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Chapter 37 The Root of the World

Shi Yu walked aimlessly around the area, his mind filled with thoughts and chaos. Unconsciously, he walked into the secret room again. The dark passage looked like a single eye staring into the sky.

"Huh?" Shi Yu actually heard a faint sound coming from inside.

"Could it be that Zhu Yanlan has been missing something and is searching for her again?" Shi Yu felt a little happy that this woman actually made him a little worried.

Shi Yu carefully lay down at the entrance of the cave and listened. The vague words coming from inside were obviously not Zhu Yanlan's, but the voices of several men. Shi Yu was suddenly disappointed, stood up and turned around to leave.

"Damn you picked it up so clean!" Shi Yu hadn't walked a few steps when a big man came out of the passage and landed on the ground with a bang. Shi Yu smiled bitterly and turned his head. The voice was not Kui San but someone else.

As soon as Kui Sanyi jumped out of the secret room, he saw Shi Yu looking at him in front of him with a half-smile but not a smile. He chuckled and scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed. Immediately afterwards, the big beast also jumped out. When he saw Shi Yu, he giggled along with him.


"Did you find any treasure? Take it out and have a look." Shi Yu said with a smile.

"Hey, there's no fart. That bitch is so tidy. Almost half of the inside has collapsed. She even dug down the wall. It's all a waste of time. She might as well be sleeping." Kui San said a little indignantly.

"Of course I won't leave this treasure to you. Let's go and go back to rest." Shi Yu turned to leave, but failed to take a step forward. Three men were following him and almost bumped into Shi Yu's back.

"What's wrong, young master?" Kui San stretched his head and looked forward, wanting to see what was blocking Shi Yu. Is there someone else coming?

Shi Yu turned around, pulled the three brothers aside, and jumped into the hole without saying a word.

"Master, what's going on? You said nothing would happen, so why did you jump in again?" Kui San asked, staring at the entrance of the passage.

"Young Master must have sensed something, let's go, get down!" Yi Da was not as stupid as him, and jumped down after him.

Shi Yu stood in the secret room. The surrounding walls had indeed collapsed a lot, but it was obviously not caused by Zhu Yanlan. The three-pointed star protective net that originally covered the wall was gone. Without the support of the formation, it was just a hole in the soil. Collapse was inevitable.


The three brothers stood behind Shi Yu and asked softly, "Master, is there something wrong?"

He didn't know whether it was Shi Yu himself or Xuanshi Martial Armor's action. His words were trembling and soft.

Shi Yu did not put on the mask and shook his head, "I don't know, it was this guy who brought me down." After speaking, he glanced at the armor.

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The three brothers immediately changed their expressions and hurriedly backed away, standing at the entrance of the cave ready to run away at any time.

Xuanshi Martial Armor ignored the words of Shi Yu and the three brothers. He seemed to feel it for a while, then walked straight to a collapsed wall and reached out to dig.

When the three brothers saw this, they came over to help in shock and fear. They were afraid, but they couldn't delay the work they had to do.

Unexpectedly, Wu Kai pulled the three brothers aside casually, which meant that they did not need their help. The three brothers were eager for this, and immediately stood aside in a polite manner, stretching their necks to see what Wu Kai was digging.

Wu Kai moved quickly at first, digging a big hole in an instant and throwing out large chunks of soil. It dug about four or five feet, and then gradually slowed down. I saw it gently pushing away the floating soil, reaching down with both hands, and holding out the jar.

Small and large clods of soil were placed on the ground, and then the soil was gently peeled off layer by layer, just like a country girl peeling spring bamboo shoots, extremely gentle.

Seeing that Wu Kai was so cautious, Shi Yu and the three brothers also held their breath and watched intently. As layers of soil fell, a palm-sized cyan jade box was revealed. The thin jade box was almost transparent, and contained

Things are clearly distinguishable, and a tree root lies quietly inside.

Black Stone Armor gently opened the upper cover of the jade box, took out the tree root about an inch long, and stuffed it into Shi Yu's mouth without saying a word.

Shi Yu didn't know why. He saw Wu Kai holding a tree root with his hands full of mud and stabbing it into his mouth. Just as he was about to struggle, Wu Kai's cold voice rang in his mind: "Open your mouth, the root of the world."

Shi Yu was taken aback, and immediately opened his mouth wide, just in time to catch the root of the realm that Wu Kai thrust at him, and without even chewing it, it stabbed it into his throat.

Although the three brothers did not hear Wu Kai's voice, they saw that Wu Kai stuffed the tree root into Shi Yu's mouth at lightning speed, and knew that it was a good thing. They all stretched their necks to see what Shi Yu would do.


The black stone armor stretched out an arm and pointed silently at the passage. The three brothers were so frightened that they immediately ran out.

As soon as they reached the ground, the three of them were filled with vitality and looked around cautiously. They also knew that Shi Yu could not be disturbed at this time. The black stone armor was so cautious, and they could not be careless.

The three of them stood in silence, letting the time gradually pass by.

In the secret room, Wu Kai suddenly warned Shi Yu: "Don't waste time! Sit down! Work hard!".

When Shi Yu heard this, he was shocked and immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, but then he was stunned and murmured: "Yun Gong? I can't do it!"

"Remember what is what, what books on practicing Qigong you have read, pick one at random, and recite it silently

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!You are really as stupid as a pig!" Black Stone Martial Armor cursed angrily.

"Oh!" Shi Yu quickly recalled the exercises he had read. The master of the highest secret method of Yu Shen Palace asked him to memorize them all. There were hundreds of books stuffed in his mind, and Shi Yu didn't know which one to pick.

"Xuanshi!" Shi Yu was so anxious that he started shouting names randomly, "There are too many, which one should I choose?"

"Idiot, choose whichever is the shortest, do you still have time to waste?" Xuanshi Martial Armor felt that Shi Yu's body was beginning to lose energy, and he hated iron for not becoming steel.

"Oh, I got it! Got it!" Shi Yu said quickly.

"This is the shortest one! One page, a general outline of all laws!" Shi Yu hurriedly picked out one and began to meditate word for word.

"Poof! Pig!"

The black stone armor was wailing in pain. He didn't know whether he vomited something important and disturbing, or saw that Shi Yu had already begun to meditate and could not be disturbed. He returned to calm and was silent again. Only a few wisps of gray air came out of the dragon's mouth of the heart-protecting mirror, and then

The entire armor disappeared into Shi Yu's body.

Shi Yu sat cross-legged on the ground quietly, words and spells flowing in his mind. The roots of the world were melting in his chest and abdomen. He could feel warm currents surging out from the small roots. According to

The instructions of the technique merged into his body and swept through every corner of his body.

Every time I think of a word, there is a slight warmth, which is the warmth of the root of the world.

Shi Yu enjoyed this feeling so much. He felt as if he was soaking in a hot spring, soothing every inch of his skin and nourishing every bone. Even his soul was softened by this endless comfort.

The fatigue and pain of the past few years have all left his body, and he seems to have returned to his childhood, back to the worry-free time when he just studied with his master and was accompanied by clear streams and clear ponds.

When the sky dawned, Shi Yu happily climbed out of the secret room, patted the dust on his body, waved to the three brothers who were staring at him closely, and said cheerfully: "Let's go back!" Then he walked towards him with his head held high and his chest high.

He walked forward with an air of scolding Fang Qiu.

The three brothers were all used to Shi Yu wearing helmets and armor, but they were a little uncomfortable when they suddenly saw him come out in robes.

Kui San came up to him desperately and asked softly: "Master, is this going to happen from now on? Is the armor obedient again?"

Ye Da quickly dragged him back. Was it Shi Yu's decision whether he would obey or not?

Shi Yu's face froze and he didn't know how to answer.

(End of chapter)

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