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Chapter 151 Star Beast

Almost as soon as he heard the noise, Jiang Wang had already raised his sword. "Wait here for a moment, I'll go take a look."

Qinghuo Qiming did not respond. At this time, his whole body was tense. The appearance of the star beast seemed to open an invisible door in his heart, releasing all the fear.

Jiang Wang couldn't stay to comfort him, so he only glanced at him, then jumped down and headed for the hole connecting Youtian.

Wuzhi Cave was very large, so Jiang Wang did not hesitate, but when he arrived, there were already many Qinghuo warriors waiting in front of the cave.

The bearded man was giving orders and mobilizing the formation.

And the one-armed Qinghuo Yuanchen, holding a sword, stood at the front of the team with a firm expression.

Is Qinghuo Yuanchen mean to Qinghuo Qiqi? It can be called mean.

But as a soldier of the Qinghuo Department, he guarded the Wuzhi Cave, and even broke an arm for this purpose.

He had already broken an arm, but he was still fighting in the cave.

And to this day, when the star beasts attack, they are still at the forefront without hesitation.

Does a person like him have the right to despise a timid person like Qinghuo Qiming?

There seems to be some.

The world is not black and white, and many things cannot be said to be right or wrong.

It's strange to say that despite hearing the howling wind, the sky you see in your eyes seems so calm that nothing happens.

"Where is the star beast?" Jiang Wang asked.

No one paid any attention to him. All the soldiers in front of the cave were on full alert, waiting for a fight.

"It will appear soon." Qinghuo Yuanchen quickly glanced at him and said, "Stand behind me."

Jiang Wang followed his words and walked over without showing off.

The warriors in Wuzhi Cave are well-trained. At this time, there is a team of people guarding in front of the cave, with swords unsheathed and arrows cocked. There are two teams of people at a later position as substitutes. And those further away

The soldier was still recuperating and didn't even look at him.

If it can achieve this level of order, it can be called a regular army, and it is also an elite army.

"Here we come." Qinghuo Yuanchen said.

Jiang Wang then saw that in the ink that was so thick that it could not be dissolved, there were dots of stars, reflecting each other. At first glance, they looked like stars on the night sky.

Breathtakingly beautiful.

This may help people understand why the people of Fulu call the place under the cave "Netherworld" and "Netherworld Sky" instead of Netherworld Abyss.

"It's completely burned now." Qinghuo Yuanchen murmured.

Jiang Wang already knows that in the Qing Fire Department, "burned" means "developed". He is saying the opposite, which shows that the intensity of this wave of star beasts is not low. If the first wave of star beasts was like this

, the next situation will be very serious.

"Team 2, Team 3 are ready for battle, come forward!" The bearded man had already roared: "Team 4, the team has finished its rest and is on standby!"

"The star beast is a dark beast, but there will be stars on its body. The more star points, the stronger. This group of star beasts are very difficult to deal with. When you evacuate, pay attention to your position and don't affect other warriors."

Qinghuo Yuanchen hurriedly explained to Jiang Wang, at the same time, he had already taken a step forward and slashed with his long sword!

The cave in Wuzhi Cave is about sixty feet in diameter. Because the entrance of the cave is irregular, this number is not very accurate.

But it is undoubtedly huge.

It was impossible to see clearly in the ink color. When those "starlights" jumped out of the hole, the specific appearance of the star beast was revealed to Jiang Wang.

"Star beast" is just a general term, and these star beasts have different appearances.

The one that Qinghuo Yuanchen attacked looked like a crow. Of course, no matter what kind of bird it is, as long as it has the right size and is black, it is difficult to look like a crow...

Even the eyes of this crow-shaped star beast were pitch black. After leaving the sky, its specific outline was revealed under the light of fire.

Different from the crow, there are three light spots on each of its left and right wings, which look like twinkling stars.

Qinghuo Yuanchen slashed down with one strike, with incredible accuracy. When the general came into contact with the crow-shaped star beast, a ray of fire appeared on the blade!

This crow-shaped star beast disappeared silently.

Jiang Wang did not take action immediately, but chose to observe first. Not only to observe the weaknesses of the star beasts, but also to observe the warriors of the Qinghuo Department. He wanted to choose the most suitable person who could help him in the upcoming game of life and death.


Most of the battle surrounding the entire cave was within his sight.

From the current point of view, Qinghuo Yuanchen's combat power is among the stronger ones among the first wave of warriors who fought against the star beasts.

The strength is about the same as that of Bao Zhongqing's man, Yan Er, who overturned the sea. He has a fighting strength that can dominate the Tenglong Realm in a single county.

There are many ways to use the power of totems. Jiang Wang saw some people stringing bows and arrows with fire. He also saw some people carving patterns out of thin air to create various effects similar to Taoism.

Jiang Wang initially believed that the power of Fulu's totem was similar to that of Dogen, and was the foundation of transcendence. Of course, in terms of source alone, it was essentially different from Dogen.

Looking at the star beasts again, they are not particularly scary in terms of defense, speed, and attack. They are not much stronger than the ferocious beasts on Yuheng Peak. The only thing to worry about is probably the quantity.

Jiang Wang's judgment was quickly overturned.

Because the relatively easy offensive only lasted two rounds, the strength of the star beasts that surged up from Youtian in the third round has suddenly reached a new level!

Their body shapes have not changed much, but the number of star points on their bodies has almost doubled compared to the first round of star beasts!

Qinghuo Yuanchen's knife was dodged by a monkey-like star beast. If he hadn't responded promptly, he would have been scratched severely.

Bearded Beard's decision to send more manpower in advance proved to be correct. Facing the star beasts whose strength had soared, the Qinghuo soldiers still held on to their position.

Many people were injured, but the dead have not yet appeared.

The wounds caused by star beast attacks are not very special. They seem to be no different from the wounds attacked by ordinary beasts. I wonder if these warriors have adapted to the existence of star beasts, or if the wounds caused by them are not much of a problem.

Jiang Wang thinks it is the former.

The star beast disappears immediately after death, leaving no loot behind. This is similar to the vicious beasts in the world. In other words, fighting the star beast does not seem to have any benefits other than improving the combat power of the army.

This is the biggest problem.

In any war, there must be losses. If war cannot be sustained by war, war will be a suicidal process.

Jiang Wang witnessed how Sanshan City was brought down by those ferocious beasts' lairs. Therefore, he could understand why the situation in Fulu was so tense and why the Qinghuo Department was so strapped.

Floating land has such a long history, and countless wise men must have been born. They must have studied the existence of Youtian and the existence of star beasts countless times, and they must have thought of countless ways... But no matter what the process, the final result is still

, there is no good way.

A fortress guards a cave, and soldiers use their flesh and blood to resist the star beasts. This ancient response continues to this day.

Jiang Wang didn't think about how to solve this problem once and for all. He didn't think that he was far smarter than the people in the floating land, and his understanding of Youtian was also very shallow.

However, the preliminary observation is over. At least, he no longer has to hide behind Qinghuo Yuanchen.

"Stand back."

Jiang Wang pushed Qinghuo Yuanchen, who was just beginning to show signs of fatigue, back, Sauvignon Blanc came out of its sheath, and slashed the head of the fox-shaped star beast with all the stars on its head.

This chapter has been completed!
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