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Chapter 637 Space Mage

Chapter 637 of the Fate-Controlling Map: Space Mage The three brothers, who wanted to be the vanguard, stood dumbfounded in the distance. In front of them was a beautiful figure, bearing the heavy responsibility of picking them up at any time and saving their lives.

"Brother, what should we do? We can only let the attacker protect us?" Kui San stared at the battlefield in despair. If they get involved in such a battle, they will only turn into ashes.

My father and Shi Yu were thrown around like sandbags by Uncle Taichen. Ling Xiao was even more miserable. It was shattered dozens of times in a moment, and broken branches and leaves were floating all over the sky.

Only Jian Kaitian, who had been attacking from afar, was in good condition, but although his attacks were brilliant, they were of no use at all.

"Listen!" Lengbingxi Ling suddenly spoke, but his voice was so low that it was almost inaudible.

The three brothers were startled, and hurriedly seriousened their expressions, taking a few steps closer to Xi Ling.

"This man is a space mage like me! Unless you are as powerful as my father and break through his space distortion, you can hurt him. Otherwise, you will only waste your strength.

If the three of you are not afraid of life and death, I can send you to him at the moment when he is distracted. His body is not that strong, and I can use the most powerful weapons!"

After saying this long paragraph, Xi Ling seemed to be out of breath, and his chest rose and fell rapidly due to his violent breathing.

The giant's face suddenly became serious, and the sharp nails on his ten fingers stretched out half a foot, flashing out cold light.

The same goes for the two arms, with both arms turning into claws covered with scales, and curved toes like hooks and sickles hanging at the sides.

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Only Kui San was known for his strength. He lowered his voice and replied, "I will draw my sword when I get in front of you."

Xi Ling did not look back, only nodded slightly, and slowly opened his hands as if grabbing something in the air...

Over there on the battlefield

Ling Xiao was chopped into pieces again, giving the other three people a chance to take action.

Jian Kaitian stopped attacking from afar and roared at him with his sword, stabbing Taishu Bachen in the heart.

Shi Yumolu dug a way into his skull and scratched everywhere, but the lifeline was like a sticky loach, escaping from his palm again and again.

My father was still the most ferocious. The two big axes were swung like windmills with their arms as axes, and they struck the same point on Taishu Bachen's neck thousands of times in an instant.

Just as Xi Ling said, Taishu Bachen seemed to have an invisible protective film on his body. All attacks would deflect half an inch in front of him, as if the power was leaked thousands of miles away, making the four besiegers extremely uncomfortable.


Not only was Taishu Bachen's defense impeccable, but his strength was also amazing. He raised his arms and struck fiercely, creating space cracks one after another like flying blades, blasting away all four of Shi Yu. Everyone except Shi Yu suffered a serious blow.


Ling Xiao went crazy, and the giant tree with a height of 1,000 feet smashed down his head and face with the dragon's spine stick. All the steel branches were stabbed like spears, as if thousands of monks were attacking at the same time.

Seeing an opportunity, Shi Yu immediately threw out the restraining bracelet, mixed it among the branches in the sky, and touched Taishu Bachen's wrist.

Uncle Ba Chen sneered, disappeared from the spot, and suddenly appeared behind Shi Yu. The restraining bracelet was put on Ling Xiao at some point, causing Ling Xiao to somersault and fall far away, and he lost all his strength.

It can't be used either.

Shi Yu hurriedly untied the bracelet and wanted to take it back into his hand, but Taishu Bachen slashed through it with several spatial sharp blades, cutting Ling Xiao into several pieces. The imprisoning bracelet was also taken away by the detached branches and fell into the void.


At this time, Shi Yu was still in his physical form. He tried to retract the bracelet to no avail, only to feel a gust of wind behind him. He was startled and just about to faint, when a hand climbed up to the back of his neck and grabbed it hard.

This is not just a cold palm, but also a vicious weapon filled with billions of tiny space cracks.

In the blink of an eye, most of Shi Yu's neck was eaten away, and all the neck bones were eaten away by those small cracks.

At the same time, countless spatial fissures like the winding ribbons seen at the top of the mountain wrapped around Shi Yu's body one by one, cutting him into more than a dozen pieces in an instant, and it was too late to turn him into a void.

My father and others were shocked. No one expected that Taishu Bachen would regard Shi Yu, who had done the least harm to him, as his primary target.

Shi Yu beat him for a long time without even pulling out a single hair. Logically speaking, Taishu Bachen could regard him as a loser trying to fish in troubled waters.

"Do you think I can't see it? This kid is the most powerful. If he dies, you will have no hope of making a comeback! Hahaha!" A ferocious look appeared on Taishu Bachen's face, and he smiled wildly and proudly.

We wanted to save him at this time, but my father and I didn't know how to start. Uncle Bachen insidiously rotated the fragment of Shi Yu around him, and whoever dared to attack would hit Shi Yu first.

"Look! This is your leader's head!" Taishu Bachen finally tore off Shi Yu's head from his body, held it high in the air and laughed even more crazily.


Ling Xiao roared and emitted endless life force to wrap around Shi Yu's broken body, hoping to make Shi Yu's body swallowed by the space rift grow back as soon as possible.

But his hope was in vain, not a trace of power could fall on Shi Yu, and everything was swallowed up by the large and small space cracks.

Uncle Ba Chen turned around and showed a disdainful smile to Ling Xiao. He shook the half-remaining head of Shi Yu in his hand provocatively, with the corners of his lips raised high.


As soon as Taishu Bachen started to show off again, four figures suddenly broke through the barrier of the space rift, also passed through the blockage of Shi Yu's body, and crawled all over Taishu Bachen's body.

At this moment, Taishu Bachen is really a big man! No, there is also a delicate little girl.

But this cute little girl was the most ruthless. She stuffed a seemingly harmless snowflake into Taishu Bachen's mouth, and instantly split Taishu Bachen's head into dozens of pieces.

And the burly man, like an old farmer who was going crazy with hunger, dug into him with all his strength, and in the blink of an eye, he was as miserable as Shi Yu.

My father and others were not surprised when they saw the three brothers of Yi Da and Xi Ling burst into pieces with shouts of pain, and each one of them was broken into dozens of pieces like a great uncle pulling out dust.

"Damn! Everyone deserves to die!"

Taishuba tried his best to combine the broken body into one body, but he only recovered one leg, two palms, and half of the chest. The other broken pieces were held or bitten by the three brothers who were also broken.

, stuck to the body and tried his best to escape into the distance.

The limbs scattered around Taishu Bachen all belonged to the three brothers and Shi Yu, and were completely useless.

Xi Ling's sudden attack instantly weakened Taishu Bachen's strength by several levels, and his expression became extremely ugly.

After suffering such a big loss, he didn't care about the body that was running away. He only angrily grabbed the broken half of Xi Ling's body and pulled her from hundreds of miles away into the palm of his hand. The beautiful head like an ice sculpture was still attached to it.

Taishu Bachen was so angry at Xi Ling that he grabbed his head and clawed it off with his five fingers.

Xi Ling didn't yell or cry. His indifferent eyes swept over Taishu Bachen's face, and he seemed to be extremely disdainful.

Taishu Bachen was startled for a moment and became even more angry. If the woman hadn't broken his protective space spell just now, it would have been difficult for the three rude men to cut his skin open!

How could my father and Jian Kaitian allow Uncle Bachen to continue hurting Shi Yu and Xi Ling, and they were approaching with their deadly attacks.

The explosion just now sent Shi Yu's body flying in all directions. Now only half of Shi Yu's head and half of Xi Ling's body fell into the hands of Taishu Bachen. The opportunity to open the door must not be wasted.

Shi Yu didn't need the two of them to save him. Uncle Ba Chen just lost his concentration and disappeared. Those remaining bodies also disappeared like ice cubes falling into boiling water, only to reappear as pale and complete bodies.

Also not daring to delay, Shi Yu once again threw Mo Lu to stab Taishu Bachen's eyes, and attacked Taishu Bachen with my father Jian Kaitian.

And Ling Xiao is already busy chasing the three brothers. If they take a few more breaths, they will definitely die.

After catching up with the three brothers, Ling Xiao stuffed the three of them into the opened tree hole, and the billowing power of life brushed through their bodies over and over again.

The three brothers ran with their uncle Bachen's body fragments in their arms, relying on their last breath of energy and perseverance. Extreme fatigue was constantly eroding their will.

When Ling Xiao took away Taishu's remains from their hands, they even launched a final attack.

Within a moment, all the broken limbs in the void were swept away by Ling Xiao. The three brothers lay in pieces inside Ling Xiao's body, but too little of Xi Ling's body was recovered.

The remains of Taishu Bachen were burned to ashes by Ling Xiao without hesitation.

Looking up at the battlefield, I saw that my uncle Ba Chen, who had been severely injured, was already as strong as my father. Sometimes Yu and Jian Kaitian came to help him. He was at a disadvantage and was retreating steadily, but Xi Ling was still disappearing inch by inch in his hand.

After Ling Xiao threw two ferocious beasts to help the battle, he quickly looked around, and soon he found the pair of imprisonment bracelets floating alone in the void.

Grabbing the bracelet, Ling Xiao turned into a stream of light and went straight to Grand Uncle Bachen.

Grand Uncle Ba Chen saw Ling Xiao trying to squeeze into the battle group again, roared and once again burst into billions of space cracks.

His strength is indeed superior, but his method is really simple. When the space rift forced Shi Yu and others back, he also cut the attack in his hand into countless pieces and scattered them in the void.

Shi Yu was furious. If Mu Jiao's death made him feel a little sad, Xi Ling's death made him feel compassion.

Even though he knew that death was inevitable during his spiritual practice, Shi Yu still couldn't accept that everyone around him was leaving one by one, and he was still the one with whom he was getting closer and closer.

Mo Lu whizzed and pierced, no longer from far to close to give Taishu Bachen enough time to react, but Shi Yu quickly switched between reality and reality, sticking close to Taishu Bachen and stabbing madly.

Despite the changes in reality and reality, Shi Yu seemed to be safe and sound, but in fact, countless scars exploded on Shi Yu's body every time he solidified, causing him to rapidly weaken.

The sword rolled up into a ball of sword shadows early in the day, and struck around Taishu Bachen like rolling thunder, but his strength is not as good as my father's, and his magic is not as good as time and space. It is extremely difficult to break through the space barrier densely surrounding Taishu Bachen, but he himself

A lot of injuries occurred.

My father is still the biggest threat. Every time he jumps and slashes, he can cut dozens of space cracks and hit Taishu Bachen hard. The giant ax leaves little scars time and time again, slowly weakening him.

Uncle Tai's power to pull away dust.

Ling Xiao finally arrived and threw the restraining bracelet to Shi Yu. Like Jian Kaitian, he couldn't get close to Taishu Bachen, so he released his life force to nourish the injuries of Shi Yu and the others, so that they could fight.


As for Xi Ling's remnant body, he hurriedly put it away and placed it in the tree hole, and put it together with the remnant body that had been put away.

This chapter has been completed!
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