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Chapter 56: Another World

After stumbling along the way, Zhao Shanhe finally passed the finish line after going through a lot of hardships.

But this result... was five minutes slower than his previous worst result, and he wasted a full eight minutes just on the last straight sprint!!!

"Hiss, instructor, you are really fast, but your acting skills are too bad. Even if you want to show off, can you save some face for us and don't show off so obviously?!"

When Zhao Shanhe heard this, his head sank and he almost hit the ground.

God, what the hell, did I release water? Which of your eyes saw that I released water???

"Don't be so rude. I didn't give in at all. It's just that I went too far today. Why are there so many bugs in this obstacle course?"

"Yeah, that's right, there's no need to let the water go. It's just that we were overthinking."

Su Chen kept saying he believed it, but his face was full of disbelief.

Zhao Shanhe was also speechless. No matter how he explained it now, it is estimated that these two boys would not believe it.

Thinking of this, Zhao Shanhe was too lazy to say anything more, and just left a faint sentence:

"Stop talking nonsense and wish you both good luck."

Seeing Zhao Shanhe's resentful gaze, Su Chen couldn't help but shudder, and then timidly said to Li Fei:

"Brother Fei, you think we won't be so unlucky after a while..."

"Uh... it shouldn't be that big of a deal."

Li Fei felt that the function of this doom curse should not backfire on the host...

Li Fei gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and without hesitation, he took the lead and rushed out first.

After improving his attribute enhancement cards and being trained hard by that pervert Zhao Shanhe for more than a month, Li Fei's current physical fitness is not even comparable to that of Superman, but it is probably about the same.

Even, in some respects, Li Fei is now Superman!

For example, Su Chen witnessed with his own eyes that Li Fei flew directly over the Irish high board with a "light" leap.

Su Chen's eyes suddenly widened as big as duck eggs.

"Why do I feel that Brother Fei is a bit more powerful than Zhao Shanhe today..."

Li Fei completed most of the obstacle course very quickly, and soon came to the last straight section - the place that made Zhao Shanhe extremely painful.

Seeing an undissipated face mark and two large tooth marks on the obstacle ahead, Li Fei suddenly felt nervous:

Please, system, please don’t cheat me. The curse of doom must not have any side effects!

Fortunately, everything was just Li Fei lying to himself. Until he finally crossed the finish line, Li Fei's entire set of movements was smooth and smooth, without encountering any obstacles at all.

Next to the obstacle course, Zhao Shanhe's eyes changed from a sneer at the beginning, to anticipation in the middle, to gradually disappointment at the end.

Until he saw Li Fei's figure successfully crossing the finish line, Zhao Shanhe's face could no longer be gloomy.

"His grandma is such a bear. Why is this obstacle course so evil today? It's all about my mentality, right..."

Although Su Chen, who appeared next, was not as physically strong as Li Fei, his movements were very fast. The only drawback was that he was shot by an Easter egg midway. However, with this little time, Su Chen and Li Fei could not afford to waste their time.

By the time Su Chen finished his run, the time was several minutes ahead of Zhao Shanhe's. In other words, both Li Fei and Su Chen had passed the test this time.

Looking at Su Chen's results on the timer, Zhao Shanhe sighed softly, as if he still couldn't let go of why he was so unlucky today.

However, as an instructor, Zhao Shanhe is naturally not someone who cannot afford to play.

Seeing Li Fei and Su Chen walking towards them with their heads held high and their chests held high, and even standing at attention with a snap, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Congratulations on successfully passing the first stage of physical training, but don't get too carried away. This is just the basics. The next training subjects will be more difficult, so you will naturally have to put in more effort if you want to pass."

"But I, Zhao Shanhe, am not a loser. Tell me what questions you want to know, but let's agree first that you two can only ask one question."

As soon as he heard Zhao Shanhe's words, Su Chen's eyes suddenly lit up:

"Is it really okay to ask any questions?"

"Well, any questions are fine."

Upon hearing this, Su Chen was about to speak, but Zhao Shanhe suddenly made a hissing gesture, and then said humbly:

"That question just now counts as one."

Seeing Zhao Shanhe's evil smile, Su Chen was stunned and before he could react, his head suddenly trembled.

"Who! Who the hell attacked me!"

Su Chen raised his head suddenly and saw that it was Li Fei who retracted his head in embarrassment.

Li Fei was also very speechless at this time. He was originally planning to ask some valuable questions, but Su Chen, who was quick to talk, had already finished the questions.

"Okay, okay, don't look so gloomy. It's not like I really can't afford it. If you have any questions, think about it before asking."

Zhao Shanhe smiled and waved his hands and said, anyway, the questions Li Fei and the others wanted to ask were not things that couldn't be said.

"Where are we now, and who are you?"

Li Fei pondered for a while. There were too many questions he wanted to ask, but everything still had to start with basic questions.

"Hey, even though you said it in one breath, these are two questions."

"But...the two questions you asked are not too difficult to answer, so I will give you some benefits, just buy one and get one free."

Zhao Shanhe was silent for a while, but decided to answer the first question first.

"The first question is actually easy to answer. Do you know about a different world? It is a different world that is different from the main world."

Zhao Shanhe's question directly blinded Su Chenqian.


What is the main world and another world?

what is that???

Su Chen looked confused, and Li Fei couldn't help but sigh:

"You mean, what we are in now is a different world similar to the world of National Destiny War?"

Li Fei's question made Zhao Shanhe's eyes light up. He didn't expect that this kid actually had such understanding.

"Yes, we are in a different world, or in other words, a different world that exists in my mind."

This time, even Li Fei became stunned:

"In your mind? You mean, you imagined this different world? How is this possible?!"

Although this different world is obviously different from the original world of national destiny and war, Li Fei can actually feel the improvement in his physical fitness in the past month and a half. How could he cheat?!

But now, Zhao Shanhe actually said that even this other world is fake, and Li Fei couldn't help but feel shocked...

This chapter has been completed!
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