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Chapter 2221 People on the mountain, come down here

The overwhelming tide of ghosts was diverted by a ray of skylight. All kinds of malignant ghosts were just glimpses.

Lu Shuanghe walked forward expressionlessly, and Ren Qiuli followed behind him with his hands behind his back, pointing at the secrets.

But cold people are truly calm people, and people who are as relaxed as possible are heavy people.

When Ren Qiuli obtained external information this time, she not only got the result of the fall of Nandou Palace, but also learned about Jiang Wang's feat of besieging and killing King Shura in Yuyuan. However, she did not tell Lu Shuanghe about this.

Even though she had always had confidence in Lu Shuanghe, she could not help but waver in front of the name Jiang Wang.

Nowadays, who in the world can not care less when faced with this name?

Lu Shuanghe regards Jiang Wang as his enemy, but he still allows Jiang Wang to grow up. This confidence in cutting everything with his sword is indeed the reason why Lu Shuanghe is so sharp, but Jiang Wang is the most dazzling genius in the world today, and the "miracle" in the entire world in the past ten years.


Jiang Wang's growth rate was exactly what Lu Shuanghe expected, but it frightened her.

This person made so many impossible things possible that her belief in Lu Shuanghe's invincibility could no longer be firm.

"Ghosts are where people come from, evil spirits are caused by resentment."

Master Tianji said seriously: "This Abi Ghost Cave has no bottom and no reason, neither cause nor effect. Since ancient times, countless strong people have fallen here. Let's just take a look at the edge and don't go deep."

Lu Shuanghe only said: "Let's see and then talk."

"You have to promise me." It was extremely rare for Ren Qiuli to have such a posture in front of Lu Shuanghe. She solemnly emphasized: "You can't always take a dead end in life. The sword can't cut everything."

"The sword can cut off everything. If I can't do it, it just means I'm not strong enough." Lu Shuanghe said softly: "If you're not strong enough, you'll die. The laws of heaven are so fair, and I'm not the exception."

Ren Qiuli really wanted to sigh! She said quietly: "You have walked from the small world to the big world, from the outer gate to the inner hall, from the sword boy to this real world. You have walked on the extreme edge of life and death all the way, and you have come here today.

, are you still planning to go on like this?"

"Do you know what I see when I look back on the past?" Lu Shuanghe asked.

"What did you see?" Ren Qiuli asked.

Lu Shuanghe kept walking: "I saw that at any time, as long as I stopped, I wouldn't be able to get here."

Ren Qiuli was speechless.

No one's path in this world can be said to be more difficult than that of Lu Shuanghe. Because being born in this world is what Lu Shuanghe longs for but cannot achieve.

It is precisely because he has been fighting for his life and always pursuing the limit that Lu Shuanghe was able to come from a small world in Nandou and go all the way to where he is today. This is his life and his principle.

Hearing the Tao in the morning is as precious as one.

Who can change Lu Shuanghe's mind?

I walked in silence like this for a while, and the ghostly figures that were constantly facing me and being cut open looked like a bizarre life. I haven't really seen the Abi Ghost Cave yet, but it really looks like a violent volcano, and the tide of evil spirits is

It erupts with magma every time.

"Dou Zhao is almost catching up. I can't confuse his direction anymore - do you want to stop and wait for him?" Ren Qiuli asked.

Lu Shuanghe answered the question: "Dou Zhao is a very good candidate for the sword test, and he is also an extremely talented person. From him, we can see Jiang Wang."

He didn't stop, because Dou Zhao would catch up on his own. This man's character was really distinct. He knew very well that Dou Zhao wanted to use him to sharpen his sword and make him stronger. He didn't mind being the one to smash Dou Zhao's head.


Ren Qiuli glanced ahead with some worry, but said nothing else.

The matter of killing Dou Zhao only depends on determination, not ability.

Because the two people traveling together are both the best in the world. One has the best computing power, and the other has the best killing power.

Dou Zhao may claim to be number one, but he is definitely still on his way to the top.

At least for Ren Qiuli, what she is more concerned about now is what Lu Shuanghe wants in Abi Ghost Cave, and the dangers in Abi Ghost Cave that she cannot predict at all.

The Meteor Immortal Forest, like the Disaster Water, is a desperate place from ancient times to the present.

The age of immortals began and ended in modern times, but the word "immortal" was not born in modern times. It can only be said that when the immortal emperor became enlightened, the word "immortal" was given more meaning.

The name Meteor Fairy Forest is actually easy to understand.

"Immortals" are people from the mountains.

And the people on the mountain will perish if they come down from the mountain.

It is the paradise of the strong!

All the saints' fates were transformed here, the Immortal Palace fell here, and even the distant ancestor Bingwu died outside the Fallen Immortal Forest.

If we talk about the danger of Bingxu, it is based on the death of our distant ancestor Bingwu, the evil power of the shattered Bingxian Palace, and the accumulated sins of soldiers throughout the ages.

So the danger of the Fallen Immortal Forest is that it can allow all of this to happen.

The degree of danger between the two is completely different, so troops can still be stationed in the Bingxu. The four fixed entrances to the Fallen Fairy Forest are all watched by the strong, so you can only freely adventure in the Fallen Fairy Forest.

Take a broad view of the world.

There is a civilization basin in the demon world, a life-and-death line in the wilderness, and a floating island facing the sea nest in the mist world. Yu Yuan conquered the Xinye Continent, pinned down the Wuguan projection, and now there is a Great Wall thousands of miles away.

There are rivers of blood as boundaries for troubled waters, a clear jade belt sea that is constantly expanding, a sacred realm of lotus flowers, and a governance plan for eternal purification and eternal purity.

There is only the Fallen Fairy Forest. There is nothing in the Fallen Fairy Forest, only the people who have been exploring in it since ancient times.

There is no existence that has left any lasting mark in it.

Not to mention changing the world, building land and cities, after so many great eras, there is not even a fixed safe camp in the Fallen Fairy Forest.

Is there no strong person trying to do something here? Just like Xue Gui did to Yu Yuan?

Of course it happens, of course it happens.

But the current situation of the Meteorite Forest has already described everything.

Ghosts are rampant, the fairy palace has fallen, and the lives of all saints have been transformed!

Even if you are a real person in this world, you have to walk on thin ice here.

Among all the dangers that have been discovered so far in the Meteor Fairy Forest, Abi Ghost Cave is also one of the most dangerous places.

Lu Shuanghe came here to find the real traces of Huang Wei.

Because according to legend, Huang Weizhen once received part of the inheritance of the Beast Controlling Palace.

The Beast Controlling Palace was finally destroyed in the Abi Ghost Cave.

"What are you thinking about?" Lu Shuanghe suddenly asked.

"I'm thinking that maybe we can't find anything in Abi Ghost Cave." Ren Qiuli tried not to frown: "Huang Weizhen never admitted that he had the inheritance of the Beast Taming Palace, and there is no one in the Meteor Immortal Forest.

The traces remain for a long time.”

Lu Shuanghe remained calm: "Anyway, since Huang Weizhen has been to Abi Ghost Cave, and Abi Ghost Cave is indeed dangerous, then it is worth exploring."

"It's rare to see you admire someone so highly." Ren Qiuli thought deeply: "Recently, there are rumors that Huang Weizhen is coming back. I don't know who spread the news. It's hard to tell whether it's true or not - it's been more than nine hundred years.

In the past, is this thing really feasible?"

"I don't know much about Huang Weizhen. When I came to this world, he was no longer here." Lu Shuanghe said calmly: "I just get to know Zuo Xiao better and better, and Zuo Xiao appreciates Huang Weizhen very much."

Today's Duke Huai of Chu is also a legend in the Southern Region.

Zuo Xiao was born into a noble family and gained power at an early age. He used his official career to reach the top, but he did not choose the path of great power and self-return. Instead, he deliberately refused to spread his political platform, took the initiative to step down from the field, retreated in cultivation, retreated all the way to God's presence, and then repaired the cave.

True, once again prove the ultimate.

The official path has become the mainstream because it can greatly increase the speed of practice and make it easier for practitioners to break through at many passes.

However, officialdom is achieved by the power of the country, but it also fails by the power of the country. From ancient times to the present, there are very few people who have reached the peak of their great power. In the history of Qi State for so many years, only one Yan Ping has stepped down.

It is more difficult for self-cultivation after being contaminated by the official way to return to great power. This is because this choice gives up the convenience of the official way and puts on the shackles of the official way.

Even so, Zuo Xiao still achieved success.

He deliberately chose the most difficult road and climbed mountains with heavy loads, just to reach the strongest point.

He twice resigned from the title of Duke of Huai.

Once, he had already removed it and passed it on to his son Zuo Hong. However, Zuo Hong died in battle, so he had to bear it again.

One time, he wrote a letter to be relinquished and passed it to his eldest grandson Zuo Guanglie. Before that, he had begun to transfer military power, but Zuo Guanglie also died in the battle.

Time has brought the deepest pain to this man, but he will always stand there and face everything forever, so that the glory of the Zuo family of Dachu will never fade.

And such a person had the utmost respect for Huang Weizhen.

"It turns out that you admire Zuo Xiao." Ren Qiuli said with emotion: "When Zuo Xiao sent a letter to ban Nandou, I was so angry that I thought you would want to kill him."

"The more you get to know a man like Zuo Xiao, the more you respect him." Lu Shuanghe said indifferently: "And the way I respect him is to chop off his head in a head-on confrontation after I have gained enlightenment——"

I only stop here because Dou Zhao has arrived.

The overwhelming surging ghost tide suddenly melted in large areas, like evaporated water vapor! The black vapor mist dissipated in the air with a roar. A figure as brilliant as the blazing sun crossed the ghost tide and unexpectedly appeared in this fallen fairy.

Rampage in the forest!

Keep away from ghosts.

Don't look directly at him for a moment.

The contemporary Taixu cabinet member, the first genius of Chu, came through the sky. His voice was like a drum, shaking the sky: "The remnants of the southern struggle, accept my Tianxiao!"

"Speaking of which, Dou Zhao is still in the Fallen Immortal Forest?"

On Zhuque Avenue in Yingcheng, Jiang Wang squatted on the stone steps by the roadside, gnawing on chicken legs and asked Zuo Guangshu next to him.

Zuo Guangshu rolled up his sleeves and grabbed a chicken leg. He gnawed there without any aristocratic style and said vaguely: "With his temper, there is no way he can come out without hacking Lu Shuanghe to death - that is your opponent, don't be in a hurry."


The two of them, one in a green shirt and the other in a blue shirt, wearing jade crowns of the same style, squatted side by side on the side of the road and gnawed on chicken drumsticks. They looked like the kind of third-rate playboy brothers who bully men and dominate women. Especially there was a person lying on the ground in front of them.

, breathing weakly. There was an heavy sword lying next to him, with two bloody front teeth on the sword.

That is to say, these two faces are quite famous in Yingcheng, so no one rushes to report them to the official.

Zuo Guangshu had just sent this fragrant roasted chicken leg from Huangliang Terrace. He also sent two bottles of wine, but Jiang Wang was not in the mood for wine at this time, so he didn't drink it.

Jiang Wang said while eating: "Why am I anxious? I have his - these chicken legs are delicious!"

Zuo Guangshu, who was always careful, looked at the man lying motionless in front of him: "Is he okay?"

Jiang Wang made a 'tsk' sound and gave an objective evaluation: "He can withstand beatings very well."

Ever since Dou Zhao entered the Meteor Immortal Forest, Zhong Liyan had gone crazy.

Zhongli Zhaojia resolutely refused to allow him to enter the Fallen Fairy Forest. During this period, he was not even allowed to leave Yingcheng. He rebelled every day and was beaten every day. When he finally heard that Jiang Wang had come to the Chu Kingdom, he rushed over with his sword and said something to give him advice.

Please give some advice to Mr. Jiang Ge, don’t think that just killing a few stupid Shura means you are great——

Then I lay down until now.

The two brothers squatted on the roadside and finished eating a large pot of chicken legs, and he hadn't gotten up yet.

Jiang Wang wiped his hands: "My husband hasn't come back yet?"

"Well." Zuo Guangshu wiped his mouth and said, "He is still patrolling Beitianmen. Counting the days, if he wants to come back, it will be around this time."

There is Nantian City on the other side of the Monster Clan. Jiang Wang went there to kill the new king of the Monster Clan last time, and later gave warm greetings to An Xuan, the Sky Demon Lion, at Choulongdu.

Its gate facing the Civilization Basin is known as the "Monster Clan Nantian Gate".

The demon race still does not forget the glory of the ancient heaven, and regards the human race as a filthy thing, and regards itself as the center.

But that's actually not worth a damn.

The present world overwhelms all heavens, and there are four heavenly gates connecting all realms.

This is the real "Heaven's Gate" and the glory of the ancient heaven.

The so-called "Four Heavenly Masters" of Taoism were originally the strong guardians of the four heavenly gates. They shouldered the responsibilities of the world and enjoyed supreme honors.

Having received this order and gained this honor, even in the forest at the top of the mountain, he will be ranked among the "strongest"!

However, with the contention of hundreds of schools of thought, the rise of various schools, and the rise of the national system, the responsibility for guarding these four heavenly gates has long been no longer solely attributed to the Taoist gate.

The gold content of the "Four Great Celestial Masters" is not as good as it was at the beginning. But no matter how different it is from the beginning, not just any true king can receive the title of Celestial Master.

Today among the four great Celestial Masters, the Eastern Celestial Master Song Huai, the Southern Celestial Master Ying Jianghong, the Western Celestial Master Yu Yi, and the Northern Celestial Master Wu Daoyou represent Penglai Island, the royal family, Yujing Mountain, and Daluo Mountain respectively, and each has a decisive influence.

Jiang Wang came to Chu State this time because he wanted to talk to Zuo Xiao about Ge Fei's high government. He always felt that Yin Xiangfeng was a bit strange. But Zuo Xiao was not here, so he couldn't go around shouting. After thinking about it, he decided He issued a fairy thought and threw it to Zuo Guangshu: "When my husband comes back, give this letter to him."

Zuo Guangshu agreed and put it away in a jade box.

Jiang Wang added: "If there is any big change in Yue during this period, you can just give this letter to your mother."

Zuo Guangshu raised his eyebrows: "Why is it so mysterious? Is there any special situation in Yue that I can't handle?"

Jiang Wang smiled: "It has nothing to do with you, don't ask - let's go! I have to go to Bianhuang to slay demons. I'll see you next time, or you can bring some drinks to Xingyue Yuan."

As soon as the words fell, the figure disappeared.

Zuo Guangshu collected the basin of chicken legs and two bottles of unopened wine and prepared to leave.

The dying Zhong Liyan, who had been lying on the ground for a long time, suddenly jumped up, his majestic aura erupting like a volcano, and punched Zuo Guangshu: "You Zuo Guangshu, what were you laughing at just now! Smile again!"

Suddenly there was a flash of sword light in the air.

A ray of sword light transformed into thousands and thousands, turning into a prison of swords, majestic and agitated, roaring like the roar of dragons and tigers.

This sword prison stirred endlessly in the air, turning into a faceless figure. It was exactly the Dharma form of all living beings, Jiang Ge Lao. He did not hesitate, just turned his palm and pressed it——

"Lie down!"


Zhong Liyan, who had just jumped up with a bruised nose and face, fell face down again, crushing the floor tiles and sinking three inches into the ground.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Zuo Guangshu shook his head, walked like an old man, and walked away with his hands behind his back.

[Thanks to the book friend "Let Him Bright Moon Go Down the West Tower" for becoming the leader of this book! It is the 737th Alliance!]

[Thanks to book friend "The Big Thief Who Loves Mashed Potatoes" for becoming the leader of this book! It is the 738th alliance! 】

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