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Chapter 159: Heroes of the World

Chapter 2414 The Heroes of the World

Gu Shiyi's power is beyond everyone's imagination, and he became a true king not many years earlier than Bolu. Compared to Bolu, who was destroyed by Ji Xuanzhen along with Tiangong City, he took the sword from Ji Xuanzhen forcefully.

His body is like a mountain, and his strength is like the sea. He blocked the dying Bolu and confronted King Jin of Dajing. Wild waves rose up for him, and the water was like a group of peaks.

This is the view of a truly super strong person!

The offshore archipelago is already under the actual control of Dong Qi, but at this moment, this sea area has become a arena for the strongest and strongest, and is no longer under the jurisdiction of Qi's will.

Bolu had long been chopped down to the height of an ordinary person, unable to maintain his huge body, and his breath could not stop falling. His flesh was connected to tendons, and his bones were connected to blood, like an old skin bag that was about to be discarded. He

Staring at the ferocious eyes with half of the eyelids cut off, turbid blood and tears flowed.

But his voice is clean.

He said: "You shouldn't have come."

"I'm late." Gu Shiyi only said.

The battlefield on the sea, which is unobstructed for thousands of miles, and watched by all parties, is just like the sky at this time. It is clear for thousands of miles, confusing the wind and rain, and the waves and clouds are strange in an instant.

No one should come to save Boru. No matter what his identity or power, this choice cannot be established for various reasons related to interests and wisdom and stupidity.

Everyone knows what they will face if they come to rescue Bolu today.

The killer leader of the Hellless Gate just came over to brush aside, made a useless rain, shouted an empty slogan, and was hunted to the sky and into the earth, and got into the gap of the abyss - if it hadn't been for Qian Tianjing to suddenly

Twists and turns, this meeting is dead.

But to truly stand in front of Boru, to truly face the wrath of the Central Empire, this matter...

This clearly shows that he is here to die.

And it is meaningless, adding fuel and jealousy, and risking one's life to death.

But the greatest hero in the world...still comes to join the battle!

Why did he?

No one could figure it out. But Bolu thought, this might be the answer for him, Gu Shiyi.

"Gu Shiyi." Ji Xuanzhen chewed the name again and raised her deep eyes: "If you are the leader of Pingping Country, where are the other two people? If you are not the leader of Pingping Country, then where is the leader of Pingping Country?"

He glanced at Bolu, whose ghost body was leaking air: "You don't think you can take away this heavenly ghost in my hands, do you?"

"Or." His eyes looked back, piercing Gu Shiyi's eyes in an almost domineering manner: "You want to try to escape in front of me?"

Gu Shiyi suddenly turned his head and looked to the side. It was like a layer of skin was torn off! A thin, blood-drop-like line appeared on his eyes. It was like a series of stitches. He looked at

It's heartbreaking pain.

But he grinned and said wildly: "What you said is not interesting enough, it is not my style, Gu Shiyi. If there weren't so many people here, I would really want to try it - take off your head!"

After the shocking waves, a figure slowly rose up.

Ying Jiang Hong, the most powerful heavenly master in the Great Scenery Empire, wielded his sword on the sea. He had just appeared, but it seemed as if he had been there for a long time. His gaze enveloped everything, and everything he saw before his eyes was surrounded by his sword.

The true king is already at the pinnacle of transcendence. If he only wants to escape, he will be extremely difficult to kill. But under the siege of Ying Jianghong and Ji Xuanzhen, this point is difficult to establish!

These two true monarchs are truly terrifyingly powerful. Even in the Forest of Evolution, they are absolutely strong.

One after another, they will reach the gate of heaven and the hell of hell. They will have no future in life and their destiny will be dead.

And in the clearly visible distant sea, there are several bodies shaped like sea water that are slowly condensing, and the boiling aura within them can condense into a truly strong man at any time.

Everyone, including Boru, is sure that no one will come to save him. Because even if the Equality Nation comes out in full force, this place will only be a cemetery and nothing else!

Now is the time to verify this knowledge.

After all, whether he should come or not, Gu Shiyi is already here.

Bolu turned around with difficulty and faced Gu Shiyi.

No matter what he faces, he will always fight.

The body of the heavenly ghost, riddled with holes, seemed to be embedded in the fluttering wind robe - but Gu Shiyi casually pulled off his iconic robe and put it on for him.

How can I say that I have no clothes?

Be in the same robe as your son!

The wind was blowing, and the waves rolled up high, but then fell heavily, leaving only the sound of force but in vain.

"Who are you, Gu Shiyi? Many people have seen that people's minds have certain opinions. When you say 'conscience', King Jin will only laugh because he doesn't understand you and he doesn't believe hearsay. But I am willing to believe it.

I believe you could not sleep at night for many nights, because you only have one person and one fist to save many injustices."

Ying Jianghong looked at the two supreme figures in front of him expressionlessly, with a bit of regret in his eyes: "But in today's battlefield, if you are really a passerby, this can only prove your stupidity. You are the leader of the equal country, so you can explain

Your conscience. Because you can't sit back and watch Li Mao, a guardian, die alone because of his ideals."

"I can probably understand it this way -" Ying Jianghong said: "You are here to accompany him and bury him for his ideals."

Gu Shiyi is a heroic hero in the world. He was born in a noble family, but his feet were in the soil. He left his country but cared about the world. He has been a hero for hundreds of years, and he has been upright in his life and lived up to others.

No one came to build momentum for his reputation. It was his fists and his footsteps that were reflected in his life choices.

Just like when he went to the grassland to warn Cang Yuxunshou Yamen for some innocent people who were killed in Zheng State, he took Huyan Jingxuan to establish his power and proved his authority in the first battle, but was chased thousands of miles away by Prince Su Helian Liangguo.

, nearly died and died - stupid to others, but very common to him.

He has done more than one such thing.

To be able to become the spiritual leader of knights in the world, the things he has done and the path he has taken must have passed the test of time. There must be countless pairs of eyes that give him a "righteous" look.

What his heart is like, no one can tell; what his actions are like, everyone in the world can see.

Even if he is a "dummy", he is already the embodiment of chivalry.

The so-called "famous in the world", there are many people in this world who know him, Ying Jianghong is one of them!

Gu Shiyi faced Ji Xuanzhen in front of him and did not look back at Ying Jianghong. He only said: "You can understand the naive way of thinking of idealists, but you are willing to be the sword of ignorance. This further shows your cruelty - Master Nan Tian!"

They had known each other for a long time and had been in contact with each other many times.

It can't be said that we don't know each other, but we do have different paths.

Probably no one else knows how these two people met, and it is not tortuous to say. When Ying Jianghong was cleaning up a cult, he met Gu Shiyi, who went up alone to challenge the cult. He loved his talent and represented

Jing Guo recruited him, but was rejected by Gu Shiyi.

Gu Shiyi's talent and talent, which amazed Ying Jianghong, took more than two hundred years to reach the peak, which fully illustrates the difficult road he walked on.

Ying Jianghong said back then that he made the most wrong choice in his life.

But after so many years, Gu Shiyi seems to be stubbornly "wrong"!

Like yesterday, like today.

As then, this is now.

Gu Shiyi's palm rest is thousands of miles of plateau.

Ji Xuanzhen's palm sword has cut open a crack thousands of miles away.

Dark cracks spread in Gu Shiyi's palm like palm prints.

Life lines, financial lines, and marriage lines are all broken.

Ji Xuanzhen's face was expressionless: "I don't intend to let you try to kill me, because you haven't made me interested in fighting yet, and I have never seen the possibility of killing me in you."

With the dignity of the Da Jing royal family, he raised his eyes arrogantly: "The three major leaders of the Ping Ping Kingdom are in charge of Duke, Yi, and Li. They are Sheng Gong, Shen Xia, and Zhao Wang. You, Gu Shiyi, are the number one hero in the world, so naturally you are the [Shen Xia].


Gu Shiyi looked at him, as if he had something to say, but in the end he just said: "Of course you can think so, and you can promote it like this - after all, in this world, it's not all about what you say, right?"

"Huyan Jingxuan punched you, Helian Liangguo was teased by you, and the herders testified for you - including Jiang Wang, many people witnessed your rise to the top. Although I don't know how you did it, but you are

The suspicion has been cleared! From now on, with the ultimate cultivation level and the status of the best hero in the world, no matter what he wants to do, the world is vast and there is a lot to do. But today, because of Boru who is determined to die, he comes here to die.


Ying Jianghong's voice behind him had the astringency of the sea breeze: "Even if you really are a hero! Is it really worth it?"

Gu Shiyi looked at the wound on his palm calmly, as if he didn't regard it as an absolute gap, and just asked: "Do you know why I refused your solicitation back then?"

Boru was wrapped in the black and gold wind-controlling robe, breathing hard and trying hard to maintain the candle of life.

Ying Jianghong turned a blind eye to this, because it did not affect the result.

"I'm very curious about your answer today." He said.

"It's not because of your identity." Gu Shiyi said quietly: "It's because of your arrogance."

"Arrogant?" Ying Jianghong recalled that day carefully: "I asked myself that I was not rude to you."

"You were very polite to me. You also said that you would recommend me to join Yushitai, that you could find a way for me to go to Wuya Stone Wall to practice, and that I would have an unlimited future in the Central Empire. As an individual, I should thank you

.You respect me very much." Gu Shiyi's expression was strange, as if he was laughing sarcastically, but he didn't really laugh. He asked: "Do you still remember the name of the cult back then?"

Ying Jianghong frowned.

"You must have forgotten." Gu Shiyi's tone was very firm: "Because a small cult is not worthy of being remembered by a big man like you. Even if you are so powerful, you can carry out thousands of years of events and thousands of miles of journey without missing a single thought.

Those small characters are not worth your trouble. The world you have to care about is too vast to feel a particle of dust!"

Ying Jianghong didn't speak. Isn't this a matter of course?

Gu Shiyi said: "That sect, it's called the Blessing Sect. Yes, it's such a simple name. Many people who join this sect just want to seek blessings, for themselves and their families -"

He lowered his eyes slightly: "But Nan Tianshi, you killed them all. You wiped out that mountain, not even a dog was left. You said that the cultists deserved death. This is unreasonable.

I admit that the leader of the Blessing Cult has committed a lot of evil, and the top leaders of the cult are also unforgivable. But are there people on that mountain who deserve to die? You didn’t ask because you didn’t have time.”

Gu Shiyi breathed a long sigh of relief: "I reject you for such a simple reason. I don't want to be someone like you. I live with my head down and care about the fate of dust."

Ying Jianghong looked forward quietly. In front of him was only Bolu's body, embedded in Gu Shiyi's burly back. He vaguely, to a certain extent, understood.

"What a righteous and awe-inspiring words!" Ji Xuanzhen smiled: "It turns out that the so-called 'righteousness' of the heroes in the Ping Dynasty is just this word on the lips! Could it be that the evil done and the crimes committed by the Ping Ping country are actually

Isn’t it missing? How harsh you are on others and how lenient you are on yourself. What kind of person have you become, Gu Shenxia!"

Gu Shiyi looked at King Jin Jin with a mocking look in his eyes: "In your eyes, everything is so natural. It's like what you think must be true. What you say must be right."

"I admit that there are many things that are logical. There are many obvious truths. But it should be so, is it really so? Why don't you check it out and ask?"

"When we first said that Jiang Wang was a demon, you just arrested him. Arrest first and then interrogate him. This is an anecdote from ancient times to the present! Is he an isolated case?"

"You are giving in now and you are tolerant of him. But that is because of his achievements, his legend, and his influence. But you have never really changed!"

The sea breeze beats the waves.

Gu Shiyi asked about the world he lived in: "I'm not just talking about your Jingguo here, nor just a few big hegemons, I'm talking about you - it's a common problem among the so-called strong!"

Ji Xuanzhen slashed down calmly, listening to the sound of Gu Shiyi's body cracking: "I don't understand what you mean."

Gu Shiyihun did not realize this: "The most ridiculous thing is this!"

"You keep saying that members of the Ping An Nation surrounded and killed your Eighth Army Commander Yin Xiaoheng in Tianma Plains. But this matter... was it really done by the Ping Ping Nation?"

The sound of Dao's body cracking overlapped with his angry cry: "From beginning to end, I just listened to your words! Has there ever been any evidence before the world?"

"The reason why you are so sure of the Equality Nation is not because of what the Equality Nation has actually done, but because the Equality Nation is not an organization that will be sympathized with! No one will speak for them, no one will redress their grievances - of course they

It’s not necessary, their actions that are considered crazy today are exactly their struggle!”

Of course Ji Xuanzhen will not be affected by these words: "Your past crimes are enough for you to die a thousand times and ten thousand times. Yin Xiaoheng's misfortune is just that he finally put on the shackles of death for you, so there is no need to cry out for injustice!"

Gu Shiyi looked at him: "What kind of organization do you think the Ping An Nation is? You hate it, but you have never really observed it. You think it is just a group of stinky rats that hide well. You regard the Ping An Nation as a whole.

, as if it is a certain country or a certain sect——

"But in fact, there is no unified will in the country of equality, and there are no rules that must be followed by everyone.

"It is just a group of people with common ideals who gather together, each holding a torch to light the way forward for each other. The members of the Equality Country do not know each other, and no one can control each other. Only when they perform tasks together can they

It will be divided into head and tail. Just like the establishment of Tiangong City, it was Li Mao's own decision. Only those who have the same ambition will go with him. Those who have different ambitions do not need to care about him. No one from the Ping Dynasty will accompany him to establish Tiangong!"

"You have made many speculations about the reason why I took action today. Even if I explained and made it clear to you, you are still stubborn in your suspicions."

The cracks in Gu Shiyi's palm have spread so densely that his palm looks like a piece of broken porcelain.

But he stood there proudly: "But I just want to ask - what did Bolu do, and why did you destroy his Tiangong City and extinguish his life casually?"

"Since you talk about the common ideal, you must also bear the common evil." Ji Xuanzhen indifferently pressed down the palm knife at the end: "It is his crime to join the Equality Country."

Gu Shiyi's palm was shattered like this.

But after the palm is shattered, after the flesh and blood disappear, the "hand" still exists!

It was an empty hand in the shape of a "hand".

To say it is empty is not true, because there is a faint shadow of the setting sun in it.

At first glance, it seems that my eyes are looking through this void and seeing the sunset in the sky reflected on the sea——

But it was clearly noon at this moment. The sun was scorching high, and the wind was blowing, but there was no sunset.

Gu Shiyi's palm actually hid the dusk.

After cutting through the Tao body, touch this eternal dusk!

Gu Shiyi's eyes also turned into the color of dusk.

"You see, it's still the same, always the same. You never care about what others say, you only care about what you think."

"How have you ever understood the true country of equality?"

The dusk in his eyes swept forward: "How could I ever admit... that I am a hero?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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