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Chapter 94 Courage Beyond All Things

"This world is grander and more exciting than we imagine.???? 69s???.???м ????Since ancient times, there have been many people who have tried to understand magic powers, and those who have obtained the eight supreme magic powers , and there are some. Naturally, they are all very talented and determined people. Some of them just want to explore and be stronger, some want to pretend to be demons and destroy them, and some even want to challenge the Demon Ancestor. But without exception, they all Became a demon."

Han Shentu said very seriously: "Jian Zhenren, I know you are very confident. You are indeed an amazing young man. But there are too many amazing people throughout the ages. We cannot always hope that we are the exception. What do you think? 「

Jiang Wang fully felt Han Shentu's kindness.

That's not even a personal emotion, it's just the expectation of the great master of the Legalist family for the descendants of the human race.

But in the end he just said: "Someone told you the same thing."

Han Shentu looked at him: "So your answer hasn't changed, right?"

The Dharma Hall is so solemn.

Every word spoken here is like an oath.

Jiang Wangcheng followed the Fa's gaze, very calmly and seriously: "I am convinced that my way is in it."

There are those who seek the Tao in the world, and there will be no obstacles in the mountains, and they will not regret it for a hundred kalpas, even if they die!

Once a seeker mentions his own "Tao", there is no possibility of changing his path.

Han Shentu originally had many things to say, but in the end he stopped.

The reason why he became the leader of Guitian Palace and the number one Legalist in the world was because of his heart of never regretting anything.

"There is more than one road to the top. If you want to achieve enlightenment in one autumn, there is no other way." Gongsun Buhai had an iron ruler hanging on his waist, emitting a cold light, and his eyes were slightly lowered. , the sight makes people feel pain: "Do you have to put yourself in danger and survive a hundred calamities?"

"My enlightenment today will be better than yesterday. Because I can't let my time go to waste." Jiang Wang said calmly: "I believe that for Jiang Wang, there is no way that is better than what I think now." So this is the path I want to take. I know myself best and I am most loyal to myself."

The greatest true person in the world, he is indeed qualified to say that he knows himself best.

Therefore Gongsun Buha remained silent.

Jiang Wang added: "I want to take risks, climb dangerous roads, and go up the highest mountain. But I don't want to cause trouble to this world. This is the reason why I came to Sanxing Palace."

He bowed again in a polite manner: "If the three of you cannot fulfill your wishes, I will have no choice but to go elsewhere."

"In my impression, you are actually not of such a risky nature." Wu Bing already said, "Why are you like this today?"

Jiang Wang said: "Before this autumn, I was only one step away from enlightenment. I have prepared for this for a long time and paid a lot. I thought everything would fall into place, and I was not surprised. Until the moment I was actually blocked, I Only then did I realize that I had been looking forward to that high mountain for a long time. I was also very disappointed when I was pushed down."

"I broke free in the deep sea of ​​heaven and chose to become the real me. Then I had to face the fragility of 'my'."

But I think those vulnerable parts are what make a person strong."

When I knew that the consequences of my sins were destined to die, I thought about how to escape from this fate."

When I escaped from the fate of death, I had to accept that my future was cut off and I only had one autumn left to live. I was thinking-


Jiang Wang stands like a pillar in the center of the Dharma Hall, welcoming the supervision of the three Legalist masters.

And he continued: "Maybe I have thought about it before, but it was particularly clear at that moment. I thought, is it just the life span that is short of spring? The lack of courage to transcend everything is the reason for its insignificance. "

He raised his eyes, and the determination in his eyes could be seen by anyone: "I want to transcend everything, including the past me. I would rather die than become a Taoist. Now everyone understands his determination, and Wu Bing has only one problem left. He looked at Jiang Wang: "Today you asked us to kill you when you fell into the devil. Logically speaking, this kind of thing should be done by someone you trust more and who is closer to you. Why not ask Zuo Gong? "

Jiang Wangdao: "I'm afraid he won't be able to bear it."

Wu was sick and could not speak.

How far does a person have to go to avoid being scolded?

The three Legalist masters exchanged glances with each other, and finally Han Shentu said: "You have your own way, which is not the same as any of ours. Now that you have made up your mind, we cannot rely on our age and waste your time again and again." Right here one by one"

His voice became serious, like some kind of oath: "We protect the way of the heroes of the human race. We are also always ready to eliminate demons and defend the way."

Jiang Wang bowed his hands and said, "Thank you!"

Immediately he lifted up his long robe and walked into the Dharma Hall, sitting on the ground paved with solid stone tiles, with enough light to watch people. He sat there like a bell that had been covered with dust.

The three Legalist masters didn't care about anything. They sat around him, each taking his own side. The majesty of "Dharma" shrouded him absolutely and impartially. If any external demon invaded the Dharma, it would be rejected. If Jiang looked within, he would become a demon. , the law will punish him.

All the noise has faded away, and there is absolute silence in the Dharma Hall.

Jiang Wang slowly closed his eyes, as quiet as if he had fallen asleep.

The three-flavored furnace hung in front of him on his chest, with golden, red and white flames burning brightly, and the peerless magic skills in the furnace were opened page by page.

It made the only rustling sound in the palace.

Jiang Wang practices demonic skills and refines demons with real fire.

Suddenly, the ethereal and agile fairy spirit flew out from his heavenly spirit and turned into the fairy dragon dharma image robed by the heavenly wind. Stepping on the Beidou, looking out, the heavenly mind is in control, and it is like a fairy spirit, and it is banished to the human world.

The immortal dragon and the master bowed their hands and said goodbye. They also bowed to the three legal masters, then flew out of the Dharma Hall, left the Sanxing Palace, and headed west without looking back. They passed through the southern border, passed the Weishui River, passed Wuguan, and passed the Wuguan Pass. Falling into Yuyuan, Uncle Zhongli has been struggling in Yuyuan for several days.

It was already too late when he went to Jingguo, and he realized later that Jiang Wang had been blocked from attaining enlightenment and now only had one autumn to live.

Later, I heard that Yiyi Dou'er was stimulated while watching the battle, so he ran to Yuyuan alone to practice hard and massacre.

So fragile!

Zhong Liyan didn't mean to keep an eye on Douzhao, but he just happened to plan to come to Yuyuan to practice. Isn't it a coincidence?

So I came over quickly and slowly.

It was quite lively inside and outside the Great Wall. He never mentioned Douzhao's name, and as a result, no one at Yuyuan Great Wall mentioned it either - as expected, Dou'er had not yet made a name for himself here! And this was how his uncle Zhongli showed off his name. When it's powerful.

In today's martial arts world, there are only five top martial arts masters, and they are all not very good people. Otherwise, how could Qi Zhiben be allowed to ambush among them?

How come you don’t see that the original hidden cause and effect is in the Tao world?

When Zhong Liyan reaches the pinnacle of enlightenment, let’s see if Qizhiben dares to come to Yuyuan, which is considered a boundless place. It is not easy to meet him by chance. Before meeting Douzhao by chance, he first met Qin Zhizhen Taixu Cabinet Member , there is no good bird in a nest of snakes and rats.

Of course, he also wanted to ask for advice - the most talented person in Chu, how could he not try the most talented person in Qin?

In the end, due to bad luck, slipping on his feet, eating too much, feeling uncomfortable in his stomach, and the glare of the sun, Qin Zhizhen gave Qin Zhizhen a move.

"Hey, Xiao Qin!" Zhong Liyan sat up from the ground and shouted at Qin Zhizhen's back: "Where are you going now?"

Qin Zhizhen's house was different from the fact that he had just been beaten to the ground, and he came to life so quickly. He didn't pay much attention to the name "Xiao Qin" and said honestly: "Continue to find the evil Shura to practice swordsmanship."

Zhong Liyan frowned: "We have just experienced a fierce battle, shouldn't we recuperate for a while? Isn't it too careless to fight Shura with a tired body?"

Qin Zhizhen thought for a while and said tactfully: "I have better physical strength."

He insisted on holding on, but Zhong Liyan didn't bother to care anymore and waved his hand: "I want to ask you something."

"You ask." Although Qin Zhizhen has a cold face, he is still very polite and will not ignore others.

"I don't care about it myself. It's just that he had to let me take care of him when he went out, and he's also from Chu." Zhong Liyan laid the groundwork before saying, "In which area did Dou Zhao kill Shura?" Why didn’t I see it?”

"Dou Zhao?" Qin Zhizhen was stunned: "He didn't come to Yuyuan. He went to Bianhuang!"

This message was like five thunders hitting the top, making Zhongli Yan burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

Actually fell into the trap!

Qin Zhizhen asked in a very ignorant way: "You came to Yuyuan this time to find Douzhao?"

"That's not the case." Zhong Liyan lay back on his back! "I mainly came to see the scenery of Yu Yuan, and by the way, I found a few worthy opponents to try my Nanyue Sword. Xiao Qin, you very nice!"

He couldn't accept it at all. A smart man like him, who was both civilized and military, was actually deceived by the fake news left by a reckless man like Dou Zhao. What a mistake!

Qin Zhizhen frowned. This didn't really sound like a compliment, but Zhong Liyan seemed to be complimenting him. He said, "Brother Zhong Li, please lie down for a while. I'll go practice my sword first."

But Zhong Liyan still wanted to chat: "Xiao Qin, in fact, we are also colleagues. The seat where Dou'er is sitting now was given to me by me. Uncle Zhongli said, his eyes suddenly lit up!

He saw a familiar figure passing by from high in the sky.

He immediately got up, dragged the Nanyue Sword beside him, and chased after him: "Jiang Wang!"

In the past, whenever Uncle Zhongli spoke, he would either say "Jiang" or "Jiang Xiaoer". But when Jiang Wang was in trouble, he would not bully others and would be more or less gentle.

Everyone is neck and neck, evenly matched, and they are on par with each other. You have been chasing each other for so long. Jiang Wang suddenly reached this point before he was knocked down by him. He was not able to accept it in his heart.

A man like Jiang Wang could only be defeated by his sword, Zhong Liyan. How could he be hindered by a foreign race?

Xianlong turned around, with a very good expression on his face, and asked in surprise: "Brother Zhongli, why are you here?"

Zhong Liyan moved his muscles slightly, and there was a rattling sound on his body, and he said: "This realm has risen too fast, and I have to hammer myself down. I am practicing here - what about you?"

"Oh." Xianlong said casually: "I'm going to Shura Kingdom to do something."

Zhong Liyan wants to laugh!

This is equivalent to Douzhao just going to the border wilderness, but he went to the Tomb of the Ten Thousand Realms. It is equivalent to Douzhao just going to the Civilization Basin, not to the hinterland of the demon clan. What can these people do! What a bragging! Not to mention going to find the Ancient Mother!

He opened his mouth and finally made a sound: "I feel relieved to see that you are still so capable of bragging. I don't think it will be a problem for you in the fall."

Uncle Zhongli rarely said a kind word: "I wish you success!"

Xianlong was cold-tempered and didn't explain anything. He just said: "Thank you!"

Then he walked towards the outside of the Great Wall.

He doesn't have to prove his courage to anyone.

When he completes this journey, everyone will know what kind of experience it was and what kind of strength it will ultimately forge.

Or maybe no one knows.

That’s okay too!

The space in front was opened at this moment. Qin Zhizhen, dressed in black and holding a knife, strode out and walked naturally to the side of Xianlong: "Brother Jiang came to Yuyuan at this time, there must be something very important." Is there anything I can do to help?"

We have been working together in Taixu Pavilion for several years. There are only nine of us in total. We meet each other without looking up, but our relationship is actually pretty good. Even if you are as crazy as Douzhao, you will not draw your sword in Taixu Pavilion, even if you are like Li Yi. Now I can nod my head when I see people.

In particular, Jiang Wang does not represent any party and has no essential conflict of interest with anyone. He can be with anyone.

"That's right!" Zhong Liyan only reacted at this time and took a few steps forward to catch up: "You all have known each other for so many years. If you need anything, you can just ask me. If I can help, I won't refuse! "

Xianlong looked at Qin Zhizhen for a while, and finally smiled and said: "I just thought about it, I really need Brother Qin's help!"

He leaned over and said a lot through the sound transmission. He coughed softly again, extinguishing the ears of Zhong Liyan and Gui Gui Chongchong who were trying to listen.

Then he relaxed his voice and said, "Then there's Brother Lao Qin!"

Qin Zhizhen looked serious and said seriously: "Leave it to me."

Then he turned around and walked into the void again.

He has always been a person who thinks deeply before taking action. Now that he has agreed, nothing will go wrong.

At this moment, only the immortal dragon and Zhong Liyan, who heard nothing, may not be able to defeat the martial arts master, but there is still no problem in crushing the immortal dragon in the knowledge that he is best at.

"Say it!" Zhong Liyan held the sword in his arms, raised his chin high, and said like a master: "What do you want to ask me to do?"

Xianlong said nothing nonsense, turned around and left.

"Hey!" Zhong Liyan hurriedly caught up and said, "Don't be so thin-skinned. You ask for help. Why do you keep your head down?

The victorious and defeated soldiers have unexpected family affairs, and it is a man's duty to endure humiliation!"

The fairy dragon speeds up and flies quickly.

Zhong Liyan kept chasing after him, not as if he wanted to help, but as if he was collecting a debt.

Although Xianlong couldn't get rid of this guy, he didn't stop along the way.

There was a stalemate for a while, and when he saw that he was already far away from the Yuyuan Great Wall, Zhong Liyan finally waved his hand: "Okay, okay, you don't need to beg me. I was born as a descendant, and you are my senior." It’s fate that we all have the same interests! After all, Uncle Zhongli takes care of whatever happens!”

Xianlong stopped and looked at him: "You really want to help me?"

Zhong Liyan said in a loud voice: "I don't want my sword to be empty and sharp, and my intimate voice to be dead! From now on, the wind and wilderness will pass away, and the mountains and rivers will ring for whom again!"

Xianlong said calmly: "Speak simply and don't beat around the bush. I don't understand. Once I don't understand, I want to leave first."

Zhong Liyan quickly said: "I am very willing to help you!"

Xianlong looked at him: "If you beg me, I will let you help me."

This chapter has been completed!
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