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Chapter seven hundred and ninety-two, even if you are not satisfied

Shi Yu said nothing, looking at the cold-faced Yu Luyao and the calm Xuan Pan in the crowd, baring his teeth slightly at them, with a weird smile that made both of them frown.

Yu Luyao didn't know that Shi Yu had killed Sha Luanhua again. Seeing Shi Yupi's weird expression of smiling but not smiling, he immediately narrowed his eyes.

Shi Yu smiled slyly and then suddenly disappeared. Yu Luyao was so startled that he stepped back a few steps and immediately retreated behind Xuanpan and the others.

Then, Yu Luyao's sword energy flew into the sky, and billions of streams of light swirled around him, cutting the three feet of space around him into tiny pieces of light.

To outsiders, his entire being had turned into a twisted, weird, hazy phantom.

Yu Luyao's sudden defensiveness shocked the other masters.

As a master alongside Xuanpan here, Yu Luyao's every move is a pointer that affects the situation of the battle.

Immediately, most of the masters shouted and dispersed. Everyone showed off their special skills to protect themselves, and then asked Yu Luyao in a low voice what he had discovered.

My father burst out laughing. Yu Luyao had only seen Shiyu disappear once in Yanlan City.

At that time, Shi Yu could not hurt him at all even if he turned into a void. This was the second time they met, and he regarded Shi Yu as a powerful enemy who could kill him, which shows Yu Luyao's caution.

"Yu Luyao! The fight last time was not satisfactory. Let's fight again!" My father held the two axes in his hands and pointed at the misty light and shadow where his figure could no longer be seen.

"Yu Luyao! What's going on? What did you see?" The other Jue Masters who were on guard did not find Shi Yu's sudden disappearance so terrifying.

The world is hidden in space, and there are so many martial arts and body skills that can be used at extremely fast speeds. Shi Yu's strength seems to be average, and it is not worthy of Yu Luyao's big fanfare.

"Hmph!" Yu Luyao snorted coldly, "Don't let that kid get even ten feet closer, otherwise even a god will die!"

These words shocked all the masters. They did not think that Yu Luyao was deliberately exaggerating Shi Yu's ability, because being on full alert would be a huge drain on anyone, and Yu Luyao was no exception.

Unless faced with a real threat, no one would use their bottom-line self-protection methods.

Not far away, the soul-guarding slave who was fighting with a Jue Master not far away also widened his eyes. He suddenly burst into laughter, punched out to repel his opponent, and leaped brazenly into the midst of all the Jue Masters who were standing guard.

The mighty force that created the world completely exploded, causing those absolute masters to retreat continuously.

"That kid! Come on! I'll create a chance for you! Kill! Kill them all!"

The soul-guarding slave broke up the faint mutual aid between the masters and shouted at the place where Shi Yu disappeared.

None of these abominable absolute masters fought with the soul-guarding slaves to the death. They all fought for a while and then covered each other up to get out of the battle. The intention of using wheel fighting to sharpen their cultivation was extremely obvious.

The Soul Keeper slave could easily defeat any Absolute Master on his own, but he had to accompany them to practice, and you can imagine the anger in his heart.

The origins of Shi Yu and others are mysterious, so it would be great to provoke a melee between Shi Yu and Jue Zhu. They can also take the opportunity to capture Shi Yu and torture him about what he has to do to kill the God.

But no matter how good the Soul Keeper's calculations were, things would not go as he imagined. Shi Yu did not take the opportunity to kill Jue Zhu. Instead, my father suddenly shouted loudly and swung his giant ax at the Soul Keeper.

The soul-guarding slave did not expect that the barbarian who was challenging Yu Luyao just now would suddenly hit him on the head with both axes.

The huge force made the powerful soul guardian unable to resist, and he screamed and fell to the ground.

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The green earth was immediately smashed into a huge hole that was hundreds of miles wide and bottomless. The ground air spurted out, and a violent hurricane blew up in the land of destiny.

Just looking at the extent of the damage to the earth, it seems that the power of my father's ax is not that amazing.

But this was the first time that the soul-guarding slave was knocked down into the void. The eyes of all the masters changed. They each increased their body protection power more cautiously, and also slightly distanced themselves from my father.

"Ha ha!"

My father waved his giant ax proudly and grinned at the circle of masters around him.

"If you are not convinced, feel free to come! I just killed Bing Ji, let's see who is worthy of my full strength next!"

"Bingji?" All the masters were shocked again, and they avoided thousands of miles again.

Bingji's strength is well known among the absolute masters. When Xuanpan asked him to go to the main peak, he refused and sent Xuanpan away.

This master, who should be ranked among the top ten of the absolute masters, died under my father's axe. Who dares to face my father face to face?

In a blink of an eye, only Xuanpan, Yu Luyao, and the other five absolute masters did not move. They watched in silence as my father laughed while holding an axe.

The strength of the absolute master here is clearly visible.

As for Hei Fumang and several other peak realm masters, they had already run to a place where their figures were vaguely visible, with their tails between their legs.


The furious soul-guarding slave rose up from the ground, shouted angrily, and spit out a stream of golden light straight at my father.

As soon as my father succeeded in the attack, he found that the Soul Keeper here did not react with the same force as when He Tan Weiyang fought. He was already secretly happy. He wished he could fight the Soul Keeper openly and head-on. He immediately summoned up all his strength and slammed into the golden light.

All the absolute masters gathered their minds and held their breaths to see the result of the head-on collision between my father and the soul-guarding slave.

Before this, only Xuanpan could fight several times without losing, and the other masters had to use their cleverness to defeat the soul-guarding slave's strong attack.


There was another loud noise, and the soul-guarding slave's mouth was chopped into pieces. My father's double ax hit his face hard again.

The soul-guarding slave screamed and fell into the earth again, making the huge hole in the ground wider and deeper.

My father also screamed and flew backwards, rushing up to the sky with his two bloody arms.

Jian Kaitian hurriedly rushed towards my father, supported his body, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

My father's arms were not exploded and he was almost dead. The strong impact of the bodies on each other broke several tendons, and my father recovered quickly.

"Boy, get out of the way! I'm not that useless! Let me hit him with a few more axes!"

My father pushed the sword away from Kaitian, raised the two giant axes over his head, yelled loudly, and used Leap Slash.

The soul-guarding slave, whose back was colliding with the ground, was sinking deeper and deeper. He was filled with anger that such a powerful and unreasonable savage had come, and he felt a terrifying crisis approaching.

He swung with luck, and the unparalleled force shot straight up into the sky, throwing up mud and rocks and flying into the air, blocking my father who was flying towards me.

Two huge forces collided fiercely hundreds of miles under the earth. The earth rolled like huge waves, and rolling mountains centered on the huge pit, rolling towards the surroundings.

The broken corpses on the ground were thrown into the air as the earth rippled, and then were drawn into the ground as the earth tore apart.

After just a few breaths passed, the earth dyed red with blood turned into a rolling black and yellow quagmire, but it looked much cleaner.

"So happy! Hahaha

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! What a pleasure! Get out of my way, no one can stop me from fighting!"

My father was shot into the sky by the Soul Guard Slave. Even though he looked extremely embarrassed with blood all over his body, he was still laughing wildly, and the depression left over from the Tan Weiyang battle was swept away.

Without the embarrassment of not being able to use all his strength, my father once again became the strongest fighting force among Shi Yu and his party.

He also needs to have a hearty battle with the Soul Keeper to speed up his understanding of the place where he controls his destiny.

Otherwise, Shi Yu and others would immediately go into the inner circle to find Mo Liqing, and he would stay alone in the outer circle to practice hard, and he would not be reconciled no matter what.

The absolute masters who were originally engaged in a round-robin battle with the soul-guarding slaves were directly disrupted by my father's random beatings.

They could only calmly watch my father swinging his ax and having fun. They couldn't tell whether they were hoping that he would defeat the Soul Keeper, or that they hoped that the Soul Keeper would quickly kill my father so that everyone could discuss things harmoniously with each other.

However, the absolute masters never dared to remove their body protection. Yu Luyao directly transmitted a message to everyone. The disappearing Shi Yu had a miraculous technique to kill himself from the air. The fake Wanling who attacked Yanlan City died due to this miraculous technique.


All the Absolute Masters were shocked when they heard this. They already knew that the Wanling they had seen before was a fake, but the fake was stronger than most of the Absolute Lords.

A supreme master actually died in the hands of Shi Yu, who was mediocre in strength, and it was unbelievable that he showed his incredible skills.

Shi Yu has not moved since he turned into a void. Being motionless, he is more intimidating than attacking everywhere. So far, no one has dared to disturb my father's battle.


The soul-guarding slave chased after my father, who flew backwards. His arms flung out and turned into two giant arms. The ten fingers like dragon claws were sharp and cold, and they were like daggers rapidly stabbing my father's chest.

My father shouted loudly and got up. The two big axes did not defend and counterattacked. Ignoring the fingers that were already inserted into his chest, the ax blade hit the soul-guarding slave's fontanel again.

They both screamed in agony, and blood spurted out from ten deep black holes in my father's chest, while the soul-guarding slave's skull was split open, and the yellow and white brains inside were smashed to pieces.


All the masters gasped. This was the first time that the soul-guarding slave had been seriously injured.

Regardless of the back-and-forth fighting before, it was actually the Soul Keeper who was suppressing all the masters in pursuit, and no one could break through the Soul Keeper's extremely tough skin.

Xuanpan frowned deeply and stared at my father with bright eyes.

Yu Luyao was still buried deep in the shadow of the sword and let out a heavy cold snort.

Neither of them caught Shi Yu's attention. When Shi Yu looked at all the faces of Jue Zhu, he stared at a person with two faces in confusion - Wan Fang!

Wan Fang and Da Ming Tian Suppressing Prison King have become one person a long time ago, and Yu knew it at this time.

However, at this time, Wan Fang seemed to have a gap with Xuan Pan. Although the two were side by side, their auras couldn't help but collide with each other, just like rivals who were hostile but had to temporarily cooperate.

Wan Fang looked at my father with a meaningless expression, and a strange sinister smile appeared on his face from time to time.

Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows and looked at where Shi Yu was. He couldn't see the transformed Shi Yu, but he could feel someone staring at him in the void.


Wan Fang put on a fake smile, and his two rows of silver teeth flashed with a dazzling cold light. He understood who was looking at him in that seemingly deserted place.

Immediately afterwards, four more eyes fell on Wan Fang, and Wan Fang looked back one by one with a false smile.

Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao were thinking about how to trick and kill this unlucky master. If they could kill him the first time, they could kill him the second time.

(End of chapter)


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