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Chapter 187 Masked

No matter how cold and ruthless Zhuang Chengqian is, he will still be heartbroken over the death of Zhuang Mingqi. After all, that was his and Song Wanxi's only son.

But he knew very well that under the circumstances that year, even his appearance could not save Zhuang Mingqi. He knew what the right choice was, and he was just making the right choice.

He feels pain, but has no regrets.

The only choice he regretted in his life was Song Wanxi's death. The Bone God said that he didn't shed a single tear at that time, and he didn't deny it. But at that moment, it was useless to shed tears, and he didn't do useless things.

"Do you know what I hate most about you?"

'Zhuang Chengqian' faced the two balls of soul fire and never regarded him as a god, only as an opponent who must be defeated: "I always say these words to provoke emotions without any emotion. You think you understand 'people' well, but

You've been working as a god for so long, you don't even know what a 'human' is!"

"You think you understand me?"

He untied the Sauvignon Blanc sword from its sheath from his waist, flicked it, and penetrated it deeply into the ground.

He was fed up with the sword's constant resistance, so he simply threw it aside.

But rather than saying that he has had enough, it is better to say that he is just eliminating all interference and allowing himself to reach the peak state to meet the Bone God head-on.

Because the fate he has been waiting for for nearly two hundred years has arrived!

"As great as you are, do you remember..." He asked the Bone God: "What day is today?"

What day is today?

In the inner palace, Jiang Wang frowned. He found that he... seemed to have fallen into Zhuang Chengqian's design once again.

Summoning the Bone God to break the situation should be a sudden flash of inspiration on his part, a move of genius. But Zhuang Chengqian seemed to have made preparations in advance.

He was not afraid of the arrival of the Bone God at all.

Judging from his tone, the day on which all this happened was chosen by him.

This feeling of being involved in every move is very unsettling.

What day is today?

The Bone God listened to this question clearly.

This day is not easy.

It falls on the third day of the first lunar month, Red Dog Day, which has always been an unspecified period.

The White Bone God is clear and has a deeper meaning.

Because this day is the day of calamity that He set for Zhuang Chengqian, and it is the period of lifelessness for Zhuang Chengqian!

The Inanimate Tribulation is his most powerful magic, which involves his divine power. It cannot be activated easily.

There is no calamity of life, there is death but no life.

Even if Zhuang Chengqian was already a real person back then, it would be unlucky to fall victim to this technique.

He was also very puzzled and didn't understand why Zhuang Chengqian could live until now.

Until now, Zhuang Chengqian gave the answer.

He is indeed unable to resist the power of the inanimate calamity, or he has never escaped from the inanimate calamity at all. His escape by feigning death and escaping with his remaining soul during the inanimate period are just a kind of delay...

The catastrophe that should have happened nearly two hundred years ago has been delayed until today!

Maybe he couldn't delay it any longer, or maybe he didn't dare to give Jiang Wang another year to grow up, and didn't dare to bet on the disaster next year.

But no matter what, this is the day he chose.

In other words, the arrival of the Bone God today is something that Zhuang Chengqian has prepared for!

So, where is his preparation?

Click, click.

There were two soft sounds of bones rubbing together, and the skeleton jumped up.

He no longer waits for power to be accumulated and perfected!

Either unable, or unwilling, or...dare not.

A ghost god who had spent a long time changed his mind for Zhuang Chengqian.

But this is not a rare thing. Even such a great Nether God has been influenced by Zhuang Chengqian more than once.

His Divine Kingdom of Bones and his plan to come into the world were all influenced to a greater or lesser extent by Zhuang Chengqian.

This skeleton is of course not the original form of the Bone God, but it is also the strongest incarnation that he can apply to the present world. It is his precious accumulation over countless years and is enough to display terrifying power in the present world.

Crossing two realms, spending a huge price to send this body to this ancient demon cave.

What He asked for was certainly not to vent his anger.

In other words, He may not have the emotion of "anger".

He wants to truly control the situation and take charge of the "robbery situation"!

This leap is very light, but there is a naturalness that blends into the world.

In this life, in this journey, in this journey.

This skeleton seemed to belong naturally to this ancient devil's cave, and this leap was a natural thing that would happen here.

Frost shines on the bones.

In the cruel coldness, there is a kind of holy praise.

Let people fear Him, worship Him, and believe in Him!

Before he actually took action, the body currently occupied by 'Zhuang Chengqian' could no longer move.

Only with great will can he compete with the physical instinct of kneeling and prostrate.

This body is just a physical body with magical powers and internal cultivation, and is completely intimidated by the divine power.

During the leap, the bones of the skeleton's seemingly slender and fragile hands gently closed together to form a fist.

The body currently occupied by ‘Zhuang Chengqian’ was completely shackled, “lifted” up, and held in mid-air!

Waiting for the due divine punishment and facing the destined death.

The skeleton fist was swung out. As it was swung out, it had already landed on the face of 'Zhuang Chengqian'.


There was a fierce crisp sound.

‘Zhuang Chengqian’’s head did not explode naturally.

Because a palm as white as jade, at the critical moment, came around to the face of 'Zhuang Chengqian' and stopped the punch!

Almost at the same time as the white skeleton punched, the standing blood coffin behind 'Zhuang Chengqian' also suddenly opened!

A stunningly beautiful woman jumped out of it.

'Zhuang Chengqian', the real blood puppet created by combining Song Wanxi's demonic body and Song Hengjiang's soul, suddenly emerged from the coffin at this moment.

The blood demon demon and the white skeleton ignored space and time at the same time, and collided around the physical body currently occupied by 'Zhuang Chengqian'!

At this moment.

'Zhuang Chengqian' could not move and was frozen in mid-air.

The white-bone skeleton leaped over and faced him head-on. The skeleton's fist, which could not be completely closed, pressed in front of him.

But that suffocating and terrifying divine power cannot be advanced any further.

The beautiful woman was right behind him, her soft body felt by him.

The white and silky jade arms gently wrapped around his body, with their palms turned outward, blocking the body's face.

The palm of his hand was directly connected to the skeleton's fist, and the back of his hand was close to his face.

It feels cold to the touch.

But my heart is burning.

No need to speculate, no need to be sad.

Song Wanxi covered her face with her hands and held him in her arms.

There is no need to look back, 'Zhuang Chengqian' can completely imagine the phoenix eyes and red lips behind him, every detail, the exquisite curves, and the breathtaking beauty.

She was pressing against him.

She is protecting him.

It seems like she has come back, as if she never left.

Did she never leave?

At this critical moment of life and death, 'Zhuang Chengqian' slowly closed his eyes.

He felt a huge softness in his heart.

Even if this kind of warmth is false, even if there is a bloody and cruel truth under the skin of warmth, even if he is a bloody part of it, he still wants to be intoxicated by it.

Even if it's short-lived.

This chapter has been completed!
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