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Chapter 135 'Alienation'

There was a wind in the mysterious world, and this wind was anything but ordinary.

In the breeze that passed around him, Jiang Wang felt a slightly complex impurity that did not belong to the wind element itself. It was extremely subtle. If he hadn't observed everything with the greatest vigilance at this time, it would have been difficult to feel it.

Or it cannot be called "impurities" because those "attachments" have no physical form.

He thought for a long time before he roughly recognized that it was an emotional thing. He used the Soul Hiding Snake to contact them, and was finally able to confirm that they were indeed related to the monks who died in this world.

It is not a complete soul or a remnant spirit, but something similar to an obsession, a attachment that has nowhere to take refuge in a place like the Lost World, but is unwilling to sink.

Only then did he make the connection. Today is the fourth day of April, the day of the annual Sea Festival.

The monks on the offshore islands are offering sacrifices to the sea and welcoming the return of the heroic spirits with pious rituals.

If you die in the lost world, you will lose your soul.

It is not that the physical body is destroyed and only the spiritual soul remains. It is that the physical body dies and the spiritual soul is also lost.

While the physical body is still there, it is easy to get lost, let alone only the spirit soul is left, and the traction of the Starlight Holy Tower is lost?

Some people have lost their body and soul, while some people are stuck in the lost world with their obsessions, wandering without a support. It is similar to Guan Yan's true spirit wandering in the forest and sea source world, but it is not exactly the same.

These thoughts are more fragile than the true spirit, and there is no possibility of reshaping them. (In fact, in Jiang Wang's perception, there is no possibility of reshaping a true spirit, but Guan Yan broke his cognition.


But people believe that if they are recalled to the human territory, there will be a chance for the brave men from whom these thoughts originated to re-enter reincarnation.

If you can't wait until the sea festival sun pulls you back, it will just disappear and lose all possibilities. That's why there is such a gentle wind in the lost world today.

They can't take anything away, nor will they change the lost world. It's just that people who are homesick will eventually return to their hometown.

Jiang Wang tried to relax his control on his body. As a result, his body did not fall straight down. Instead, it rose up a certain distance. After a long time, it moved to the left for a while, and then began to fall.

Of course, the so-called up, down, left, and right are only based on his own standing posture.

This movement trajectory has no rules, it just obeys the confusing and confusing rules of the world.

He controlled his body to fly forward, and every distance was actually not easy. He was trying his best to adapt to the Mysterious World so that he could fully display his combat power in the Mysterious World. Originally, his true strength was not as good as Granny Bizhu, and because

Not adapting and being suppressed is almost tantamount to seeking death.

Fortunately, this process is not very difficult. His control of Daoyuan has already reached a very subtle level. This is the result of his earlier "confrontation" with the real person. This allowed him to quickly adapt to the special characteristics of the Mysterious World.

Dogen can react to changes in the outside world at any time, so that he can walk on flat ground.

At this time, he already knew what those black spots he saw when he first fell into the puzzle were, they were mostly boulders with different shapes and directions. Because of the same confusing and topsy-turvy relationship, it was impossible to use these boulders to determine the direction.

Fortunately, there was guidance. In the short period of time he was exploring the Mysterious Realm, Jiang Wang felt this way more than once.

Some boulders are even hundreds of feet in diameter. To Jiang Wang, it looks like a small island. However, it is not a so-called "floating island" and there are no human beings living on it.

It shows that the composition of a "floating island" is not simple. It is not just an island suspended in the air. There must be certain necessary conditions that need to be met.

Otherwise, there should not be only one floating island in the Dingwei area.

Jiang Wang looked at those boulders and observed that they were very ordinary. They were not the hanging stones he saw in the Xuankong Temple. They were able to float only because of the special nature of the Mysterious World... This made him give up collecting them.

Some scraps to take away the idea.

Most of the boulders are bare, and there are basically no living creatures. There are no trees or soil, and there are only some moss here and there.

There are no traces of human life.

Also, those who fight in this Mysterious Realm, except for the large army formed in formation, are all monks from the Outer Building and above. They are either fighting or repairing on the floating island. There is no need to live in these places.

The route Jiang Wang is choosing now is based on the plan made by the guide, which is in a very large area and circles around the only human floating island in the Dingwei area.

This route can be seen as a sphere. The floating island is the center of the sphere, and Jiang Wang's route is drawing the surface of the sphere.

The reason for this choice was that he put himself in the perspective of Granny Bizhu and easily came to a conclusion - the sooner he killed Jiang Wang, the better.

He hopes to deal with Granny Bizhu as soon as possible, but when Granny Bizhu also hopes so at the same time, he needs some patience.

Finding a needle in a haystack is obviously not a good choice. For Granny Bizhu, who has the advantage in strength, staying near the floating island is an easier way to "capture" Jiang Wang.

Because Jiang Wang had to go to the floating island to "supply".

This kind of "supply" is not just about resources, not just magical weapons, Daoyuan stones, medicines, etc., but it is about the most important issue of "alienation".


Practitioners have discovered a long time ago that after staying in the delusion world for a long time, the body will be "changed" by the delusion world unconsciously. It is not a weird thing like having a few extra heads and hands. This "change" is extremely subtle.

It can't even be discovered at all.

Because the interaction between life and the environment is completed in a subtle way all the time.

It’s just that people who have been in the Mysterious World for too long will react more or less when they return to the human race territory. They have become no longer so adaptable to the human race world!

For milder cases, it only needs to be maintained for a while. For more severe cases, permanent changes may even occur!

The combat power declines, the ability to control Dao Yuan is lost, the ability to sense Yuan force is lost, and even breathing is painful...

This change is called "alienation".

Divine presence monks will not experience "alienation" because their golden bodies and chalcedony can easily lock their own changes.

But the warriors who conquer the Mysterious Realm cannot all be powerful gods.

The solution to "alienation" is also very simple. After a while, before the body is alienated, just go back to the floating island to rest for one night. If you can concentrate on adjusting to the environment, this time can be shortened.

To a certain extent, the floating island is equivalent to a small human enclave, and returning to the floating island is like returning to human territory.

It is precisely because of this important significance that floating islands have become the islands of life for humans in the labyrinth. The number of floating islands can therefore represent the strength of a certain area.

Jiang Wang chose to go around the floating island, firstly to avoid a head-on confrontation with Granny Bizhu before fully adapting to the confusing world. Secondly, in order to test Granny Bizhu's decision-making in turn.

Granny Bizhu wanted to get rid of Jiang Wang as soon as possible. Of course she also knew that Jiang Wang was eager to complete his cleansing so that he could return to Tianya Terrace and take away Zhu Biqiong.

So the question before her is, does Jiang Wang have a high priority in killing her? With so many resources with him, can Jiang Wang clear his sins before the alienation occurs? Is it possible that there is no need to go to the floating island at all?

, but what about directly completing the goal and leaving?

No matter how wise Granny Bizhu is, these problems are inevitable and these entanglements will definitely arise.

Her greed for Jiang Wang has been shown too nakedly, and she will never let Jiang Wang go in the Mysterious Realm. As long as she grasps this point, she can make a relatively accurate judgment.

Jiang Wang was even able to judge that Granny Bizhu was probably squatting within the area, which would not be too close to the floating island, because if it was too close, Jiang Wang would most likely escape directly into the floating island during the battle. Human monks are not allowed to free themselves on the floating island.

Kill each other.

But it won’t be too far away from the floating island. If it is too far, it is easy to make mistakes.

Therefore, she should make a small circle within the large circle that Jiang Wang made.

You don’t necessarily need to go around, just put “eyes” on the border of this small circle.

But in the first few days of squatting, she definitely couldn't meet Jiang Wang.

Afterwards, she will be in a dilemma. Should she continue to guard Jiang Wang, or should she take the initiative?

If you take the initiative, you may miss Jiang Wang's resupply on the floating island. But if you continue to guard, Jiang Wang may have successfully cleared his name and left.

This kind of entanglement will definitely torture the old woman all the time. The longer it goes on, the more difficult it is to advance or retreat.

The opportunity Jiang Wang was waiting for was then.

This chapter has been completed!
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