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Chapter 29: Chinese people do not kill celebrities

There are many ways to destroy a person.

Sushe offers one of the most brutal ones.

Xu Fang was once a truly famous scholar. He was profound in knowledge, well versed in Confucianism and Taoism, and was very good at the art of famous scholars, and his eloquence was unimpeded.

Linzi knew that Xu Fang was "crazy".

The people he scolded were not only Su She, but also the Jubao Chamber of Commerce.

From the prince to the governors of various places. As close as the dignitaries of Qi and as far away as Mu Chu, he actually scolded the king of Chu.

As long as he couldn't stand it and felt it was unfair, he would scold him.

There is no doubt that he has offended many people, but no one can do anything to him.

Because he is very famous.

The word "name" comes from the mouth and the night. When the ancients were walking at night and couldn't see each other clearly, they shouted their names loudly to let the other person know. Hence this word.

Therefore, the meaning of "name" can be extended to boasting a name to make it widely known.

Xu Fang is highly regarded by the public and his character can be called noble.

He came from a poor family, and when he was still studying at Sangu Academy in his early years, the dean of the academy privately changed the ranking of articles in the academy competition in order to curry favor with the powerful, and promoted the sons of the powerful and powerful at the bottom to the second place, and the original second place was squeezed out.


This has nothing to do with Xu Fang, because he is number one.

But when he learned about this, he tore up the book in anger and vowed that he would never be among the wrongdoers for the rest of his life.

Many people believe that "every house sweeps the snow in front of its own door, and doesn't care about the frost on other people's tiles."

Xu Fang, on the other hand, upholds the justice of the entire academy.

It was a grave sin for a Confucian scholar to destroy his books, and at one time he even had to have his literary name revoked.

But the impact of this incident was so great that it alarmed Yan Ping, the then Prime Minister.

Yan Ping personally intervened, and later the entire Sangu Academy was abolished, and Xu Fang became famous all over the world.

It is precisely because he is such a famous person that his attack on the Jubao Chamber of Commerce was so immediate. One word of "A Duwu" and another covering his nose with his sleeves directly knocked the reputation of the Jubao Chamber of Commerce to the bottom.

And how did Su She do it?

He did nothing except reply indifferently.

A full seven years have passed like this, so long that Xu Fang may not even remember that he has scolded Jubao Chamber of Commerce. Because he hates evil and has scolded too many people and things. Who is the boss of Jubao Chamber of Commerce?

Xu Fang has been living in Linzi all year round, but his hometown is in Xinming County, northwest of Qidu. The Xu family was originally from a poor family, but because of a person like Xu Fang, they lived a pretty good life there.

Seven years later, Xu Fang was participating in a scripture debate in Jingguo.

The Jubao Chamber of Commerce's business has grown bigger and bigger. At this time, it has almost controlled 70% of the business in Songcheng City, Xinming County, Xu Fang's hometown.

Su She gave the order.

In the entire Songcheng, no merchant was willing to sell anything to the Xu family.

Firewood, rice, oil, and salt are all at exorbitant prices, and it’s impossible to pay for them.

The Xu family wrote a letter to Xu Fang, but the letter lingered at the inn for more than ten days and could not be sent.

The Xu family couldn't hold on anymore, and later even tried to beg all the way to Linzi, but everywhere they passed, the doors were closed.

To any family who refused to give alms, Jubao Merchant would give one tael of red gold, which was called "closing money" at the time.

For this expenditure alone, the Jubao Chamber of Commerce spent one hundred thousand taels.

And in exchange for such a huge expenditure,

In peacetime, the entire Xu family starved to death!

From the seventy-three-year-old mother to the wife who takes care of the housework and the three-year-old son.

No one was spared.

From the beginning to the end, no one from Sushe laid a finger on the Xu family.

It was only then that the letter from home miraculously reached Xu Fang's hands quickly.

But when Xu Fang rushed back after traveling day and night, he was the only living member of the Xu family.

There was no way to sue him, and no one was willing to stand up for him. He frantically knocked on the door, but was easily subdued by the Jubao Chamber of Commerce and could not even see Su She's face.

He only left one sentence for him, which was "Chinese people do not kill celebrities."

Xu Fang was heartbroken on the spot and disappeared without a trace.

The reason why this matter has not spread is that the Jubao Chamber of Commerce deliberately concealed it, and the people of Songcheng knew that they were unjust and kept silent.

Some people question how the Xu family could starve to death because they could not buy food during peacetime.

Could it be that Jubao Chamber of Commerce secretly assassinated me?

Su She once responded: "Maybe I'm missing something!"

That sentence "I don't think anyone who uses a block to stink people is as good as the Jubao Chamber of Commerce!" Some people still mention it, but the person who said this sentence has never appeared again.

Taking Xu Fang into a secretly controlled inn, the first thing Chong Xuansheng did was to ask him to take a bath and change clothes.

"Wouldn't it be better to be miserable?" Xu Fang asked.

Jiang Wang glanced at him and understood that this man had probably never let go of his hatred. When he fell down in Yulifefang and was with beggars, he could only think about revenge.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to live a humbler life so that the delayed revenge would be more violent.

"Do you still expect someone to uphold justice for you?" Zhong Xuansheng frowned and said, "I don't want you to suffer miserably, I want your gentlemanly demeanor and the arrogance of a madman."

He tried his best to find Xu Fang, but of course it was not because of justice.

The so-called justice could not save Xu Fang back then.

In fact, if Jubao Chamber of Commerce hadn't suddenly stabbed him in the back, he wouldn't have thought of this incident at all. Who is Xu Fang, how pitiful he is, and what does it have to do with him?

"I don't understand." Xu Fang asked hoarsely, "What do you want to do?"

Zhongxuan Sheng didn't answer and asked instead: "Do you have the ability to take revenge? Do you have any plan to defeat the Jubao Chamber of Commerce?"

Xu Fang remained silent.

Even though there was no expression on his face that was covered with stains, his pain could still be felt.

"Then go take a shower." Chong Xuansheng said.

Xu Fang then turned around and went to take a shower.

Chong Xuan Sheng told him that he only needed to obey orders. But he had no choice.

After surviving in Yulifeng for so many years, the only person who came here was Chong Xuan Sheng.

As for "respect"?

He no longer needs this kind of thing. He just wants revenge.

In the past, he would naturally get angry and leave with a flick of his sleeves. Like Chong Xuan Sheng, a so-called son of an aristocratic family, Xu Fang could point his nose and scold him until he was bloody.

But everything that once existed no longer exists.

Now he is just a son who has lost his mother, a husband who has lost his wife, and a father who has lost his son.

A beggar living on the street.

An avenger without hope of revenge.

"Let's go."

Watching Xu Fang leave, Chong Xuansheng said.

Jiang Wang asked: "It's hard to find him. If you want to do something, why don't you hurry up?"

"No matter how hard you seize the time, you still need to give him time. He has been lying on the ground for too long and has forgotten how to be a human being."

Chong Xuansheng opened the window a crack, looked at the sky outside, then closed the window and walked out: "It's almost dawn. Let him rest for a whole day, and we'll come back tomorrow."

Jiang Wang was worried that Xu Fang would not get the promise and he would do something stupid, so he asked, "Aren't you going to explain something to him?"

Chong Xuan Sheng just shook his head: "I believe he has enough patience."

He didn't say a word.

If Xu Fang no longer has this patience, then there will be no value left at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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