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Seven hundred and ninetieth eight chapters do not want to die, send a life

Yu Luyao was interrupted by my father's exclamation. He glanced at him from a distance, paused and continued: "After that guy showed up, he not only saved Jin Kui's life, but also forced me to untie Jin Kui's body.

of imprisonment.

He is clearly much weaker than me in strength, and he clearly cannot save Jin Kui from the God-Slaying Platform, but I just can't bring myself to confront him.

He didn't have good intentions when he saved Jin Kui.

He wanted Jin Kui to collect the broken souls of all the dead Jinling monks in front of him, and let him devour them to his heart's content!

As long as Jin Kui agrees, he will keep Jin Kui and leave the Jinling Realm. If he doesn't want to, he will let me kill her.

Jin Kui, who was disheartened by the Golden Spirit Realm, agreed to Lan Feng's conditions without saying a word, and then escaped into the chaos and left the Golden Spirit Realm.

When Lan Feng's soul escaped from the White Bone Hall and devoured the divine soul and true spirit, Xuanpan and I looked dumbly at his sudden increase in strength. We didn't understand why he was secretly following my world-slaying army when he could easily destroy the world with his power.


But no one can answer this question, because after Lan Feng swallowed all the souls, something suddenly happened!"

Having said this, Yu Luyao once again woke up from the immersion in the horrific past and looked up at Shi Yu, "You are right, Lan Feng is another you! You are the reincarnation of Lan Feng!"

"Oh? How do you say this?" Shi Yu was surprised. He just said something randomly, but Yu Luyao thought he was the reincarnation of Lan Feng.

It seems that Yu Luyao's astute mind suddenly thought of the similarities between Lan Feng and Shi Yu.

Xuanpan listened silently to Yu Luyao's narration. At this moment, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he looked at Shi Yu with some understanding.

"Haha! Lan Feng also swallowed billions of true spirits that time. How similar is this to your swallowing the hearts of all things?

I saw Lan Feng, whose strength had skyrocketed, just waved his hand at my hundreds of millions of soldiers, and they all howled in agony as if their souls had been sucked out. Everyone's leader was facing Lan Feng's palm, and they lost their lives in the blink of an eye.

This is so similar to your hand grabbing the top of a skull! It’s just that he is stronger and can take someone’s life without getting close to them!”


In this way, Lan Feng was countless times stronger than Shi Yu even if he was not the world master. Shi Yu couldn't help but gasp.

Yu Luyao looked at Shi Yu's surprised expression, and his smile became even brighter. He laughed at Xuan Pan in the distance and said to himself: "What's even more frightening is that Xuan Pan and I were not let go by that arrest.

Haha, we two idiots who think we are invincible in all realms can't even defeat a monk who is not a realm lord!

Apart from screaming loudly, we couldn't do anything, and we couldn't even think about how to escape!"

Xuanpan felt uncomfortable when he saw Yu Luyao. He twisted his body vigorously. He wanted to explain but felt that no matter what he said, it would be embarrassing, so he could only groan in reply.

"Look at how powerful this soul-guarding slave is! But Xuanpan and I can still fight.

But at that time, we both felt that we were bound to die. We had met the irresistible true God! Even if the power of the true god is very small, it is not something that lowly mortals like us can disobey.

Lan Feng grabbed both of us with a smile on his face, just like grabbing two little mice.

Just when we were desperate, an even weirder accident happened. It was this accident that saved Xuanpan and me.

It seemed that Lan Feng's incredible power had alerted a more powerful being. A gap opened in the sky, and a magnificent city opened its gates to him at the other end of the gap.

Lan Feng was attracted by the sudden abnormal noise, that is,

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It allowed Xuanpan and I to live a little longer.

Immediately afterwards, an irresistible force fell on Lan Feng, and by the way, all of us, the living Xuanpan and I, as well as hundreds of millions of dead soldiers, were all involved in the city!

A big empty city!

As soon as they entered the city, all the dead soldiers turned into black light and sank into the earth.

Then countless monks from various races appeared inexplicably, and the empty city suddenly became extremely prosperous.

We were all stunned and looked at everything around us at a loss.

It's just that all the creatures and monks in the city don't seem to see us. They can even pass directly through our bodies, and we can't touch them.

Lan Feng, however, could come into contact with those creatures. As soon as he entered the city, he started to attack like crazy. He could easily smash the bodies of those creatures, including those weird buildings and trees.

We were surprised when Lan Feng, who was wreaking havoc, started roaring for some reason. He seemed to be lifted into the air by an invisible hand, and the Bone Hall was torn into pieces in an instant.

Lan Feng became extremely angry. He roared at the top of his lungs and bombarded everything in front of us. Black lights flew out from the fragments of the Bone Hall and fell into every corner of the city.

Everything in the big city began to collapse, countless people were wailing, and countless houses were crumbling. Xuanpan and I watched helplessly as he razed the entire city to the ground.

The destruction of the city is not terrible. What is terrible is that I always feel that every living being has countless souls condensed in it. Every house is comparable to the great world. Countless worlds are turning to ashes under the ravages of blue maple!

When Lan Feng completely disappeared, I heard him shouting: I, Lan Feng, will come back! Sooner or later, the world will surrender under my feet! I am God!"

Having said this, Yu Luyao stopped again and looked at Shi Yu to see how he would react.

Shi Yu lowered his eyes and thought. The one who could hurt Lan Feng was definitely not the soul-guarding slave. There was no doubt that the ordering guard took action.

After a moment of silence, Shi Yu asked again: "You said you saw an empty city first, and then suddenly it was filled with all kinds of creatures?"

Yu Luyao nodded, "Strange creatures, very vivid but seem not to exist.

Originally waiting for death, I still had Xuanpan, but at the moment when the great city was destroyed and Lan Feng disappeared, I was thrown back to the Golden Spirit Realm.

We both saw a man standing at the slowly closing crack in the sky, giving us a cold look, and I felt like my soul was about to dissipate.

After returning to the Golden Spirit Realm, we had no intention of fighting each other and quickly returned to our own realms. However, in the following period, we kept hearing news about the inexplicable collapse of the realm.

The two of us put aside our prejudices and met to discuss it in detail, and we determined that the collapse of the world all happened at the same time, when Lan Feng was bombarding the big city like crazy!"

Yu Luyao chuckled and turned to look at my father, "My father, at that time at least thousands of great realms collapsed at the same time, but you only thought that it was the improper creation of the realms by those realm masters that triggered the divine punishment.

Do you know the real reason for the divine punishment? Now you know it."

My father was completely shocked. In his memory, he never regarded this incident as a man-made disaster.

Just ask who has the ability to wipe out thousands of worlds all over the void in an instant. Everyone thinks that it is an unexplainable divine punishment!

Shi Yu also frowned tightly, gradually corroborating Yu Luyao's description with what he had done.

Shi Yu also made mistakes on the life-control chart several times, causing Big Eyes to be angry and obliterated.

Those irresponsible acts may have caused tens of thousands of

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The world collapsed, but all he did was make small fuss.

Moreover, he had never destroyed or destroyed that mysterious city, so the consequences of the two must have been incomparable.

Xiyue Wanlong Mountain? Shenyu Ruins?

After thinking carefully, two names came to Shi Yu's mind. Both of these places were the destruction caused by his reckless attempts to control his life.

Shi Yu woke up from his reverie and looked at Yu Luyao, "Do you think I am the reincarnation of Lan Feng? But I tell you I'm not.

Lan Feng was seriously injured once by Jian Kaitian and I, all of us here have seen him before, what a poor kid, hahaha!"

Yu Luyao's expression changed, and his eyes narrowed into narrow slits, "Have you seen Lan Feng? Where? Is it up there?"

Shi Yu shook his head, "Don't think about him. If I see him again next time, I will definitely kill him! But you, you have to think carefully about whether you want to be my enemy in the future, no matter what I have done."


After dismissing Yu Luyao with a few vague words, Shi Yu suddenly became angry and turned his attention to the soul-guarding slave.

"What's going on with you? I obviously deprived you of your power, so why are you still able to recover in full force? Even more powerful than before you were destroyed?"

"It turns out it's you! Why is the resurrection so sluggish?" the soul-guarding slave shouted in shock, becoming even more fearful of Shi Yu.

"Who else can you have besides me? If you don't want to die, just hand over your power again and I can let you go. If you are killed by me and you can come back to life for the third time, I will continue to kill you until you live.

Not until you come here!”

Shi Yu sneered, stretched out his finger and flicked out a ray of energy, hanging it in front of the soul-guarding slave.

The soul-guarding slave was angry and angry. He looked at the erratic energy in front of him and didn't know what Shi Yu meant.

After listening for so long, he vaguely knew that Shi Yu had a close relationship with the upper world, but how could he be willing to give up the power of the gods that he had finally obtained so easily?

Calming his mind, the soul-guarding slave still pointed his ferocious face at Shi Yu and shouted: "I don't know you at all, and I have never been your enemy. It's you who came to beat me! You monks are all so arrogant.


"Yes! He's so overbearing! After robbing you the first time, I want to rob you a second time, and a third time! Until you are completely robbed by me." Shi Yu answered simply.

When Yu Luyao and Xuan Pan heard this, their brows jumped, and they were quite surprised by the change in Shi Yu's temperament.

If Shi Yu had faced this kind of question in the past, he would have hesitated and felt guilty, and he might even have apologized and gone away.

But today, he seemed to be a completely different person, clearly expressing his intention to plunder and plunder.

"You!" The soul-guarding slave was furious, but he did not dare to break up with Shi Yu easily.

With a claw, he dispersed the energy in front of him, and the furious soul-guarding slave suddenly calmed down.

He lowered his head and felt the energy still lingering on his sharp claws. He hesitated for a moment before raising his head and said to Shi Yu in a slow voice:

"Then I'll give it to you one more time, and you just leave! From now on, you won't be able to embarrass me anymore, how about it? It's better to pick it up for free than to get it even if you and I fight to the death!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. They never thought that the soul-guarding slave could easily agree to such a humiliating request.

Jian Kaitian seemed to have forgotten his position and asked loudly: "Are you stupid? Shi Yu wants all your power, you must die again! Is it possible that the ability given to you by the command guard is infinite rebirth?


Xuanpan and others also looked at the soul-guarding slave in surprise, knowing that infinite rebirth was absolutely impossible. The last person who had so-called infinite rebirth was already dead, at the hands of Shi Yu.

(End of chapter)


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