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Chapter 186 Brave

The Tianxiong Ji family was once a famous family that could compete with the Shimen Li family from which Li Longchuan was born.

Of course, now that even Tianxiong City is no longer heard of, the reputation of the Tianxiong Ji family has naturally faded away.

It would of course be better if the outcome could be determined in advance.

Jiang Wang looked at the azure war flag from a distance and made some observations: "Can you kill it?"

Chong Xuan Sheng inspected the battlefield again, weighed the thickness of the battle line again and again, and after pondering, he said: "You might as well give it a try!"

"Then let's give it a try." Jiang Wangzhenjian said, wearing strong clothes and hunting.

The White Bone Holy Lord aroused his murderous intention, and then he met Miaoyu. After a fight, the murderous intention was not suppressed, but became more and more boiling.

Of course he found the battlefield to help Zhongxuan Sheng, but when he actually entered the battlefield, he felt a sense of joy!

There is no use in hesitating on the battlefield, and there is no use in retreating.

With a single thought, Zhong Xuan Sheng immediately led his troops in a different direction and went straight towards the blue general's flag to kill him.

It has to be said that during the repeated attacks by the Qiu Sha Army, although the Yang Army managed to survive with huge casualties and tenacious fighting will, the defense line was already very weak.

Chongxuan Sheng gave up the military strategy formulated by Chongxuan Chu Liang before the war, and no longer left any spare strength, but exploded with all his strength. When he kept charging forward... he actually penetrated three lines of defense in one charge!

This is the unreserved Autumn Killing Army.

The generals on the opposite side naturally noticed the situation here immediately, waved their military flags, and quickly mobilized their forces to block and encircle them.

The powerful qualities of Qiu Shajun are reflected at this time.

There was no need to communicate. As soon as Chong Xuansheng suddenly launched his force, the rest of the Qiu Sha Army rushed into formation consciously, restraining the main force of the Yang Army and trying to cooperate with their actions here.

The intensity of the entire battlefield suddenly increased by several levels just because Chong Xuan Sheng led the charge!

Looking at the battle situation, the eighteen military formations of the Autumn Killing Army are clearly sharp and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Especially when Chong Xuan Sheng led this army, he went crazy and attacked directly into the thickest and deepest part of Yang Army!

The entire military formation was drawn into a straight line, killing enemies when encountering them, beheading generals when encountering them, and breaking formations when encountering them.

Charge all the way, keep charging.

Go forward indomitably, like an arrow that has missed the string and cannot turn back!

The flags on the general platform where Ji Cheng of the Yang Army was located were flying, and his position was in the center of the Yang Army.

As for the dignified monarch, Yang Jiande led 10,000 troops and horses to suppress the rear formation alone. This was a huge weight, and it all fell on the shoulders of the veteran generals.

Yang Jiande had no choice but to do it.

Ji Cheng was already very old, his beard and hair were trembling, but he stood on the general platform with his back straight.

His sons and grandsons have all been killed in the war.

The Tianxiong Ji family should not have allowed the widows in the family to marry another person, especially his direct lineage.

But he ordered all his daughters-in-law and grandson-in-law to remarry.

Just because... I hope they can add children to the Yang Kingdom!

At this time, he looked at the entire army and continued to direct the movement of soldiers, like a diligent old tailor, mending holes one after another in old clothes...

If such a lone soldier breaks into the formation, he will naturally not ignore it.

After gathering Daoyuan and using his best eyesight, he noticed the young appearance of the first few people from a distance and couldn't help but sigh.

"The late Emperor decreed that we should wait until the state of Qi is weak... Seeing these outstanding young men today, even if I don't die today, I won't be able to do it until the end of my life!"

He sighed and then stopped, pointed his halberd in that direction, gathered his energy and said in a loud voice: "Is there a good man in our country of Yang who can capture this general's flag for me?"

A majestic man came out of the queue: "The last general is asking for orders!"

Ji Cheng looked at him deeply, and then said: "That's right!"

Then he saw this general leaping off the general platform, getting up on his horse, and without saying a word, he led a team of only 500 people, separated from the army, and charged directly at Zhong Xuan Sheng's troops...

Let's also say that Chong Xuan Sheng was leading the charge. He, Jiang Wang, and Fourteen were acting as arrows. There was no reason to stop, let alone turn back. They could only keep charging forward.

Chong Xuan Sheng's movements are all done with heavy skills, and he often uses extremely powerful force.

Jiang Wang's sword exploded with light, bright and sharp.

Fourteen black swords are like rocks falling apart.

The three arrows moved forward without hesitation, piercing through the enemy's formation without any hesitation.

At this moment, I suddenly felt the military formation in front of me opening up.

Then a cavalry force of 500 people collided face to face!


This is the most direct collision, a fierce confrontation with a fierce one, an arrow against an arrow.

Only the strong and brave will win, and only the powerful will prevail!

The two armies collided.

As soon as the majestic general of the Yang Army appeared in front of him, he was restrained by the Five Qi Binding Tiger. Jiang Wang's sword penetrated the sun and the moon, like a bolt of lightning that went away and then came back.

This will cause a crash.

Jiang Wang's movement skills were faster than those of Zhong Xuan Sheng and Shi Shi, so he came out on top.

Then the soldiers rushed up and ran over him.

From a distance, the two long arrows were each heading forward, and the moment they collided with each other, one of them suddenly broke!

This "arrow" representing Chongxuansheng's department is still moving forward.

The military flag on the general platform was waved, and the army reunited, again blocking Chongxuan Sheng's troops.

Ji Cheng watched this scene from a distance, only his white beard trembled slightly.

He knew that the majestic man was no match for Qiu Shajun, and the majestic man himself knew it.

However, he still gave the order, and the men rushed into the battle without hesitation.

Because at this time on the entire battlefield, the situation of the Yangguo army was already very difficult. He did not have endless troops to deploy. He relied on his superb command skills to tear down the east wall and repair the west wall, and he was able to maintain the defense line.

It is really difficult to allocate forces to encircle and suppress the enemy's troops.

The strong men of Yang Kingdom's military have already been arranged to fight on the front lines. They cannot stay by their sides to protect themselves.

The reason why he lamented the heroic youth of Qi State was because the other party discovered Yang Jun's loophole so quickly and acted so decisively.

And when he sent people to fight, he was actually going to die.

The one who used his flesh and blood to stop the Qi army's advance, slowed down the front with his life, and bought him, the "tailor," time to mend.

He died bravely and sacrificed his life for his country.

Of course this is a good man from the Yang Kingdom!

Ji Cheng took a deep breath, his voice trembling.

This trembling was certainly not due to fear, but due to sadness.

Of course, Ji Cheng is not afraid of death. Even though he is old, he still has the bloody courage to kill the enemy's heroes.

However, at this time, he is the hub of the three armies and must control the overall situation. He should not and cannot show off the courage of an ordinary man.

Once the enemy troops rush to the general's platform and block his command of the army, the war has been lost!

So he was filled with sadness, but he could only ask this way

"Are there any good men left?"

The wind is rustling, and the flag is hunting.

The silence did not last long.

"General, the last general is willing to go!"

A female voice.

A female general.

A female general wearing blood-stained armor held a helmet that was obviously too big in her arm.

Ji Cheng looked at her deeply.

This is his daughter-in-law! His second son’s first wife!

She had already remarried under his order.

"Where is Li Langjun?" Ji Cheng asked.

The family whose daughter-in-law remarried was named Li.

But the female general responded: "She is dead..."

She raised the helmet she held in her arms: "I only snatched this one back."

"Go." Ji Cheng almost shouted: "I am a heroic heroine!"


Suddenly a general rushed forward and said with red eyes: "There are still good men in Yang country! Let the last general die first!"

Death is not the goal, but delaying the enemy's advance is.

However, when these people all regard death as their goal, what else can Ji Cheng say?

"General...it's accurate!"


This chapter has been completed!
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