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Chapter Twenty-Three

I don’t know if it’s due to the arrival of the apocalypse, but it’s extremely cold in the apocalypse, and there are even snowflakes floating in the sky.

The cold wind kept blowing, and the general found a sheltered position and lay lazily on the ground, preparing to sleep.

But as soon as his ears touched the ground, the general suddenly woke up and there was movement!

Although the vibrations from the ground were not very obvious, in this quiet night, through the amplification of the special instruments in the general's ears, the vibrations were enough to prove that there were creatures moving around.

Instead of barking like an ordinary dog, the general quickly ran towards the house. Looking at Li Fei who was lying comfortably next to Anna, he was so angry that he stepped up and kicked him. The dog's paw was inserted right into Li Fei's mouth, and Li Fei was so frightened that he suddenly woke up with a carp slap.

"F*ck, you damn dog, you've rebelled against me. If you dare to kick me, I won't catch you and stew you into dog meat soup!"

As soon as Li Fei mentioned the words "dog meat soup", the general trembled with fright. He secretly thought that he was careless and quickly raised his dog's paw in a gesture of surrender.

Seeing Li Fei stop his movements, the general quickly made walking movements again.

"What the hell are you doing with me here? Let me tell you, don't think you can escape by making some weird moves."

Li Fei looked at the general suspiciously, as if he wanted to expose the general's little trick.

Seeing Li Fei's self-proclaimed "wise" eyes, the general almost burst into tears.

Are you a nt? I've made it so obvious, can't you understand what I mean?

Complaints are complaints, the general still didn't dare to try Li Fei's determination to stew it into dog meat soup, so he could only continue to repeat the action of pacing back and forth, pointing his head towards the door from time to time.

"Wait...you mean...someone is approaching us?"

When Li Fei finally said the correct answer, the general burst into tears and nodded crazily.

As soon as he heard about the situation, Li Fei didn't care to continue arguing with the general at the moment, and quickly took out the satellite real-time infrared scanning map.

Sure enough, in the direction from which he came, a team of about seven or eight people was slowly approaching him.

I just don’t know if this team is NPC or a team composed of other representatives.

If it's an NPC, it's okay. After all, I should be a neutral force to them at the moment, so there is no need to conflict with them. Maybe I can get some useful information from them.

To put it bluntly, even if there were to be a fight, it would not be easy to defeat some NPCs who had survived the apocalypse based on Anna's current strength!

But if this team is a joint team composed of other representatives, it won't be so fun.

Although Anna was strong, she was not sure she could instantly kill five to six recruited junior archers at the same time, and these junior archers were also capable of posing a certain threat to them.

So for the sake of safety, Li Fei decided to hide himself first and see who the visitor was before deciding how to act.

At the same time, on the map in the live broadcast room, everyone could see several people approaching Li Fei and the others, and almost all of these people were armed to the teeth, almost all with long and short guns.

"Hey, these npcs are a bit fierce, aren't they? All the representatives are still in the age of primitive weapons, and you even pulled out a gun?"

"I suddenly feel that Brother Fei is in trouble this time. Well, I'm not targeting Brother Fei. I'm just saying that in front of such a fierce NPC, even Brother Fei is a scumbag."

This time, even China's own citizens were not optimistic about Li Fei.

After all, when the gap in strength between the two sides is too great, a little bit of good luck is almost worthless, and the weaker side is bound to be crushed.

"You don't need to be too pessimistic. After all, although these NPCs are very well-equipped, our representatives have not had conflicts with them before, so they should not cause trouble to our representatives. As long as our representatives report to them

If you show goodwill, they probably won’t have any drastic reaction.”

At this time, Mr. Bei must still comfort everyone.

However, Mr. Bei's words did sound somewhat reasonable, so everyone felt a little more at ease.

Time passed by, and the slowly moving NPC team finally arrived at the outside of the store.

Seeing the footprints disappearing at the door of the store, the leading man waved his hand, and the entire team quickly transformed into a battle formation.

Everyone clenched their guns and advanced vigilantly towards the interior of the store.

Looking at the backs of the team, Li Fei's brain began to spin rapidly.

Judging from the current situation, the situation seems to be much worse than I imagined.

Based on the current actions of these people, they are obviously coming after me, and they are full of murderous intent. It is obvious that they come with bad intentions.

Although they may have done this out of instinctive vigilance against strangers, Li Fei still did not dare to take risks.

In this case, hiding and waiting for them to leave is the best option.

At this time, after everyone in the store vigilantly searched the entire store, they all shook their heads at the leading man.

"Boss, these people may have run away again and deliberately stayed in a house like this to attract our attention."

Hearing this, the man frowned, squatted down slowly, and touched the still warm charcoal on the side.

"They haven't run far yet. They are searching the surrounding area in a battle formation. Everyone should stay together and don't scatter. They have masters of arrows."

Seeing the uninvited guests in front of him forming a battle formation and starting to search around, Li Fei cursed secretly, then took out the satellite real-time infrared scanning map, and started hiding with Anna and the general.

Although this seems very useless, compared with saving one's life, face is nothing!

Fortunately, Li Fei quickly found a solution - he found another representative team on the map.

At the same time, Ninja Mikami was walking on the snow with the two soldiers he had recruited, cursing.

"In this fucking war that ruined the nation's destiny, labor and management were attacked by that villain Li Fei in the apocalyptic world and lost one of their hands, and now they are freezing in this bullshit apocalyptic world."

Mikami felt that his fate was too tragic. As a respected Jonin in the Empire of the Rising Sun, he dared not say anything else in the Empire of the Rising Sun. With his own strength, he would be a popular drinker and there would be no problem.

But I was chosen as a representative to participate in this bullshit national destiny war. What a terrible fate!

He was complaining crazily in his heart, but suddenly, a strange sound attracted his attention...

This chapter has been completed!
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