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Chapter 174 Punishment

Lei Zhanqian left Qixing Valley with arrogance and caution. With Tian Anping around, he would not be able to regain his face.

In fact, when Li Fengyao made it clear that he must support Jiang Wang, the gains and losses of provoking a fight already needed to be re-evaluated.

When Tian Anping comes forward, it is not shameful to respect the rules of Qixing Valley, and everyone can understand it. After all, compared to Tian Anping, he is the one who respects the "overall situation".

But in the final analysis, these are just self-comforts, and they are not strong enough.

If he could withstand Jiang Wang's sword, he would not have the chance to be ridiculed. If he could be stronger than Tian Anping, he would not leave in despair just now.

He is already strong, but it is far from enough.

The men were all guarding outside the Seven Stars Valley. They were originally prepared to welcome his "triumph", but now they naturally had no choice but to remove all the bells and whistles to avoid irritating Mr. Lei.

Lei Zhanqian got into the carriage with a gloomy expression.

"I want Jiang Wang's information, all of it."

He closed his eyes, as if to suppress all his anger, and then ordered: "In addition, send someone to check the name Zhang Linchuan to see if there is such a person."

At the beginning of the life-and-death chess game, Qinghuo, a team with outsiders, certainly attracted the attention of other competitors. However, the name "Zhang Linchuan" was really unfamiliar to people, and therefore was ignored by many people.

Of course now I know that is just Jiang Wang's pseudonym.

"Jiang Wang has used this name. If it was just a random pseudonym, check when and where this name appeared. If there is such a person, Jiang Wang must know him. In turn, that person should also be familiar with Jiang Wang. I know a lot about his past. Based on this clue, if you can find someone, bring him directly to me."

His men naturally obeyed the order, and the carriage drove smoothly into the distance.

In Qixing Valley, Tian Anping did not stop Lei Zhanqian from leaving.

He just stood there motionless, seeming to be thinking about something.

In fact, Tian Huanzhang, who was responsible for guarding Qixing Valley this time, was also very confused about Tian Anping's arrival. Maintaining rules and protecting family honor was really not something Tian Anping would do.

Don't talk about the big picture.

If Tian Anping had the so-called "overall view", he would not have intercepted the power of the Seven Stars without knowing anyone when the Seven Stars Secret Realm was opened, and almost made the Tian family and half of Qi the enemy. There was no explanation afterwards.

As the person in charge of this Seven-Star Secret Realm, Tian Huanzhang certainly has resentment in his heart.

It should be noted that there are not many benefits to being responsible for this kind of thing. Once something goes wrong, everyone will come to him. When it comes time to take responsibility, who can hand over Tian Anping?

Regarding the fight between the Lei family, the Li family, and the Chongxuan family, he planned to wait until the fight was almost over before leaving to maintain order. Of course, he couldn't watch either Lei Zhanqian or Li Fengyao die in Qixing Valley, but he could sit back and watch them deepen. Hatred may not be a bad thing for the Tian family.

Tian Huanzhang consciously has a long-term vision, and of course he is very dissatisfied with Tian Anping's "short-sightedness".

He flew down the valley and landed in front of Tian Anping.

"Anping, why are you here?"

But her voice was extremely kind and gentle. It was completely opposite to her inner emotions.

When the power of the Seven Stars was intercepted earlier and he was asked to send a message, he still dared to rely on his elders and ask stern questions. Now standing face to face, he couldn't help but show kindness that was rare in his life.

Even though my heart is full of resentment.

Tian Anping did not respond, but looked around the monks in the valley with some confusion: "Aren't you leaving yet?"

He asked: "Are you planning to stay for dinner?"

"No, no, no, Mr. Tian is too polite."


Unfortunately, the reason why most people didn't leave was because Tian Anping hadn't said they could leave yet. They didn't know whether they should leave or whether leaving directly would anger this person.

A few fearless people like Jiang Wuxie and Li Fengyao wanted to take the opportunity to observe Tian Anping. After all, this person has always been famous, but rarely appeared in front of others. Because of that incident, he was prohibited from leaving Daze County. But

Even in the city, few people can see him. They only know that he has been imprisoned in Fubi Tower all year round, and no one knows what he is doing.

But no matter what the mentality is, Tian Anping has said this, and no one will stay.

Who would want to have dinner with Tian Anping?

No matter how delicious the Tian family's food is, it's not worth risking your life to try.

For a moment, all the monks dispersed.

Jiang Wang had some speculation in his mind that Tian Anping's appearance might be related to the failure of Tian's team in the Hidden Star World. But of course he would not act strange, and he did not even look at Tian Chang and Tian He.

If you want to play some kind of tacit understanding under the nose of a person like Tian Anping, it is because you are not exposed quickly enough and die not neatly enough.

He naturally left with Li Fengyao, while Xiaotong and Quhei were still waiting at the inn.

Jiang Wuxie, on the other hand, for some reason, followed their footsteps eagerly, almost following them like a shadow.

How shameless. Jiang Wang spat in his heart.

After everyone else left, Tian Anping moved his eyes and landed on Tian Chang.


Tian Chang knelt down on his knees without any hesitation, without any concern for his dignity.

"This trip to the secret realm failed, and Tian Chang is fully responsible!"

Tian Anping's expression was slightly curious, and he said slowly: "When you leave the Seven Star World, the first thing you do is not to come to Fubi Tower to recover, but to hide in the Seven Star Valley and not come out, looking for connections all over the world. Why, who do you think is in the Tian family?

Can I protect you?"

"Mr. Ping, I had absolutely no intention of doing this! It's just that I escaped from the Hidden Star World because I was seriously injured, and I had to stop first to recover from my injuries."

As he spoke, he untied his coat, and circles of gauze were wrapped around his chest and abdomen, which were all soaked red with blood. The whole figure looked like it had been fished out of blood.

"If you don't believe it, you can have your injuries examined!"

"Hey, what are you doing?" Tian Huanzhang couldn't help but said: "Nothing is guaranteed in this world, and there is bound to be a possibility of failure in doing things. You can tell me what you have encountered and what you have experienced. Which ones?

The responsibility belongs to you, and you can figure out which responsibilities cannot be blamed on you. Our Tian family has no reason to directly punish the clan members indiscriminately."

"Uncle, grandpa." Tian Anping's voice was heavy.

Of course Tian Huanzhang is not his biological uncle or grandfather, but according to his seniority, there is no problem in calling him this way.

It could be seen that he was almost moved to tears, but he suppressed his emotions forcefully.

From his voice to his expression, every detail fits the image of a strong man who is loyal to his family and has a strong sense of responsibility.

He began to narrate with grief: "After we entered the Seven Star World, according to Master Ping's instructions..."


Tian Anping raised a palm and moved the shackles, making a sound.

He motioned Tian Chang to shut up.

"You are a truly smart man."

Tian Anping said: "So I won't test your injuries, and I won't listen to your explanation."

Because Tian Chang is a truly smart person.

So no matter how much responsibility he needs to bear in this matter, he will definitely be able to take it out, and he will definitely be able to do it without any flaws.

Tian Anping didn't need to listen at all to know that there would be no problem with Tian Chang's explanation.

In other words, if Tian Chang could not confirm that his explanation was flawless, he should have defected long ago instead of staying in Qixing Valley and waiting for Tian Anping to come to him.

"You go to Lost Heart Valley with the people who are still alive. Three days for others, one month for you." Tian Anping said calmly.

His response is also very simple.

Since Tian Chang's responsibility cannot be determined, let him bear all the responsibility.

Tian Chang's face turned pale instantly!


This chapter has been completed!
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