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Chapter 174 No one wants to cross the river

Chu Mi mistakenly thought that Jiang Wang’s Daoyuan was more powerful than the monks in the outer building, but this was not the case.

Although his island of heaven and earth is vast, solid, naturally stable, and does not require much Dao Yuan support, it is not as completely liberated as the outer building monks.

The reason why he was running at super high speed for a quarter of an hour without changing his expression was actually because the immortal art of Pingbu Qingyun mainly consumes the skills, but consumes very little Dao Yuan.

There is a Qingyunting Pavilion in Yunding Immortal Palace that is constantly producing jujutsu. Of course, he does not have to worry about the lack of successors. Although Yunding Immortal Palace is far from being restored, and Qingyunting's speed of producing jujutsu is not as fast as before, it is not that Yunding Immortal Palace is dominating the world now.

It's time. There aren't that many Immortal Palace disciples to use Shujie. It's more than enough for only Jiang Wang.

 Hurrying all the way to the boundary river without consuming too much energy, this is undoubtedly an advantage. But perhaps, this is the only advantage.

When the sea tribe who rushed to the boundary river in his true form as the sea lord came into Hongzhuangjing's field of vision, Jiang Wang held his breath and stopped.

That is a male sea tribe with a sharp face and sinister eyes. The characteristic of the sea tribe is the black scales on his brow bone.

Jiang Wang knew that using the true form of the Sea Lord would consume a lot of physical energy, just like an extraordinary monk using magical powers.

 In other words, the sea tribe that Chu Mi called Yu Siqing was definitely not in its prime at this time.

But Jiang Wang had no intention of taking action at all. Since the other party dared to use the true identity of the Sea Lord to block the boundary river as quickly as possible, and even after knowing that he was one against nine, he still chose to come alone first, so he must have something to rely on.

The family knows that it is a big deal with one enemy nine. There is a large accidental component. Jiang Wang will not be arrogant, but it will not swell too much when he weighs life and death.

As an enemy, Yu Siqing would definitely not underestimate his enemy, and he would not dare to underestimate Yu Siqing. Especially Chu Mi had already introduced that these were the strongest high-level commanders among the Hai Clan in the Dingwei area.


This guy stood there silently, as if adjusting his breath. This undoubtedly shows that he is confident that he must be faster than Jiang Wang and must be in front of Jiang Wang. Moreover, he is not afraid of Jiang Wang's possible sneak attack.

Not far behind him, there was a line of nothingness.

  It is not any scene in the lost world, it is just nothingness.

Jiang Wangqian took a few steps closer, but it was still the same. He finally determined that the red mirror could not reflect the boundary river. Before crossing the river, his intention to observe the boundary river was obviously in vain.

Probably because the "boundary river" is a broken zone of time and space. It is the most chaotic and broken zone in the entire chaotic world. There are no rules at all. The reflection ability of the red makeup mirror relies on certain rules.

When all the rules are broken, the red makeup mirror loses its reflection.

 Only this can explain why the red mirror failed to reflect the target.

 Fortunately, the scene beyond the Qili Boundary River is still clearly reflected. When thinking about the strategy of crossing the river, you only need to focus on the position of that line of nothingness.

The boundary river is difficult to cross and surges through it. The broken time and space will shatter all people and things that accidentally fall into it.

 But the Mysterious Realm is an overall battlefield, and communication and interaction between various areas are necessary. Therefore, the human race and the sea race have already developed a method of "crossing the river".

 The human method is to "cross the bridge".

Jiang Wang currently has one hidden in his storage box, which was given to him by Fu Yanqing before leaving.

To put it bluntly, the so-called crossing bridge is a bridge made of mist crystal. With the blessing of a special secret method, it can cross the boundary river, and the user can cross it calmly. :(/

 The principle is nothing more than using mist crystals to temporarily stabilize the rules in the boundary river.

 When the chaos stabilizes, the section of the boundary river will naturally become less dangerous.

 It can be seen that the Mystery Crystal is really the most important strategic material in the Mystery World, and it is needed in many crucial places.

Jiang Wang’s current goal is to successfully use the bridge to cross the river despite Yu Siqing’s obstruction.

How to do?

 While he was thinking, another figure came into the field of vision of the red mirror.

  But he is an "old friend".

Jiang Wang didn't know his name, but he knew his true identity as a sea lord. He had six wings, eight limbs, and extremely fast speed. He was the commander-level sea tribe that he scared off by going astray.

This guy should have come from another direction. Among the Hai Clan, he and Yu Siqing are probably the fastest after King Bai Xiang.

By now, Yu Siqing's strategy was clear. He made it clear that he would first block the boundary river to prevent Jiang Wang from crossing the boundary. Then he would use the boundary river as a starting point to search and kill Jiang Wang in the Dingwei area.

Jiang Wang didn't know that in order to search and kill him, the White Elephant King sent an entire army from the Sea Nest. At this time, the wilderness was already full of sea people wandering around.

 But it does not prevent him from making judgments

 As time goes by, more and more sea tribes will come, and the hope of crossing the river will become increasingly slim.

 Time is not on his side.

However, one Yu Siqing is already difficult to defeat, and now a helper has arrived. How can we break through their joint blockade?

It is definitely not possible to rush over directly. The speed of these two sea tribes is extremely fast. They might be stopped in the blink of an eye, and all opportunities will be lost.



Before Shuiying Rong flew down to the boundary river, he looked at the colorful debris and subconsciously stood a little further away.

 “Brother Yu.” He saluted Yu Siqing: “My king ordered me to come quickly.”

 Yu Siqing glanced at him with a sinister eye: "Let's take good care of ourselves. Let's wash away the shame of the Shui Ying family today."

He also showed his true nature as the Lord of the Sea and galloped all the way here. Compared with Yu Siqing, who remained calm-faced, Shui Yingrong was obviously a little over-consumed.

Although in terms of absolute speed, he is only slightly slower than Yu Siqing, in other aspects, he is far behind.

 Fortunately, he has a real royal grandfather, so he doesn’t need to be too short.

Hearing this, his face looked extremely ugly.

He and Yu Wangu's fighting team, surrounded by nine people, were almost wiped out by a monk from the inner palace with magical powers. This incident had already spread throughout the sea nests in the Dingwei area. Many sea people secretly laughed at them,

But because of his strength and status, there are really only a few people who would openly show their contempt for him.

Yu Siqing expected that he would be crowned king, so of course he would not care too much about his identity as a descendant of the true king.

Shui Yingrong couldn't help but said: "Brother Yu, don't underestimate the enemy. He is a strong human race with a talent for arrogance. I think we should be on guard and wait for the following brothers to arrive before we talk about anything else."

Yu Siqing actually didn't quite believe this. How many years does it take for a genius like Jiao Ming to appear? But he couldn't refute, because the White Elephant King had already determined the matter. His refutation would be to attack the White Elephant King.


"So what if it's comparable to Jiao Ming?" Yu Si Qing said coldly: "Even Jiao Ming can't do anything to me when I'm at the level of a general!"

He turned his eyes away from Jiehe, and no longer even tried to hide his disdain: "Let me nurse you back to health! Your fighting ability is not good enough. If you don't maintain your condition, you will be killed instantly. How can I explain to King Yi?"

  King Yi is the true king ancestor of Shui Yingrong.

This remark was undoubtedly a slap in the face, and it was Yu Siqing's sharp reply to his daring expression of dissatisfaction.

Shui Yingrong gritted his teeth and finally sat down cross-legged without saying a word, adjusting his breathing on the spot.

It's not that he hasn't thought about it before. But for the first time, he realized it so deeply... That battle with nine enemies surrounding one had become a shame in his life.

 No matter who you are, you can use this matter to hurt him!


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