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Chapter 104: Demonic words confuse the public

Unlike the Hu family's exploitation of Qingyang Town, the Xi family has always been generous to the people of Jiacheng. Their cruel side is only revealed to those families that have the opportunity to threaten the Xi family's position. This is one of the reasons why the Xi family father and son are actually very loved.

As for the Hu family, even Hu Shaomeng's own uncles did not receive much leniency and were submissive in front of Hu Shaomeng.

This is because, before he successfully worshiped in Diaohai Tower, Hu Shaomeng would not have had enough resources to support his practice.

Canglin knows etiquette in a practical way, and the same is true in the world of spiritual practice.

Of course, Xi Zichu had feelings for the city and the city he was walking on.

Those years of love and closeness, no matter how hard they are, will be warmed by the heat.

So when he saw a dying patient randomly thrown on a cart at the back door of a medical clinic and piled together with several corpses, he was a little angry.

In particular, the people who did this were the soldiers of the city guard. They were almost equivalent to the private soldiers of his Xi family. To a certain extent, they also represented him.

A straw mat covered the corpses, and the wheels rolled forward.

Everything seems hasty, perfunctory, and absurd.

"Step aside."

The young soldier shouted coldly.

At that time, Xi Zichu happened to pass by here and stopped at the entrance of the alley.

Just in front of them.

"What are you doing?" Xi Zichu asked.

This is not a pleasant job.

No one wanted to do such a thing, so the two soldiers pushing the cart were not in a good mood.

"I'll drag you to a mass grave. If you dare to cause trouble, I'll bury you too!" one of them said.

"This man is not dead yet!"

Xi Zichu took a step forward and opened the straw mat.

"Looking for death!" The two city guards immediately drew their swords!

But their knives were pushed back.

Xi Zichu stared at the disfigured face at the top of the trailer, and his heart was filled with turmoil!

Although this man is not dead, there is no cure for him because he is suffering from an epidemic.

Even though Dongwanggu cultivates both medicine and poison, he has never tabooed killing people, but the research on "epidemics" is also expressly prohibited.

Even though the "epidemic" can develop countless powerful killing methods, this is a completely foreseeable direction, but no one dares to openly try it.

Regardless of whether it harms Tianhe or not, once it is exposed, the whole world will be punished. Even Dongwang Valley cannot bear such consequences.

What horrified Xi Zichu was that this person, including the corpses beneath him, were all infected with the disease.

But they were simply wrapped in straw mats and sent to mass graves.

If the escorting soldiers are lazy again and don't even bury them, what will happen...

And for such a big matter, whether as a monk in the East King Valley or as the young master of the Xi family, he had no idea about it!

The dying patient looked hopelessly into Xi Zichu's eyes and opened his lips, but no sound came out.

Xi Zichu spread his fingers, and a flower of food came out of the ground, swallowing the corpses on the trailer...including the man who had not completely turned into a corpse.

"Do you know what kind of disease this is?" He turned his head and asked the soldiers sadly.

"Who are you?" one of the soldiers asked.

Facing a strong man who showed extraordinary strength, he still maintained the courage of a warrior.

Such soldiers are the result of generations of Xi family management. Xi Zichu should be proud of him.

But at this moment, he didn't feel like that. He just reached out and wiped it on his face, and returned to his true appearance: "It's me."

The two soldiers looked at each other.

Then he reported: "Sir, my subordinates don't know. Mr. Liu only passed down a message. Anyone who encounters this kind of illness will be sent to the mass graves in the northern suburbs and buried in a unified manner."

"How long has this been going on?"

"I really don't know. My subordinate was transferred here just the day before yesterday to handle the corpses in nearby neighborhoods, mainly in this hospital."

Another soldier interjected: "I heard rumors in the army that it started in April...but now, it seems that there are more and more people."

Xi Zichu's face turned ugly and he left here without saying a word.

When Jiang Wang came to Jiacheng again, nothing seemed to have changed.

The gatekeeper still refused to miss a cent in the city entrance fee, and of course he did not dare to charge more.

People are still coming and going on the street, and it is a good scene of living and working in peace and contentment.

Jiang Wang couldn't say he had a favorable impression of the Xi family, but he didn't have much hostility either.

The fight for treasure depends on one's own means, and the Xi family's compensation was sincere enough. In the end, an elder of the Tenglong realm died in vain, and he was not too angry, which can be regarded as a noble family.

If the Xi family didn't plan to go against him in the future, he wasn't going to make a grudge against the Xi family either.

What he wants to do is to unify the Chongxuan family's business in various parts of the Yang Kingdom and improve efficiency, so as to provide a steady stream of resources for Chongxuan Sheng. This cannot be achieved by just going all the way to kill.

He had no idea of ​​going to the City Lord's Mansion. He still remembered the small courtyard where Xi Zichu invited him to meet last time, so he was going to wait there for Xi Zichu. Before that, he wanted to visit several major medical clinics in Jiacheng.

, explore the situation.

If the two deceased people in Qingyang Town were really infected with the disease, then there should be similar cases in a city as big as Jiacheng.

Moreover, given the quality of doctors in Dacheng, patients who could only wait to die in Qingyang Town might be cured in Jiacheng.

With Xi Zichu, an extraordinary monk from the East King Valley, Jiang Wang was very confident in the level of doctors in Jiacheng.

While walking on the road, I heard a commotion.

From a distance, we saw a group of armored soldiers escorting a prison van, heading this way.

When the prison car passes through the market, it is like a rat crossing the street, and everyone shouts to beat it.

Not to mention that there was a tall, muscular man reading out loud and repeating this person's crimes.

"I have a doctor named Sun Mingping.

You are so bold and your lies are misleading the public!

In order to seek huge profits, he exaggerated his condition.

Within a street, everyone is in danger;

In a room, people are anxious.

The prison car passed through the city and was killed at the south gate.

Show it to the public and serve as a warning to others!"

Write clearly and shout loudly. Everyone can hear clearly.

This young doctor named Sun Ping, in order to make some dirty money, deliberately exaggerated the patient's condition, causing panic among the people, and thus made huge profits.

"Damn it!"

A rotten egg smashed into the prison car with a "pop" sound.

Black and yellow egg liquid flowed down the black hair of criminal Sun Ping.

This sound was like a war drum, instantly triggering a "charge" and starting a "war."

The crowd stretched out their hands one by one, like a relay, continuing justice!

Countless rotten cabbage and rotten eggs fell into the prison car like rain.

People's faces were red and their ears were hot, and they were filled with righteous indignation.

"This shady thing! He only knows how to take our money!"

"You are so bad at such a young age. How can you do it again in the future?"

"How dare you spread rumors!"

"It's really a beast with a human face!"

In the end, all the righteous voices converged into a torrent.

merged into one voice shouting

"Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!"

Jiang Wang stood outside the crowd and looked at the prison car.

The criminal named Sun Ping in the prison car, wearing a prison uniform and handcuffs and chains, neither cried out for injustice nor defended himself, and did not even avoid the filth that fell on him.

But there were tears streaming from his young eyes.


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