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Chapter 280 Soul Washing Pool

After saying that, Long Kuang put away these blue Yuanlings one by one, jumped off the beam and landed in front of the bluestone platform where the Holy Immortal's Immortal Soul was transformed. He touched it with one hand again. This has never changed since the Holy Immortal set up the Immortal Soul Formation.

Every trace of the bluestone platform disappeared, and the forged sacred pillar lost its foundation. It made a harsh crashing sound and fell to the ground and rolled far away.

Without the bluestone platform, a shiny broken sword stained with blood appeared on the ground. Long Kuang thought about it for a while and put it away.

No matter how weak and restrained the Holy Envoys and True Immortals were, they still screamed like crazy in their hearts. They watched in disbelief as Long Kuang nodded with satisfaction, walked slowly over, and stopped at Tu True Immortal who had stopped moaning and struggling.


"Yes, you are worthy of being the disciple of Emperor Shenyu. If you can survive this way, then I will abide by the agreement and let you go. However, you must think carefully about being a slave for life."

"I've thought about it, it's all blessings from the gods!" Tu Zhenxian stood up unsteadily, although there was reluctance in his eyes, he had no choice but to do anything.

"Oh, you and I are destined to be together. Otherwise, how could I give you this opportunity? You should step back first." Long Kuang said calmly.

Tu Zhenxian reluctantly looked at him deeply and dragged his tired footsteps to the side of a group of people.

The Holy Envoy and the True Immortals didn't know what the two people were doing, and they couldn't figure out what they were saying. The horror in their hearts only increased, and they all tried their best to turn their eyes and look back and forth at the two of them.

"Congratulations, you can all continue to live, but you will all become slaves of others." Long Kuang chuckled, and his eyes shot out wisps of divine light, which entered the eyes of every true immortal.

At the same time, the sound of "crackling" sounded on everyone, and the real immortal was decomposed on the ground.

"Long Kuang, they belong to you. Please tidy up this place by the way. I don't need these rags." Long Kuang laughed in front of everyone, completely ignoring that everyone collapsed on the ground in shock. Only Tu Zhenxian

Still standing aside with respectful hands.

"Where is the real dragon madness?" The words slowly coming out of Shi Yu's mouth and the outstretched arms made all the immortals turn their attention to Tu Zhenxian, who was standing on the side with a very well-behaved face. They didn't understand what was going on for a while.

What's going on.

Tu Zhenxian is Long Kuang, then who is Long Kuang?

"Who are you?" someone asked.

"It's not important, it's not important at all. As a slave, you are not qualified to ask me. Ah~ but I am willing to answer this question. You can call me Yu Mo, which is a good name! Long Kuang will be your leader from now on. Originally, I

I don’t intend to let everyone go, but Long Kuang is interceding for you, so your future life and death will depend on his mood.”

"Yu Mo! How is it possible? You have been driven out of Daxu long ago!" The Holy Envoy stood up tremblingly, holding on to the wall, and twisted his neck with all his strength and hoarsely said.

"That Yu Demon has disappeared. I am his nephew. Well, you can say that, after all, my master is friends with his peers." Shi Yu no longer concealed his identity and said with a smile, but his smile was genuine.

It seems to the immortals that there is only bitter cold but no warmth.

"I'm going to do something first, you can do it yourself." Shi Yu, wearing the skin of Dragon Kuang, left everyone behind and walked towards the soul-washing pool.

Standing by the soul-washing pool, Shi Yu was silent for a moment and said to himself: "Both sides will suffer, so what are you pursuing? All the people are nothing but grass. You are so cruel."

Squatting down, Shi Yu inserted his hands into the soul-washing pool. The undercurrent of the pool water followed his fingers obediently and happily. The soul-washing needles that were originally moving densely were suspended in the pool water one by one.

As the water flow disappeared into Shi Yu's fingers, in an instant, only an empty dry pool remained in the huge soul-washing pool.

When Shiyu turned back to the main hall, all the true immortals knelt down and worshiped him when they saw him, calling the Holy Lord.

"I won't stay here for too long. I still have my own things to do. By keeping you alive, I just abide by the agreement with Long Kuang. I don't want this Great Void to really turn into ruins. Without you to control the boundary, the sect will not be able to survive."

I'm afraid there will be a massacre between the doors." Shi Yu shook his head, as if he felt helpless at his own judgment.

"Long Kuang!" Shi Yu continued: "Go

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Bring all the books and records from Daxu about the world of Holy Immortals, Yu Demons and Zhenwu Gods, and you can do whatever else you want."

"Yes!" Long Kuang bowed and agreed, leading a group of true immortals to stagger out of the hall.

Shi Yu sat alone where the Immortal Spirit Formation once stood, quietly waiting for Long Kuang's return. His experience in the past few years was like wandering back and forth between heaven and hell, and the fight between the world masters.

Fighting, everyone watched it vividly.

Until Shi Yu was thrown into the soul-washing pool, he was just meat on the chopping block. But from the moment he entered the soul-washing pool, he became the only audience in a big show.

If Shi Yu hadn't been so careless at the beginning and thought that the great achievement of cultivating the gods did not require setting up a stimulating formation on the world soul, then no matter how many soul-washing needles the true immortals had, they would not be able to capture Shi Yu.

When he was watched closely by the True Immortal and countless soul-cleansing needles bit Guiyu's soul with persistence, his strength immediately became insufficient and he lost resistance on the spot. It was too late to set up an array on the world soul.

The world soul fell silent as Shi Yu's soul was restrained, and became a stone buried in Shi Yu's soul. Shi Yu's own true soul also fled into the inexplicable void like an idiot to do meaningless weaving. This is

His only means of self-preservation.

Everything changed when Shi Yu was sunk into the soul-washing pool. The extreme cold not only touched Shi Yu's true spirit, but also represented an extremely powerful existence, seeing another unknown threat from friends and foes.



"It's so cold?" Shi Yu stood in the broken void, shivering involuntarily, rubbing his hands and stamping his feet desperately to stimulate the weak warmth, so that he would not die immediately in the extreme cold.

Within the divine soul, the world soul that was still covered with tiny cracks began to tremble slightly when the water in the soul washing pool was submerged. Layers of mysterious power emerged and wrapped tightly around the world soul.

Those soul-washing needles filled with souls were affected by this force and melted as quickly as ice and snow under the scorching sun. Standing in the void at a loss, Shi Yu suddenly recalled all the past events and was pulled away without thinking carefully.

Returned to his own body.

Shi Yu gradually came back to his senses, and just as he was about to struggle to get up, he saw two people talking not far away. One person patted the other on the shoulder, turned and left, while the person who stayed behind sighed and sat down, silently watching


Shi Yu quickly stopped his actions and quietly observed his surroundings. Then he found that his whole body was nailed to a pillar and he was soaking in an unknown pool of water, with countless soul-cleansing needles swimming around.

"Don't you think these bastards haven't stabbed you enough!" Shi Yu cursed in his heart, and he didn't dare to move. It was better for one person to activate the soul-washing needle than to alert a group of people to attack together.

After observing quietly for a moment, Shi Yu discovered that no one was activating these soul-washing needles. Even though Shi Yu's soul was close at hand, it did not respond. Instead, it was like a cheerful fish swimming aimlessly along the water immersed in the body.

The man by the pool just stood there without making any move, which made Shi Yu feel reassured.

After relaxing his mind for a while, Shi Yu's soul restrained itself and looked inward. He was even more surprised. He found that his soul had actually recovered and had become a lot stronger inexplicably.

It’s not like your conscience will find out and you want to heal me, right? Shi Yu became confused and looked inside more carefully, and saw the world soul that was trembling and spinning slowly in his soul.

Huh? Why did you move on your own? The world soul buried deep in the soul was rotating slowly and uncontrollably. The fine cracks were like slightly opened eyes, nervously examining the surroundings.

"Maybe it's because of this that I got rid of the soul-washing needle. It's a blessing." Shi Yu felt lucky. Although he didn't understand why the world soul would turn on its own to release the power to save himself without setting up its own formation, but this

Always a good thing.

Shi Yu didn't know that when the world soul first entered the soul-washing pool, more than half of the dense cracks were closed in an instant. At that moment, the world soul gained its own consciousness and began to rotate, along with the dispelling soul-washing needle and awakening


The chill that spread all over his body was when the wounds of the world soul were healing, which alerted the mysterious power in the soul-washing pool. The attention cast on his soul was reflected on the true soul.

Overjoyed, Shi Yu hurriedly wanted to take out the world soul and laid many formations on it. He then

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I also dare not rely on myself to protect myself from future dangers.

However, the world soul seemed unaware of his actions and was still turning slowly and cautiously.

What's going on? Can't stop it and can't take it out? When Yu found out that he couldn't control the world soul, he became confused again. This was an unprecedented thing.

Without the cooperation of the world soul, Shi Yu could not set up the formation, not to mention that the world soul tried its best to resist his own power to take it out and was buried deep in the soul, which surprised him even more.

What happened to his inexplicable recovery from his injuries and the inexplicable loss of control of his world soul? Shi Yu became more and more alert. Uncontrollability meant danger, not to mention that the world master's treasure was spontaneously triggered. Something unusual must have happened.


Shi Yu wiped away all the subtle changes that had occurred when he woke up. He was still sinking to the bottom of the pool like a soulless zombie, silently feeling the tension of the world soul. He also held his breath and investigated carefully, trying to find out.

The object that the world soul is wary of.

The soothing water flow and fine soul-washing needles flowed through Shi Yu's body as always, and Shi Yu didn't notice anything unusual for several days. However, once he wanted to appease the world soul and stop spinning, it would firmly reject it.

Finally, Shi Yu discovered an extremely strange scene. Every stream of water flowing through his body would stop flowing in the distance, like a thin transparent snake, turning its head to look at him.

The pool water that was immersed in Shi Yu's body flowed very slowly, but the pool water that escaped from Shi Yu's body ran away quickly as if frightened. Without exception, it froze on the four walls of the pool, and turned towards Shi Yu in clusters.

Shi Yu didn't know whether he should move or not, whether he should stay here and wait and see what happened, or jump out of the pool quickly, fight with those true immortals and escape.

After thinking about it, Shi Yu decided to fight to the death. The soul of the world was already seriously injured. If they continued to confront each other, he didn't know if he would be the opponent of this strange pool of water. And since he had recovered, he was still more certain of escaping.

But just when his soul was about to muster up the courage and strength to jump up and capture the man sitting guarding by the pool first, the soul of the world hurriedly released a burst of divine power and pressed Shi Yu to the bottom of the pool. All the power

They were all pressed back to the body. The suffocating aura and the rapid backlash made Shi Yu's heart burst with pain. A mouthful of blood rushed to his throat, but was forced back into his belly by the spirit of the world.

Fortunately, Shi Yu only had the power of one leap, otherwise he would have been seriously injured by his own power and would have died before he could rush out of the bottom of the pool.

Just when Shi Yu was feeling rejoicing, a huge force that he had never felt before surged out from the world soul, instantly taking away control of Shi Yu's body and preventing him from making any changes.

At this time, Shi Yu was not only panicked, but also endless fear came into his heart. He never knew that the world soul could have such power and actions. The current situation clearly showed that the world soul was his master, not him.

the owner of.

Shi Yu remembered what Mujiao once said: World souls can only be used, not relied on. Who knows what Xiyue, a bitch, is planning when she gives up such a treasure so easily.

But now it's too late to regret, Shi Yu has completely lost his body and has become a pure bystander.

Seeing the two unknown forces vigilantly confronting each other, Shi Yu decided that if he could escape, he would throw the world soul far away and not let himself be accompanied by a terrifying force that could turn him into a puppet at any time.


As time passed, more and more water froze together, crowding the wall of the pool and staring at Shi Yu's body, which made him tremble with horror.

He probably guessed what the world soul was wary of. Behind these seemingly spiritual pools, there must be someone as powerful as Xiyue, and he had already discovered the existence of the world soul.

When half of the water in the pond had formed into crystals, tightly trapping Shi Yu in the center like a cage, they all slowly and steadily pressed towards Shi Yu steadily and resolutely.

Everything seemed to be the same outside the pool, but Shi Yu, who was sinking at the bottom of the pool, could clearly feel the increasing pressure, not only the tightness and stiffness in his body, but also the overwhelming urgency in his heart that made it impossible to breathe.

Shi Yu seemed to be able to see that the crystal wall was covered with twisting snake heads, spitting out letters and gradually licking towards him, which made him unbearable.

(End of chapter)

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