept by the autumn wind.

Jiang Wang continued westward.

He is a man with a strong heart and always knows what he should do.

Today's Yuyuan is a good battlefield, and it's time for Jiang Zhenren to show off his skills. How majestic the Yuyuan Great Wall is is to be witnessed with one's own eyes. The bold statement of killing eighteen aliens is a promise that will inevitably be realized. What's left...


A green rainbow returns in the sky, hastily dividing the desolate valley, and cutting the flowing clouds into floating catkins.

Jiang Zhenren's physical skills were so amazing that when he returned to Du'e Peak, the Chu army on the mountain had not yet recovered.

"I'm looking for Zuo Guangshu!"

After speaking, Cabinet Member Jiang's posture was already very calm. He dusted off the dust on his clothes and said, "Is General Zuo Guangshu free now? I have something to ask him, please pass the message."

Zuo Guangshu came out of the Nandou Secret Realm soon.

He held a thick stack of military reports in his left hand and a writing brush in his right hand, with ink still dripping from the tip: "Brother, why did you go and come back in such a hurry?"

Jiang Wang raised his chin: "Go in and talk."

"Okay, you follow me. Commander Wu has ordered this area to be sealed off. Anyone entering or exiting needs to report, and the verification is complicated -" Zuo Guangshu said while leading the way: "Just follow me."

The two flew into the secret realm of Nandou, the Phoenix flag of Shenxiao was flying high, and the new order had been established by the well-disciplined Chu army. Jiang Wang casually asked, "How is it? Are you still used to it on the battlefield?"

Zuo Guangshu glanced at him with unspeakable emotions, and raised the military report and writing brush in his hand: "Stop going around now. I'm still counting military assets here, and General Qu is waiting for reconciliation!"

Jiang Wang asked: "Is this what you do with your literary skills, military skills, and general talents?"

"Otherwise?" Zuo Guangshu asked back: "Going ahead with food and fodder before the soldiers and horses are used, and ensuring sound logistics are the most outstanding achievements in the army! General Qu trusted me, so he asked me to do this - Brother, if you have nothing to do, you can go first

Yu Yuan, I’m still busy here.”

Jiang Wang then said: "Do you still remember the ignorant moon you told me about last time?"

"Remember, what happened?"

"Have you met her?"

"I've seen it before." Zuo Guangshu nodded.

"What does she look like?" Jiang Wang asked.

Zuo Guangshu had a strange expression: "Everyone is dead, why are you still watching?"

Everyone is dead...

Everyone died.

"...Take me to have a look." Jiang Wang looked up at the sky, pursed his lips slightly, and said slowly: "I won't disturb your official duties, right?"

Zuo Guangshu immediately lost his intention to joke and shook his head.

"Then... lead the way?" Jiang Wang looked at him and smiled: "Come on, why are you looking at me like that?"

Zuo Guangshu put away the military newspaper and writing brush and led the way honestly.

This time the Chu army attacked Nandou Hall, the corpses of extraordinary monks were specially piled up. The roster of many monks in Nandou Hall had to be matched one by one. No matter whether they were killed or imprisoned, no one could be missing.

Even the corpses of the Chu army were not transported away on the spot. Instead, their identities were verified one by one before being sent back to Chu territory to prevent the corpses from being resurrected.

All the corpses were transported to the Seven Kills Star. It was quiet and deserted here, and no one was disturbed.

Following Zuo Guangshu flying down here, Jiang Wang's biggest feeling was loneliness.

Strange peaks stand tall, strange rocks are rugged. The mountains and seas are lonely, and there are thousands of miles of barren beaches.

This is where Yi Shengfeng lived from childhood to adulthood after he achieved his dream of ascending to immortality.

On such a huge planet, only he and Lu Shuanghe lived, not even a single servant.

There is only one temple built on the top of the mountain.

The Seven Kills Hall itself is also cold and devoid of popularity. There is absolutely no trace of anyone living here.

There may be one exception - there are some mottled scratches on the huge pillars in front of the temple. They are obviously the graffiti of children. There is no strength and the scratches are not deep. The messy lines have no specific meaning.

Judging from the age marks, it should be Yi Shengfeng's "work" when he was a child.

Imagine a young child sitting alone in a lonely hall. No one talks to him, no one plays with him. All he has in life is the sword, and he only has the path to immortality that he has "fought" for.

He may have a natural coldness, but after all, he is still young, so he will definitely have times of fear, loneliness, and boredom.

How will he spend his time?

Do you think of your childhood beside Fengxi River?

At the bottom of the colonnade, there is a large blank space that has been chipped away.

Perhaps the young Yi Shengfeng once carved something here, but later it was all scratched off - what was written?

Jiang Wang glanced across his eyes, not making any guesses.

The deceased is gone. Gratitudes and grudges are now a thing of the past.

When he thought of the words "the deceased is gone", he unconsciously pressed the hilt of the sword.

When Zuo Guangshu said softly "We're here" from the front.

Only then did he realize it in shock, and changed the pressure to caressing, as if to soothe his firm Taoist heart.

There are not many Chu soldiers stationed on the Seven Kills Star, and probably affected by the atmosphere of this planet, they are all silent.

Zuo Guangshu had sufficient authority, so he didn't need to say anything more. He opened the door in front of him - the body of the extraordinary monk outside the South Dou Hall was right here.

There are some monks who appear in Nandou Secret Realm for various reasons, and they all lie here for the same reason. Of course, most of them are monks from Sanfenxiang Tower.

No matter what kind of person you were in life, no matter how youthful you were, you will always feel the same loneliness after your death.

"Do you still want to watch?" Zuo Guangshu asked.

"Ah?" Jiang Wang subconsciously adjusted his clothes. Then he said, "Of course. It's necessary. Let's go in and have a look. I'm a little curious, yes."

Zuo Guangshu raised his hand and helped him adjust his hair crown. He said softly: "Brother, I'm sorry, I didn't know that you two knew each other beforehand -"

"No, no!" Jiang Wang stroked Zuo Guangshu's back and comforted him: "You do what you should do, and there is nothing to be sorry for. You are the young master of Chu, and you must be worthy of the country of Chu. I -

—I don’t know you. I probably don’t know you. I’m just curious suddenly. Xinxiang comes first. Aren’t you curious?”

Zuo Guangshu then opened the door and entered the hall without saying a word.

Several areas were simply separated by screens in the temple, and they came to the area on the right against the wall.

Seventeen corpses are displayed here. There is simply a straw mat under the corpses and a layer of white cloth covering the corpses. These dead people are all people of Sanfenxianglou.

Jiang Wang could have gotten all the information at a glance, but for some reason, he didn't want to see too clearly. So he counted them one by one.

Seventeen monks from Sanfenxiang Tower died in the Nandou Secret Realm because of their cooperation with Nandou Palace.

Zuo Guangshu led the way and walked straight to the front.

This corpse is placed alone in the front, which means that she has the highest status, the most value, and the most merit.

"That's it." Zuo Guangshu said.

He stretched out his hand to lift the cloth, but Jiang Wang caught his hand.

"I'll do it." Jiang Wang said.

"...Okay." Zuo Guangshu stood aside silently. After thinking about it, he walked out again, leaving a space to be alone.

"It's up to you to do it." Jiang Wang said again.

Zuo Guangshu then walked back again.

"Brother, is this person very important?" Zuo Guangshu said, "Why have I never heard you say that? If I had known earlier, I could have found a way -"

"Let me see." Jiang Wang said.

Zuo Guangshu stopped talking, slowly squatted down, and opened the white cloth.

For a moment, Jiang Wang wanted to close his eyes, but he looked steadily at-

He saw a face that was pretty enough, but definitely unfamiliar.

"Is she Meiyue?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Yes. She is Meiyue. Sister Shunhua and I met earlier." Zuo Guangshu felt a little strange in his heart. He found that the woman Meiyue had the same face when she was alive and dead, but she gave people the same face.

The feeling is completely different.

Maybe it's because of those eyes?

When those eyes were opened, the autumn waves were flowing, and they were red and smoky, adding a touch of charm. Now that the eyes are closed tightly and the life is gone, she is still beautiful, but it is difficult to be worthy of being the most beautiful woman.

Young Master Dachu squatted obediently on the ground and looked at Jiang Wang cautiously: "Haven't you seen him?"

Jiang Wang let out a sigh of relief: "Yes, it's the first time we've met."

Zuo Guangshu breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously: "I thought it was someone you knew! It scared me!"

Jiang Wang simply squatted down next to him, stretched out his hand and touched his forehead: "I met a woman with a bad mind on the road and said some nonsense to me. I may have misunderstood, I also thought that this ignorant woman

It’s someone I know. Ha!”

He smiled: "Actually, it's impossible even if you think about it."

How could the Yuzhen nun in Xiyue Temple be related to Sanfenxianglou?

Jiang Zhenren calmed down, and with one thought in mind, he carefully looked at the face of Miyue in Sanfenxianglou.

Indeed, no familiar outline could be found.

Only those eyes...

The eyes were closed tightly and nothing could be seen.

He reached out and covered them with white cloth.

In any case, the dead are the most important.

It was somewhat impolite for the two of them to squat here and look at other people's corpses.

Zuo Guangshu tilted his head and looked at his elder brother: "The person you mistakenly thought must be very important."

Jiang Wang just squatted there and thought seriously for a while. Finally he said: "It's probably not very important. But there are indeed some debts that have not been paid off."

"Who owes whom?" Zuo Guangshu asked.

"I owe you a little bit," Jiang Wang said.

He paused and sighed: "More than a little."

Zuo Guangshu was very curious: "Then this person——"

"Okay!" Jiang Wang patted the back of his head: "Don't you still have military affairs? Go quickly! Don't let General Qu wait too long, and I will punish you for delaying the military plane!"

"Am I afraid of this? You don't know my status! I mainly want to give Wu Shuai some face." Zuo Guangshu stood up with a sneer, patted his butt, and hurried out.

"Guangshu." Jiang Wang's voice sounded behind him, hesitant, but he was serious after all: "If one day you lead the troops and encounter a woman named 'Miaoyu', please spare her once. I

I owe her my life."

Zuo Guangshu waved his hand and rushed out of the hall. I don't know if anyone heard him.

There will be one at 8pm.

[Thanks to book friend "Tian Yu Miaoyu" for becoming the leader of this book! It is the 717th alliance! 】

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