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Chapter 191: Three Kills in Autumn

If it weren't for being in a large army, protected by military formations, and suppressed by strong men like Chongxuan Chu Liang.

Yang Jiande only had one charge, and all the ten thousand Qiu Kill Army soldiers would be drained of their energy and blood and die!

Now it is only a small opening, but it has already risen like smoke of blood, which shows the tyranny of the Blood Demon Art of Killing Love and Absolute Desire.

The image representing the killing of the withering was shaken by this, like water ripples, and Yang Jiande pierced it with a spear!

This battle lasted from sunrise to noon, and then from noon to this time.

At that time, the setting sun was like blood on the horizon.

Under the setting sun, Yang Jiande seemed like another bloody sunset!

His light, his heat, his life's struggle and bravery all shine and burn at this moment.

His whole body was ignited with blood flames, as if he were wearing a blood-colored dragon robe. In his hand was a world-famous blazing sun war spear, including the first half of the spear tip which was dazzling scarlet and the back half which was dazzlingly golden.

The killing of Deku is like a painting floating in the air, with qi and blood like smoke on the painting.

Yang Jiande, on the other hand, was like a reckless man who was about to tear up a famous painting, but he came in a arrogant and unreasonable manner.

"Fight to the death with me!"

The entire battlefield was frozen, but when Yang Jiande saw him, he challenged the formation with a single spear.

One spear struck down!

The picture representing the killing of the dead was shattered.

The army surged for three or four miles.

The Yang army watched the battle with joy, while the Qi army was frightened.

The surging soldiers gathered together instantly.

Yang Jiande's blood-demon-killing skill was indeed unexpected. However, Chu Liang, Chongxuan, was careful and cautious at every step, wasn't it just to deal with such an unexpected situation?

He gave Yang Jiande the greatest respect and made the best preparations.

The withering has fallen, the destruction has stopped.

The killing has not stopped!

Autumn is the season of sobriety.

Traditionally, if there was a death penalty, executions were usually done in the late autumn, because this is the season when murderous intent is the strongest.

There are three kills in autumn, which are called withering, which are called withering, and which are called asking and cutting!

Chongxuan Chu Liang's voice had the edge to cut through the heavens and the earth at this moment.

"Today I am punishing you on behalf of Heaven... Lord Yang is unvirtuous and brings disaster to the country and the people! First let the plague go, and then start a war! He should be sentenced... and beheaded!"

In the midst of the boiling and raging soldiers, a sword was thrust out.

At first I thought it was the world-famous Cut Shou knife, but upon closer inspection, I found that it was not a cut Shou knife, but a very distinctive knife with Cut Shou as the core and the Autumn Killing Army Soldier Sha as the outer shell.


The body of this knife is heavy, with a ghost head carved on the handle and a round mouth on the spine. The ghost head is broad and square, and the back is thick and broad. Just by looking at its shape, you can tell that it is heavy and heavy, so it is suitable for chopping.

The name of this sword...Ghost Head!

Best for beheading.

Executioners have always used this knife to carry out executions.

This knife is obviously far away,

It was even clear that Yang Jiande had already challenged him with a spear.

However, when the sword rises, the soldiers are shattered and reunited.

When the knife fell, Yang Jiande's head was already flying.

Was beheaded!

Just a moment ago, he was brave and invincible, challenging the battle with a single spear, and his blood-demon-killing skills were unparalleled.

However, the next moment, the body was already divided into two parts.

This was such an abrupt and natural move.

Just like when a crime is confirmed and a person goes to the execution ground, the arrow falls to the ground and the executioner brandishes his sword.

Everything is irreversible!

He raised the knife and dropped it on the head!

A top-level god like Yang Jiande is already golden and chalcedony, his body is indestructible, and he can be called immortal. Before death, his cultivation will not fade.

This state is known as "Immortal and immortal, I am here like a god."

In ancient times, it was also directly called the Immortal Realm.

It is difficult to kill him by any means.

However, with this slash, he died cleanly!

In their lifetime confrontation, Chongxuan and Chu Liang both came out victorious. Investigating the root cause, it seems that it was just because Qi was strong and Yang was weak.

However, isn't it scary enough to be able to firmly grasp the advantage and never give the opponent a chance to make a comeback?

The moment Yang Jiande's head flew up, time and space seemed to have stopped.

Thirty years ago and thirty years later, the arc connecting the flying head.

Chongxuan Chu Liang in the army has an expressionless face!

The superior person has no friends.

This is what he said to Chong Xuan Sheng.

Because the more you reach a certain height, the more you can’t help yourself. Because many decisions can no longer be made according to your own preferences.

Who knew that Chu Liang and Yang Jiande were each other's only friends?

However, one is in Qi and the other is in Yang.

One is a famous family of the Qi State, and shares weal and woe with the Qi State. The other is the royal family of the Yang Kingdom.

There is no possibility for either side to change their positions.

As early as thirty years ago in Xieyue Valley, they had understood all this and foresaw this day.

After that, they parted ways, and in the past thirty years, there has been no letter or even a few words!

In fact, when it comes to fighting alone, Chu Liang is as proud as Yang Jiande even though he has mastered the Blood Demon Kung Fu. However, facing Yang Jiande, he still has to give everything he has without hesitation.


It's not just that the liger and the tiger are fighting the rabbit with all their strength, a person like Yang Jiande must not allow even the slightest chance.

What's more, he wanted Yang Jiande to feel from the beginning to the end that the reason why he lost was not because "I am inferior to others", but because of his innate disadvantage, which was a crime of heaven rather than war!

Only in this way can he preserve his last bit of pride.

Thirty years are like a snap of the fingers, and life and death are like clouds of smoke.

So many past events, glory, pride, and friendship are all buried in the river of time.

People like Chongxuan Chu Liang will not let themselves miss him for too long.

There was only a moment of confusion, and then he flew out of the military formation, reached out and grabbed Yang Jiande's head that was flying high in the air. He grabbed his hair and lifted his head high.

"Yang Jiande is dead!"

Sound conveys the battlefield.

"Yang Jiande is dead! Yang Jiande is dead! Yang Jiande is dead!"

Qi Jun repeated loudly.

The Yangguo army collapsed instantly, and there was no longer a formed line of defense on the entire battlefield.

If you kill the soldiers in autumn, you will rush to kill without restraint, killing people like cutting grass.

The largest casualties on the battlefield usually occur after the victory has been decided. The largest number of killings usually occur during the pursuit.

Countless soldiers of the Yang army disbanded their armor and abandoned their troops, kneeling down and begging for surrender. Countless soldiers of the Yang army ran like wolves and fled in all directions.

After the victory or defeat has been decided, letting your soldiers kill for a while is also an underlying rule in many wars.

After all, life and death had just come to an end, countless people had died in battle, and I was also on the verge of life and death... The hatred needed to be relieved, and the pressure also needed to be released.

But usually this doesn't take long.

After throwing away their helmets and armor, a large number of Yang Kingdom soldiers buried their heads on the ground, hoping to survive the short killing time.

However, Chu Liang, Chongxuan, raised Yang Jiande's head high in the air, remained silent for a while, and then said: "Anyone who participates in this battle and resists our great Qi heavenly soldiers, regardless of whether they surrender or not...will be punished!"

A massacre order was issued directly!

The soldier Yang who was kneeling on the ground stood up in fear and was immediately decapitated with a knife and fell to the ground again.

The soldier Yang who had just put down his weapon had his throat cut open by a sword that passed by before he could react.

The soldiers of Yang Army, who were frightened, dispersed and went their own way, were no match for the soldiers of Qiu Sha, and they were completely unable to form an effective resistance at this time.

Killing people is like cutting grass, and they fall in groups.

A carnival of killing begins.

"Commander, you can't do it! Commander, you absolutely can't do it!"

From the edge of the battlefield, an old scribe flew over and begged Zhongxuan Chuliang from a distance.

"The victory of this battle has been decided, so why would the commander-in-chief bother to add more killings to increase his reputation?"

At that moment, a general stood ready to greet him with his sword.

But Chongxuan Chu Liang only waved his hand: "Let him come over!"


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