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Chapter nine hundred and thirty seventh squished

Both King Ku and King Chen began to doubt themselves. They believed that they could run rampant in the land where they controlled their fate. However, they heard successively that the Night King suddenly died and the Elk King escaped. In addition, when Shi Yu entered and exited the Land of Ten Kings, it was like entering an uninhabited land.

It feels like the world is completely different from what they imagined.

Shi Yu asked no more questions. There was no doubt that Bai Que was powerful. He combined the power of fourteen top true spirits. But Whale Luohai would never be able to beat Mi Susu away with a few punches.

Mi Susu is called Susu, but she is not really a vegetarian.

Turning back, Shi Yu looked at the door of Soul Casting Pavilion.

The world leaders and monks who were watching the excitement from a distance listened to boring stories for a long time. When they saw Shi Yu starting to think about how to open the door again, they all showed expectant looks.

Although Shi Yu was famous, he rarely killed indiscriminately. Maybe they would have the opportunity to follow and pick up some favors.

Shi Yu looked up at the gate thousands of feet high and asked: "Whale Luohai, how many people have you killed here?"

Whale Luohai was looking at the King of Spiritual Seeds on the side, thinking to himself. After hearing this, he replied: "About a dozen, there are only a few that I can take my fancy to."

"Then the people you killed, did you try to use them as blood sacrifices to this sect?"

Whale Luohai suddenly looked embarrassed, scratched his head and replied: "I punched a few times and couldn't get it open, so I didn't plan to go in again. I just wanted to recruit a few boys to try my luck elsewhere. It's a matter of human blood sacrifice."

, never thought about it.”

"Other places? Do you know how to get to other places?" Shi Yu was curious.

"I know! Why don't you know? There is such a clear road on the ground, how can you just walk past it?" Whale Luohai's answer surprised Shi Yu and others.

"Can you see the road? Where is the road?" Shi Yu lowered his head and looked to the ground.

There is a wide stone road in front of the Soul Casting Pavilion, but it only extends for less than a hundred miles before disappearing into the earth. Looking outside is an endless open wasteland. Where is the slightest trace of a road?

Whale Luohai was even more surprised than Shi Yu and others, and asked: "How did you come here if you can't see the road? There is such a big and shiny road, and there are still people who can't see it?"

As he spoke, Whale Luohai raised his arm and pointed, as if there was a road in his eyes extending into the distance.

But when Shi Yu looked along his fingertips, he saw only gravel and dust on the ground. There was no road anywhere!

Shi Yu was silent for a moment, then casually shot out a breath of wind, pointed at a realm master in the distance, and shouted: "Come here!"

The Realm Master did not hear any murderous intention from Shi Yu's mouth, so he flew over slightly uneasily.

"What advice does the Lord of Time have?" the Lord of Time asked politely.

"How did you get here? Did you see the road?"

"No, I am a bird in my own body. I rely on my ability to fly around and get here purely by chance. I am born with the ability to use wind breath to judge the surroundings. It's not that I saw anything. I didn't feel the existence of the road."

Shi Yu nodded and turned his gaze to another monk. That monk was not a Realm Lord, but his eyes were brighter than most of the Realm Lords.

"You! Come here!"

The monk did not dare to hesitate, slid down from the attic in a few moments, and trotted to Shi Yu.

"Can you see?"

The monk nodded hurriedly, "The villain belongs to the salamander lizard clan. The clansmen are born with yin and yang eyes. There is no difference between light and dark for the villain."

The young monk's words made everyone envious, and they wanted to pick out his eyeballs and fix them for themselves.

"How did you get here? Do you see the road?"

"Young people are also wandering around, and they have never seen a road."

Shi Yu asked more than ten world masters and monks in succession, but no one had ever discovered that there was still a way to follow in the underground world.

Shi Yu turned to look at Whale Luohai, "Tell me, what does the road you see look like? Perhaps all the treasures here were discovered thanks to your miraculous achievements."

Whale Luohai rolled his eyes and stamped the ground hard, causing a wave of air to run along the ground, breaking out of the stone road and stirring up large amounts of dust and gravel.

"Look! The bricks and stones on these roads have a shimmer of light. Even if they are broken, the light is still there. If you follow the light, isn't it the main road?"

The young monk who was still standing aside hurriedly stared, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, but he immediately lowered his head and completely hid the discovery in his heart.

How could his little move be hidden from Shi Yu? Shi Yu glanced at him without making a sound, and focused his attention there again.

Some world lords or monks who have gods in their eyes.

Three of the world leaders were thoughtful, and one monk quickly closed his eyes. Shi Yu knew that they had discovered something.

"Come here!" Shi Yu raised his arm and pointed at the one with the highest cultivation level among the realm masters who had reacted just now.

Although the Realm Master was reluctant, he still did not dare to stay away, and landed in front of Shi Yu with his two wings stretched out in an unusually graceful manner.

"I know you saw something different, don't lie."

The Realm Lord was embarrassed when he heard this, laughed a few times and nodded: "Indeed, what I see in my eyes is different from the Time Realm Lords. Just now, the Whale Realm Lord stirred up gravel. Although I didn't see the light, I saw some gravel.

If there are words, I guess you can find the way along those gravels."

Shi Yu smiled slightly. This was the answer he wanted. He waved his hand and said, "Okay, you can go. It's none of your business."

The Realm Lord cupped his hands and stepped back, his two wings slowly fluttering, and his posture was truly elegant.

With the words of the Realm Master, many Realm Masters and monks hanging on the Soul Casting Pavilion fell to the ground and ran towards other places.

Shi Yu loudly asked how to find a way. His intention was very obvious, which was to clear the place and let all the world masters and monks here find opportunities elsewhere.

The road has been pointed out, but if you don't know the signs and still stay here, it's hard to say what will happen.

There are only two types of people left, one is too stupid to understand the meaning of Shi Yu's words, and the other is a bold and desperate person.

Shi Yu glanced at the remaining hundred and ten remnants, snorted and ignored them.

Shi Yu stood in front of the gate again, holding the soul-forbidden magic weapon tightly with one hand and taking out the Heaven-Suppressing Seal with the other.

Since the soul cannot be sacrificed, let's try using brute force first. God's magic weapon may be able to shake the door.

"Get out of the way! Xiaohei, stand with them first."

Everyone quickly retreated, and Shi Yu used the Heaven-Suppressing Seal to slap the door of Soul Casting Pavilion hard.

The Heaven-Suppressing Seal instantly embedded itself in the door, making a violent roar.

Countless gravel fell from the sky-like rock formations at high places, and the flying dust was even more choking.

Those daring Realm Lords and monks who remained behind were frightened by the loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, and their faces turned pale. The unbearable ones fell directly from everywhere in the Soul Casting Pavilion and screamed in pain when they hit the ground.

Before the first loud noise was over, Shi Yu pulled out the Heaven-Suppressing Seal and slapped it hard again. Another loud noise swept away. The Realm Lords hanging at high places no longer dared to persist. Those who could fly could not fly.

It flew to the ground quickly, and everyone looked at Shi Yu's palm with horror on their faces.

Smashing the door with a weapon has been done before, but no one has ever been able to make such a big noise and cause such great damage.

After just two blows, several feet-long cracks appeared on the door of Soul Casting Pavilion.

When Shi Yu saw something was going on, he immediately summoned up all his strength and grabbed the Heaven-Suppressing Seal and knocked it down like rain.

It was as if there were countless furnaces set up in the God's Domain, and the loud banging noises rolled into every corner like a sea.

Thousands of realm masters who had already run into the distance turned around and stared in surprise, wondering what kind of drastic changes had taken place in the Soul Casting Pavilion and why there were unbearable loud noises.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"

Hundreds of sword lights hidden in the darkness cut through the void like waves and moved towards Shi Yu's back at high speed.

A cold figure stood in the darkness, and everything along the way was chopped into powder.

Many realm masters and monks who were still standing and looking back lost their lives without feeling at all.

Shi Yu was enjoying the smashing, but suddenly he felt a huge murderous intention hanging over his head. He immediately screamed strangely and expanded the Heaven-Suppressing Seal to about ten feet wide to protect him.

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Then he vigorously urged the soul-forbidden magic weapon in his hand.

However, it was too late!

Just listen to the sound of "chichi" and a few slight scratches. Countless white marks fell on the Zhentian Seal. The huge force pushed the Zhentian Seal and Shi Yu and hit the cast iron gate at the same time.

Shi Yu rolled his eyes, foamed at the mouth, and the soul-forbidden magic weapon in his hand was knocked away by the huge force.

Shi Yu reluctantly opened his mouth and shouted weakly: "Xiao Hei! Heavenly General!"

"Ah? Heavenly General? Come on up when a whale falls into the sea! King Ku, King Chen block it!" Xiao Hei shouted while pulling the three of them away.

Kicked out and blocked everything in front of Shi Yu.

The huge banging and roaring sound in the God's Domain disappeared with a louder crash, but the "treading" footsteps that followed immediately made people feel more frightened than the roar.

Because every time footsteps sound, one or several world leaders will die.

What sent them to Huangquan Road was the unavoidable sword light.

"Who is this?"

The unknown whale fell into the sea and screamed loudly.

No wonder the whale fell into the sea and lost its color and made no sound. The sword light was so terrifying, just like Yama's magic pen. Whoever it touched must die. There was no escape or surprise.

After just a few breaths, in front of the majestic and huge Soul Casting Pavilion, only Shi Yu and the others were still breathing, but they all suppressed their breathing extremely, for fear that making too much noise would attract the merciless gaze of the general.

Whale Luohai looked at the figure that had appeared in his eyes in horror, unable to say a word.

"Don't be afraid! He won't kill us!" King Chen's trembling voice sounded, causing Whale Luohai to look over with squinted eyes.

"Why won't he kill us?" The voice was almost squeezed out from between the teeth. Whale Luohai's cheeks were already stiff, and his mouth was twisted in one place and he couldn't open it.

"This is the reason why Shi Yu brought us, and the reason why he wants to keep you! He guesses that he will not take action against us these days, and wants us to be his shield!" King Chen's voice calmed down slightly.

The general has already reached a thousand feet and has no intention of continuing to chop with his sword.

Only then did Whale Luohai have the ability to open his lips slightly and let out a long breath of turbid air. This turbid air had been held in his chest and almost made his heart explode.


A weak and dull cry for help sounded from behind the Zhentian Seal. The three kings lined up in front of the door, and then they remembered that Shi Yu was still squeezed inside the door.

With all their hands and feet, they pulled the Zhentian Seal out, and Xiao Hei followed the sound and came over to help.

With a "bang", Zhentian Yin was finally pulled out of the stuck iron door, and Shi Yu fell softly to the ground, almost being squeezed into a pulp.

The eyes of Whale Luohai and the two kings suddenly appeared, then disappeared quickly, and they looked at each other fearfully for a few times.
This chapter has been completed!
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