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Chapter 57 Yongzhen Mountains and Rivers

The long river is like a dragon. It is just a simple dragon waving its tail. The various methods imposed on it, Shi Dizhou, Yushan Nantian Master... are all like water droplets splashing.

The nine towns of the Yangtze River have been suppressed for hundreds of thousands of years and seem to last forever.

It turns out that it is not rooted in both sides of the river, but can be lifted up!

Before Ao Shuyi did this... no one knew.

Many things that people think will never be changed may just not be changed yet. Nothing lasts forever!

At this moment, the long river is full of bodies, and the sacred land is swaying.

It's like mountains being uprooted, water being drained, and all the heavens and worlds can feel the shake of the present world.

Before the sky of heaven has even opened, all parties are already ready to take action.

The next moment, dragons roared from heaven and earth!

This sound does not come from Changhe, nor does it come from Longjun.

If you listen carefully, it's not one sound, but two.

One high-pitched and one low, one light and one heavy, the two contradictory dragon roars fit together harmoniously, chasing each other, confronting and symphonizing each other.

From the land of Zhongzhou, a flag suddenly spread out!

It was as if a piece of the sky had been pulled away.

The flag is flying high and the wind is strong. Two intertwined dragons, one black and one white, are embroidered on the flag. The flag is divided by body lines, forming a mysterious and exquisite shape. When the flag is completely unfolded, the sky is full of has been changed by it.

If people raise their heads at this time, they can see the sun and moon in a blur, and the sky is confused. The sky is actually divided into two layers, one half is chaotic and the other is clear. There is me in you and you in me.

This is neither the blue sky nor the yellow sky, but the "central two-dimensional sky".

It encompasses all things and is the beginning of everything. The huge waves that shake the world are all contained under this sky and do not roll out to the sky.

What was unfolded at this time was the imperial flag of the Great Scenery Empire, the Qiankun Wandering Dragon Flag!

After the flag was waved, an extremely loud voice sounded——


Boom boom boom! The roaring sound of the long river was suppressed for a moment, the eight winds spread out, and the blue thunder split the sky!

The one who made this sound is Ji Fengzhou, the Emperor of Great Sing!

His voice originally echoed in the Eternal Sky Monument above the sea, but now it came from Tianjing City and resounded on both sides of the long river!

With each sound, the Central Liangyi Heaven rolled up once, erasing the aftermath of the turmoil in the Divine Continent. He had escaped from the sea and mobilized the country to fight against the Dragon King of Changhe River.

"Fierce mountains will last forever, mountains and rivers will always be peaceful!"

"Every year brings peace and harmony, and the sun and moon are in the sky!"

"I am the Emperor Dajing of the Central Empire. Today in the 3929th year of the Dao calendar - for the sake of all the people in the world, I invite the Emperor to treasure you!"

Ji Fengzhou didn't give him any room for relaxation. As soon as he returned, he started killing. He used the methods of Changhe Yongzhen to ask for the precious phantom left by the Human Emperor of Lieshan - it was said that it was left by the Human Emperor. But it is also the strong man of the human race who has continuously worshiped and nourished it from generation to generation, entrusting it with the beautiful scenery of humanity and the glorious torrent.

The power of this precious phantom has not only not faded with time, but actually far exceeds that of the Middle Ages.

People have been forced to withdraw from the sea to deal with floods, and there is indeed no need to relax.

Thousands of roaring voices.

Then suddenly there was a phoenix!

The southern half is red, the phoenix flag of Shenxiao is fluttering, the tail rainbow stretches across the sky, and the red glow of the fire is very bright. Xiong Ji's naturally noble voice was the first to respond to the fierce and brilliant flames, and his voice said -

"The Emperor of Dachu, approves the seal!"

The sky in the west was completely drained of ink for a moment, as if it was alone in the eternal night. Even the clear light of Yujing Mountain was covered up, and even the shadow of Zixu Zhenjun was in the shadow. In the Qin Dynasty, the emperor was extremely majestic and could rule the world with one word. After the sound sounded, the outline of Yujing Mountain was once again outlined in the night.

Qin Emperor Ying Zhao's words were concise and concise, and he said: "He should be punished like this!"

Ao Shuyi raised up the river and took out nine towns, completely tearing away the mask of warmth of the past hundreds of thousands of years and touching the bottom line of the human race. This time the emperor of the hegemony used the human emperor's treasure, the purpose was no longer to suppress the enemy. , but to suppress and kill!

The cavalry stood out with the sound of swords and guns! The two queens in the center suddenly printed out the bright stars in the sky. The voice of Tang Xuanjian, the emperor of Jing Kingdom, was like a lone cavalry, fighting out of the stars in the sky. After countless collisions and tempers, it has become The sharpness that kills everything.

What he said was - "Behead to death!"

The establishment of the Jing Kingdom was based on the corpses of the Shenchi Shui Tribe. The prestige of Jing Taizu Tang Yu was established by the Shenchi Heavenly King. From the founding of the country to the present, the Jing Kingdom has been tougher than other countries in its attitude toward the Dragon Palace.

Another eagle chirped in the sky, sweeping up a sea of ​​blue sky and spreading divine brilliance.

The voice of the great shepherd queen Helian Shanhai appeared more and more distant in the blue sky, wider than the sky and higher than the divinity. Her voice said: "That's how we discuss it!"

In fact, there is nothing to discuss about this matter. Ao Shuyi himself is unwilling to look back, and no one will let him go at this time.

You can't really let the river go and let this old dragon go free!

Since the beginning of the Dao calendar, the world has almost never experienced such drastic changes. All kinds of strange scenes are like a revolving lantern. Like a rich and colorful painting, one after another is superimposed. This world is ever-changing, but it has always been... Hold on tight.

The kings who hold the highest power in the human race, in the blink of an eye, the color of the world changes, their hands turn over, and humanity flows.

Finally, the sky in the east was purple, with longitudes and latitudes crisscrossing like a chess board. The voice of the Emperor of Qi, Jiang Shu, was among them, and he only said -


This is the last stone of this round.

It is said that there is no regret in making a move, as life and death are destined.

The entire Divine Continent is suddenly certain!

A large seal fell from the sky.

Its shape is extremely precious and is unique throughout the ages.

On the top is Kowloon holding the sun, and on the bottom are the mountains and rivers of Liuhe.

In fact, it is not huge. Compared with the tens of thousands of long rivers, it is simply an insignificant fragment of reef.

My dear, there will be more after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue. There will be more exciting things to come!

But at the moment it appeared, the long river that had been shaken and swept by raging waves suddenly stopped. The violent waves were completely subdued. The water surface was as smooth as a mirror, and there was no more ripples to be seen! The long river had no waves and was aligned along the river bed. The river bank is like white soil, a silent plain!

The visions of heaven and earth that were constantly changing as the six hegemonic emperors spoke, turned into large swaths of floating light and were thrown into this square seal.

At this moment, it gathers the hegemony of the six countries and unites the world as the supreme one. It is the pinnacle expression of the national system and can almost represent the current of contemporary humanity!

The wave Ao Shuyi stepped on has calmed down into a mountain carved by water.

Solid water, still mountains.

Standing on the top of the mountain, the Changhe Dragon King, whose originally upright figure transcended heaven and earth, suddenly returned to heaven and earth, returned to the top of the mountain, and became rickety in an instant!

It’s like carrying a heavy burden, but it’s unbearable!

There are loads in this world that a transcendent person cannot bear.

However, His neck was straight and raised up in a weird and awkward way. He just raised his head and looked at the Fang Xi hanging high in the sky.

"Nine dragons hold the Seal of Forever Towning the Mountains and Rivers..." He murmured a smile, his brilliant golden eyes showing a clear trance: "Back then, Lieshan clan gave me this seal and let me play with it. At that time, I believed that all things There are spirits, heaven and earth are one family, and species are not barriers. Now He keeps this seal and uses the slap given to me with this square seal as a gift to me - He has probably never, ever trusted me!"

The Emperor Lieshan once allowed Ao Shuyi to play with the Seal of Mountains and Rivers in Jiulong Pengriyong Town?

What Ao Shuyi said was too ridiculous, as if he had lost his mind!

If the Lieshan Human Emperor really does this, it is almost a hint of the next emperor! Not to mention whether Ao Shuyi has the ability to rule the world, how is it possible for a dragon clan to be the co-lord of the world?!

And what Ao Shuyi asked about the "trust" of the Lieshan Emperor may seem even more ridiculous to the six hegemonic emperors.

Is this a problem?

How could the Human Emperor completely trust a true dragon?

As a human emperor, how could he use the safety of the entire human race to verify whether Ao Shuyi was reliable?

Those who serve as kings and emperors will not even test their human nature at all. They will often brush off any signs of danger, let alone test their "dragon nature"!

No one paid attention to Ao Shuyi's ravings. The Kowloon holding the Riyong Town Mountain and River Seal over there was ruthlessly sealed.


The mountain carved by water under Ao Shuyi's feet made a sound like ice cracking and shattered into dust in an instant!

And Ao Shuyi's figure fell down, falling into the dust, and it turned out to be just like dust!

Boom boom boom boom!

The nine stone towns gradually fell down and were once again shackled on the river. The prisoners who had gained a breath of freedom were imprisoned again.

Ao Shuyi seemed to hear the mournful cry of the long river. But the long river was so still, almost pressed against the river bed, where were there any waves or sounds?


Ao Shuyi lowered his head and smiled. He could hardly hold his head up anymore, and his back became even more stooped.

I already knew this would be the result...

The emperor named "Lie Shanshi" was already invincible in the world when he was alive. How could Ao Shuyi be able to resist the methods this emperor left behind?

Moreover, the present is better than the old, and the power of humanity today is not comparable to that of the Middle Ages!

But Jiuzhen... had already lifted up for a moment.

The nine towns built by the Lieshan clan were lifted up by me, Ao Shuyi, for a moment!


Ao Shuyi raised his head suddenly! Because of the excessive force, it collided with the suppressive power of the Nine Dragons Holding Riyong Town Mountain and River Seal, causing his neck bones to break due to the conflict!

These are the bones of a transcendent person. They are originally indestructible and could be immortal.

But He doesn’t want to bow his head anymore!


Ao Shuyi's hair was disheveled and she lacked the majesty of an emperor. However, she looked up to the sky and roared as if she was crazy: "I will fulfill my promise, keep my promise, practice my way, and defend our common ideal! But you didn't do it, you What you promised me! I know you are dead, I can’t blame you——"

His chest rose and fell violently, and he gasped in anger and pain. In his anger, he said with a sadness as if a steel knife was cutting out his heart: "But how can I not blame you?!"

How can you not complain?

I serve you like a teacher, regard you as a father, and I will always follow you!


At the west end of the long river, behind the outline of Yujing Mountain, the tall shadow representing Zong Dezhen, the true king of Zixu, was angry for a moment! The eyes in the shadow, as if outlined with a virtual pen, suddenly appeared. Solid and profound, like an erupting purple sky thunder!

Yuqing Taoism, the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty breaks the illusion and the aurora is destroyed!

From these thunderous eyes, two straight electric lights shot out, piercing through time and space, and landed on Ao Shuyi's body, as if trying to block something.

But it's too late!

The angry voice of Ji Fengzhou, the Emperor of Great Scenery, rolled under the Qiankun Wandering Dragon Flag - "You are seeking death!"

But it's too late!

Jiuzhen was finally lifted up for a moment.

So when Ao Shuyi looked up to the sky and roared, in front of the offshore sea where the storm had gradually subsided, and on the sea where the world was in decline, people saw -

A golden divine dragon of immeasurable length appeared beyond everything. Across time, it flew through the air and pounced directly on the golden medieval heavenly road, entangled with its dragon body! The golden lights shine on each other, as if they are one body!

Yu Que led an army of 100,000 fighting enemies, with almost invincible power, sweeping across the world. He looked forward to his victory, but he had no time to stop him. Even before he realized it, the golden divine dragon was inseparable from the golden medieval heavenly road.

The power of a transcendent person transcends everything. Below the limits of the world, all are the parts that are transcended. Of course, this also includes Yu Que and his fighting army.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue!

Ao Shuyi’s goal turned out to be this medieval heavenly road!


Over the long river, Ao Shuyi's eyelids were drooped with several wrinkles, just in time to block Zong Dezhen's "Yuanshi Shao Jiu Aurora", making an earth-shattering bell-like sound. His eyelids were indeed punctured, but from the point of view of the piercing The golden light that burst out from the broken gap was even more dazzling than before.


The whole world is weighing heavily, and the sky is sinking.

Under Ji Fengzhou's initiative, the power of Jiulong holding the Riyong Town Shanhe Seal was once again mobilized and printed once again.

Ao Shuyi's head, which refused to lower any longer, was as stubborn as a smashed awl. Using his head as an awl, it smashed through his neck, penetrated his torso, and sunk in half of his body. This was At that time, no blood had flowed out, but the eternity that existed beyond all else had already shown clearly visible signs of weakness.

But He was laughing with difficulty!

His immortal body is here, but his power has been sent to the bridge across time and space, turning into a golden dragon visible to the naked eye, entangled in the great road to the sky built by the people of Jingguo with extreme manpower and material resources, and entangled this road. A creation that can be called a "miracle", it makes a crunching sound!

The preparation required to build this medieval heavenly road is not just the carefully cultivated Nine Sons bloodline beasts. Although each one is a miracle of beast breeding, it can only be regarded as an introduction. In order to completely recall the Dragon Emperor's Nine Sons' Power, Jingguo has made countless arrangements in the past few decades, so vast that the space is endless, and the history is so profound!

The State of Qi cleared the sea troubles and destroyed Xia and swallowed Yang. The State of Qin built the Great Wall of Yuyuan and sent Taizu to transcendence. The power of the shepherd king entrusted the power of the gods, and the State of Chu reformed and created a new world. Even the State of Jing, which was trapped in the north, repeatedly stirred up demonic tides. The Central Grand View Empire, the world's largest empire, has always been passive in meeting challenges.

Their main resource investment over the years, a massive amount of manpower and material resources, has been on this medieval heavenly road.

It can be said that once destroyed, it cannot be recreated.

And it could have spanned the sea and offshore forever, becoming a creation similar to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea and the Kingdom of Heaven, becoming a watchtower and bridgehead for the people of Jingguo on the sea, and establishing sea power!

"You forced me to take this road, but you said I was looking for death. You have the composure of the perpetrators, but you accuse the victim of being crazy."

Ao Shuyi tried hard to pull his head out of his deep chest, but couldn't do it immediately. His voice echoed through the inside of the chest, and it seemed particularly low and sad: "The water tribe can't just do this. Perish, Canghai cannot just die. Everything is different from what was promised."

"Uh... ah." He slowly said in pain while exerting all his strength! "Sir Lieshan promised me that the Shui Tribe could survive well and live a good life. He promised me but didn't do it. He told me to wait, but He didn’t tell me when to wait. I watched myself fall, watched the noose approach my neck, watched the King of Shenchi die in battle, and he looked at me before he died!! Today, I can’t do it anymore Keep your eyes peeled!"

"Dragon Lord! I have been alone looking at the long river since I was a child. I feel its majesty. I am also deeply aware of the merits of Dragon Lord. I admire you very much. But you are so unwise today!" The emperor of Wei had already returned in the emperor's boat and was at the end of the long river. From the sky, looking at the miserable Changhe Dragon Lord, he said in a very angry tone: "Today's Sea Tribe is not a Water Tribe at all, and they don't admit that they are Water Tribes. If you open your eyes and see clearly, you are already a completely different race. , separated by nature! The Shui tribe you want to protect is in the Surabaya River of our Wei State, the Zihe River of his Qi State, and the Yunmeng of his Chu State... looking at you in various countries! But not in the sea! You are here for the sea. If you die, what will happen to the water people in the world?"

Wei Xuanche?

Ao Shuyi raised her head vigorously, wanting to see that person - when Emperor Wei Ming and Emperor Jing Xian were boating on the river, the boy named Wei Xuanche was beside him, and he had also watched him. He had watched him grow up on the south bank in these years, but It's not as real as it is today.

These kings can always hide their sharp swords behind their warmth. Can they always make threatening words sound like they care?

But His head could not be lifted up.

Instead, the Shanhe Seal of Pengriyong Town in Kowloon was hit again, and the whole thing was buried in the chest!

It looks more like a tombstone that was smashed into the loess.

There is no name on the monument, only blood stains like tears.

This chapter has been completed!
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