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Chapter 144: The importance of society

Compared with the capitals of other countries, Xin'an City is not grand.

Not to mention compared with the capital of Yong Kingdom, even Dingwu City, the capital of Mo Kingdom, cannot compare.

When Zhuang Chengqian, the great ancestor of Zhuang State, established his capital in Hualin County, the country was still very poor.

After several generations of business, I gradually accumulated some wealth, and repaired and expanded it one after another. However, this capital city can never get rid of its small family atmosphere.

Some ministers proposed to demolish the city and rebuild it, but Du Ruhui stopped it.

Du Ruhui admonished: "The strength of mountains and rivers, and the importance of the country, lie in people rather than in the land, and in the king rather than in the city."

Zhuang Gaoxian happily accepted it and said that if the country is not strong, not a single brick will be added to the capital.

When Lin Zhengren came to this city with great caution, what he saw was a sharp and flamboyant figure sitting on the city tower with a gun across his head. Like a door god, stationed in Xin'an.

The heavy rain last night has passed, and the sun is rising now.

The sun breaks out of the long night and shines so brightly on me.

He stood here with a gun across his body to show that he was in charge of this city and to reassure the people of the country.

No matter what opponent, no matter what enemy, it is impossible for him to take a step forward into Xin'an City before his sword is broken.

Lin Zhengren narrowed his eyes.

Too dazzling, he thought.

But he had to admit that when he saw Zhu Weiwo holding his gun across the tower, the caution and uneasiness in his heart had dissipated.

Xin'an City is very safe now. I wish I could give people this feeling.

"Best wishes, senior brother!" he greeted in a neither humble nor condescending manner.

Zhu Wei I only glanced at him and said nothing.

Lin Zhengren's expression was very calm. He had always known that Zhu Wei looked down on him.

"According to the orders of Master Jijiu, I came back from the frontline battlefield to investigate the current situation of the capital."

He still explained to Zhu Weiwo, and then said to the guards standing in front of the city gate with their heads held high: "Where is the place where Dong Sheng was killed? Take me to see the scene."

The long street where the battle took place has been completely blocked, and all clues have been preserved as much as possible. Because the strongest people in Zhuang State are not in the capital, and the death of the dignified deputy prime minister must have a result, so only

We can seal the scene and wait for the big shots to return.

Houses on both sides of the long street can only enter and exit through the back door until the blockade is lifted.

Dong Ah's head and limbs were chopped off, but his body was still left on the long street without being moved.

The two junior brothers who returned to Xin'an City together turned pale.

Lin Zhengren had no expression on his face as he carefully examined the details of Dong A's body.

None of the items, including the storage box, had been touched, and the two rulers lay beside his broken hands.

On the torso, right in front of the heart, there is a blue jade, which is not very expensive.

The cuts on the limbs and head were very smooth, and the murder weapon was a sword. It was a very sharp sword, and it cut off the body of a spiritual monk with almost no resistance.

There are long and thin openings on the severed limbs and heads, which should be caused by needle-like instruments, but they are thicker than ordinary needles...

Lin Zhengren observed very carefully and even checked Dong A's hair several times before getting up and inspecting the entire combat environment.

The heavy rain last night washed away many traces, but some traces cannot be washed away by the heavy rain.

Such as broken floor tiles, such as traces left by various Taoist techniques...

Lin Zhengren bent down, picked up a tarnished object at his feet, rubbed it with his fingers, and confirmed that it was a piece of rotten wood.

"You go back to deliver the message to Jijiu first." He turned around and ordered to his two junior brothers: "Xiang Dong was killed. There was only one murderer, and he has escaped. Senior brother Zhu Wei is now in Xin'an City, so he is safe. There is no need to worry about the rear.

, please let them fight with confidence on the front line."

The military situation was urgent, and the main purpose of this trip was to wish me the best. After receiving the order, the two junior brothers from the National Academy of Sciences hurriedly flew to the front line.

Lin Zhengren was very patient and walked back and forth four times from the street to the end of the street to make sure that he had not missed any detail.

Finally, he walked up the tower and walked next to Zhu Weiwo.

"Best wishes, senior brother." He greeted.

Zhu Weiwo turned around and looked at him, quietly waiting for his next words.

"I carefully observed Dong Xiang's body. I found that his severed limbs and head had slender openings, which were caused by a needle-like magic weapon. I speculated that the effect of that magic weapon should be just enough to restrain

Prime Minister Dong’s magical powers are endless.”

Lin Zhengren had already prepared the draft and said slowly: "This is enough to show that the murderer came completely for Prime Minister Dong. He is very familiar with Prime Minister Dong and made targeted preparations."

I wish I still didn’t speak.

"Judging from the traces of the battle at the scene, I found that both warring parties consciously controlled the scope and did not affect the people and households on both sides." Lin Zhengren continued: "Prime Minister Dong is the deputy prime minister of the country, and it is his duty to protect the people, and the murderer is

Because of what?"

"I guess the murderer is also from Zhuang. At least he was once from Zhuang." After analyzing this, he also made a joke: "Or maybe the murderer is a good man."

Zhu Weiwo was obviously not interested in his humor, and without any expression on his face, he said calmly: "Tell me something I don't know."

Before Lin Zhengren, Zhu Weiwo must have inspected Dong A's death scene, and Zhu Weiwo would not miss the details that Lin Zhengren could see.

Lin Zhengren was not angry at Zhu Weiwo's impatience.

But his expression became serious: "Senior brother, have you ever heard of the Lin family being wiped out?"

Zhu Weiwo's eyes also changed: "Is it related to this matter?"

"That man is also a spiritual monk with magical powers, and it is indeed possible to kill Prime Minister Dong. And..."

Lin Zhengren said: "There is one thing that maybe everyone ignored at the time, or didn't pay much attention to, and I was the same way. That man broke into Wangjiang City Taoist Temple and forcibly usurped a Taoist technique from the Taoist Dean, called

Kuchiki Jue!"

Zhu Wei and I contacted the scene almost instantly: "Are you sure it's the same Taoist art?"

"It's much more powerful, but it definitely comes from the same source. That kind of power... I'm very familiar with."

At this point, Lin Zhengren was also quite upset. Why didn't he pay attention to the Kuchiki Art at that time? How could it be that a Taoist skill that could be noticed by a monk with magical powers in the inner palace was simple? There must be something that the dean of the Jiangcheng Taoist Academy failed to discover.


He continued: "Fu Baosong from the National Academy of Sciences has also practiced this technique, so he should be able to confirm this matter."

Zhu Weiwo's voice became obviously serious: "So what do you know about this person?"

"I was very surprised at the time. For some reason, that man seemed to hate my brother Zhengli very much and was determined to kill him. Moreover, he deliberately chose to drown him. This reminded me that there was a Maple

Disciples of the Lincheng Taoist Academy, I borrowed your salary-killing spear from my senior brother and came to our Lin clan to block the door."

Zhu Weiwo's face was expressionless, but the air around him had become hot.

Lin Zhengren's heart was calm, and he was not affected by Zhu Weiwo's attitude at all. He still used his own unique rhythm and said slowly: "My brother Lin Zhengli is just a dandy from a small town. What can he have with the highly respected Prime Minister Dong?"

What about the common connection? I just want to get one thing, one person, that young monk named Jiang Wang."

"Perhaps everyone in Maplewood City was not dead at that time. The man named Jiang Wang is back..."


Lin Zhengren looked confused: "If that person is Jiang Wang, why did he kill Dong Xiang? Wasn't Dong Xiang his teacher at that time? Could it be that what happened in Maple Forest City..."

He stopped here.

That's enough.

Too much is not enough.

This chapter has been completed!
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