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Chapter 166: Depending on longevity

Chapter 2421 Depending on longevity

Ancient times, ancient times, medieval times, and modern times, these four periods jointly divide history. They include all the years before the new beginning of the Dao calendar.

The last era belonging to modern times is called [Yizhen].

The Yizhen Era lasted only three hundred years and caused huge trauma to the world.

The end of the Yizhen Era echoed in a war that confused the heavens and subverted the past and the present. It almost destroyed the present world and restarted the heavens. All the eternal transcendents fell into eternal sleep.

The "Haotian Gao Shang Mo Jie Alliance" that Ji Furen asked the original god to sign on the Tianma Plateau is the product of this period.

After the Yizhen era ended and the order of the world was re-established, the Taoist calendar began again, which has lasted for 3,930 years.

Although the master of Yi Zhen Dao was eliminated, Yi Zhen Dao never disappeared.

It is the gangrene of the Taoist sect and the terminal disease of the Taoist sect.

The nearly 4,000-year history of the founding of Jingguo has almost always been shrouded in doubts about "who is the true Taoist?"

Who is the One True Way?

Yin Xiaoheng is a member of Yi Zhen Tao! And he is the most cruel and cold executioner of Yi Zhen Tao!

It is different from the "evil heretics" that many outsiders think.

The real core members of Yi Zhen Tao are all the oldest and most orthodox Taoist monks.

All of them have pure moral traditions and valuable inheritance.

They hold on to the ancient glory of Taoism, carrying the pride that has continued from ancient times to the present, and do not recognize all doctrines, all beliefs, and even... [everything] except Taoism.

They believe that "everything in the world is in the Tao. All righteousness in the world is the truth."

Tao gives birth to one, gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things.

The One True Way believes that only the "one" they believe in truly exists. This "one" is the beginning and the only one. Everything else is false.

As the saying goes, "Everything in the world is illusory, but eternal life is true."

Since it is false, it should not exist and should be erased.

Therefore, the Nine Immortal Palaces fell, the immortals were exterminated, and the Immortal Emperor Li Canghu was defeated face to face, his immortal body was broken, and he was killed and fell into eternal sleep!

Therefore, You Jinglong, who dared to reject Yi Zhen Dao and showed strong hostility to Yi Zhen Dao, would change from the most dazzling genius in the world to the most useless useless person.

Yizhendao could have arranged an accident and allowed You Que to die in a majestic battle. In the Jingguo War of Defeat and Guards, there were many opportunities to create accidents.

In the end, it took a lot of effort to stage a "shocking dragon and heartbreaking" performance for him.

Because You Que, a talented person from the Taoist lineage, insulted the Taoist sect.

The desire to kill is more painful than killing someone!

You Que had no doubts at first.

When Yin Xiaoheng was massacring the civilians of the Wei Kingdom, he broke his heart with a push.

It was all too natural, everyone felt it, including himself at the beginning - it was just that he himself could not accept that kind of cruel behavior, so that the road collapsed.

As the commander-in-chief of the expedition, Yin Xiaoheng also confessed his crime to the emperor for not taking good care of the country's genius.

But what's the crime?

Even he himself had no shame in blaming Yin Xiaoheng.

Just like when his brother You Yan died in the Jingmu War later, it was impossible to blame Ying Jianghong.

Putting aside Yin Xiaoheng's ruthless behavior, since ancient times, leading troops to war has not meant treating guests to a meal. Instead, everyone has hung their heads on their belts and worked hard instead of going to war to gain merit, and they need to be taken special care of.

Later he learned that he was not only given "special care", but also treated with the highest courtesy——

The Demon-Slaying Marshal Yin Xiaoheng personally wields the sword!

Yin Xiaoheng was a master of marching and fighting, as well as a master of manipulating people's hearts. He easily created terrifying pressure on him, which gradually and step by step increased to "the unbearable weight of the Taoist heart."

It is true that he could not accept the act of killing civilians and could not resist the compassion in his heart, but he could have been stronger. The collapse when he finally knelt down in front of the innocent child was actually a complete crushing of his will, spirit, and thoughts.

The final sound.

For a long period of time, even though he had known that the collapse of his Taoist heart was a huge conspiracy, and that Yizhen Tao was behind the plan to target it, he was still unable to confirm who was the secret pusher.

As the highest-level military commander of the Jing Kingdom, Yin Xiaoheng was a high-level official in the absolute sense. He was also the core of Penglai Island and represented Penglai Island in the central hall. Some doubts could not easily fall on him.

Moreover, during the entire Defensive War, Yin Xiaoheng was the commander-in-chief of the three armies. He also had many generals and front line managers under his command. At that time, he was just a rising star. He was separated from Yin Xiaoheng by many levels and had very few opportunities to come into contact with him.

Young Master——During the whole war, there were too many people who had the opportunity to do things, but Yin Xiaoheng behaved so naturally!

In the past few years, he has joined the Equality Nation and has been looking for traces of the One True Way all the time. Of course, he has also been gradually investigating the people who had the ability to "execute and break his heart" on behalf of the One True Way during the Defender War.

The Battle of Jingguo Defeating the Guards that took place in the 3898th year of the Daoist calendar has been too long, but in his heart, it is as vivid as yesterday!

Until three years ago.

Ji Yanyue, a member of the Dajing royal family, died on her way back to Jingjing.

Looking at this matter alone, it is the revenge of King Qin Guang, who has no way to hell, for causing harm to the country.

But if the purpose of Ji Yanyue's trip is involved, things become complicated.

The real person of the royal family of Dajing secretly went to Shengguo to have secret talks with Li Yuanshe, the "King of Xun" of Shengguo. The purpose was to communicate and jointly clean up Yizhen Dao matters. As the first vassal state, Shengguo had considerable influence within the Taoist sect.

influence, and at the same time it is impossible to avoid the erosion of the One True Way.

Yizhen Dao, as a bloody monster living inside the Taoist sect, has become a cancer in Jingguo, and the same is true in Shengguo.

The situation at that time was that Jingguo forced Shengguo to the front line, used Muguo to complete the huge attrition of Shengguo, and used a victory of Jingjun against Mujun to stabilize the situation in the north. It can be said that it killed two birds with one stone and achieved a complete victory.

The power of the Sheng Kingdom declined greatly, and they had to be obedient in the following days and continue to transfuse blood for the Central Empire. The King of Xun, Li Yuanshe, also suffered heavy losses in the Jingmu War and could only retreat behind closed doors.

At such a moment, Yizhen Dao was ready to take advantage of the opportunity to take control of the first vassal state, and actually directly assassinated Li Yuanshe! This was an extremely secretive and sudden action, which can be said to be beyond everyone's imagination. Once successful,

, no one in Sheng Kingdom can stop the spread of Yi Zhen Dao.

Fortunately, Li Yuanshe had the cave treasure [Impermanent Soul Calling Banner] secretly left to him by his ancestor Sheng Tianzi before his death. He dug it out at the critical moment and was able to save his life. He waited for the arrival of Xitian Master Yu Yi who was in charge of Weidu at that time.


This Noble Phantasm was made from the "Liangchang Fangming Cave" ranked 32nd among the thirty-six small caves. After the previous emperor Sheng obtained it, he did not reveal its existence until his death. This is why many people

Years later, Li Yuanshe's life was saved, and the Shengguo Sheji was saved.

In order to avoid instability in the DPRK, the news of the assassination was suppressed, but the turmoil it caused was not so easy to calm down.

From then on, Li Yuanshe hated Yizhen Tao deeply and took the same position as Jing Tianzi.

This provides the basis for cooperation between the two parties to eliminate the truth.

In order to deceive others, Ji Yanyue, who did not hold any official position, communicated.

But this matter was known by the all-pervasive Yizhendao.

The final result was that Ji Yanyue's whereabouts were exposed, Yin Guan sought revenge, and the hell gateless Yamas came out, surrounding and killing her on the way home.

Yizhen Dao was eager to find out how far Jing Tianzi and Li Yuanshe's plan had progressed, so they had to attack Ji Yanyue. Ji Yanyue was directly obliterated by Hell Wumen, but the more critical part of the plan was not disturbed.

It means that what Yizhendao knows is only a scaly claw.

In order not to expose the full extent of this plan, Jingguo has been covering up Ji Yanyue's death until now, and the revenge against Hell's Gateless is carried out in secret. It not only shows the anger of the imperial party, but also makes Yizhen Dao Yun

Speculating in the fog.

Ji Yanyue is a core member of the Imperial Party.

Not only was she deeply involved in the action against Yizhen Dao, but the Jinghai plan she was involved in was also an unprecedented move by the imperial party. It was related to whether Jingtianzi could achieve unprecedented great achievements in ancient and modern times, win unprecedented prestige, and truly have the ability to purge

Internally and externally, the strength that unifies the world.

It is precisely because Ji Yanyue's position is so critical, and she has always acted like a wandering crane, and does not assume any official duties, that her whereabouts are so difficult to obtain.

When she secretly went to Shengguo, her whereabouts were especially covered.

As for the Sheng Kingdom, only three people, including Xun King Li Yuanshe, Emperor Sheng, and Queen Mother Sheng, knew about it. As for the Jing Kingdom, only a few people knew about it.

Take "people who have the ability to know Ji Yanyue's whereabouts" as a circle, and other suspicious events in the past as large and small circles, and of course include "people who have the opportunity to crush You Que's Taoist Heart on the Jingwei battlefield."

This circle.

Under the overlapping circles of doubts, the demon-slaying commander Yin Xiaoheng was exposed.

Although he was very cautious and did not take action personally, he only handed over Ji Yanyue's secret road map and invited the killer Qin Guangwang who had a grudge against Ji Yanyue to kill with a borrowed knife.

But the action route he got was also special! Lu Qiu Wenyue set many routes for Ji Yanyue at that time, which roughly overlapped but had subtle differences. The information obtained through different channels will be different.

The Imperial Party further confirmed Yin Xiaoheng's identity by retracing the Hell's Gateless ambush route!

After confirming Yin Xiaoheng's identity as a true Taoist, Jing Tianzi was not in a hurry to take action.

Instead, he calmly suppressed the situation and continued to promote his Jinghai plan - obviously this was a kingly move. If he had the power to stabilize the sea forever, he would turn around and sweep the inside and outside, and everything would be done with twice the result with half the effort.

At the same time, I also used this time to see other people behind Yin Xiaoheng.

Yin Xiaoheng is already considered an absolute big shot, but he still cannot dig the roots of the One True Way.

Why does Sun Yin know this?

Because Li Yuanshe, the king of Xun, secretly cooperated with Pingping Country!

The Ping Dynasty joins forces with the Sheng Kingdom to deal with the Jing Kingdom. It joins forces with the Xia Kingdom to deal with the Qi Kingdom. These are all open secrets.

For a long time, Sun Yin was the person who communicated with Li Yuanshe on behalf of the Ping Dynasty!

Li Yuanshe had the same position as Jing Tianzi when it came to fighting against Yizhen Dao. When it came to fighting against the hegemony of the hegemony, he had the same position as the equal country. When he was fighting against the Mu Kingdom, he had the same position as Jing Tianzi.

This kind of political creature who lives for a prosperous country has only the national position and national interests, without any personal emotions and choices, without ideas and ideals.

This time Yin Xiaoheng secretly went to the Tianma Plateau to seek for the historical legacy in the eternal dusk in order to make the final leap. It was the news that Li Yuanshe got through his influence in the Taoist sect, and he secretly informed Sun Yin and asked Sun Yin to stop it.


Regardless of whether he belongs to Yizhen Dao or the Jingguo Imperial Party, a Yin Xiaoheng who has the ability to command a hegemonic and overwhelming battle is not what Li Yuanshe wants to see. Therefore, his murderous intention towards Yin Xiaoheng is irreversible.

But he would never dare to do it himself. If he leaked anything, the Sheng Kingdom would be destroyed.

Sun Yin had just received the news and had gathered with Zhao Zi and Qian Chou. Before he could set out, Yin Xiaoheng had already been killed!

And according to semi-public information, Sun Yin, Zhao Zi, and Qian Chou jointly killed him.

Before the matter was settled, before the killing started, the crime was slapped on the head first.

And while the charges were being held, Jin Wang Ji Xuanzhen went to Tiangong City, destroyed Tiangong City, and then chased Li Mao thousands of miles away, using him as bait to trample on the ideal of equality among the people.

The Ping Dynasty had no choice but to respond. With irreversible determination, they killed their enemies on Iron Barrier Huangtai and surrounded Kuang Ming at this moment.

Everything happened too fast.

The world changed suddenly overnight, as if time had been cut off from everything, and it was developing rapidly with the momentum of landslides and tsunamis.

All the forces seemed to be thrown onto a high-speed official road. The horses were going crazy, everyone was still whipping their whips, and there was smoke and dust billowing all the way. Everyone could only move forward desperately, even if there was a cliff ahead!

Sun Yin's purpose of joining the Ping Dynasty is very clear, which is for revenge.

For example, Wu Si even wanted to destroy the entire Jingguo to complete his revenge on Yizhendao. Although Sun Yin thought that he was not that extreme, he did not mind bleeding Jingguo and accelerating the decline of Jingguo - because if it weren't for Jingguo,

How could Yi Zhen Tao be so rampant due to Ting's long-term appeasement of Yi Zhen Tao, and how could he be where he is today!

Now Kuang Ming asks - why are you willing to pay any price to kill Yin Xiaoheng?

He thinks this question is very ridiculous!

But he actually couldn't laugh.

How can he use so many years to answer this question?

In the end he just said: "A little bit of personal grudge!"

You Que is dead.

The one standing here today is only Sun Yin.

"Then I won't ask any more questions," Kuang Ming said.

"I don't know who wants to kill me. Maybe I really blocked someone's way. I don't know what's wrong outside. Maybe it's all here. I have fought for the country and the Taoist sect for so many years. This is my

The first time I didn’t know anything, I fell into this situation.”

At this time, he grinned. Traces of murderous aura steamed on the surface of his body, like a strange spirit swimming around: "This feeling... you guys! I have never seen it before!"

He held the iron pole and jumped up: "Then leave everything to the unknown - I will enjoy the danger!"

Above his heavenly spirit, a mirage-like illusory world was reflected.

On the desolate land, overlapping shadows of giant objects were entangled and roaring toward the sky.

The murderous intent exploded endlessly, constantly stimulating the spiritual senses of all the real people present.

Then I saw smoke and dust billowing into the sky, and a pale yellow tango snake flew out, with its ferocious vertical pupils wide open, and blood flying from its teeth like ribbons!


A dark black divine dragon appeared out of the sky, with vicious scales like knives, striking the snake's body horizontally.

The snake suddenly turned around and fought with the dragon. They were entangled with each other, roaring continuously, and fell straight down!

The huge fluctuations caused by the struggle between the two spiritual beings swept away the smoke and dust of this world in an instant, causing the shadows on the earth to retreat——

Only countless snakes and black dragons could be seen, entangled and rolling in piles.

This world is too murderous.



There is a skill in Yujing Mountain called "Inner Scenery Divine Bell".

In Kuang Ming's case, it is no longer a manifestation of one nature.

He refined the interior magic clock into a great fighting technique, and used his weapons to depict the purest world of killing——

Supreme interior scene, dragon and snake fighting for life!

As soon as this world came out, it was like clouds and fog, holding up the sky.

Zhao Zi's long hair was flying. He raised one hand and his five fingers rose and fell like playing a piano. The white chess pieces fell down one by one, constantly increasing the pressure of the chessboard world, but they could not crush this world where dragons and snakes were fighting on the spot.

A world within a world!

"Three breaths."

Kuang Ming glanced at the sky: "In three breaths, I will take one of you away, or stay here forever."

The "Dragon and Snake Fight for Life Bell" briefly withstood the suppression of the chessboard world. He needed to find a breakthrough during this gap under the siege of the three equal guardians.

Tie Shan raised the cold front and pointed it straight towards Zhao Zi's face.

Zhao Zi took one step back, and Sun Yin stepped forward!

They were in different directions, but as they advanced and retreated, Sun Yin was already facing Kuang Ming.

Sun Yin clasped his hands together, then pulled them apart, and put on black gloves on both hands. His left hand was drawn back, like holding the moon in the water, holding it mysteriously but empty. His right hand reached forward, using his palm as a knife, but it was nowhere to be seen.

How to catch up? Just strike forward and hit the branch squarely!

The naive tiger head mask seems to have a bright smile: "Do you think you can do it?"

"This is very difficult, but difficulty...isn't it the meaning of fighting!?" Kuang Ming held the iron bar with one hand and pushed forward one step at a time.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

This push was a series of explosions that collided in an instant.

Kuang Ming strode forward, the crisscrossing chess lines under his feet blurring one after another.

The endless thick earth opened up endless cracks under his military boots.

It's a mountain torrent, a crack in the loess, and a collapse of the road.

The individual killing power displayed by Commander Dangxie at this moment, without the help of military formations, was one of the best among real people.

Snap! Snap!

Kuang Ming's eyes suddenly exploded.

Blood snaked down from the corners of his eyes.

But the cracks in the path of fate are also smeared on the bodies of the three guardians of the country of equality - the bloody lines are climbing on the bodies of the three guardians at the same time like poisonous snakes. They are like poisonous flowers and extremely evil spirits. Once they cling,

Rest until death.

Secrets of the Way of War: The Fighter’s Evil Solution.

Extreme killing method: Bloody Begonia.

Yu Jingzun's edict: Mingjue Fa.

All of them are life-threatening techniques and extremely vicious killing moves. Only a person like Kuang Ming, who takes life and death as a pleasure, can connect them so completely and so majesticly!

The name of the iron sword in the palm is [Prisoner], Yu Jing Xuanxiu is Kuang Ming!

Prisoners kill themselves!




"kill him!"

"kill him!"

The young man's handsome face was covered with blood!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

He kept mumbling and repeating.

Military orders are like mountains!!

He held his sword and walked among the corpses everywhere.

"Kill. Kill."

He pressed his lips together numbly, but no sound came out.

The soldiers were all killed!

Pigs and dogs are everywhere, waiting for brave warriors to catch up and kill them!

Human life is as cheap as grass.

He walked forward aimlessly and walked into an alley alone.

Everything in front of me was covered in blood.

But the body's instincts are still there, and he still has the awareness of a powerful monk.

There is someone behind the door on the left front!


Tongli pushed the door open directly.

Behind the door stood a frightened... child.

a child!

Small, short, lower than a wheel.

He fell to the ground and put his hands behind his back.


a child!

The young man suddenly woke up. Looking at the sharp sword in his palm, he had the urge to insert the sword into his heart.

Why is the young face reflected by the sword blade so strange?

At the Yellow River Conference two years ago, he had just become the leader of the inner palace. At that time, he was so high-spirited and high-spirited. He just felt that the world is so big that there is nowhere he can go, and the world is so vast that nothing can be accomplished.

The war in just half a month ended like this...

The eyes are dull, the face is dull, and the thoughts are vicissitudes of life!

"Lie down and pretend to be dead."

He opened his withered mouth, and then he realized that his voice was terribly hoarse.

The child was also frightened and froze there in horror.

He turned around and closed the door behind him.

But suddenly a warning light flashed through my mind——

He vaguely remembered that the child's hand hidden behind his back was holding something and was about to take it out!

Hate me?

Hate me?

Do you want to sneak attack me?!

The body moved before the spiritual sense, and the door that had just been closed was opened by a sword, and the sword light swept across the courtyard.

That kid!


The little hand that just moved in front of her body was holding a mask tightly in its palm, as if it could gain infinite courage from the mask.

It's not a weapon that can hurt people.

It's just a festive zodiac mask that adults buy to entertain their children during the holidays.

The painting depicts a stupid tiger with a naive head and brain.

There is a hydrangea in the mouth, and there are red strings on the tiger ears.

"A house that accumulates good deeds will always be happy."

For some reason, he suddenly thought of this sentence.

"Kill-ah! Ahhh!!!"

He could not remember which one fell first, the sword or the man.

I just remember kneeling down in front of that innocent child, and the whole world was falling apart.

Later he could no longer lift the sword.

Even if the Taoist heart has been reshaped!

Kuang Ming's Tie Shu had already pushed aside Sun Yin's sword, and penetrated the defense of the holding moon, and then he was almost unstoppable and moved forward indomitably——

But at the moment when Sun Yin Tianling was killed, those eyes that were lost in fate suddenly woke up from the confusion.

It was a pair of bright red eyes, as clear as gems, except for the pupil, which was a complete and well-proportioned snowflake.

According to legend, when a lonely soul in the world dies, snow will fall from the sky.

Magical power, longevity!

Sun Yin's hand grasped the tip of the tree.

His five fingers were all stained with blood, but the iron rod named [Prisoner] ended in front of his eyebrows.

He just looked at Kuang Ming.

It seems like I have been watching it for a long time.

"What do you think I saw?" he asked.

There are 6K in this chapter, of which 2K are added for Dalleng’s “What’s the Use of Hugging” (2/3)

This chapter has been completed!
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