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Chapter 19 The Secret Adventure

Add five to any attribute?

Hearing this, Li Fei suddenly showed a smile. He really gave me a pillow when he felt sleepy!

Now, both in terms of material reserves and team development, he has far surpassed representatives of other countries. The only shortcoming is that his strength is still so weak.

But now, Li Fei suddenly saw a bright future!

As for Jack and Mikami also winning awards?

Haha, let them be!

As long as you remain in first place, your rewards will always be better than theirs. Sooner or later, these two scum will kneel down and sing "Conquer"!

As for where to add these five attributes?

No need to ask if it’s good or not, of course it’s adding strength!

Although Li Fei can't hear the sounds of the real world, with his pitiful strength, he has probably been labeled a "fake" for a long time.

This time, he finally had the opportunity to become a real man and finally show off his talents. How could he not cherish it!

As soon as his mind moved, Li Fei suddenly felt as if a warm current filled his body. All the muscles in his body became tighter, and all the excess fat and other things were cleared away.

Now Li Fei doesn't dare to say that he is powerful or fierce, but he is probably close enough. He can kill a cow with one punch without any problem!

Moreover, the most important thing is that the change in figure makes Li Fei's extraordinary appearance even more heroic. In the real world, he can definitely be called the husband of all people!

Wow hahaha, I have really become more handsome! Huh? Why is this little girl Anna staring at me?

Are you coveting my beauty? Sure enough, boys must learn to protect themselves when they are outside!

Like Li Fei's choice, Jack was also clenching his fists tightly at this time, adapting to his new strength. He also chose to add attributes to his strength. After all, this itself was his strength. He firmly believed that he would be stronger.

The power can exert greater effectiveness.

Mikami did not hesitate to add his few attribute points to endurance.

Everyone knows about the men in the Empire of the Rising Sun. Who doesn’t want to last longer?

Next, there was another boring and long hour of waiting. Of course, this was only for representatives like Li Fei who had completed the task.

For those representatives who failed in their mission, they are on pins and needles at this moment.

After all, there were tens of thousands of zombies, and they could not imagine what would happen if they were suddenly teleported to their capital!

Especially for several small countries, the total number of citizens in the country may not be as large as the number of zombies sent there. You can imagine how complicated their hearts are now.

Of course, the top leaders of their country were much more anxious than they were. While they were busy retreating from the capital, they contacted the United Nations to request support.

But how could the beautiful country pass their request for support!

Just kidding, you don’t have any high-value supplies in a place as big as your hand. Who’s crazy enough to help you?

If you want to win the respect and attention of other countries, you must ensure that your own national strength is strong. Obviously, these small countries are not among this group.

Therefore, half an hour later, when tens of thousands of zombies were densely spread across the land of these small countries, the situation was completely out of control!

According to the videos captured by drones and uploaded by local residents, the streets are full of crazy zombies that are attacking and eating humans crazily.

Occasionally, someone would grab something to fight back, but the sound of gunfire quickly attracted more zombies, and in the end they still couldn't escape the fate of being eaten.

The city that was a peaceful scene an hour ago has become a purgatory on earth an hour later!

And all of this is just a simple punishment due to the national destiny war.

Suddenly, everyone began to pray that the representatives of their countries would be able to speak up and never fail the mission. After all, it was only the first punishment and it was already so terrifying. The subsequent punishments must be even more terrifying!

"Huh, I believe everyone has learned that some countries have fallen and been completely overrun by zombies, but there is no need to panic. After all, the strength of our representative is obvious to all, and I believe he will not let us down!"

After hearing what Mr. Bei said, everyone felt a little more at ease.

Thinking about it, since the National Destiny War began, although Li Fei encountered several dangers on the way, they were all successfully resolved.

Although it seems that there is some element of luck, isn't this also a manifestation of strength?

Now we have to see what kind of missions will be released in the next National Destiny War.

"Dear representatives, please note that the third mission is released below: Exploration of the Secret Realm.

This task is an optional task. Representatives can choose whether to participate in this task based on their own development and ability estimation.

Task requirements: Successfully complete the secret realm exploration according to the prompts within 7 days. Representatives who successfully complete the task will receive a rare blueprint, and the national fortune of the country they represent will be 5. Those who fail will have three points of personal attributes randomly deducted, and the national fortune of the country they represent will be -5.

Note: This mission can carry a team of up to three people including representatives.

Representatives are asked to carefully consider whether to participate in this mission based on their own circumstances. The coordinates of the secret realm and detailed mission instructions will be announced in an hour.

Good luck to you, delegates!"

Seeing the brand new mission, Li Fei's heart moved slightly, it was finally here!

National destiny war, national destiny war, all national destiny wars that do not talk about the national destiny are just hooliganism, and now, there is finally a task involving the national destiny.

It seems that this kind of secret exploration mission may be the main gameplay of the National Destiny War.

Naturally, Li Fei must participate in this task.

After all, this reward is too tempting. Once the mission is successfully completed, the reward will be of great benefit to his development in this world and to China's overall national destiny.

Moreover, with the system in hand, even in a secret realm, there may still be big opportunities.

Finally, the team limit of three populations can almost be said to be tailor-made for you!

After all, if there is no limit on the population, then even though Anna and the General are strong, it will be very uncomfortable to encounter a full six-person team from other countries. However, if the team population is limited to three, Li Fei's current lineup can be said to be almost invincible.


To sum up, the benefits of participating in this mission far outweigh the risks, and it is completely worth the risk for Li Fei.

Moreover, if his guess is correct, many well-developed representatives will definitely participate in this task. After all, everyone represents their own country and will definitely not be willing to give in easily.

So next, everyone will see the real chapter in the secret realm!

This chapter has been completed!
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