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Chapter 108 How should I die?

Li Jin is over fifty this year and is at an age where he knows his destiny.

Today he wanted to go out for a walk as usual, but the town policeman stopped him at the street corner.

"What do you mean?" Old Man Li blew his beard and stared.

The surname Li is the second most common surname in Qingyang Town, second only to the surname Hu.

Therefore, as a senior elder among the Li clan, he is also highly respected in the entire Qingyang Town.

He knew this policeman, he was a boy from the Wang family, but he was dressed in a dog's skin, and he dared to block his way, and he went against the grain!

"Old Li." Agent Wang said kindly: "The town hall has issued an order. During this period, a prohibition order has been issued. No one is allowed to walk in the streets and has no choice but to stay at home!"

"Why the restraining order?"

"Didn't two people die of illness in the past two days? The director of the pavilion felt that it was very dangerous, so he asked everyone to avoid the limelight during this period. After the limelight has passed, you can go out for a walk again!"

"Hu Laogen doesn't know anything! I don't know that old fool!" Li Lao looked at Detective Wang and said, "Do you think the old man can't read? Have you seen the Anmin book issued in the city? It's okay. Give it to me.

Get out of the way!"

Detective Wang looked troubled: "Uncle, you... it's always good to pay attention to safety. If you don't fear ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens."

"As the saying goes, you know your destiny at fifty. Do you understand what it means to know your destiny? I am already this age, what should I be afraid of?" Old Man Li glared: "I won't blame you if I get sick and die, okay?"

As he spoke, he moved his hand and pushed aside the fence erected at the street entrance.

As he walked out, he muttered: "In Taiping World, you are not allowed to go out! It's so strange and weird! Did I break the law and be imprisoned, so you treat me like a prisoner?"

Detective Wang looked helplessly at his colleagues and had to pretend not to hear.

There is more than one case of this kind of thing. With the peace of the people issued by Jiacheng, the people have no fear at all. There are a few people who advise people to be careful, but most of them are regarded as rumors.

Even if someone like Qingyang Town takes it seriously early, it will be difficult to implement control. At least in name, Qingyang Town is still under the jurisdiction of Jiacheng.

The so-called prohibition order is actually in name only.

In the town hall.

Jiang Wang crumpled the notice into a ball and threw it on the ground.


Mixed with the tyrannical Dao Yuan, this ball of waste paper smashed a hole into the ground.

Hu Laogen was horrified and sat down on the chair.

Jiang Wang looked at him coldly: "I gave you the power, I took the losses, you don't have to do anything, just carry out my orders. But you can't even do this. Everyone in the town died.

, you are all responsible. Hu Laogen, your sins are so serious that you will never be redeemed by death!"

Hu Laogen's face was ashen.

"I am also responsible for giving my position to a loser like you!"

Jiang Wang waved his hands and walked out of the town hall, giving orders as he walked: "Xiao Xiao will stay in the town hall and temporarily take over all the powers of the pavilion chief, coordinating supplies. Zhang Hai will sit in the town and respond to the chief of the village. He will arrest anyone who disobeys or disobeys."

Everyone can be killed! All the policemen and warriors are in action. From now on, no one is allowed to walk in the streets and alleys. They all stay behind closed doors. With the town hall as the center, move forward, Zhu Biqiong, and patrol the east and west districts respectively.


The tens of thousands of miles of journey from Zhuang State to Qi State sharpened his worldly feelings.

Faced with this critical situation, he became more decisive and straightforward: "I personally went to the villages below. First, I implemented the prohibition order, and then I checked the disease door by door. This time there is a large number of cases... I suspect it is a plague!"

"What if the people refuse to be quarantined?" Qiang Qian asked, "Are they also killed?"

Jiang Wang stopped and glanced at him: "We are isolating the inside and outside to save the people. If you kill me, what is the meaning of what we are doing? If you are unwilling, we will mainly use persuasion. If persuasion fails, we can enforce it.

.You can impose fines, fines, and punishment as appropriate!"


Jiang Wang went directly to the villages in the town to investigate alone, and everyone else was also busy.

Hu Laogen, who had been stripped of all his power, slumped in his position and his face was ashen.

Dugu Xiao began to arrange things, and then he seemed to come to his senses, stood up, and staggered out.

Like the walking dead.

Dugu Xiao only glanced at him lightly and continued to do his own thing.

She explained to Hu Laogen before that she was just showing her value to Jiang Wang.

She didn't have the slightest fondness for Hu Laogen himself.

It was Hu Laogen who hired her into the mine, and she would later encounter Ge Heng's abuse. Although Hu Laogen himself may not be aware of Ge Heng's abuse, the facts he caused cannot be erased.

The reason why he didn't retaliate was simply because Jiang Wang didn't allow it.

Fortunately, after this incident, the little "love" between him and Jiang Wang has been exhausted.

This is the price he pays for his incompetence and self-righteousness.

After spending such a long time with Jiang Wang, Dugu Xiao understood early on that Jiang Wang was not a person who would express his anger or shirk responsibility. As long as he carried out his requests, if the mistake was in his decision-making, he would never let others bear the responsibility.

In this incident, Hu Laogen's poor performance as the director of the pavilion... Jiang Wang did not kill him on the spot, which was already the result of restraint.

Hu Laogen dragged his feet out of the town hall.

It has entered June, and the sunshine is no longer gentle.

Especially at noon, when the naked light shines on your body, it feels like needles pricking you.

Hu Laogen squinted his eyes, but could not stop the muddy tears.

He is actually a simple man, and he is not sad that he has lost his short-term power.

When he was working as a steward at Hu's mine, he never enriched himself. When he became the director of a pavilion in Qingyang Town, he never made any money for himself.

He has no children, only a fierce old wife, and the couple does not have much materialistic desires.

So even though he became the director of the pavilion, he still lived in the previous house.

What really made him sad was that just now, he realized that he had become a "murderer."

If he had strictly followed Jiang Wang's previous orders and isolated the inside and outside, perhaps many townspeople would not have to die today.

As Jiang Wang said, every person who dies of illness in the town now has Hu Laogen's responsibility!

How can his old and worn-out shoulders bear all this?

Jiang Wang acted vigorously and resolutely, and went to the villages by himself as soon as the order was given. There was even less control in those places, so he could only deal with it personally with his extraordinary cultivation.

But in Qingyang Town, it is not that simple to implement.

The people in the entire Qingyang Town didn't pay enough attention to it before.

Under the command of Dugu Xiao, posting new notices to the people, announcing the seriousness of the illness, and dispersing the crowds gathered everywhere... all of this will take time.

And the manpower of the Qingyang Town Hall is really pitiful.

Hu Laogen walked out in a daze. Every crowd he saw along the way made him feel cold.

If that was the plague…

If the outbreak is really a human plague...

He couldn't imagine the consequences.

"Fathers and fellow villagers! The old man tells you!"

Hu Laogen walked to the edge of the crowd and suddenly shouted: "There is a serious illness in Qingyang Town, and dozens of people have died!"

"It's probably a human plague!"

"Everyone, please go back to your house quickly. Don't get together and don't go out!"

Every time he passed by, he shouted.

Many people know him.

He was born, grew up, got married and grew old in Qingyang Town.

Many people here trust him.

Seeing this sad little old man, some people felt weird, some felt confused, but more people chose to believe it.

Finally, we were in the largest market in Qingyang Town, the market in the west of the town.

People saw their current pavilion director, Hu Laogen, holding a ladder and tremblingly climbing up to the roof.

He is very old, and he is not tall when standing on the roof, but is rickety.

He loudly repeated what he had repeated all the time.

But the hoarse voice could not be heard very clearly.

Only in the end he shouted hoarsely: "It's all the old man's fault that so many people died!"

"The old man made amends to you!"

He fell headfirst and fell from the roof to the ground.


Exploding like a watermelon.

It has stayed in the memory of many people.

ps: In the past two days, I have received concern and love for this novel from readers. I have seen every concern and concern in Zhihu private messages, reader groups, Weibo private messages, Weibo groups and book review sections.

I have worked so hard to write this book until now, endured so much ridicule, and endured so many torturous nights. If it suddenly disappeared, the blow to me might be devastating.

So why am I still writing this?

I explained it once to the readers group. Since many people now have questions and they are all people who really love this book, I have to explain it again.

[The plot of the plague was decided long ago.

But without the current experience, it would be difficult to write so realistically. Nor would there be the emotions that are boiling in my heart now.

I really want to record something. Writings are used to convey Tao, and words are expressive. Both my feelings and Tao prompt me to do this. People who write do not use words to express their voices, so what else can they do to the world?

I hope that in a few years or more, if someone picks up this novel and reads this, they will remember that we have experienced such things, encountered these disgusting and dark moments, and there are also people who challenge the light.

I just hope that everyone will keep it in mind and try not to discuss the world outside the book. After all, behind prosperity, democracy, and civilization is harmony.】

The above is my explanation.

A reader's comment touched me very much. He said, "Isn't it good to just sit and talk?"

But, this is my way.

I have discussed and spoken out on Weibo, Zhihu, and public accounts, openly and secretly.

I really don’t know what else I can do besides speaking out! I donated some money, but it was just a drop in the bucket.

The feedback I received one after another made me realize that this novel now carries some people's expectations.

I do need to be careful and protect our shared world.

I have deleted the most obvious sentence in the previous chapter. I will pay attention to it later.

Thank you again for your love and care.

Why is the love so great? At nine o'clock in the morning.


This chapter has been completed!
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