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Chapter 569 Ink Slaughter Remnants

"One thing brings down another. The Zikun clan is born to be the nemesis of the Yunyin clan. It's a pity that there are so few Zikun people!" Mai Heng felt comfortable and hung in the air, shaking his head.

Shi Yu walked around and returned to his original position, puzzled: "Why didn't Zi Kun just show his original form just now? My father and Lu Xie were injured."

"Who knew that Zi Kun could eat Monk Yunyin? I don't eat anything!" Kui San got smart and showed his wit.

"Hahaha!" Shi Yu laughed.

"What are you laughing at! This is nothing to eat!" Jian Kaitian angrily dragged dozens of corpses to Shi Yu's side and threw them out with such force that he almost buried Shi Yu.

Shi Yu pushed aside the corpses around him, and then threw the corpses back to Jian Kaitian. He could not let Jian Kaitian break the warm atmosphere between Zi Kun and Xiao Hei, so he shut him up as soon as possible.

The eyes of the other people lit up, and they all fled to Shi Yu's side, silently searching for what they needed in the treasure pile.

After a long time, Zhi Kun reluctantly returned to her original shape, Xiao Hei rubbed against her again, and then returned to Shi Yu's arms with a scream.

Jian Kaitian came closer and poked Shi Yu's belly button with his big finger, "Little guy, you are full at your mother's place, why don't you come to your father's place for warmth?"

Zhu Yanlan was furious, kicked Jian Kaitian on the thigh, and cursed: "You idiot, what are you talking about?"

At this moment, Zhi Kun also came up behind Jian Kaitian. At the same time, he flew up with a furious kick and ran on Jian Kaitian's half-protruded buttocks, kicking him far away.

Shi Yu shook his head. Jian Kaitian's temperament of talking nonsense without restraint seemed to be irreversible.

After Zhu Yanlan and Zhi Kun were relieved, Jian Kaitian dared to limp back to Shi Yu and dragged him back to Yunyin City without saying a word.

Shi Yu was surprised and stopped to follow him, "Why are you going back? You don't want to ransack your home, do you?"

Jian Kaitian rubbed his butt with bared teeth, and Zhi Kun's kick was really not light, and muttered: "What good things can be found in ransacking the house? Why did they buy the fragments of Mo Lu, don't you want to know?"

Shi Yu was stunned. He had never thought about why the Lord of Yunyin Realm would buy the useless pieces of Molu. He pointed at Yunyin City with his eyes wide open and shouted loudly: "Let's go! Go and ransack the house!"

The group of people hurried back to Yunyin City.

Without the realm master's town, Yunyin City seems calm, but there is already a faint restless atmosphere.

Many monks who believe that their cultivation is good have already blocked the entrances of various spiritual treasure shops and peered in. Even some ordinary transactions have low-level monks hanging around, occasionally teasing the shopkeepers.

"There's going to be chaos!" Mai Heng noticed the strange atmosphere in the city and whispered.

Shi Yu glanced around and snorted softly.

The sound was not loud, but it was extremely penetrating. Those monks with ulterior motives looked high into the sky at the same time. When they saw a dozen people hanging above Yunyin City looking at each other coldly, they immediately shrank their necks and disappeared into the sea of ​​people.

There will definitely be no good things when the evil comes back. It is better not to have any delusional thoughts when you first drink the soup. It is safer to wait for the bone stubble to be cooled.

Jian Kaitian chuckled, quickly landed and rushed into the city lord's mansion.

A worried steward of the Yunyin tribe was about to step forward to question him. He was shocked when he saw the three-foot-long stone body of the sword flying into the sky. He jumped into the void and left Yunyin City without looking back.

Jian Kaitian sneered, turned to Shi Yu who had just fallen down and said: "It seems that many people know that I am being hunted. Do you think I should kill these little bastards?"

Shi Yu pushed Jian Kaitian's arm fiercely and scolded: "You are really free, hurry up and get down to business."

Open the sword and close your eyes carefully

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page)

After feeling it for a moment, he walked towards a side hall.

Others were able to use Jian Kaitian, a small star continent, and the power of spiritual thoughts was far less powerful than Jian Kaitian's power of the earth.

Surprisingly, what everyone stepped into was not a glorious palace, but a gloomy place similar to a torture chamber, with bloodstains on the ground and severed limbs hanging from the beams.

My father grinned as soon as he entered the door, "It really looks like the slaughterhouse I used to have."

Wang Qi nodded, leaving only greedy saliva.

Everyone was speechless. The two barbarian ancestors recalled the "happy days" when the human race first drank hair and blood.

Shi Yu coughed heavily, trying to interrupt the two people's nostalgia for the past.

My father quickly straightened his face and coughed violently, "Ahem! That's so cruel!" My father waved the giant ax in his hand, his face filled with righteous indignation.

"Hmm! It's all gone rancid! What a waste!" Wang Qi looked at the beams with anger on his face.

Jian Kaitian kept turning his head to look at Wang Qi and my father, and laughed out loud at the sight.

Shi Yu patted Wang Qi on the shoulder and sighed: "The hard days are over, let's eat something good."

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed suddenly and turned around to follow Jian Kaitian deeper into the hall.

Arriving straight to the bottom of the palace, Shi Yu and others were surprised by the blood and cruelty along the way. The people who were accustomed to fighting would never have imagined that Yunyin City, which looked ethereal and peaceful, could actually have such a filthy secret corner.

Countless monks of all races, with high and low levels of cultivation, were tortured to death.

My father clicked his tongue in surprise, "There is no doubt that this is a torture chamber, but what do Yunyin people want to ask?"

It can be said that all the secrets of this destiny-controlling place are laid out in plain sight. As long as you are willing to sacrifice and dare to break in, whatever you want depends on your true ability. What's the use of being imprisoned, tortured and killed?"

Everyone wanted to know the answer, so everyone was looking at the person lying on a stone bed in the center of the hall at the bottom of the palace where hundreds of corpses were hanging.

The broken body of Mo Lu's sword was really glued together and lay flat on the man's body.

Shi Yu approached slowly, and when his spiritual thoughts passed by, he knew that this person was dead, but the repaired Mo Lu sword was a little different, and it was shining with little bits of light.

Mai Heng looked solemn and stared at Mo Lujian for a long time before hesitatingly said: "There is a soul entering the sword, is it going to transform into a sword spirit?"

Yuan Long stretched out a finger and pointed at the sword body. Thin water ripples passed by, and those hidden cracks appeared in front of everyone again. A faint light occasionally flashed out from the cracks, repairing the sword body bit by bit.

"Who is this? Serving the sword with his body! Does he want Mo Lu Sword to regain its former power?" Shi Yu was puzzled.

The reason why the Mo Lu Sword is so powerful is because it contains the Mo Lu spirit body inside and the array container outside. Without these, it is just an ordinary sword. Even the base material is not very magical.

"Is this rag worthy of serving the sword? Did we make a mistake?" Jian Kaitian suddenly became a little annoyed, thinking that he had exchanged a real treasure for a bunch of worthless spiritual objects.

No one here is a caster, and most of them are just a bunch of amateurs speculating. But since the master of Yunyin Realm really uses the fragments of Molu as a treasure, there must be something magical that has not been discovered.

Unable to bear the fear and doubt in his heart, Jian Kaitian stretched out his hand to grab Mo Lujian. As soon as he took hold of the sword, it let out a crisp low sound, and the sound of "嘘嘘嘘" was like a baby crying in pain.

Immediately afterwards, there was a deep roar, and bursts of thick soul power rippled out from the sword, hitting Jian Kaitian like thick clouds.

Jian Kaitian panicked and put the sword back into the distance

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, the man's chest had already been dented by the heavy sword body, and the very conspicuous sword-shaped groove looked like a sword box.

When the sword touched the human body, the cry of the sword immediately stopped, and calm returned to the hall.

The scraps that everyone thought were useless turned out to be mysterious and unexplainable. Everyone looked at each other and had no idea what to do with them.

"Damn it, if I had known better than to kill them all, I would have asked Xiao Hei to spit it out and ask what happened!" Jian Kaitian said angrily.

"That's nonsense! Please stop hitting my son and be careful!" Zhi Kun jumped out and knocked away Jian Kaitian, and stood beside Shi Yu aggressively.

Shi Yu stopped Jian Kaitian, who was trying to mess around again, stretched out his hand to pop out Mo Lu's spirit body, and moved towards the sword body.

Everyone held their breath and waited to see what changes would happen.

As soon as Mo Lu touched the sword body, the gossamer-like body began to twist and tremble slightly. He touched the sword lightly as if he was exploring it.

Immediately, Mo Lu seemed to be furious and plunged into the sword.

Even if it is an abandoned house, no one else is allowed to occupy it.

Not long after, several strands of black energy dispersed from the sword body, and suddenly turned into a ferocious beast, standing on the stone bed based on the sword and glaring at everyone.

Everyone was shocked, but they didn't feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

As soon as the wild beast appeared, Mo Lu's spirit body was seen shooting out from the sword like a stream of light. In an instant, it penetrated the monster's cloud body millions of times, tearing it to pieces.

Shi Yu immediately jumped out with his soul, turned into a giant mouth and ate at the broken limbs of the wild beast.

The wild beast looks ferocious and screams fiercely, but its combat power is really not worth mentioning. At best, it is at the level of a seriously injured world lord. Even if Shi Yu doesn't take action, anyone can take care of it.

Jian Kaitian was surprised and said: "What the hell? Is it so useless?"

As if he heard Jian Kaitian's question, Mo Lu, after tearing the wild beast apart, plunged into the sword body again.


In an instant, another vague figure floated out. He glanced at everyone blankly, but before Mo Lu came out to poke him, he gradually dispersed, nodding and smiling at everyone at the last moment.

Shi Yu frowned. This figure was obviously the last thread of a person's soul. Judging from his expression, he must have been forcibly imprisoned in the sword body.

Before he could figure out the cause and effect, another soul shadow appeared in front of him and launched a soul collision at Shi Yu without any courtesy. This was another unknown beast.

Shi Yu bumped back slightly, and the fragile beast howled and exploded into pieces, causing Mo Lu who chased after him to fly around Shi Yu several times, as if to blame Shi Yu for starting too quickly.

Spiritual bodies appeared one after another in front of everyone, and everyone was almost numb when they saw it. Then they thought that the souls of the corpses in this hall were forcibly stuffed into the Mo Lu Sword and were doing ulterior motives.

At first, Mo Lu chased the spirits out of the sword to fight with those spirits, but after finding that none of the spirits were the enemy of Shi Yu Yihe, he simply concentrated on driving the spirits inside the sword to escape, sometimes even driving out more than a dozen spirits at the same time.

Xiang Shiyu.

Shi Yu was horrified after killing thousands of ferocious barbarian souls in succession.

I can’t figure out why the broken Mo Lu Sword can hold so many spiritual bodies. Is the Lord Yunyin using the method of mutual devouring of spiritual bodies to cultivate the best evil spirits?

Finally, the violent surge of spiritual bodies finally stopped, the sound of the sword sounding like a crying baby sounded again, and a small figure appeared on the sword, nodding at Shi Yu and others.

Mo Lu then jumped out and circled back and forth around the villain, as if escorting a prisoner.

(End of chapter)

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