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Chapter 66 Fish Country Troops

Deep under the sea, in the palace of a certain mixed fish kingdom, the fish king is sitting leisurely on his throne.

A crab on each side of the throne is feeding the fish king with fine seaweed. Not far away, there are four Pipi shrimp guards standing meticulously at the door of the palace, fulfilling their duty of guarding responsibly.

"Report to the Fish King, the leader of the tuna reconnaissance force asks for an audience."

"Let it in."

"Yes, Fish King."

The door of the palace opened, and a tuna swam in gracefully. It stopped in front of the throne and did a 360-degree Thomas Pivot, which was regarded as a salute to the King of Fishes.

"How are you doing with your investigation into the recent mysterious disappearances of our fish country citizens?"

The fish king asked calmly, and the tuna leader suddenly felt the pressure and suffocation coming towards him, and quickly answered in detail:

"King Huiyu, based on the recent investigation by our tuna scouts, we have roughly figured out the cause of the matter. Recently, many creatures that look like sea monkeys have appeared on the sea, but their intelligence is far greater than that of sea monkeys, and even

They also know how to use weapons. Those citizens who disappeared were captured by those creatures, and they are probably in danger now."

"Bold!" the fish king shouted, so frightened that the tuna shivered and almost cut it into sashimi.

"There are such evil creatures that dare to spy on the lives of our fish country citizens. Once I find their traces again, I will take action at all costs to let them know what a stupid mistake they have made!"

Seeing that the fish king was really angry, the tuna leader quickly added:

"Don't worry, Fish King. I have ordered our reconnaissance warriors to spread out and pay attention to everything on the sea. No disturbance will escape our control!"

Before the tuna leader finished speaking, another Pipi Shrimp guard loudly reported:


"The Chief Scout of the Tuna Reconnaissance Unit has discovered an emergency that requires reporting."

"Let it in!"

The door of the palace opened again, but this time the tuna that came in was obviously more anxious than the leader of the tuna reconnaissance force just now. Thomas swam 360 degrees while swimming, and when he finished the circle, he came right in front of the two fish.

"Reporting to the leader, our scouts have found traces of sea monkey-like creatures. Do you want to attack?"

"Hit! Beat me hard! Chief Tuna, you are now giving me a verbal order to order the Piranha Guards to attack quickly and be sure to severely defeat the incoming enemy!"

Just as the tuna leader was about to take the order and go out, the fish king stopped him again:

"Wait a moment."

"Come here, bring my Italian cannon over and let the Praetorian Guards take it with them. This battle must bring out the majesty of our Fish Country!"

Hearing that even the fish king's most precious Italian cannon was taken out, the tuna leader immediately understood the importance of the matter.

"Don't worry, Fish King, I promise to complete the mission!"

On the sea, Mikami Aruga and Kokichi have been scolding each other for ten minutes. At this moment, the two of them are thirsty and exhausted.

Xiaoji swallowed weakly and said, "Mikami-kun, this Li Fei is so bad, why don't you leave?"

"Xiao Jijun, could it be that our language is too sharp and he has fallen in love with us?"

"Hey, Mikami-kun, what you said makes sense, but it's not a problem if we continue like this. How about we sneak away?"

Mikami Aruga was about to refuse, but then he thought about it and realized that there was really no other good way to do it now, so he had to nod his head.

In this way, the two of them slowly ran away while scolding each other. They thought they were perfect, but they didn't want everything to fall into Li Fei's eyes.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Li Fei's mouth twitched slightly.

Do you two think I am blind???

"System, when will the curse of misfortune take effect? ​​If it doesn't take effect again, believe it or not, I will use the curse of misfortune on you?"


Do you listen to what the hell people say?

I'm just a system! I'm not yet an adult! How can you bear to do it?!

"Sorry host, the specific time of the curse of doom cannot be calculated by the system, but please rest assured, host, the curse of doom will achieve its mission!"

Li Fei just said lightly: "I'm very angry now. I hope you understand the system."


What a threat! This is a fucking threat! This is definitely a fucking threat!

"It will take about twenty seconds for the curse of misfortune to take effect... Well, probably, probably, almost twenty seconds? Oh, why don't you swim faster? You don't have anything to eat???"

Li Fei:???

Hey, please, you are the system! Does the system also curse people? You are too intelligent.

But having said that, a system that can curse people is really cool!

With the guarantee of the system, Li Fei felt relieved.

Isn’t it just twenty seconds? Haha, I can’t bear it!

At this moment, Mikami Auga and Xiaoji Wenwei were already beaming with joy:

"Mikami-kun, it seems to be really effective. Look at that idiot Li Fei, he is still pretending to be serious!"

"Hahahaha, is he cursed? Why is he still playing with the two of us? Hahahahaha"

But soon, Mikami Aruga found out who was cursed...

"Mikami-kun, have you noticed that there seem to be a lot less fish around us."

"Well, when you say that, it's true, but it should be nothing. After all, the Guardian is so big, it probably scared away a lot of small fish, and maybe it ran behind us, hahaha!"

Mikami Yuga was relatively relaxed now. The thought of escaping from Li Fei's clutches soon made him feel happy and he couldn't help but joke.

Xiaoji was helpless and naturally followed Mikami Yuya's joke: "Really? I don't believe it!"

After saying that, he actually looked back with exaggerated movements.

But there are some people who, once missed, never see them again.

Some heads, once turned, cannot be turned back.

"Xiao Jijun, what's wrong with you? You won't really let me get it right, will you? Hahahahahaha"

Mikami Auga smiled and turned to look back.

Then, he really saw fish, many, many fish, the kind of piranha that has sharp teeth and can eat people.

"Gudong" Mikami Auga swallowed hard, smiled weakly at Xiaoji and said:

"Xiaoji-kun, it must be a coincidence that these fish appear here, right?"

But Xiaoji was powerless and had no time to answer Mikami Yuga's question: the piranhas have already begun to charge!

"The Fish King has an order. This battle must show off the majesty of our Fish Country! Where is the Italian cannon? Give me a hard hit!"

To name it, many octopuses used their tentacles to wrap up the electric eels tightly. After the five Thomases circled in place and fully accumulated their strength, they threw the electric eels out at extremely fast speeds and went straight towards Mikami Yuga and the two...

This chapter has been completed!
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