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Chapter 74 Border Desert

In the far north, there is a long desert. No one knows where the end of the desert is.

There are "demons" living in the desert. They have been infesting the world for countless years.

According to legend, in ancient times, there was a demonic tide that destroyed the world and almost overturned the world. Fortunately, the sages fought hard and were able to save the human fire. The elimination of the demonic tide was also regarded by many as the end of the ancient era.

The two most powerful countries in the north are called Jing and Mu.

Both Jing and Mu countries stationed large armies at the desert border to suppress the demonic tide.

Therefore, this desert is often called the border wilderness.

It means the boundary of human race, the dividing line between prosperity and desolation.

The two powerful countries in the northern region compete in all aspects, but they always join forces when facing the desert. This alone can probably give people a glimpse of the horror of the "demon".

But for most people in this world, "demons" are just a legend. Since ancient times, no demon has been able to walk out of the desert.

Probably people's only remaining fear of "demons" is the notorious nine human demons.

The easternmost part of the desert is endless quicksand, and leaving aside the endless quicksand, the border of the desert can be roughly divided into two halves. The east is the defense area of ​​​​the Mu Kingdom, and the west is the defense area of ​​​​Jing Kingdom.

As one of the strongest countries in the northern region, Muguo occupies the largest grassland in the world, and of course it also has the most powerful war horses.

There are ten recognized strongest cavalry armies in the world, and the Mu Kingdom ranks second among them.

Standing at the border of the desert guarded by the pastoral country, on the left is the boundless grassland with green grass, and on the right is the endless desert of death. A huge divide is drawn between heaven and earth here. Life and death are so close, and the contrast is so strong.

The long military tents belonging to the pastoral country are all located on this side of the grassland. Majestic armored knights patrol along this border. Unless the war starts, no one is willing to set foot in the desert.

Although this place seems to be isolated from the world and lonely at the edge of the human world. But it seems that as long as you don't step into the desert, you are still in the human world.

The desert is dead and silent. There is never any wind. It seems that even the wind blows here and it seems that it will die. It is impossible for any animals to exist. Except for the occasional evil spirits that wander here, the soldiers stationed here have never seen a second kind of life.

The knight patrolling the border reined in his horse and stopped to look at the desert. In his field of vision, a figure slowly approached and became clearer.

His long hair was simply tied up and hung down the back of his head. He was wearing an ordinary sheepskin jacket, which is what all the herdsmen on the grassland wore.

The hair is a little dry and the lips are a little chapped, like an ordinary person who can't stand the sun. This is not unusual. Below the gods, any strong person who goes deep into the desert will be like this. Only the golden body and chalcedony can guarantee the physical body in the desert.

Not invaded.

The man dragged a huge leather bag, leaving a long mark on the desert ground, and walked slowly. The black stains on his body were also imprinted in the knight's eyes. They were demon blood, and "devil" blood was black.


Of course, the most surprising thing is actually that face.

When you see him, you will be surprised, how can someone look like this? How can someone be so "beautiful"?

This kind of "beauty" even transcends gender and has the charm that confuses all living beings.

Even if his lips are chapped, even if his skin is rough, the combination of his facial features is so hopelessly charming.

But none of the knights dared to take a second look. There was a tribe leader who coveted this face before. As a result, he has been "missing" until now, and his tribe has long been carved up.

"Zhao!" The leading knight laughed: "My Yao Zhen! The great God Cangtu bless you for your safe return!"

"Yu" means to pull, and "Zhu" means to include and complete.

Youzuo is the person who pulls you forward at all times. In the pastoral country, it means the same as brother.

The Cangtu God is the belief of the herders. According to legend, he is a god with a wolf body and eagle wings and horse feet. He is the god of wolves, eagles and horses. However, some priests believe that he has no specific body and cannot be accurately described. He does not have

Any appearance imagined by human beings also includes all imaginations. It does not exist anywhere and is everywhere at the same time.

"Yuwen." The young man who came back from the desert said with a smile: "It was not God Cangtu who brought me back safely, but my knife and fist."

Yu Wenduo, the captain of the cavalry army, was a majestic man with many braids, riding a tall horse with a voice like a trumpet. He jumped off the horse with a big smile, took a few steps forward, and hugged the young man.

While hugging, he whispered: "In the Mu Country, you should believe in the God of Cangtu, even if it is just in words. Cooperate with me, this will save you a lot of trouble."

When they parted from the hug, he changed into his cheerful look again: "How many more heads have I cut off this time?"

Yu Wenduo doesn't appear to be more than thirty years old. In the Mu Kingdom, it is not easy to be a captain of ten thousand men at this age, especially since he is also a captain of ten thousand men in the cavalry. It can be seen that not only is he strong in strength, but his family background is also not bad.

The young man named Zhao lifted the huge sheepskin bag in front of him and piled it at Yuwen Duo's feet: "They are all here."

"so much?"

Even though he had already speculated, Yu Wenduo couldn't help but look happy.

"Keep patrolling!"

Yuwen Duo shouted loudly and asked his knights to continue patrolling. He lifted up the huge sheepskin bag, held the war horse in one hand, and greeted: "Let's go into the tent and rest!"

As Yuwen Duo, he has his own tent on the border of this grassland. Of course, it cannot be too big. This is restricted by his official position.

But after this harvest, maybe it can be expanded.

What the sheepskin bag contains are the heads of Yin demons. It is said that there are many kinds of demons, but the only ones that frontier warriors can see are Yin demons.

The body of the Yin Demon is half virtual and half real. The head is gathered by the demonic energy, and the body has a real shape, either in the shape of an animal or in the shape of a human. However, only the head can be preserved after death. It changes from virtual to real, and the body changes from

Reality turned to virtuality and disappeared directly.

After counting the number of Yin Demon heads, Yuwen Duo's expression became even more excited.

It was inconvenient to reveal it in front of subordinates before, but now I don't hide it: "Every time you gain more than the last time, you are really the strongest genius I have ever seen! Even compared to the geniuses in the royal court, you may not be worse!"

"Maybe it's just that you haven't seen much." The young man surnamed Zhao said with a dull expression: "There are more geniuses in the world than you think, but many of them...may not have the chance to grow up. The world is very cruel."

Yu Wenduo didn't know how to respond to these words, so he had to ignore them and said with a sincere face: "Rucheng Yizuo, let me ask for credit for you. Your Majesty is a man of great talent and strategy, and he is a man of merit. It doesn't matter where you come from.

.With your strength and talent, you can definitely rise to the top of my great herdsman."

Zhao Rucheng shook his head.

In the past, he had to have fine clothes and fine food, but now he was sitting carelessly on a thick blanket, grabbing a fat leg of lamb and gnawing on it.

"Old rules, the merits are all yours. I just want supplies."

The so-called supplies are nothing more than wound medicine, Dao Yuan Stones, some emergency formation disks, and the Soul-Born Stones that must be equipped when entering the border wilderness. Human monks use Soul-Born Stones to fight against the ubiquitous resistance and erosion in the desert.

"You just came back and you are leaving again?" Yu Wenduo was surprised.

Zhao Rucheng casually threw away the clean lamb leg bone, tore off another one, and said casually: "I feel the opportunity for a breakthrough."

"Then you should take a good rest and break through in a safe place..."

"It's faster in the wilderness."

"Having said that..." Yu Wenduo hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "I have actually had a question to ask you for a long time. I really want to know, what makes you work so hard?"

Zhao Rucheng stopped chewing the leg of lamb, was silent for a while, and looked down at the position of his heart.

"It's this regretful heart."

This chapter has been completed!
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