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Chapter 339 Three pythons nest

Without the three pythons here, the power of the forbidden array is very low, and the entire cave is unobstructed.

Shi Yu walked around and didn't know why Cao Xinxin pointed it out.

"Shi Yu, how powerful were the three pythons you killed here?" Zhu Yanlan asked casually, looking at the vaguely discernible traces.

Shi Yu thought about it carefully, shook his head and said, "It's hard to say. She was completely imprisoned at that time. Once her body moved, she would suffer severe damage. But her three beast pills can make Yida and others rush to nearly twenty

Ji's cultivation level should be over five hundred years old."

Zhu Yanlan couldn't help but feel lucky that Shi Yu could escape and survive in that situation, and said angrily: "You are so courageous. You provoke a great master from the 500th century in less than a century. Are you ready to challenge the Realm Lord now?"

Shi Yu laughed, pulled Zhu Yanlan into a tight hug, and said with a smile: "Now that I have a wife, how can I be willing to leave behind such a good life!"

"I noticed that you are becoming more and more glib. Who did you learn this from?" Zhu Yanlan rolled her eyes and pushed Shi Yu away, but her heart felt extremely sweet.

The two of them were laughing and joking but couldn't find anything worth exploring, so they decided to leave.

Suddenly, Shi Yu remembered that he still had his good son with the three-headed python in his possession. The past grudges had long since disappeared, and Shi Yu planned to bury him here so that he could have a final destination.

When Yu took out the clawed monster and placed it where the three pythons were lying, Zhu Yanlan curiously looked at this monster that he had never seen before and asked: "What is this? It looks so strange."

Shi Yu shrugged and said: "There are monsters everywhere here. I haven't seen a few that are the same. They are all weird. I almost died in his hands at that time. His mother was the three-headed python."

"Why does this little thing look nothing like his mother?" Zhu Yanlan exclaimed again, grabbed the crocodile tail of the goat-headed monster, and lifted it up to examine it carefully.

"The nine children born to a dragon are all different. Could it be that the appearance of the python's children has also become exaggerated?"

Zhu Yanlan gently pulled out a piece of hair from the goat-headed monster and twisted it in his hand, wanting to see what was so special about the goat-headed monster. Unexpectedly, when the hair went into his hand, it turned into a puddle of green and sticky slime. It was so disgusting.

She quickly shook her hands and couldn't stop retching.

"Huh?" This time it was Shi Yu's turn and he was surprised. He grabbed the goat-headed monster and pondered for a moment. He vaguely remembered that the goat-headed monster vomited out those worms. Today, its hair changed. Maybe that was its peculiarity.

With one punch, he broke open the ground where the three pythons once lay. Shi Yu threw the body of the goat-headed monster in and buried it with some loose soil, feeling a little sad in his heart.

What Kuhou has been waiting for in his life is not freedom, but death. Who can understand whether he is relieved or desperate before death?

Looking at the goat-headed monster gradually disappearing under the loess, Shi Yu sighed and said to Zhu Yanlan: "Perhaps it is because the three pythons died in my hands that the secret treasure here has no chance to be with me. Let's go to another place.

One place.”

As soon as Fang turned around, Shi Yu felt someone hurriedly approaching from outside the cave. He immediately became alert and stepped forward to hide Zhu Yanlan behind him.

Zhu Yanlan was not mediocre either. She used her spiritual mind to detect the depth of the person. She walked out from behind Shi Yu and stood beside him. She had not yet noticed that Shi Yu's expression was a bit strange.

Shi Yu didn't expect to see an old friend here. He didn't want to see anyone. After thinking about it for a while, he prepared to meet him. Since it was fate that he bumped into him, he could catch up with old friends and maybe get some news.

But his expression suddenly changed, and he pulled Zhu Yanlan up nervously as if he was nervous, jumped up to a high rock crevice, and hid the two of them.

Zhu Yanlan

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She looked at Shi Yu strangely, wondering why a monk with such a low level of cultivation was still hiding away? But she saw Shi Yu covering her lips with one finger, signaling her not to speak.

The sound of "tapping" footsteps was especially clear in the silent cave, and they were close in the blink of an eye.

Zhu Yanlan looked intently, and saw a handsome-looking monk with a bit of evil aura. He walked to the place where Shi Yu had buried the clawed monster and stood there, looking around.

Shi Yu had already set up a concealment formation around him, so the man on the ground couldn't even notice the existence of the two of them.

Pointing to the objects in the man's hands, Shi Yu said to Zhu Yanlan: "Those two things belong to Lu Yan, so it's interesting that they actually appear in his hands."

Zhu Yanlan looked carefully and saw that a piece of thick leather with no apparent material and a jade mirror were being held by the man in his hand, and he looked through them from time to time.

"What is that? Who is he?" Zhu Yanlan asked in a voice.

"Xiao Junshan has a good relationship with me. He actually has more than thirty years of Yuan Power, and he is improving very quickly!

Things from the Lu family have appeared in the Xiao family, and it seems that the three families are still fighting openly and secretly, and it will not look good on anyone if it is broken." Shi Yu replied.

Zhu Yanlan rolled her eyes at him and said, "Are you praising him, or are you praising yourself?"

Shi Yu grinned and stopped talking.

"It shouldn't be!" Xiao Junshan, who was standing in the air, muttered to himself, "There is a vision. The guardian beast has died long ago. Why doesn't the female armor react?"

Only then did Shi Yu realize that the treasures hidden here needed to be sensed by the Mother Armor. Cao Xinxin only knew that there was a treasure here. As for how to get the treasure, she might not know, or maybe she didn't care at all. Given her level, what kind of formation could be used?

The institutions are all decorations.

Xiao Junshan walked around with the mother armor, sometimes sticking it to the cave wall, sometimes placing it on the ground, but the cave was always quiet and nothing happened.

Xiao Junshan was a little impatient, and his exploration speed was a little faster, and sometimes he even broke a few fallen rocks with his hurried steps.

Zhu Yanlan looked strange and asked softly: "Why is he anxious? There is no one else here. Is there a time limit for turning on the mechanism?"

Shi Yu took out the world soul and felt it for a while, then said with a smile: "I told you those things are not his, and someone is chasing me right away! Just watch the show."

Xiao Junshan seemed to feel that the atmosphere in the cave was a bit strange, and his heart tightened, and he began to look up and down, left and right. But time did not allow him to waste, and he quickly retracted his gaze and continued to wander around in the cave.

"Here we come!" Shi Yu whispered to Zhu Yanlan.

More than a dozen people had quietly gathered around the entrance of the python cave, blocking Xiao Junshan's retreat, but he was still running around in the cave, unaware that he had become a turtle in a urn.

Seeing that the ambush was in place, the leader of the group swaggered into the python cave. The heavy and unobstructed footsteps immediately alarmed Xiao Junshan. He was startled at first and hurriedly began to look for a place to hide.

By coincidence, Xiao Junshan actually lay down next to Shi Yu and Zhu Yanlan, almost touching the concealment formation where the two were hiding, and Shi Yu was startled.

Zhu Yanlan couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing wildly, thinking that these two people were indeed old friends. They even chose the same place to hide. There were so many better rock gaps to choose from, but they just got together.

"Xiao Junshan, stop hiding! I know you are here." The monk who walked into the cave spoke slowly and looked like he was determined to eat Xiao Junshan.

Xiao Junshan, on the other hand, lay down in the rock crevice as if he hadn't heard anything. Without a concealment formation, he didn't dare to show his head to see the people below.

"Xiao Junshan, you really want me to find you

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? That won’t look good. After all, you are also a prominent figure in the Xiao family. According to your seniority, I, Lu Fan, have to call you Uncle Xiao. It won’t look good if you ask me to tie you back."

Lu Fan looked up at where Xiao Junshan was hiding and smiled contemptuously.

Shi Yu was extremely surprised. Since Lu Fan called Xiao Junshan his uncle, he must be from the younger generation.

He could actually see Xiao Junshan's hiding place at a glance, and his strength should not be underestimated. It seems that the hidden dragons of the three clans have been replenished, and the revival of the Lu family is expected.

Shi Yu used his spiritual thoughts to secretly explore Lu Fan's cultivation and confirmed that he was indeed superior to Xiao Junshan. However, Shi Yu was a little unhappy that a junior was so rude to Xiao Junshan.

Lu Fan shook his head and sighed: "Okay, since Xiao Junshan doesn't come out, I won't be polite.

This time you colluded with a traitor to steal my Lu family's treasure. All the world sages and elders of the three clans also know the whole story.

There’s nothing to say.”

Shi Yu was greatly surprised. Lu Fan's tone was really loud. He was only slightly stronger than Xiao Junshan. The guys who were ambushing outside were even more incomparable to Xiao Junshan. How dare he say such big words that would definitely cost his life?

Xiao Junshan was still as if he hadn't heard anything, huddled quietly in the rock crevice, but his eyes were a little more dazed. He rubbed the mother armor in his hand, seeming disappointed that he had not found the secret treasure.

Lu Fan smiled softly and was about to raise his palm to attack Xiao Junshan's hiding place when suddenly there was a commotion outside the cave.

Shi Yu hurriedly looked out through the world soul, smiled secretly, and thought to himself: It's getting more and more lively.

Lu Fan also frowned and turned to look outside the cave. He saw an old man running in hastily and raised his hand to slap him in the face.

Lu Fan was immediately furious. He waved his palm and held a crystal shield in front of him, shouting: "Xiao Tong! Don't rely on your old age to show off. This move is a sign of respect for you. Don't let me carry two corpses back today!"

Xiao Tong became even more angry, punched out, and yelled: "You little bastard, you have only eaten for a few days and you dare to ride on my ancestors! I have to beat you to death today!"

Lu Fan smiled coldly, removed his crystal shield and shouted towards Xiao Junshan: "Xiao Junshan, I will kill this old man first! Let you see if I have the guts to do it!"

After saying this, Lu Fan raised his palms to hold Xiao Tong's iron fist, with a ferocious smile on his face, his arms suddenly twisted like ropes, wrapped around Xiao Tong's right arm and clamped hard.

Hearing a "click" sound, Xiao Tong screamed several times and knelt down on one knee. The entire arm bone had been broken into several pieces and hung limply on his shoulder.

Lu Fan's offensive was still not over, and his palms slid along the broken arm to the sternum. Two more "click" sounds broke Xiao Tong's spine and sternum, and Xiao Tong immediately collapsed to the ground and became a semi-wasted person.

As soon as Lu Fan made a move, Shi Yu knew that Xiao Junshan was no match for him. Not only did he have profound Yuan Power, he also had an iron body, like an invincible humanoid magic weapon.

Xiao Junshan closed his eyes tightly, slowly rolled up, jumped to the ground, landed in front of Xiao Tong, gently lifted him up, and whispered: "Uncle Tong, didn't I ask you to go to Linhai City today? Why?

Follow me secretly."

"You bastard are nothing, why are you taking other people's treasures? I knew you were up to no good when I saw you sneaking around early in the morning! How could you not follow secretly?" Xiao Tong knew that his family was in the wrong, and even though he was seriously injured, he scolded him without mercy.


Xiao Junshan smiled bitterly and said, "Isn't that what I promised?"

"Promise? What a promise! I will take care of the Lu family's affairs, and you will have to take care of it?" Xiao Tong's anger continued, and he was very annoyed with this disobedient junior.

(End of chapter)

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