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Chapter 26: Sacrifice ones life

The thick fog could not block such brilliant red light. At that time, Zhao Rucheng would rise from the ground, and the wandering souls swarming towards him would almost drown him.

And Du Yehu has arrived!

He didn't even need to move. He was rushed by the strong energy and blood, and all the wandering souls nearby collapsed.

Du Yehu was so forthright that he directly grabbed Zhao Rucheng by the collar and carried him towards Ling He.

After receiving a vicious claw from the resentful ghost, the brothers were all worried. Only Zhao Rucheng didn't look hurt at all and shouted angrily: "Hey, hey, hey, I can leave by myself!"

Du Yehu ignored him and ran halfway before throwing the noisy Zhao Rucheng towards Linghe. At the same time, he turned around and hit the resentful ghost hard with his fist wrapped in the power of blood.

Let’s not talk about Ling He flying into the air to catch Zhao Rucheng, let’s just talk about Du Yehu’s fist.

Compared to Ziqi Donglai Sword, the boxing skills he practiced were not good enough, and he was quite ignored even in the outer gates of the Taoist Academy. But after he came, he became particularly violent.

This punch was not about finding an opening, but about facing the resentful ghost's huge claws, using force to fight force, using attack to fight attack. The end result is fierce and ruthless!

The iron fist was wrapped in the power of real energy and blood, and it collided with the giant blue-black claw, and they were locked in a stalemate for a moment.

At this moment, Jiang Wang jumped over again, his sword flashed suddenly, and he cut the resentful ghost's other eye.


When Jiang Wang succeeded, he was far away, and Du Yehu jumped back quickly.

The resentful ghost, who was blind on the spot, became more and more violent, clawing wildly with a pair of giant claws, causing strong winds to stir around him.

When its offensive was slightly tired, Jiang Wang turned forward again, and the long sword drew a graceful arc from the air, floating as lightly as a fallen leaf to the right paw of the resentful ghost, almost silently. But it was clashing with the green-black sharp weapon.

When the claws came into contact, an unparalleled roar erupted!

The third form of Ziqi Donglai Sword Technique's killing method, the key lies in the advantage!

With just one stroke of the sword, the resentful ghost's right claw was cut off.

Jiang Wang showed no interest in fighting, and even started to retreat as soon as he drew his sword.

The resentful ghost lost his vision and could only vent his anger into the air in front of him. At this time, Du Yehu, who was burning with raging energy and blood, had turned behind it and jumped up high.

Hit the resentful ghost's ferocious head hard.


The qi-blood wolf smoke can already restrain ghosts, not to mention how ferocious Du Yehu's blow was. The fist wrapped in layers of qi-blood power exploded the resentful ghost's entire head in one fell swoop!

Du Yehu couldn't avoid it and was splashed with green and black blood, but was quickly burned away by the power of blood.

It wasn't until the headless body of the resentful ghost fell that the red light on Du Yehu's body faded away, and his face instantly turned pale.

Jiang Wang jumped to Du Yehu's side and supported him with his hands, "Brother Hu, this..."

Qi and blood are the foundation of human beings. Now that Jiang Wang is condensing Daoyuan, he must start with the supply and infusion of Qi and blood. Du Yehu was so powerful at the moment that he was burning himself every moment. He is not a martial artist who specializes in martial arts.

He couldn't hold back such majestic energy and blood. After this battle, he would need at least five years to recover.

The five years at the beginning of practice are so long! Not to mention the problem that Qi and blood begin to decline after a certain age. Slow step by step, step by step, may mean that he will be insulated from the extraordinary from now on.

But Du Yehu had no hesitation or hesitation before. He couldn't think so much at the moment of life and death, and the more subconscious choices he made, the more he could verify his true intentions.

"It's a small matter." Du Yehu secretly adjusted his breath, regained a little strength, and pushed Jiang Wang away, "I haven't reached the point where I can't walk yet. Let's go, the situation in the Zhonggong is definitely more dangerous.


Although Ling He was full of worries, it was inconvenient to say much at this time. He put Zhao Rucheng on his back, then stepped forward to pick up his sword from the resentful ghost's body, and silently protected it by Du Yehu's side.

He also had burning energy and blood before, but it was only a small amount and did not affect his foundation. Therefore, he still had the power to fight for his life.

As the only intact and strongest combatant among the four, Jiang Wang must remain flexible so that he can take action at any time. Therefore, he just walked in front with his sword and had no intention of helping.

Only Zhao Rucheng was still muttering and complaining: "The boss is still considerate. The tiger is clumsy. Really, he is carrying me like a chicken. What does it look like? If Miss Miaoyu finds out, my heroic image will be ruined."


Miaoyu is now the number one in Sanfenxiang Tower and the most popular girl in the Fengyue Market in Maplewood City. Zhao Ru has become a Qin Fangze and has spent thousands of taels of silver in Sanfenxiang Tower, but has not been able to succeed so far.

Du Yehu remained silent, not because he didn't want to beat him up, or at least scold him, but he really didn't have the energy.

"Come on, come on." Jiang Wang said impatiently: "In addition to the unconscious wandering souls here, there are also the confused and resentful ghosts. Who do you want to show your image to?"

"Then who can say for sure?" Zhao Rucheng became more excited. He lay on Ling He's back and pointed fingers: "What if there is a beautiful female ghost hiding somewhere and peeping at me? What was supposed to be a good romantic encounter just went to waste. This

Can you afford to lose Tiger?"

Du Yehu, who was almost dying of illness, sat up with a start and summoned up all his remaining strength to hit the arrogant guy.

Before he exploded, Ling He stabbed him upwards with the hilt of his sword.

"Hiss..." Zhao Rucheng took a breath of cold air, and his arrogance suddenly disappeared.

But behind the thick wall of fog, the center of Xiaolin Town is located in the middle palace of the Nine Palace Formation.

A huge whirlpool is slowly turning. The original place here can no longer be seen, and everything is dissolved in this silent whirlpool. Apart from this whirlpool, there is nothing. The center of the whirlpool is pure black,

It seems to attract everyone's attention and no one can escape.

Next to the whirlpool stood four cultivators with long auras, all of whom were full of Dao Yuan. They were all dressed in black robes and looked intently.

And not far in front of the whirlpool, there was a house that had been smashed to pieces, with nothing left but a brick wall.

The woman in red clothes was leaning against this wall with a lazy expression.

She was wrapped tightly, but she gave people endless temptation. She held a small oval mirror in her hand, but what was reflected in the mirror was not her own beautiful face, but the ghosts and resentful ghosts in the Nine Palaces Formation.

fighting figure,

"The current generation of disciples at Maplewood City Taoist Academy are not very good either. Those few sword skills are pretty good." The woman in red clothes muttered, turning her hand to put away the mirror.

"Okay, the time has come. If I had known it would go so well, I would have taken a longer nap." The woman in red clothes yawned as Pingting walked towards the whirlpool, "I'm so sleepy..."

When she walked in front of this mysterious whirlpool, her expression became slightly more serious. She turned sideways and bowed politely, "Your regards, elder."

The four black-robed monks also followed her and bowed.

So out of the thick fog, an old man with white hair walked out. This old man's face was as wrinkled as old tree bark, his eyes were very cloudy, his back was hunched, and he even staggered.

But as he walked step by step, his back straightened up inch by inch, and his aura continued to surge.

He ignored the woman in red dress and others, and just stared at the whirlpool, as if staring at his eternal love, with extremely pious eyes.

By the time he reached the whirlpool, the momentum was already as strong as the ocean, making him breathless.

The woman in red dress has her head lowered.

The white-haired old man folded his ring and tail fingers, placed his thumb, index and middle fingers in a triangle shape over his heart, and recited softly: "At the bottom of the River of Forgetfulness, there is the abyss of the underworld. The god returns to the world, and the candle shines on the world."

Then he took out a bone dagger, inserted it neatly into his Heavenly Spirit Cap, and fell straight into the whirlpool!

This chapter has been completed!
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